Digimon: Digital Monsters Sea...

By tanishatribe1118

2.8K 42 9

Eight children from summer camp are transported to the Digital World to help save it. In order to save the Di... More

And So It Begins
The Birth of Greymon
Biyomon Gets Firepower
Kabuterimon's Electro Shocker
Togemon in Toytown
Evil Shows His Face
Subzero Ice Punch
A Clue from the Digi-Past
The Dancing Digimon
DigiBaby Boom
The Legend of the Digidestined
Departure for a New Continent
The Dark Network of Etemon
The Arrival of SkullGreymon
The Crest of Sincerity
The Piximon Cometh
The Prisoner of the Pyramid
The Earthquake of MetalGreymon
Home Away from Home
Forget About It
WereGarurumon's Diner
No Questions, Please!
Princess Karaoke
Sora's Crest of Love
The Gateway to Home
Its All in the Cards
Return to Highton View Terrace
Almost Home Free
The Ninth Digivice
Gatomon Comes Calling
Out on the Town
Ninth Child Revealed
Flower Power
City Under Siege
Wizardmon's Gift
The Battle of Earth
Enter the Dark Masters
Sea-Sick and Tired
Under Pressure

Ikkakumon's Harpoon Torpedo

43 0 0
By tanishatribe1118

The digidestined and their digimon had stumbled upon a cold forest filled with snow. "I know this is no day at the beach, Joe but that's no need to be a worrywart about and make all your friends unhappy." said Gomamon. "Pardon the pun but chill out. Only you have a problem with the cold. Right guys? Everyone think warm."

"I'm allergic to fur." said Joe.

"If you really were allergic to fur, Joe, then you would be sneezing up a storm from both Renamon's and Gabumon's fur right about now." said Keiko.

"She has a point." said Sora.

"A very good point." said Renamon, with her hands behind her head.

"But since you're not sneezing or breaking out in hives, you're not allergic to fur." said Keiko.

"Aw come on you guys, the cold isn't that terrible." said Tai with his hands in his pockets, making every gasp.

"Perhaps if you're not a polar bear or a penguin." stated Izzy.

"Yeah but if it snows, we'll throw some snowballs." said Tai, making them smile at the thought.

"And make snowmen." said Mimi excitedly.

"Who do you think Snowmon is?" asked Gomamon as Renamon shrugged her shoulders.

"A digimon from their planet." said Gabumon.

"It's difficult to explain." said Izzy.

"Well, if its edible count me in." said Tentomon.

"No, the best thing about snowballs is you can throw them at each other. It's a fun game to play in the winter months." Izzy explained to his digimon.

"You throw food?" asked Tentomon.

"We could even build a snow fort." said Matt.

"You'll need one." said Tai.

"I bet I could beat you both blindfolded." said Sora.

"I want to build an igloo." said T.K.

"Let's build a big one." said Keiko.

"We'll help you, if you tell us what it is." said Palmon and Renamon in unison.

"An igloo sounds delicious to me." said Tentomon.

"Too bad they're not edible." said Izzy.

"Come on, get serious. It'll be horrible if it started snowing right now." complained Joe.

"Lighten up a little, Joe. We're just trying to look on the positive side of things." Sora tells him.

"Hey Tai, when's it going to snow?" asked T.K.

"Probably any second now." Tai replied.

"Right on Joe's head." said Matt.

"That'll be so funny." said T.K.

"I can't wait to see his face." said Tai.

"You know, if the temperature drops any lower than it is already, we won't be able to camp out anymore. We'll be frozen Digi-treats." said Joe, causing everyone to laugh. "That's right, go ahead and laugh. But when your tootsies freeze, don't come crying to me. I'll just say I told you so. It's always better to be safe than sorry. Think first."

"Don't be so negative, Joe." said Keiko. "Negativity can be spread to other people."

"Really?" asked Renamon.

"That's what my mom told me." Keiko tells her.

"See? Even Keiko wants to you to be positive." said Sora as they continued to walk until they came across a field of snow.

"What's that white stuff?" asked Gomamon.

"It's a field of snow!" said Mimi excitedly. "There's bound to be a ski resort nearby."

"Aw, man! This much worse than even I thought it was." said Joe.

"What now guys?" asked Sora as she stood next to Tai.

