Vicious pain (love at dawn)

By sassybabe177985

5 6 0

I was panting reflexively, trying to figure out a way of getting rid of the voice that keeps crying; ... More

The beginning
The unexpected happens
fallen into danger
Stay Away From Me
What I saw

My dreams

1 1 0
By sassybabe177985

Dahlia P. O. V
Being a student of Morondava college was a dream that turned into nightmare college can be a bit risk of life to the students. My first year in college taught me lots of lesson that I can never forget, I almost got raped by an asshole whom I thought was my boy friend. Not exactly we weren't dating, but we were so close that people thought we were dating. I and that asshole were actually awarded for the best couple among the year one students.After the first semester, that asshole turned out to be a bad ass , I was so foolish back then that I trusted him. However he never considered me as a friend, his intention from the beginning was to have sex with me and end it there. Period i hate remembering those days, it's the worst , I just have to move on ....... It's my fault I made him my bestie.

I quickly pulled off my night wear, trying to hold my bladder, but it was in vain. Oh my god, I'm going to pee on my pants, I need to use the toilet, ohh shit. I ran out of the room as fast as possible, barging through the small crowd of half naked girls while I struggles to locate the restroom, it was five minutes far from my room which makes it hard for me to endure, my bladder is totally full. There's no doubt that I'm never going to make it there before I pee on my pants, my legs became unstoppable and I suddenly bump into a very long queue Infront of the toilet, I couldn't go forward nor go back because more girls collided with the queue, also waiting to get inside.

After dancing to hold my pee for thirty minutes, I finally got to the front and I was about to run inside, but a girl pulled me back by my hair, just as I turn to face the girl, I realized it was Kellin Adele.
She's a year four student who was awarded for the most popular student in Morondava college, I mostly envy her because she's from a rich home, everything about her is money, her presence alone turn all heads, she's full of great possessions and well prosperous asset. My eyes strolled to the expensive nightie on her, it was white with a touch of Calvin Klein written vertically transparent on the right side and a glimpse of blue pants inside could be seen, her hair was packed in bun, showing off her slightly plump eyes, slender nose and small lips that has a shade of pink lipstick. She entered the communal shower and slammed the door on my face as I scoffed wryly,
"This is crazy, I really need to use the toilet" I huffed out of frustration immediately they pushed me out of the line, moving the long queue forward.

"Hey! Bitch go to the back, you're out" someone said far behind the line and I let out a grumpy groan before dragging my feet back to where the line started.

I walked into the woods, limping forward, blood keeps rolling down my face, beads over my lips as I looked back to see where I came from. I saw my parents struggling to get out of a car , it was burning like wild fire. They were stuck, fighting for their life. Tears welled up from inside, cascading beneath my jaws, tumbling anxiety, my eyes were flat with resignation. An anxious expectancy rose in my chest and I could hear the slow, dragging beat of my heart, it was clenching with dread .

"Please help me" A voice said from nowhere and all my fear came tumbling back while I trudge away from my own death, sniffling back the tears that are threatening to fall.

"Please help me" The voice keeps pleading with a certain pain in it, I felt dead and defeated for the first time. Just then the car burst into flames behind pushing me down to the ground, a fist of agony squeezes me inside and I scrambled to a tree, it was painful as my knees helped me to reach out for a tree leaf. Yet I couldn't get any , they were beyond my reach. I was panting reflexively, trying to figure out a way of getting rid of the voice that keeps crying;

Please help me.

The trees nearby began to shake, there was a loud howling sound coming from the left side at about four miles away which echoed through the day air-spruce, the ground quakes as if the animal was getting closer. I groaned. Paralyzed by my own fear of dieing, unable to think of an escape way, nothing popped into my head as all I thought of was death and I could hear the tree branches falling off which shows that the animal is going to be really big. I quickly crawl to the back of a pine in order to hide from the mysterious creature. Grasses and leaves rustling, animal growls could be heard at a distance while I stayed quiet, gulping down the pains that tempt me to groan, already open-searching for a weapon quietly and I shut my eyes, trying to calm myself. The instant I half lidded my sight, I found a brown wolf on top of me, it was as big as a bungalow and its eyes flecked in red and somewhat appears like a German shepherd with upright ears, I held my breath, totally frightened as I stayed still like a dead person with wide open eyes as big as an apple, staring at it in awe. My heart stopped for a moment when it growls at me, growing more fear in me, but I had to freeze on the spot. Its furs smells like someone I know which reminds me of Davis, it smells like orchid woodsy groves, my hands still trembles even when I held it in so much.Oh God save me from this beast. Its long sharp razor teeth fluff out and it bits my shoulder, making me to gasps out to reality, I realized it was just a dream.
"Jorge!!" Mario called, sitting on the bed next to me, he was in black shirt and trousers, his full hair curls amidst the low cut at both sides which gave him a young handsome look.
"What's wrong, you're sweaty"
"I had the same night mare, but........ I don't know what to do, does that mean that my parents died in a car accident?" I asked him throwing my duvet aside.
"That was long ago, you were just six then"
"It still feel like the incident is new to me, I still see them in my dream, does it mean my parents are dead?"
"Hey... You saw it with your own eyes, isn't that enough to prove that they are dead, you even got bitten by Davis" he croaked, getting frustrated and Bridger walked in with a white towel wrapped around his waist which ends over his knees.I and Mario stopped talking when he showed up, his hair looked damp as he combed them neatly.

