MLP G5 Make Your Mark Chapter...

By Jasmine040606

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This is the Make Your Mark Chapter 7 story! Enjoy! More

Queen Haven and Alphabittle's First or Second Date
Queen Haven and Alphabittle's Fourth Date
Queen Haven and Alphabittle's Fifth Date
Queen Haven and Alphabittle's Sixth Date
Hearth's Warming Special
Hitch Trailblazer Tickles Pipp Petals In Hearth's Warning Eve
Pipp Petals' Birthday Bash
Pipp Petals' Birthday Bash Epilogue
Hitch and Pipp's First Date
The Double Date
Fans For Dinner
Princess On Ice
Starlight Ridge Spa
Another Traditional Unicorn Sleep-Over
Rocky and Jazz Babysits Sparky
Pipp Petals and Queen Haven's Mother and Daughter Spa Day
Summer Time at Ponytropico
Pipp's and Jazz's Hooficure and Hoof Polish Vlog
A Day in The Life of Queen Haven
As The Misty Dates
The Pipp Hater
The Nightmare Night Ball
A Royal Wedding
The New Queen of Mean

The Earth Pegasus Date

87 2 0
By Jasmine040606

Hitch asked Pipp on a date meanwhile Zipp and Misty babysit Sparky. The Episode takes place after Chapter 6.

In the magical land of Equestria, the three kingdoms of each tribe, Zephyr Heights, Bridelwood, and Maretime Bay, Ponies live in peace and harmony after The Evil Fire Alicorn Opaline was defeated as Equestria's Magic is now powerful than ever as it grows stronger by friendship and ponies living together once again.

At The Sheriff's Station, Hitch was working on something with Sparky and his animals watched.

"Pipp, " Will you... no... Can I... No... Would you like to maybe... go out sometime? On a date? Yes that works." Hitch said nervously as Zipp came in.

"Uh, Hitch what are you doing?" Zipp said.

"Oh uh hi Zipp, I'm planning to ask Pipp out." Hitch said, Zipp was surprised.

"Oh you're in love with her are you? Zipp said.

"Well yay I mean Pipp is beautiful, kind, fun, and generous, and when I first saw Pipp, I saw her fake flying in Zephyr Heights and how her music had just captivated me, but after Opaline was defeated, I knew I must ask her one day." Hitch said.

"Well go ask her out dude, you can do it and I'll watch Sparky for you and heck Misty will help me too." Zipp said as she held Sparky.

"Well okay, Zipp I'll do it!" Hitch said and left the station.

"Hope it goes well!?" Zipp said.



Hitch entered The brighthouse and saw Pipp on her bed reading a magazine who has a work off.

"Oh hey Hitch, how's it going?!" Pipp said.

"Uh... It's good... Um." Hitch said nervously.

"Hitch, are you okay?" Pipp said.

"Yay, Hey Pipp, I need to ask you something." Hitch said.

"Well what is it?!" Pipp said.

Hitch blushed. "Would you like to maybe... go out sometime? On a date?"

"A date with the Sheriff of Maretime Bay?" Pipp asked. "Hmm... YES! Oh My Glitter... My First Date, I loved too" Pipp said in excitement as Hitch smiled nervously.


After being asked out by Hitch, Pipp jumps for joy.

"Oh my glitter! Oh my glitter!" Pipp said excitedly. "I'm going on a date! I need to tell the Pipsqueaks!"

She opened her phone and began livestreaming.

"Hey Pipsqueaks! It's your girl, Pipp and I've got some exciting news for you! tonight, I am going on a date with Hitch and we are going to-

Pipp suddenly stopped. She and Hitch hadn't discussed where they would go on their date.

"To someplace," she said quickly to save face. "Wish me luck!"

She blew a kiss at the phone to her fans, which now numbered exactly in the one hundred millions. Pipp closed her phone.

"Okay, I need to get ready!" Pipp said, flying over to a nearby mirror in the Brighthouse. "Okay, my mane looks okay. But it might be better to go with a different style. Hmm... I'll let Rocky style it maybe! But I could put a flower or two in it! Yeah, that will do! I want to look my best! Need to preen my wings!"

