𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐞𝐬 → 𝑚�...

By dragology

2.6K 152 12

Eden is the heir of Ravenclaw and holds the secret to where the crown is. Is this why Mattheo Riddle is inter... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
the end

chapter twenty three

43 3 0
By dragology

𝐄den was in darkness, deprived of everything for four days. First it was her eyes. Locked in a dark cell, she could see nothing and had come to believe she would never see again. Soon after, her voice was taken away as she screamed in pain under torture, her mouth sewn shut with a spell that was only removed so she could eat.

It had all happened so quickly. Lorenzo had told her that Mattheo needed to see her and she'd believed him. Lorenzo. How could he betray his friends? Eden shivered, it was cold and she crawled for her blanket. Voldemort had understood very well that to have his son he had to have Eden, otherwise he would have killed her as soon as she arrived.

The door opened with a terrible noise and Eden closed her eyes, the light burning her. She was dragged out of her prison by her hair, feeling her skin burn as she hit the floor. Thrown at Voldemort's feet, she clenched her jaw and raised her head to meet his gaze. Lorenzo was beside him, his head bowed.

"My son should be here soon, and then it will all be over," Voldemort said. He had sent a message to Mattheo, who had not stopped searching for the place where his father had taken Eden. The redhead looked around, the floor was wet, the room was dark but mirrored and she shivered, it felt like there were dozens of Voldemorts.

Eden felt the spell on her lips disappear and she opened her mouth halfway. Of course, Voldemort was right; as soon as Mattheo got the message, he came running and practically broke down the door as he entered. Seeing Eden on the floor, he rushed over to her and cupped her face in his hands.

"Are you okay?" he asked. "Did he hurt you?" Mattheo looked at her and Eden shook her head, not wanting to upset him any more, even though the torture she had suffered still haunted her. Mattheo straightened and pointed his wand at his father.

"I've come for Eden, you'll let us go or else..."

"Or else what? You think you can defy me? Your own father?" laughed Voldemort. The door opened again and Theodore appeared. He was with Blaise and when he saw Lorenzo, Blaise frowned.

"I didn't want to believe it when they told me," Blaise said.

Lorenzo looked down and Theodore ran over to Eden to help her up. He looked at her with concern and Mattheo turned his head towards them.

"Get her out of there," he said.

"No, Mattheo!" Eden didn't want to leave, not without him, but Theodore pulled her towards the doors. They slammed shut and Voldemort sighed.

"You're such idiots, I'm so disappointed in you, Mattheo. All this for a girl? You'd rather give up your family."

"No, not for my family," Mattheo blurted out. "Eden is my family, not you. It'll never be you. All these years you've humiliated me, broken me, but she's always been there, Theodore's always been there. They're my family."

Eden clutched Theodore's arm, frightened, and he stood in front of her. Blaise wasn't quite sure what to do, fear could change a man and his wand was shaking.

"Very well, then, let's get straight to the point," Voldemort said. "Their deaths will be on your conscience, Mattheo." He cast the spell and a green light shot up. It pierced the air and reflected off the mirrors.

"Close your eyes," Theodore told Eden. She shook her head, but didn't have time to say anything. The spell hit Theodore and she screamed as he collapsed at her feet. Mattheo's eyes widened at the sight of his best friend lying dead and he screamed in rage. Several spells were exchanged and Eden leaned over Theodore but there was nothing she could do for him.

She buried her head in his shirt and cried as she held him. He should never have come and Eden looked up as a mirror exploded beside her. She reached up and grabbed Theodore's wand and rushed over to Mattheo, who was lying on the floor. Standing in front of him, she looked at Voldemort.

"I forbid you to harm him," she said.

"Eden... No..." Mattheo raised his head, but it fell back to the ground and Eden looked at Voldemort. She couldn't kill him, if she killed him, Mattheo would die. And Voldemort must have known that she knew, because he began to laugh.

"I'm fascinated by teenagers who think they're so powerful. Are you prepared to die and kill the child that's growing inside you?" said Voldemort.

Eden's mouth opened, her eyebrows furrowed, and Mattheo grunted before staggering to his feet.

"Oh, you didn't know, my son has given me an heir and I hesitate to spare you to take the child" Voldemort said.

Eden put a hand to her belly, she was pregnant? Mattheo met her gaze and she understood immediately. She shook her head and let her tears fall, and Mattheo looked at his father with a smile.

"You're wrong about everything, Father. Power is nothing compared to love, and any sacrifice made for love is worth it. You thought you'd made a weapon of me, but you've only given me the opportunity to begin your destruction," Mattheo said. Voldemort's face broke as Mattheo looked at Eden. "I love you, my love. Kill him."

Eden screamed as Mattheo cast the death spell on a mirror. The spell hit him and Mattheo fell backwards, collapsing onto his back. Voldemort screamed and writhed in pain. The sky was visible in this part of the old house. The roof was missing and it was full of stars, perhaps the most beautiful sky Mattheo had ever seen. His eyes stared at it and a smile was frozen on his face.

Eden screamed in rage and pain and pointed Theodore's wand at Voldemort. She had never killed anyone, she had never used dark magic, but for love she was not afraid and she looked at Voldemort with a smile.

"You have lost," she said. "Avada Kedavra" The spell went off and Voldemort opened his mouth in surprise before collapsing. Eden rushed over to Mattheo and lifted him slightly, hugging him as she cried. He wasn't cold, he was in her arms and in death he had found the freedom he had never  had.

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