Percy Jackson Meet the Avenge...

By doodles14

261K 7.6K 10.7K

A crossover between the Avengers and the Percy Jackson world. This book will have sad feels. Almost all of Pe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Not A Chapter
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
stark towers

Chapter 2

26.4K 821 889
By doodles14

I was going to do 3rd POV buuuut I honestly suck at it. So the following will be Percys POV. And sorry this is so late. And ha ha look at the media.

Percys POV:

"Get up."

I ignore the voice and dig my head under my pillow.

"Get. Up." The voice then takes my pillow.

Don't mess with a son of Poseidon and his pillows.

I groan loudly and bury my head under my blanket.

Someone laughs behind me.

I peek my eye out and see Bruce smiling. Actually everyone in the room is smiling except for Natasha, who seems to be hiding a smile.

I look at them confused, then everything that happened the night before comes to me.

"Why can't you people just leave me alone." I grumble.

Natasha ignores me and pulls me up by my shoulders, and into a sitting position.

Like I'm some little kid.

I sit there for a second, momentarily surprised. Then I blink, and yawn.

Stretching and rubbing my eye I say. "What up?"

They all stare at me. What? Have they never seen a seventeen year old wake up? Scratch that. Have they never seen a seventeen year old terrorist wake up? Heh, heh.

I get up, but my legs are wrapped up in my blankets so I clumsily fall face first.

Someone else laughs. And I look up to see the outburst belong to Tony.

I glare at him and hold my bloody nose.

"Tissue anyone?" I say, my voice muffled.

Steve pulls out a handkerchief and gives it to me.

I cover my nose with it, pinching so it stops.

I look down and see a drop of blood.

How ironic. Isn't this how I ended the world.

I sigh. Its too early to think about this.

I look around and see everyone staring at me.

"You people are so awk-"

I stop talking when I see someone in the doorway.

And the weirdest thing of him is he's wearing an eyepatch.

"Who are you...Ragetti?"

He looks at me expressionless.

"You know," I say, now feeling stupid. "The eyepatched dude from Pirates and the Caribbean-nevermind."

This guy is making me feel like a loser and all he said was one word.

"So who are you?" I say, trying to regain my self pride.

Ragetti dude looks at me, then at the others and says.

"Take care of this joker. I thought maybe he was important and well, he's not. I have better things to do than talk to a dumb teenager."

As he turns and walk out the door I yell after him.

"Hey that hurts you know!"

The door closes and I sit down on the bed.

I remove the tissue and blood starts gushing out.

I yelp in surprise and put the tissue back in its place.

But not before blood gets in my mouth and down my chin.

"Eww." I complain, and pathetically try to spit it out.

"Here let me see." Bruce says coming over to me.

"Put your face to the floor. You'll throw up if you swallow too much
blood." He comands and informs me.

I obediantly listen to him, mostly because my stomach is starting to feel queasy.

He takes my hand away and holds the soaked tissue.

"Anyone have anything else? This tissue is already dripping, sorry Steve."

"It's fine, and no." Steve replies, sounding concered.

Probably because I have blood on my face and look like I just murdered someone..or someone tried to murder me.

Tony mutters,"Look at all that blood."

"Yeah." I say, annoyed. "And its coming from me and my nose is starting to hurt."

"Oh stop being such a baby." Natasha says cooly.

Still looking at the floor I reply.

"Oh I'm sorry 'mother', is this time reserved for you to be one?"

I can't see her, but I am....86.9% sure Natasha rolled her eyes. But who knows?

Bruce inspects my nose and then stands up straight saying,"I need to take him to the lab. I have more tissues and a sink."

He gets up and I do the same, but Natasha blocks Bruce from the door.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? He is still a terrorist."

Bruce glances at me and says,"Yeah, but he is still a kid. How much harm can one teenager do?"

He walks out the door with me behind him thinking, Have you read my file? Have you seen the number of schools I've practically exploded?

Natasha follows behind me, with her gun out.

"Look," I say pointedly."I'll make a deal with you. I promised not to do any crazy terrorism stuff and you in return put that evil death killing machine away."

She smiles at me with mocked-sweetness and makes no move to put the gun away.

"Yeaah." I sigh and follow Bruce into a giant white room with equipment I didn't even think was invented.

"Come here." He gestures to the white sink.

"I'm coming." I wave him off still looking at the cool machines.

Someone grabs my arms and pulls me to the sink.

I yelp in surprise and look up, glaring at Natasha.

She ignores me and forces my face towards the sink.

"Mean ginger." I mutter.

"What was that?"

"I didn't say nothing to you." I snap back.

Bruce lightly pushes Natasha back and focuses back on me.

"Okay first off stop looking at me, look at the sink."

I roll my eyes and stare at the faucet.

Someone, Bruce I'm assuming, removes the tissue and blood started following down the drain, in big red drops.

I stare at my own blood, wondering how accustomed I am to blood. Its just a normal thing for me to see. Especially after...

My gaze hardens and I try to stop thinking about the rest of the seven-

"Get this over with." I snap at Bruce, trying to interrupt my thoughts.

I hear Bruce sigh and say,"A simply 'thank you' would be fine."

He grabs an ice pack and puts it on the dip in between my eyes.

He grabs a tissue and pinches my nose shut.

After what seemed like forever Bruce motions for me to stand up and when I do he removes the tissue and the icepack.

It stopped.

Bruce cleans off the bloody sink and everyone is still annoyingly staring at me.

"Look," I say, sitting up of the now cleaned sink,"Why do you guys keep staring at me. You Steve look like your going to start bursting out laughing-"

"Its because of how young you are." Bruce says interrupting me.