"I think we should keep going. We're not going to get anywhere by just sitting here." said Tai as Mimi, Palmon, Keiko, Renamon, T.K. and Patamon play in the snow.

"If we walk across the field in our sneakers, our toes will go numb." said Matt.

"It's impossible to continue!" yelled Joe.

"So what are we supposed to do. Just stand here like a bunch of dorks?" asked Tai. "We either go across the field we climb up that mountain."

"Wow there, wait a sec. I think there's a weird odor in the air." said Agumon as he sniffs the air.

"I do believe he's right." said Biyomon.

"What could it be?" asked Gabumon as Tai and Izzy start sniffing the air too.

"I don't know but it smells like..." Tai started to say, not sure what it is.

"Very familiar." said Izzy, looking in the direction of trees to see steam above them.

"It's steam." said Biyomon.

"He's right. But where's it coming from?" asked Matt.

"A big geyser!" exclaimed Joe, causing Mimi, Palmon, Keiko, Renamon, T.K. and Patamon to stop running in the snow.

"A hot spring!" they all shouted together.

"Yippee! Now I can take a bath!" shouted Mimi.

"And we can get warm!" shouted T.K. as they ran towards the steam. Once they arrived, they discovered they had a big problem.

"Uh oh, this water is much too hot." said Tai as they looked at the water.

"We'd be cooked if we jumped in this." said Tentomon.

"Yes, boiled." added Izzy.

"Well, there goes my big dreams of having a nice warm bath." said Mimi.

"But at least we're warm." said Keiko as she and Renamon rub their hands against the steam.

"Very warm." said Renamon, sighing in happiness.

"It looks so inviting." said Palmon.

"Inviting if you're a vegetable." said Matt.

"What's a little dirt compared to starving? We need to find something to eat and there's nothing in sight." said Joe, looking around.

"Oh, yes there is!" said T.K. as he sees something.

"What are you talking about? There's nothing but rocks and boiling water here." said Joe.

"Then what do you call that exactly?" asked Keiko as she pointed to what was in front of them, causing Joe to look over and see a stunning sight.

"Tell me I'm not imagining this." said Joe as his glasses slide down his face a bit.

"If you were, then someone should pinch you to make sure it's real." said Renamon.

"Yeah! It's for real!" shouted Tai as he puts a hand on Joe's shoulder.

"Oh come on, don't be ridiculous." said Joe. "What would a refrigerator be doing way out here?"

"Hey, where there's a fridge, there's grub." said Matt.

"No way! That's impossible!" shouted Joe.

"We won't know until we open it." said Sora.

"I don't think that's..." said Joe but was cut off.

"I want hot coco." said Mimi.

"What's that?" asked Palmon.

"A tuna fish sandwich sounds good right now." said Keiko.

"What's a tuna fish sandwich?" said Renamon.

"Come on already." said Tai, opening the fridge to see it filled with eggs. "Whoa! Eggs!"

"There must be a zillion of them." said Agumon.

"Yeah, grub on! These will keep us feed for a month." said Tai.

"Wait a minute, you shouldn't even touch them!" Joe shouted as he tries to stop him. "We don't even know if their fit for human consumption."

"Then I'll be the Guinea pig. If I turn purple, then you'll know that they're not edible." said Tai.

"There's more to it than that. Even if they are edible, they don't belong to us." Joe tells Tai. "That would make us thieves! You got to think about this stuff, Tai!"

"He's right and unless you want to start eating rocks, we don't have much of a choice." said Matt.

"I'm sure they would say yes if we were in trouble." said Sora.

"Exactly. We'd tell them that this is an emergency situation." said Izzy.

"Rationalize away." said Tentomon as Joe sighed in defeat.

"Alright, well let's get crackin'." said Matt, making a joke causing Sora and Biyomon to laugh.

"Sunny side eggs are my specialty." said Sora she cracks an egg.

Agumon and Gabumon were cutting out bowls with their teeth and claws while Keiko, Renamon, T.K. and Patamon were standing by one of the hots springs, pulling out a couple of baskets full of eggs.

"They're done." said Patamon.

"I can't wait." said T.K.

"They look really good." said Renamon.

"Can't wait to eat them." said Keiko.

"Hey, come on man. How are those chopsticks coming?" Tai asked, carrying a bunch of sticks with Izzy as Joe carves away at a stick he was holding.

