The Illusion Of Us

By KLastella

368K 6K 2K

In "The Illusion of Us," Ava and Ethan are the embodiment of a perfect love story. Celebrating six years of s... More

A Note to Readers
...Let Me Know...
It's Done!


16K 294 92
By KLastella

At the luxurious cabin in Breckenridge, Colorado, Ava and Ethan gathered with their close friends for a weekend ski trip. The cabin, nestled amidst snowy slopes, offered a stunning view of the wintry landscape. Their group included Tony, Carlson, Amy, Sofia, Jasmine, Troy, Joan, Brent, and, notably, Violet.

As they settled in, the cabin buzzed with excitement.

"So, who's ready to hit the slopes this afternoon?" Tony asked, grinning widely as he looked around at the group.

"Count me in!" Jasmine exclaimed, her enthusiasm infectious. "I've been waiting for this trip for weeks."

Carlson, pulling on his ski gloves, nodded in agreement. "Same here. The snow conditions are perfect today."

Ava, trying to keep the mood light, chimed in. "I bet Ethan's going to show off his skiing skills again. Remember last time?"

Ethan, who had been somewhat quiet, smiled. "I don't know about showing off, but I'm definitely looking forward to some good runs."

Violet, standing a bit apart from the group, added, "Ethan's always been a great skier. I'm sure he'll be leading the pack."

There was a brief, awkward silence before Amy quickly changed the subject. "So, who's up for some hot chocolate when we get back? I heard the cabin's stocked with all the goodies."

Sofia clapped her hands excitedly. "Oh, I'm all for that! And maybe some board games by the fireplace?"

Brent, who was checking his ski equipment, looked up. "Board games sound great. And I'm totally winning at Monopoly this time."

Joan laughed. "In your dreams, Brent! I'm the reigning Monopoly champion here."

Troy joined in the banter. "We'll see about that. I've been practicing my strategic skills."

As they continued to chat and joke, Ava noticed Ethan frequently glancing at his phone, his attention divided. Despite the lively atmosphere, a sense of unease lingered around him.

After a while, the group geared up and headed out to the ski slopes. The crisp mountain air and the thrill of skiing brought a temporary respite from the undercurrents of tension.

On the snowy slopes of Breckenridge, the group was in high spirits, energized by the thrill of skiing. Ethan, with his usual skill and confidence, was effortlessly navigating the slopes, but it wasn't his prowess that caught Ava's attention. Throughout the afternoon, Ethan had been devoting a significant amount of his time to Violet, patiently teaching her how to ski.

Ava watched from a distance, a pang of sadness in her heart as she observed Ethan's attentiveness towards Violet. He was gentle and patient, guiding her through the basics, his laughter echoing every time Violet managed to stay upright. To the casual observer, they appeared close, almost intimate in their interactions.

"Ethan really seems to be enjoying teaching Violet," Tony commented, noticing Ava's gaze.

"Yeah, he's always been a great teacher," Ava replied, her voice tinged with a melancholy she couldn't quite hide.

Sofia, skiing up beside Ava, offered a sympathetic smile. "It's sweet of him to help her out. It's her first time skiing, right?"

Ava nodded, forcing a smile. "Yeah, she's lucky to have such a patient instructor."

As the group continued skiing, Ava tried to focus on her own enjoyment of the sport, but her mind was elsewhere, troubled by the easy camaraderie she saw between Ethan and Violet. The laughter and shouts of their friends faded into the background as Ava's thoughts lingered on the growing distance in her relationship with Ethan.

The afternoon wore on, the sun beginning to dip behind the mountains, casting long shadows on the snow. The group decided to head back to the cabin, their spirits high from the day's adventures. Ava trailed behind, her mind heavy with unspoken concerns.

Back at the cabin, as everyone settled into the comfort of the warm interior, Ava saw an opportunity to spend some alone time with Ethan. She approached him, hoping to rekindle their connection.

"Ethan, do you want to go for a walk? Just the two of us?" Ava suggested, her voice hopeful.

Ethan, about to respond, was interrupted by Violet. "Ethan, could you help me with my ski boots? They're really stuck," Violet called out from across the room, her tone suggesting more than a simple request for assistance.

Ethan, caught in a moment of hesitation, finally nodded at Ava. "Sure, a walk sounds nice. Give me just a second to help Vi."

Ava watched as Ethan went over to help Violet, her heart sinking a little more with each passing moment. The brief interaction between them seemed unnecessarily prolonged, with Violet laughing softly at something Ethan said.

After a few minutes, Ethan returned to Ava. "Okay, let's go for that walk," he said, though Ava could sense his distraction.

As they stepped outside, the crisp mountain air felt refreshing. Ava tried to initiate conversation. "The scenery here is breathtaking, isn't it?"

"It is," Ethan agreed, but his attention was short-lived. His phone buzzed, and he glanced at the screen. It was Violet again, this time asking if he had seen her gloves.

Ethan sighed. "I need to check on this, babe. Vi's asking about her gloves. Be right back," he said, already heading back to the cabin.