She brushed her hair just to make sure it didn't have any tangles, then polished her tiara, curled her eyelashes, put on lip glitter, putting on earrings, putting on perfume to smell elegant, and tried on dresses for the date. As she came out of the bathroom, she saw Sunny Starscout getting back from her job as a Smoothie Vendor.

"Hey Pipp! I saw your livestream!" Sunny said. "You're going out with Hitch huh?"

"Yeah," Pipp said. "Do I look good? This is my first date! I'm so nervous!"

She flapped her wings and twirled around.

"You look fine Pipp," Sunny said, walking up and hugging her friend encouragingly. "Just be yourself."

Pipp took a breath. "Thanks Sunny. Ooh! I need to text Hitch and ask where he would like to go to, and get a couple flowers from the garden to put in my mane!"

She took out her prized phone again and texted Hitch, asking where he would like to go. She then headed outside and to the Community Garden they had made a few months ago. Taking a few moments to pick flowers to put in her purple mane she settled on some blue ones that she felt would go well on them. As she picked the small flowers off at the tops, she remembered a time not too long ago when Sparky had hit her with his dragonfire and caused a flower to appear on her head. It hadn't been too bad, but these were probably better.

Her phone vibrated and she looked to see Hitch's response. He said for her to pick. She thought for a moment then an idea occurred to her on a place they could go to for dinner. Potalian Cuisine, it was one of the top-rated places for dinner here in Maretime Bay, serving spaghetti, pizza, and other fine foods for ponies. Pipp recalled when she went there sometime ago, and she'd ended up sucking a noodle that brought the entire meal into her face which got covered in red sauce. That made it into her top ten most epic fails video that she'd used to cheer up Sunny after the banana incident.

She texted Hitch the place and waited, heading over to her karaoke salon Mane Melody and letting herself be pampered by her employees Jazz and Rocky.

"Thanks Jazz, Rocky," Pipp thanked them as they put beauty jell on her face and cucumbers on her eyes.

"No problem Pipp," Jazz said as she took her hoof painting supplies and began to create a hooficure for Pipp's special occasion. "You always want to look your best on a date."

The light green hooficurist blushed as she looked at Rocky, her coltfriend that she'd gotten together with after they started working here once ponykind reunited and started dating after Opaline was defeated.

Jazz finished with Pipp's hooficure with red music notes and put golden eyeshadow on Pipp.

Rocky looked at Pipp's flower adorned mane as Jazz dyed Pipp's wings white. "I like the flowers you put in your mane. But you sure you want it in the same style?"

"I had considered a different one, but I wasn't sure," Pipp said. "Maybe you can give me something?"

Rocky smiled and carefully picked the flowers out then styled her mane into a braid on the same side as how she normally kept it. He then put the flowers back into the braid and the top of her mane with yellow stripes for her mane and tail as Jazz put powder plush on her and uses glitter spray paint on Pipp's hooves. She looked in the mirror and her mouth fell open in awe.

"Jazz, Rocky, you are amazing at this!" Pipp said.

Pipp put on a yellow dress, putting on perfume to smell elegant, put on lip glitter, putting on earrings, and put on a bead bracelet on her hoof.

Hitch soon texted her agreeing to meet once his shift was over. Pipp stayed at the salon for a while and sung a few songs for the customers that walked in to have their manes or hooves groomed. She also spotted a few of her fans among them. Soon an all too familiar trio of fillies appeared.

"We're so glad you're going on a date with Sheriff Hitch, Pipp!" Seashell said as she and her friends Glory and Peach Fizz came in. "You two were just so cute together."

"Thanks Seashell," Pipp said sweetly to her little fans.

"Where are you going tonight?" Glory asked eagerly.

"Potalian Cuisine. One of the best places to eat in all of Maretime Bay!" Pipp said.

"Ah that place is really expensive," Seashell said.

"Yeah, I don't think we could afford that out of our allowance," Glory said.

Peach Fizz, the shyer and more silent member of the trio just looked down.