"Hurry, we want to eat." said Mimi.

"Sorry, this just makes me feel uncomfortable." said Joe. "We'd be in big trouble if somebody got sick, no doctors you know. Why do I always have to be the one to think about these things?"

After the eggs were done, everyone gathered around a huge rock and made a table out of it. "Tres Gourmet." said Mimi.

"It's your turn next time." said Sora.

"Go on, dig in." said Biyomon.

"Oh yeah! I haven't had a meal like this in a long time. My stomach's chiming." said Tai.

"If we had some ketchup to go with this, it would be perfect." said Matt.

"Mmm, I love ketchup and eggs." said T.K., sitting next to Matt.

"That sounds pretty gross to me." said Sora, sitting between Tai and Keiko.

"What's the matter, Joe? You haven't eaten anything." said Gomamon, looking up at him.

"Huh? Oh, I was just thinking that if we were able to go home, ketchup wouldn't be a problem. Oh well." Joe said sadly.

"(Sighs) Now I'm homesick, how depressing." said Mimi.

"You're right. Now I wanna go home." said T.K.

"I miss being at home." said Keiko, leaning against Tai.

"It's been four days since we've been here. I wonder if anyone's tried to find out where we are?" asked Izzy.

"Cheer up. Tell me how you like you eggs and I'll try to do my very best." said Sora

"I prefer my eggs to be covered in salt and pepper but I guess it doesn't matter." said Joe.

"I like my eggs scrambled with cheese on top." said Keiko.

"That's sounds really good." said Renamon.

"I like soy sauce." said Tai.

"How about salsa?" asked Matt.

"How about a reality check?" asked Sora.

"I'll have mine with mustard and jelly beans please." said Izzy, causing Matt and Tai to laugh.

"How gross." said Matt.

"Jelly beans, that sounds good." said T.K.

"What? You're both weird. My favorite is eggs tops with maple syrup. Yummy." said Mimi. "Sometimes I like them with cherries on top."

"That's weird." said Sora, leaning back away from the table.

"I bet its good." said T.K. as Keiko nodded.

"What? You're making me completely lose my appetite." said Joe. "I just like plain eggs. I wish we could talk about something other than egg recipes."

"Don't be so hard on yourself, we're just having fun." said Gomamon.

"Come on! Join the party!" shouted Matt.

"I think it's really too late for him. I think Joe thinks we've gone a little crazy over this eggs." said Tai.

"Well, really jelly beans and cherries on eggs, that's crazy talk." Joe tells them. "Salt and pepper is all they need. Keep it simple, that's always been my motto."

"I'm afraid Joe's just not the type of guy that's meant to be adaptable." said Gomamon, shrugging his shoulders.

"What do you mean?" asked Joe, feeling insulted.

"Let's face it, Joe. You're kind of a stick in the mud if you catch my drift." said Gomamon.

"I'm just practical!" yelled Joe.

"You're stuffy!" Gomamon yelled back.

"It never fails. Here they go again." said Biyomon as she covers her face with her wing.

"Why did Gomamon call Joe a stick in the mud?" asked Keiko.

"In Gomamon's opinion, Joe likes things a certain way and doesn't want it to change." explained Izzy.

"Oh." said Keiko and Renamon.

"You wanna fight? Huh? Huh?" asked Gomamon as he puts up his fins.

"Oh yeah, sure!" yelled Joe as he gets ready to fight his digimon.

"Hey, hey, hey, you better calm down." said Matt.

"I am calm! He's the one who's being stingy! And why'd you squeeze my arm?" asked Joe.

"You don't seem to be yourself today, Joe." said Matt. "You're a basket case."

"I'm just trying to be careful." Joe tells him. "Unlike the rest of you weirdos. I'm telling you; you're asking for trouble."

Over by a geyser, Joe throws a few rocks into it. "I got to be the cautious one around here." Joe said to himself and throws in another rock. "I have to be. I have to be the voice of reason. I have to."

"Why are you making such a big deal out of this?" Tai asked Matt.

"Because it's way dangerous!" yelled Matt.

"There's no place else to go! We have no choice!" yelled Tai.

"Look before we do something foolish. We should think it over a little more!" shouted Matt.

"You're just a big ole chicken!" shouted Tai.

"Hey everybody. What's going on? Why are Matt and Tai fighting about?" asked Joe as he walks over to the others.