"Hey Jorge,are we having any morning class today?" Bridger asked and I shrugged, checking my schedules in a small leaflet positioned by my bedside, I noticed we are having Art class, I suppose to be in school before eight o'clock.
"Dude... We're late for art class" I told him, jumping out of the bed in order to go to the bathroom which was located outside the dorm. I'm late. I rushed in, closing the door behind and pulled off my clothes and undies, throwing them toward the edge of the washbasin just to grab my brush and toothpaste, pouring lots of paste on it . After brushing my teeth, I stayed under the shower for a while, running my hands through my wet hair with my curls hitting my face and I rush over to grab my towel on the towel rail and wrapped it around my waist.

I was in a faded blue shirt with a white crazy jeans. I had no choice than to wear them cause I got no time to search for the best cloth in my bag.
I ran into the school building, dressing myself well along the way, students could be seen tropping in and out of the school, some were heading to class with their friends while some hang around corners, chit_chatting, bullying, fighting and the serious students were busy studying. When I got to my department which is the Fine $Applied Art Department,few students were running into the lecture hall and I did the same, but the moment I got inside, skulking around in case I find a seat, I bump into someone, the books she held fell down and I quickly bend down to pick them up.
"I'm so sorry" I apologized, not paying slightest bit of attention to her as I stroll my eyes to search for any vacant seat, but there was none, she collected the books from me and left without saying a word. My gaze finally found a vacant seat right beside a dark_skinned girl, but she was too fat that she occupied two seats, I managed to sit by her side even if it was uncomfortable for me, I had to endure till the class was over.

The lecturer walked out of the lecture hall just as the students started their dismisal. Bridger approached me, handing over his book to me .
"I'm ahead of the class, so copy the ones you've missed" he grunts and I snatched the book from him, trying to confirm what he said. Oh my god, this girl is so fat, she's killing me, I can't believe I sat next to her, she made the lecture frustrating, I didn't even enjoy it. I got on my feet and stretched my body, yawning tiredly.
"Hey! You really sat next to this obese orc, I'm sure it was uncomfortable for you, dude whenever you need seat, come to me, you shouldn't suffer yourself again" Bridger scorned and then the fat girl turned to face Bridger, giving him a quick glare before she began to say,
"Hey... You incongruous fool, beauty isn't the most important thing in the world, you didn't consider your stature before commenting on other people's body. Besides my body is perfect, unlike you who was created with leftovers, that's why you're very skinny. Idiot...... Add some weight, you need it, you really look like a skeleton"
Everyone around hailed her as she stood up and stomped out , cuddling her books in her arms. I smiled at the recall of how she yanked Bridger who just stood there speechless, everybody laughed at him, some people said negative things about him while the rest made the matter the topic for the day, I could see the discomfort on his face and he left the class.
Mario came to meet me, snorting laughter, "hey! Dude .... did you see how that fat bitch humiliated Bridger, the way she walk away was so funny, her body was moving like jelly. She's so fat" Mario said, gradually ending his laughter and I smiled slightly, leering at the entrance.
"I love her confidence, she's so bold"
"Let's go eat at a pizza shop" he replied, almost leaving, but I stopped him.
"I don't want to eat at a pizza shop, pizza's too expensive, remember I'm trying to be independent, I don't want to go back to the foster, so I'm managing my spendings"
"Then a cafeteria would be better, but why don't you want to go to the foster, what about during vacations? Where are you going to reside!?" We went to the hallway as Mario flirt with guys, they were like a gaggle of thougs. Davis walked up to me and he winked at me. "Long time no see, how was the art history class, I'm sure you don't want to see my face, but I just want to inform you that Bridger wants to meet you at Rings cafeteria, he have something to show you "he said with an evil smirk.

" Why does it have to be you, well thanks, you don't have to be concern about me, I'm doing just fine"
"Are you still mad at what I did to you long ago, you don't have to, because you came into my territory, well... Seeing the way you are now, tells that you're perfectly okay, I thought you would have been dead"

"Son of a bitch. I just want you dead, your presence in this school right now is putting everyone in danger, you are cursed" I slighted, walking out of his sight as soon as he fired back, "you asshole, I'm going to kill you"
I stopped for a while and spat, viciously, "thanks for the bite, I was able to become stronger"
I heard Mario's footsteps coming closer, he croaked, "you really hurt his soul" I smirked before leaving him behind while he ran after me.
Thanks for reading this story, I'm happy to see how this story turns out, so feel free to express your ideas... HAPPY NEW YEAR.

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