Ava stood there, a mix of frustration and sadness washing over her. She waited for Ethan, but when he returned, it was with news of another request from Violet.

"Vi's feeling a bit cold. She's asking if I could make her some hot tea. You know how she's always been sensitive to the cold," Ethan explained, almost apologetically.

Ava tried to mask her disappointment. "Sure, go ahead. I'll wait here."

Inside, as Ethan attended to Violet, Ava's friends noticed the dynamic. Tony leaned in to Ava, "Is everything okay, Ava? You seem a bit off."

Ava forced a smile. "Just tired, I guess."

As the evening progressed, Ava's attempts to connect with Ethan were continually interrupted by Violet's calls for his attention. With each interruption, Ava felt more like an outsider, watching as the bond she once shared with Ethan seemed to slip further away. 

Feeling overwhelmed by the continuous interactions between Ethan and Violet, Ava needed a moment to herself. She quietly slipped out to the patio, seeking solace in the serene wintry landscape outside. The patio, blanketed in soft white snow and surrounded by towering pines, offered a peaceful retreat from the cabin's bustling atmosphere.

Standing there, Ava wrapped her hands around a warm cup of hot cocoa, the steam gently rising into the cold air. The quiet beauty of the snow-covered surroundings brought a sense of calm, momentarily easing the sadness in her heart. Ava had always loved winter, the way the snow seemed to cover the world in a blanket of purity and quiet.

As she sipped her cocoa, the tranquility of the scene allowed her to reflect. The snowflakes gently falling from the sky reminded her of the fleeting nature of moments and feelings. She thought about her relationship with Ethan, how it used to be warm and comforting like her drink, but now felt as cold as the air around her.

Lost in thought, Ava barely noticed the soft crunch of footsteps approaching. It was Amy, likely coming to check on her. But in that moment, Ava didn't mind the company. The peacefulness of the patio, coupled with the beauty of the night, had given her a much-needed respite, a moment of clarity amidst the complexities of her emotions.

Amy, sensing Ava's distress, joined her on the patio, her expression one of concern. She couldn't help but notice how Ethan's attention had been monopolized by Violet throughout the day. "Aren't you going to call your fiancé, Ava? He's been with Vi all day. You should call him in here," she suggested, her annoyance at the situation evident in her voice.

Ava, gazing out at the snow-covered landscape, managed a weak smile. "I'm tired, Ames. I'm so tired of fighting for my fiancé's attention. I'm just... really exhausted," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper as she let out a heavy sigh.

Amy looked at Ava, her heart aching at the sight of her friend's weariness. Ava's usual vibrance seemed dimmed, her eyes reflecting a deep exhaustion that went beyond physical tiredness. It was as if the constant struggle to hold onto Ethan, to maintain the facade of a happy relationship in the face of Violet's presence, was draining her.

Choosing not to press the issue further, Amy simply sat beside Ava in supportive silence. The quiet companionship offered a small comfort, a recognition of the unspoken pain Ava was enduring. In that moment, Amy realized that Ava was nearing her breaking point, on the verge of giving up on the fight for a relationship that seemed increasingly one-sided.

The two friends sat together, sharing the quiet of the snowy evening, each lost in their own thoughts. For Ava, the serenity of the setting was a stark contrast to the turmoil within her, a reminder of the peace she longed for in her own life.

Ava slipped quietly into their room, where Ethan was deeply engrossed in his research materials for the upcoming cardiopulmonary bypass surgery. His attention shifted as he noticed her entrance. "Where've you been, babe? I was looking for you earlier," he inquired, a hint of concern in his voice.

Ava managed a weak smile, the fatigue evident in her eyes. "I was just outside... talking to Amy," she replied, her voice low. Without further conversation, she made her way to the bathroom for a warm bath, seeking solace in the soothing water.

After her bath, Ava returned to the bedroom, slipping silently under the covers next to Ethan. She lay there, enveloped in the warmth of the blanket, but her silence was heavy with unspoken thoughts.

Ethan, sensing something wasn't right, turned his attention to her. "You okay, babe?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.

"Yeah..." Ava's response was brief, lacking its usual warmth.

Ethan moved closer, his medical instinct kicking in. "Are you sick, babe?" he asked gently, reaching out to touch her forehead. "You're quite warm," he noted with worry. He quickly rummaged through his bag and retrieved a bottle of fever medicine. "Here, take this before you sleep," he suggested, handing her the medicine.

Ava wordlessly took the medicine, her thoughts drifting. Perhaps, she mused, it could alleviate the ache in her heart as well. "Thanks. Good night," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Good night, babe. Rest well," Ethan replied, leaning in to kiss her forehead. The tenderness of his gesture was a stark reminder of the affection that once flowed freely between them. It almost broke Ava's resolve, the sweetness of the moment contrasting sharply with the emotional distance that had grown between them.