"They're debating whether we should climb Infinity Mountain which is way up over there." said Izzy, pointing to the mountain in front of them.

"That's practically up to the sky." said Joe.

"Infinity Mountain's a dozy, that's for sure." said Tentomon.

"It's the perfect spot! We've gotta climb up there! It's the best view of the island!" Tai shouted at Matt.

"You've gotta admit he's gotta point there." said Joe.

"That's not how Matt sees it." said Sora.

"No one would make it up that peak! It's too much of a gamble!" yelled Matt.

"He could be right, Joe. There could be a lot of bad digimon up that peak." said Biyomon.

"That's not good. It wouldn't be worth the risk." said Joe, thinking it over.

"Come on, Matt! Don't be a wimp. We won't get anywhere if we just stand around talking!" said Tai.

"Put your fist down when you talk to me and stop act like you can just bully your way into being the leader!" Matt tells him.

"What are you saying!" shouted Tai.

"Knock it off you guys, chill out." said Joe, breaking them apart. "Now look here, calm down. Let's be sensible."

"So, what's your opinion about this, Joe?" asked Matt.

"Huh?" said Joe.

"Yeah Joe. Tell us who's right, me or Matt?" asked Tai, demanding an answer.

"They won't like his answer." said Renamon. "Won't they?"

"No they won't." said Keiko.

"Well, I think Tai's right about going up that peak." said Joe, seeing Tai's point of view of the argument about going up the mountain. "If we went up there, we'd see the landscape of the island a lot better."

"See Matt?" said Tai, teasingly.

"Hold on, Matt brought up a real good point about the danger. It'd be dumb to lead everybody up to a place we don't know anything about. It won't be safe." said Joe, seeing Matt's point as well.

"Oh, come on!" shouted Tai. "Let's go as far as we can up the mountain!"

"That's stupid! We can't protect ourselves out there!" yelled Matt.

"Stop it now! You're both making me a nervous wreck! Just give me a chance to think! Don't be difficult!" Joe shouted at the two.

"What? You're the most difficult person I ever met." said Matt.

"Hey, I'm trying to make a decision here. So don't interrupt me." Joe tells him.

"You're just a big ole chicken, Matt." Tai taunted Matt.

"Oh no." said Keiko.

"Ta, you better take that back." warned Matt.

"Enough already! You're giving me a headache!" screamed Joe.

"Put a cork in it you three! Now grow up, we have to decide what to do." said Sora.

"Besides, it's going to be dark soon." said Biyomon.

"I think we should get some shut eye." said Agumon.

"There will time to argue later." said Gabumon.

"First of all, let's find a place to sleep. Let's head for the caves." said Sora as she, Keiko, Agumon, Renamon, Biyomon and Gabumon push Tai and Matt towards the caves.

Later that night, everyone but Joe was asleep. "Someone's gonna get hurt if I don't do something fast. But how? I couldn't even stop the fight; instead, I get involved myself, that's not too smart." thought Joe. "If I'm responsible for everyone then I've got to protect them. Their lives depend on me."

"I'll do it." Joe said out loud to himself in a serious tone, walks out of the cave and starts climbing up the mountain. "I've always been good at climbing. I've got the best chance of making it to the top."

"Whoa there, what are you up to Joe?" Gomamon asked. "Joe, you're not going to climb that mountain by yourself, are ya?"

"Gomamon?" Joe asked, seeing at his digimon.

"Yep. Forgot me already?" Gomamon asked.

"Why don't you go get some sleep." suggested Joe.

"Not happening." said Gomamon.

"Yes it is." countered Joe.

"I don't think so." said Gomamon, as Joe walks past him and follows.

"You're not going. So quit following me around." Joe tells him.

"I'm not. You see, I have some business to take care of up there. Everything doesn't revolve around you." said Gomamon.

"Fine then." sighed Joe.

"Sometimes I just have to trick him." Gomamon said to himself.

"Did you just say something?" asked Joe.

"Ah, yeah...I just said, 'nice night for a walk'." said Gomamon.

"You're nuts." Joe tells him.

"What's so bad about that? I sure have more fun." said Gomamon and they continued up Infinity Mountain.

"Infinity Mountain is a lot bigger than I thought it was." said Joe.

"Are you ready to quit now? We can turn back." suggested Gomamon.