"You're just fillies," Pipp said. "Don't worry, I could take you girls out there sometime."

"You sure?" Peach Fizz asked, speaking for the first time.

"Sure, the cost is nothing to worry about when you're a princess with a successful business!" Pipp said.

Her favorite filly fans smiled up at her.

"Thanks Princess Pipp!" Seashell said.


The hours of waiting ended and Pipp left to meet Hitch. Hitch put on a tie around his neck that hung above his sash holding his Sheriff Badge. The tie was aqua in color to match his mane. He got out of the Sheriff Station as she arrived, Hitch was amazed at Pipp and her dress and seeing her braided mane with flowers in it.

"Wow, Pipp, you look... beautiful," Hitch said.

Pipp's smile and giggled deepened. "Thanks Hitch. I like your tie."

Hitch grinned. "Well, shall we?"

He offered her his hoof and she took it.

"We shall."

Hoof in hoof they walked and walked through the streets of Maretime Bay. Then something occurred to Pipp.

"Where's Sparky?"

"Oh, Zipp and Misty are watching him," Hitch said.

"I wonder what sort of trouble he'll get into with her?" Pipp asked. "I know she won't want him taking any pictures or videos, she hates those." Hitch chuckled.

"Good thing that Opaline is gone now, she might almost got him." Hitch said.

"But now she's gone and nothing to worry about." Pipp said.


In The Brighthouse, Zipp and Misty play with Sparky and keep an eye on him.

Misty make funny faces at Sparky, who laughs and clapped.

"Looks like he likes you now, last time when you met him and Izzy, he was scared and growling at you because you worked for Opaline and she drain his magic." Zipp said.

"Yay sorry Zipp, good thing she gone now right?" Misty said as she picked up Sparky.

"Yay and we stop her for good!" Zipp said as she patted Sparky's head.


Pipp and Hitch soon arrived at the Potalian Cuisine.

"Princess Pipp!" The host greeted with a bow. "We received your reservation and were quite pleased to see you were coming back. Would you like to outside again?"

Pipp had eaten outside last time she'd been here, when she'd received a face full of spaghetti.

"Inside this time please," Pipp said before looking at Hitch. "If that's alright with you Hitch?"

"Sure," Hitch said.

The host led them to their table, other ponies sat around them, but paid no mind for the moment. Pipp had a feeling though that sooner or later she'd have the media on her and Hitch. Then something else occurred to her.

"Oh, I wonder about the comments on my livestream saying we were going out?" Pipp said getting out her phone after she sat down.

"You told all your followers we were dating?" Hitch asked in surprise. But he supposed he shouldn't be surprised, this was Pipp after all, Popstar Princess who showed just about all the details of her fabulous life on Feedbag.

"Of course! You ever known me to be silent?" Pipp asked.

"I guess not," Hitch said before reaching into the pocket of his sash and pulling out a book. "Let's see... things to do on a first date. Ask your date questions to get to know them like what they like to do in their free time. So Pipp what do you like to do in your free time?"

Pipp frowned a little. "Hitch you know me! I sing, style manes, and dance!"

"Oh right, I guess this dating rulebook applies more to a date with a pony you've never met before."

"You and your rules," Pipp said with a hint of sarcasm before looking at her phone and checking the comments.

"You know another rule is to pay attention to your date," Hitch said, noticing this with a frown of his own. "Now that probably still applies."

"I can't leave my fans hanging!" Pipp insisted.

Hitch sighed. "Alright but don't be on there too often."

Pipp took a moment to check the comments and replied to a few of them before turning her attention back to Hitch. A waiter came with a pair of drinks and asked what they wanted. Both of them settled on splitting a pizza with their selected toppings. Tomato slices for Pipp and plain cheese for Hitch. They then looked at each other.

"So do you have anything to say?" Pipp asked at last.

"Sorry I'm just not sure right now," Hitch said. "I've never been on a date before and expected the rulebook to work but it says I should get to know you. But the problem is that I already know you so I don't know what to talk about!"

Pipp looked down. "I guess it is a little different when you already know the pony you are going out with. Of course, I don't have much experience with dates either, this is my first one."