I roll my eyes. "And what are you guys? Senior citizens?"

"What I'm wondering is how someone your age got to be a terrorist."

Well..I don't really care what's going on in your head so...

I think it's pretty obvious these senior citizens don't know I'm a demigod, so I'm not gonna say a word about my crazy life.

"Well," I start, just saying whatever I think of first. "How do you know I'm a terrorist. I could just be some random little kid that-"

Natasha interrupts me. Why is everyone interrupting everyone?

"Cut the-"

"Language Natasha." Steve says, and I have to smirk at that.

Steve finishes for her, ignoring the look Natasha is giving him.

I laugh a little, unable to help myself.

"We have a file supporting that you are in the terrorist activity. You destroyed-"

"I'm gonna save you an hour so I'll just say 'A lot'-"

Steve continues unamused by my comment, but adding in my five cents. "-yes, a lot, and you've been kicked out of many schools. Obviously your a troubled kid. In one school you blew up a school bus with a canon-"

"Where the heck did you get a canon?" Tony asks looking amused.

"School field trip." I explain. "And I wasn't even aiming for the bus-"

"Will everyone please stop interrupting me." Steve says calmly, but you could tell he was pretty mad.

I smile at the effect I have on them.

"Get that stupid smile off you face and get ready to answer a few questions." Natasha snapped at me, which caused me to smiled wider.

Natasha, I swear she looks like she wanted to kick me where the sun don't shine. I was doing a wonderful job at annoying her.

She roughly grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door and intonation room which said 'Interrogation Room'. I am not kidding it actually had a sign professional sticker thingy on the front of the door.

She pushed me roughly into the chair and sat in the chair across from me.

And put my elbows on the table between us and look around, well aware that Bruce and Steve and Tony entered the room.

"This is just how I imagined it to be." I say, thinking out loud.

Natasha leaned forward. She is enjoying this way too much.

"You mean you as a terrorist, pictured being captured and interrogated in an interrogation room."

"No," I correct her. "I mean me as a teenager watched movies and they put the bad guy in that room and questioned him. That room looks exactly like this one."

Everyone is silent for a few seconds as I squirm in my seat, looking around the room.

Finally Tony laughs. "I'm sorry but when I asked Fury to give us something to do I didn't mean this. I just can not take this boy seriously. He's like a little kid-"

"A little kid that got into the wrong business." Natasha says.

Tony shrugs but says no more.

Natasha focuses back on me.

"Are you still involved with other terrorists?"

How in the world do I answer these questions? Do I play along? Do I deny every word they say? Do I spill?

Eventually I don't think at all what I'm going to say when I open my mouth.

"No, because if I were I would be with them not here."

I stare for a second then my jaw drops open and I snap it closed. I really got to work on thinking before I talk.

"So you agree that you are a terrorist?"

"Um. Is it too late to say anything otherwise?"

"Pretty much."

"Well then yes. I guess." What am I doing. I'm going to get in serious trouble, I swear...

"How did you get involved with these people?"

My mind goes back to when I first saw the Fates. Then the Mintour. Then camp. Then Annabeth...

Memories flood into my view without my permission.

Annabeths perfect princess curls.
The wonderful 'You drool in your sleep' moment.
The quest.
The real hero.
Pillow pet.
Hazel, and Frank.
Another quest.
Judo flip.
Coach Hedge.
Leo, Jason, and Piper.
Annabeth in the stables.
Argo ||.
Romans against Greeks.
Annabeth on the ground motionless, a terrorized look in her glazed over eyes.

"Percy? Percy. Percy what's wrong. Good job Natasha, what did you do to him?"

"I didn't do anything!"

I focus on Steve's concerned face I front of my own.

I realize I been sitting there, staring at the table.

A cool wet sensation on my face tells me I'm crying silent tears.

I scoot my chair back and wipe my face.

I'm not some dumb baby that's going to cry whenever something doesn't go my way. People die. Its part of life.

"Percy, what's wrong?"

"Everything." I mutter.


"Nothing. I going to go now." If I stay here any longer I gonna be bawling my eyes out.

"Wait-" Natasha says.

Tony glares at her and she falters but says. "I'm sorry kid if I said something."

I turn around to open the door but it's locked.

"Jarvis unlock it please." Tony says to no one.

"Yes sir." A voice says coming from nowhere, everywhere. I'm too tired to really care.

I open it and hear Steve say. "I'll walk him back."

Bruce nods, but Natasha and Tony are still confused.

Steve leads the way but stands next to me.

Why did they have to die instead of me? It was all my fault. I should have been there. I should have...I could have done a million different things and all of them would be alive, but no. I had to be my stupid self and, and now it's too late.

I wipe my cheeks and Steve pretends not to notice.

"So what happened back there?" He asks.

"Nothing." I mumble.

Steve nods as if understanding but I know he really doesn't, nobody does.

When we get to my new room, or prison Steve lets me in and I collapse on the bed.

'We'll talk later. You need some time alone. And I know you might have done some things you regret now Percy. Just tell us everything and we'll help you the best we can."

"You can't help me. No one can." I say, then stuff my face into my pillow. It smells foreign.

The door closes and I hear it lock.

And I'm left alone with my thoughts.

Which is the most scariest part if you've seen what I've seen and try to do anything but think.

Because when I think I remember. And remembering is the last thing I need now or ever.

Yay! I know I haven't updated in a while, that why I tried to make this chapter long.

Put in your Library
Read my other books

And peAce out,

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