"No way." said Joe.

"I can give you a hand." said Gomamon and pushes Joe's legs over a ledge.

"Oh, you call that a hand?" said Joe, looking down at Gomamon.

"Watch it." warned Gomamon.

"I was kidding. Lighten up." said Joe.


"What's wrong?" asked Joe.

"I think you may actually have a sense of humor." said Gomamon.


"Maybe not. Let's go."

Joe and Gomamon made it halfway up the mountain with each other's help. "I could use a lift." said Gomamon, hanging on the side of a hill as Joe pulls him up. "Thanks."

"(Pants) I'm ready to take a rest. Well, it looks to me like we're halfway there." said Joe, seeing how far they've come.

"We make quite a team." said Gomamon.

"Actually we do." said Joe in agreement but suddenly the mountain starts to shake violently. "What's that?"

"Earthquake." guessed Gomamon.

"You don't think that mountain is a....volcano!" yelled Joe, but then instead of flowing lava, out comes black gears. "Look up there!"

"The Black Gear." said Gomamon softly.

"They're coming from the top of the mountain. I guess there's no running away this time." said Joe and Gomamon nodded. "Let's go."

As the sun start to rise, Joe and Gomamon make it to where they saw the Black Gears. "I'm sure I saw them up here. Where could they have gone?" wondered Joe.

"Could be too much to hope that they all disappeared altogether?" asked Gomamon.

"We'll have to climb up there and see." said Joe and begins walks until Gomamon hears something.

"That sound. Way up there." said Gomamon and looks in the direction of the sun and sees a flying horse.

"Oh, that's just great. A flying horse wearing a mask. This can't be good." said a panic Joe.

"That's not your everyday kind of flying horse, Joe. That's Unimon....he's a wise old digimon. I never knew he lived in these mountains. He's not much of a talker." said Gomamon.

"Hide." whispered Joe.

"Unimon's very gentle. We don't have to hide from him." said Gomamon.

"Your information hasn't always been reliable." said Joe.

"Cold but true." said Gomamon.

"He must be coming down to have a drink." said Joe as they walk. Unimon lands by a little waterfall of running water. "I guess that's his watering hole."

"You see, I told you he's a nice digimon. He wouldn't hurt a fly." Gomamon said.

"What a beautiful looking horse." said Joe.

"Maybe Unimon will tell us what we need to know. Then we can go back to our friends." said Gomamon.

"Gomamon..." said Joe, trying to get him back.

"Hello Unimon, it's me, Gomamon. It's been a long time since..." said Gomamon as he walks up but then hears something coming.

"What is it? What's going on?" asked Joe.

"I hear something...out there." said Gomamon.

"Where?" Joe asked.

"Something's coming towards us. Joe, can't you see it?" asked Gomamon. Joe looks up, shielding his eyes from the sun to see a Black Gear coming their way.

"Oh, no! It's the Black Gear!" shouted Joe as the Black Gear embedded itself in Unimon's back. "Gosh, think he's in trouble?"

"Uh we'll have to see. Uh oh, look at his eyes! I think we're the ones that are in trouble!" said Gomamon.

"For once we agree." said Joe, hugging Gomamon.

"Hello Gomamon, aren't you happy to see me?" asked Unimon walking towards them.

Meanwhile back at the cave, Sora was just waking up. "Mmm, I sure slept well. Hmm, I wonder where sleepy Joe is." Sora said to herself as she walks out of the cave. "Joe, where'd you go!" Sora looks down to see a note from Joe, written in the dirt.

"'I'll be back in a little while. Please wait for me. Signed Joe.' He wouldn't be climbing that mountain by himself, would he?" Sora asked herself, then realized that he did. "Everybody wake up! We have an emergency!"

Meanwhile, Joe and Gomamon were running along the mountain from Unimon. "Having a good time, dear guests? I'm in the mood for a game of Aerial Attack!" shouted Unimon, firing a charged shot from his mouth, missing them while cutting off their path.

"Do something, Gomamon!" shouted Joe.

"What?" Gomamon asked, looking at Joe like he's crazy.

"You're not thinking of leaving, are you? That's a perfectly safe route if you're thinking of flying away.

"We need some help." said Joe.

"Aerial Attack!" shouted Unimon, readying for another charged attack at them.