"Really? Hitch asked. "But you and Zipp are both Pegasus princesses for ponies sake! Sure you must have some admirers?"

"Sure, I have plenty of admirers," Pipp said. "I reached one hundred million followers, you know! Zipp of course doesn't want followers. I've tried to make a brand of Zippsters and other stuff for her but she won't have any of it. And Mom kept us from seeing any stallions for a while."

"Sometimes I wish I had a brother or sister," Hitch said. "My parents met an accident when I was a colt though. I grew up mostly with my grandmare, she could have taken me in but she lived in the middle of nowhere on the edge of Maretime Bay. She thought it would be better if I stayed here where I could interact with more ponies my age. I'd visit her every chance I got. The closest thing I had to siblings were Sunny and... Sprout."

Pipp shivered at the thought of the red stallion that had tried to kill her and the other Pegasi and Unicorns upon seeing them. But since Hitch brought up wishing to know the feeling of a certain family member there was something that clicked in her mind.

"You know, your dad reminds me of my dad," Pipp said.

Hitch looked at her in surprise. She and Zipp had never even mentioned their father.

Pipp recounted the story with a heavy sigh. "He was a member of our royal guard when my mom was a Princess. His name was Mighty Fortress. When a prince or princess reaches at a certain age, about the age me and Zipp are now, their parents let them start seeing members of the Royal Guard, members of the nobility and some lucky citizens as well."

Hitch nodded. "So, I guess I'm the first Earth Pony to date a Pegasus princess in a long time huh?"

Pipp nodded. "Probably the first ever since our kingdom was established after the races divided." She then chuckled, feeling better. "For a second there I thought this wasn't going well. But I feel better now."

"Me too," Hitch agreed. "But I think we got a little off topic. You were talking about your father before then about courting stuff."

Pipp looked down. "Oh, sorry. It's just not something I normally talk about. I never actually got the chance to know him. He died when I was really young as a filly. Even Zipp's memories are hazy."

"What happened, if you don't mind my asking?" Hitch asked.

Pipp recounted the story. "Even though he was king of Zephyr Heights he still retained his position as leader of the guard. He oversaw the protection of the city. But one day, he went out by himself and was stabbed in the back by a criminal whose gang he had locked up."

That news caused Hitch's mouth to fall open.

"The guard found the killer after several days of searching," Pipp continued. " My mother had him hanged."

Hitch shook. "Whoa."

There was a moment of silence.

"I'm sorry," Hitch said.

Pipp rubbed her eyes which had started to water as she thought of the father she would never know.

"He must have been a good pony if he was leader of the royal guard," Hitch said. "My father was Sheriff before me, that's why I wanted to become a one when I was a colt. To follow in his hoofprints."

"You're a great Sheriff, Hitch," Pipp said as she reached over and took his hoof. "I think your parents would be proud."

"I'm sure your father would be too."

They smiled at each other. Then their waiter returned, setting their pizza on the table. They ate and paid the bill. Pipp tried to pay the whole thing but Hitch insisted on paying his share and they split the bill.

"Well, a bit of an awkward start but we soon found our umph," Pipp said as they walked out.

"So, what do you think about doing it again?" Hitch asked.

"I think I could go for it, Sheriff Hitch," Pipp said.

Pipp and Hitch looked at each other with sparkling eyes and started to kiss. Their First Kiss! After the kiss.

"Oh my glitter," Pipp said as she blushed. "My first kiss."

"Mine too," Hitch said also blushing.

"Up for a second one, on photo?" Pipp asked getting out her phone again.

He nodded, knowing that was something important for Pipp to capture. He did wish she would be less open about it, but that was just the way she was. They kissed again and Pipp took a photo that was soon posted.

After their second kiss, Hitch looked at Pipp.

Hitch grinned widely. "Thank you Princess," he said in a formal tone and bowing. "I suppose I should walk you back to the Crystal Brighthouse and pick up Sparky from Zipp and Misty, hopefully he's been a good little dragon."

Hitch and Pipp left.

The End

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