
By writingtokeepbusy

445 36 2

Will Arnett More

Sleep overs
Day dates
The kids are alright

New homes

28 3 0
By writingtokeepbusy

"Come here!" Amy pulled me in for a big hug when we got to hers the next day. The boys were meant to be with Will this weekend but she'd offered for them to stay with her as long as we needed. I needed normality though and we didn't wait long to go a get them. "How you doing?" She asked still squeezing me.

"I'm ok. Just a little all over the place"

"I'm gonna wrangle the animals" Will left us and headed to find the boys.

"It's crazy. He's filled me in, hope that's ok? Would you like a drink? Like a tea or something?" Amy offered as I sat down at the kitchen table.

"Thank you"

"So how does it even happen? I mean were you guys trying!?" She poured us drinks and sat down.

"Nope definitely not trying. I had contraception and they say that it's kind of the same chance as going wrong if you were to not have it. If that makes sense? I guess he's just got super keen swimmers." I joked.

"God I bet he's enjoying that. Sperm that defies contraception" we laughed. "Are you ok though?"

"Yeah, I mean the operation hurt a bit and it totally fucked with one of my ovaries so that's gone, which seems weird. But, like, we weren't expecting to be pregnant so I guess it doesn't really mean anything"

"That's one way of coping with it I guess" she squeezed my leg "I'm here if you want to think about or if you don't" she winked and Will headed back.

"They're finishing a round of something and then heading down. You two ok?" He stood behind my chair and draped his arm around me. "Actually there's something we were gonna talk to you about Amy" he looked down at me.

"Oh yeah?!"

"So Soph's gonna move into the new place with me, right?" He checked down at me.


"Fucking hell. That's brilliant!" She stood up and hugged him "awh yay guys I'm happy for you. I think that sounds like perfect timing" I was worried she would be over the top or not so supportive but she seemed genuinely pleased for us.

"We're planning on telling the boys at some point this stay if that's ok?" I added.

"Of course. Just let me know so I don't have to keep it quiet"

I spent the next week or two packing up my apartment. Jess was going to stay in the flat and move her boyfriend in which she seemed really positive about and in her words "don't sell the flat, then you have a safety to fall back on just in case"

Will's new house was incredible, not far from where he already lived it was much bigger, the pool was huge and there was plenty of outside space for the kids to run around. He'd suggested that he didn't want me to pay anything as he didn't have a mortgage and was planning on paying bills on his own. I managed to settle that I would pay half of the bills and then if things stayed going well we'd think about how I could invest in the house to make it ours - he was far more keen on that. The boys were excited that I would be around more which was lovely and when moving day finally came around I couldn't wait to start our new chapter.

We took a weekend, the movers brought everything big over from mine and Will's and we did our best to fill the rooms. Where things were missing we shopped together and it really did feel like our home but the end of things.

The first proper night we lay in bed exhausted. "I love you" he held me close as I lay my head on his chest.

"I love you too. You doing ok?" I asked.

"More than ok. I'm super happy. Like, happy I'm in this house, even more happy that I'm in it with you"

"Good. I'm happy too"

"I can't wait to fill the house with us, you know?" He seemed wistful.

"I think I do yeah."

"So, I umm, I know the past few months have been hard." He looked down a little "so I wanted to just put this out there, I know we weren't trying, you know to get pregnant" he paused and I stayed still and quiet, I didn't want to interrupt but he was saying. "But I guess thinking for a moment that we made this thing, you know? I just. Fuck, I'm not sure what I'm trying to say... I guess, I just wanted you to know that I'd be up for that. You know. With you, like properly. Fill the house with 'us', you know?" He shuffled so I had to look up at him.

"Was that a very long winded way of saying you want to try for a baby?" I clarified.

"I guess so. I don't want to put any pressure on you. It's not something I've been planning, I just wanted you to know that if it was something you wanted too then I'd be totally down with that" he looked across at me, his eyes searching for an answer on my face.

"Is it not really soon?" I worried.

"We've been seeing each other nearly a year, but if that's what you're thinking then like I said it's not a request I'm just putting ..."

"No, I'm not talking you out of it. I feel the same way I think. Since the whole thing I've realised that I love you so much and I'd happily have your baby. Like I want that bit of you and me. I didn't think I did, I didn't think it was the right time, but when is it ever." He kissed me and stopped me rambling. "And plus you're like really old" I teased and he wrestled me so he had me pinned down.

"So we doing this?" He looked excited.

"I don't quite know what that means, but let's just see what happens maybe? I won't get my IUD replaced, we keep enjoying each her as we do, and we'll..." he cut me off again, this time though his kiss was way more passionate and we quickly forgot how tired we were and got to work on filling the house with us.

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