"Huh? Birdramon?" said Joe, looking up against the cliff to see Birdramon.

"Hey Joe! We've come to save you!" said a voice behind him. Joe turns to see Tai, Agumon, Sora, Keiko and Renamon on her leg.

"Just in time I'd say." said Joe.

"Are you alright?" asked Sora when suddenly Unimon breaks free.

"Aerial Attack!" shouted Unimon, firing a charged shot at Birdramon, knocking her out of the sky.

"Birdramon!" shouted Sora as she slides down the sloop towards her digimon.

"Well!" said Tai, looking at Agumon.

"Agumon digivolve to...Greymon!" shouted Greymon but was slammed into the side of the mountain by Unimon.

"Greymon, are you gonna be alright?" asked Tai.

"I'm styling dude." said Greymon but gets attacked again by Unimon. "Nova Blast!"

Greymon fires a fireball at Unimon who then dodges it. "Aerial Attack!" shouted Unimon, firing another charged shot at Greymon.

"Greymon and Tai are in trouble! Uh no, he's going after Sora!" said Joe as he sees Unimon heading towards Sora.

"Renamon, help them." begged Keiko.

"Unimon is too strong for me." said Renamon.

"What do we have here? Another uninvited guest." said Unimon but then Birdramon flies up into the air.

"Meteor Wing!" shouted Birdramon, sending fiery meteors at Unimon.

"Sora!" yelled Joe but then sees something on Unimon. "The gear. I'll get it."

Suddenly, Joe got an idea, jumps off the ledge and onto Unimon's back. "Come on now." said Joe, trying to remove the Black Gear from Unimon.

"Hang on!" Gomamon shouted to Joe.

"Oh no, it won't budge!" shouted Joe.

"Joe stop, don't try to be a hero." said Gomamon.

"I know, but I just have to do this one thing. I'm not gonna stop until it's done! I have to think positive! I'm responsible! I've got to do it!" said Joe, but then Unimon bounces him off his back.

"Oh no! Joe!" shouted Gomamon and Joe's digivice starts to glow.

"Gomamon digivolve to....Ikkakumon!" Ikkakumon shouted, becoming a huge white walrus with a large black horn on his head. Just before he hits the ground, Joe lands on Ikkakumon's back.

"Hold on tight, Joe cause we're going for a ride!" said Ikkakumon and butts heads with Unimon.

"Aerial Attack!" shouted Unimon attacking again but Ikkakumon dodges it.

"Harpoon Torpedo!" shouted Ikkakumon, firing off a couple of his horn at Unimon, but misses.

"You missed him! He's much too fast for us!" said Joe but then Ikkakumon's Harpoon Torpedo comes back around, opens up and reveals a missile that slams into Unimon's back, destroying the Black Gear.

"The Black Gear just dissolved! You saved the day!" said Joe, cheering for his Champion level digimon.

"Hope I didn't shake you too much, Tai." said Greymon.

"Nah." replied Tai.

"That was a really close call." said Sora, running back up to the boys with Felicity and Birdramon behind her.

"Good job, now that's what I call pulling it together." said Joe as the three-champion level digimon dedigivolve back into their Rookie Forms.

"Wow Joe, you were jamming out there. You're a pretty cool dude after all." said Tai, shaking his hand.

"You were pretty awesome that it was possible for Gomamon to digivolve." said Sora.

"It was really cool." said Keiko. "I can't wait to see Renamon digivolve."

"That's not why I did it. It's because I'm just a nice guy and besides, Joe would've fallen on his head. That's why. I didn't have anything better to do anyway. Hey, if you don't believe me, then put up your dukes and lets fight about it." said Gomamon as Joe bends down towards him.

"Just chill, Gomamon, you're the best and heroes don't have to fight." said Joe, causing Gomamon to blush.

"Oh, uh heroes?" asked Gomamon.

"Uh oh, Gomamon's embarrassed." said Biyomon and Renamon, causing Keiko to giggle.

"No way! I'm no such thing!" denied Gomamon.

"Yes you are." said Keiko.

"Don't lie to us." said Renamon.

"Come on, everybody, we're almost there! Let's go all the way to the top!" said Tai. "Alright, I knew we could do it."

Once they reached the top, they looked out to see a shocking sight. "Not much out there." said Tai. They were surrounded with water, water, and more water on all sides.

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