The Earth Pegasus Date

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Hitch asked Pipp on a date meanwhile Zipp and Misty babysit Sparky. The Episode takes place after Chapter 6.

In the magical land of Equestria, the three kingdoms of each tribe, Zephyr Heights, Bridelwood, and Maretime Bay, Ponies live in peace and harmony after The Evil Fire Alicorn Opaline was defeated as Equestria's Magic is now powerful than ever as it grows stronger by friendship and ponies living together once again.

At The Sheriff's Station, Hitch was working on something with Sparky and his animals watched.

"Pipp, " Will you... no... Can I... No... Would you like to maybe... go out sometime? On a date? Yes that works." Hitch said nervously as Zipp came in.

"Uh, Hitch what are you doing?" Zipp said.

"Oh uh hi Zipp, I'm planning to ask Pipp out." Hitch said, Zipp was surprised.

"Oh you're in love with her are you? Zipp said.

"Well yay I mean Pipp is beautiful, kind, fun, and generous, and when I first saw Pipp, I saw her fake flying in Zephyr Heights and how her music had just captivated me, but after Opaline was defeated, I knew I must ask her one day." Hitch said.

"Well go ask her out dude, you can do it and I'll watch Sparky for you and heck Misty will help me too." Zipp said as she held Sparky.

"Well okay, Zipp I'll do it!" Hitch said and left the station.

"Hope it goes well!?" Zipp said.



Hitch entered The brighthouse and saw Pipp on her bed reading a magazine who has a work off.

"Oh hey Hitch, how's it going?!" Pipp said.

"Uh... It's good... Um." Hitch said nervously.

"Hitch, are you okay?" Pipp said.

"Yay, Hey Pipp, I need to ask you something." Hitch said.

"Well what is it?!" Pipp said.

Hitch blushed. "Would you like to maybe... go out sometime? On a date?"

"A date with the Sheriff of Maretime Bay?" Pipp asked. "Hmm... YES! Oh My Glitter... My First Date, I loved too" Pipp said in excitement as Hitch smiled nervously.


After being asked out by Hitch, Pipp jumps for joy.

"Oh my glitter! Oh my glitter!" Pipp said excitedly. "I'm going on a date! I need to tell the Pipsqueaks!"

She opened her phone and began livestreaming.

"Hey Pipsqueaks! It's your girl, Pipp and I've got some exciting news for you! tonight, I am going on a date with Hitch and we are going to-

Pipp suddenly stopped. She and Hitch hadn't discussed where they would go on their date.

"To someplace," she said quickly to save face. "Wish me luck!"

She blew a kiss at the phone to her fans, which now numbered exactly in the one hundred millions. Pipp closed her phone.

"Okay, I need to get ready!" Pipp said, flying over to a nearby mirror in the Brighthouse. "Okay, my mane looks okay. But it might be better to go with a different style. Hmm... I'll let Rocky style it maybe! But I could put a flower or two in it! Yeah, that will do! I want to look my best! Need to preen my wings!"

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