As Ethan returned to his reading, Ava lay there in the dark, the weight of her emotions pressing down on her. The kiss on her forehead, once a simple act of affection, now felt like a rare oasis in the desert of their strained relationship.

The next day, the group decided to take it easy at the cabin, conserving their energy for the evening's festivities – Ethan and Ava's Jack and Jill party. Ava, despite feeling slightly under the weather, put on a brave face, determined not to dampen the celebratory spirit her friends had worked hard to create.

As the evening approached, their friends whisked Ethan and Ava away to separate parts of the cabin for a surprise transformation. Ava was dressed in a stunning cocktail dress that accentuated her features elegantly. The dress, a deep shade of midnight blue, complemented her eyes and was paired with tasteful, sparkling accessories. Her hair was styled in soft waves that framed her face, highlighting her natural beauty and grace. Despite her earlier fatigue, Ava radiated a serene and sophisticated charm.

Ethan, on the other hand, looked dapper in a tailored suit that fit him perfectly. The dark suit, paired with a crisp white shirt and a sleek tie, brought out his handsome features. His hair was styled neatly, adding to his sharp and suave appearance. Together, they looked like the epitome of an elegant and loving couple.

The party's decorations were a beautiful blend of both their tastes. The cabin was transformed into a cozy yet chic party space, with fairy lights strung across the ceiling, casting a soft, warm glow over the room. Elegant floral arrangements adorned the tables, and a banner with "Ethan & Ava's Jack and Jill Party" hung prominently. The ambiance was both romantic and festive, with a touch of rustic charm that complemented the cabin's natural setting.

As Ethan and Ava were led back into the main party area, their friends greeted them with cheers and applause. The couple was genuinely surprised and touched by the effort put into the decorations. 

The atmosphere inside the cabin was electric, the room alive with laughter and the clinking of glasses as Ethan and Ava were ushered in by their jubilant friends.

"Look at these two lovebirds!" Tony exclaimed, raising his glass. "To Ethan and Ava, the soon-to-be newlyweds!"

Sofia approached, her eyes shining with happiness. "You both look absolutely gorgeous! This party is going to be legendary!"

Ethan, scanning the beautifully decorated room, replied with a modest smile, "This is amazing, guys. Thanks for going all out."

Ava, her eyes sparkling despite her earlier weariness, added, "I can't thank you all enough. This means the world to us."

The evening kicked off with lively games. Amy announced the first one, "Time for 'How Well Do You Know Your Partner?' Ethan, Ava, you're up first!"

The couple shared laughs and playful banter as they answered questions, their friends cheering them on. Despite Ethan's slightly reserved demeanor, he participated, though his enthusiasm was somewhat subdued compared to Ava's.

As the party progressed, Violet's discomfort became increasingly evident. She struggled to mask her displeasure, especially as Ethan and Ava stood hand in hand, sharing light-hearted moments with their friends.

The mood escalated when Brent, acting as the DJ, announced, "It's dance-off time! Let's see which couple has the best moves!"

The floor erupted with cheers as couples, including Ethan and Ava, showed off their dance moves. Ava, immersed in the fun, briefly forgot her worries, laughing and swaying to the music. Ethan, while not as exuberant, kept up, his movements more restrained.

In the midst of the laughter and dancing, Violet quietly slipped out, her exit barely noticed amidst the revelry. Her departure went largely unremarked, except by a few who saw the unhappy expression she couldn't quite hide.

Amidst the lively chatter and laughter with her friends, Ava suddenly realized that Ethan was no longer in the room. Excusing herself, she began to search for him, a sense of unease growing within her. She checked their room, then the living room, and even the patio, but he was nowhere to be found. With a growing sense of apprehension, Ava stepped outside, moving to the quieter side of the cabin.

There, under the dim glow of the exterior lights, she found Ethan, in a scene that felt like a nightmare unfolding before her eyes. Violet was crying, her body leaning against Ethan's chest.

"Ethan, when are you going to tell her about us? We can't keep hiding like this," Violet implored, her voice heavy with emotion. "Are you really going to go through with the wedding?"

Ethan, his face etched with conflict, attempted to quiet her. "Vi, please, keep it down."

But Violet's desperation only intensified. "How can you stand there with Ava, pretending everything is fine, when you know how I feel? Do you even love her?"

There was a tense pause, the weight of her question hanging in the air.

Violet pressed further, her voice breaking. "Ethan, please, just tell me... do you love her?"

Ethan's response came in a hesitant whisper, barely audible. "No... I love you." But his hesitation was lost in the moment, unnoticed by Violet.

At that instant, Violet closed the distance between them with a kiss.

Ava, hidden in the shadows, involuntarily let out a gasp, her presence suddenly revealed. As Ethan and Violet turned to face her, Ethan looked like a man torn apart, a mix of guilt and confusion in his eyes, while Violet appeared unapologetically triumphant.

Frozen in place, Ava's heart shattered in silence. The scene unfolding before her confirmed her deepest fears, turning them into a harsh reality. The night, meant to be a celebration of their union, had instead become a poignant display of its unraveling.

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