Just Like a Family

By jmblack_01

2.1K 9 1

Tally just turned 16 and all she had ever known before coming to Auradon was her little sister Esme. From the... More

Author's Note
The Beginning
Moving to Auradon?
Meeting with the Godmothers
Dorm Time
First Day
Video Call Pt 1
Video Call Pt. 2
Family Day Pt. 1
Family Day Pt. 2
Late Night Talks and Guests

Meeting Friends and Enemies

125 1 0
By jmblack_01


Lunch came by fast, and before I knew it, we were gathering in the cafeteria. We get in line to get food and then sit down at our usual spot. A few moments later, I see Diz and the new girl and another little girl beside.

They get in line, the older girl helping the little one to make a tray and walk over to the table.

“Hey guys. Meet Tally and Esme.”

“Hi, I'm Celia”

“I'm Mila. Nice to meet you. Are you in the book club?”

The girl smiles and nods.

“Cool my mom's the teacher, so we have class together”

“Azzy, Jasmine, and Aladdin's son.”

“Ash, Anna and Kristoff’s son. Nice to meet you”

“You too”

“And Ryan Fitzherbet, Rapunzel and Eugene’s son”

“Hi, Esme, do you want to say hi?”

Esme immediately lights up, “Hi, I'm Esme.”

“Hi aren't you precious” Mila smiles

“So do you want to sit down and eat, I'm famished," Ash jokes.

We laugh and eat when Esme holds up her Dino chicken nugget and exclaims,

“Look mama! It's chicken in the shape of a…a…a…bear?”

“Bubs that's a dinosaur”


“Din-no-sau-r” Tally annunciates.


“Very good bubs.” Tally praises making Esme smile widely.

“So how old are you, Esme?” I ask.

“Seven” she says, temporarily putting her fork down and holding up 7 fingers.

“Wow, you're such a big girl” Ash plays along.

“Thank you” she mutters,

“So how old were you when you had her. You're our age, so that means you would have had her when you were …” Azzy starts trying to work out the math.

“I was 9 when she was born. She’s really my sister, but I raised her, so she sees me as more of a mom than a sister”

“Ohh” everyone breathes.

That makes a lot more sense.

“On a better note, family day is in a week.”

“Family day?” Tally asks.

“A time where all the parents gather in the courtyard and the students get to spend a day with them. They have exhibits like art, music, etc. It's a lot of fun” Ryan explains.

“And for us” Dizzy starts, “We get a facetime with our parents for the start of Family Day.”



Today was the best day ever. I love it here at Auradon. We had lunch with Diz friends, and after, they just showed us around.

We went to get ice cream, and Mama and I tried it for the first time. I got vanilla with rainbow sprinkles, and Mama got chocolate with chocolate syrup.

We both got a brain freeze. That’s what they call it when you eat ice cream, and then your head hurts. It made us laugh.

I also met Mama’s friends Uncle Jay and Uncle Carlos. But Uncle Carlos is with Jane, the lady, daughter of the headmistress, just like Doug is with Aunt Evie, but Mama told me not to worry about it.


I got up extra early today so I could get everything done before class. I put on a red shirt with a leather jacket and pants to match. I also put on the matching boots. I grab the purple dress and lay it out with some leggings and sneakers. Evie and Mal graciously dropped some things off for us.

“Bubs honey, it’s time to wake up”

“Noooo” Esme groans.

“I know it’s comfy, and you don’t want to, but you have school”

She immediately sits up and gives me the biggest smile,

“Yay!” She exclaims.

“Mama is this for me?”

“Yes remember Aunt Mal and Aunt Evie dropped some things off”

Esme nods as she puts her clothes on,



I turn around and I see the dress tangled all around,

“Oh gods,”

“Can you help me?” she laughs.

“Yeah” I smile, helping her to get the dress on.

“Do you need help with your shoes?”

“No,” she says confidently. I watch from a distance and indeed she ties her shoes very nicely.

I walked back with the backpack they gave me, and I inquired,

“Are you ready for breakfast? Here’s your backpack. Aunt Evie and Aunt Mal said they put everything you need in it with the help of Aunt Jane”


“Okay,” I said. I grab my own bag, and with our hands in hand, we leave.

“Hey guys, are you going to breakfast?” Dizzy wonders.


“Great, we're heading there too” Mila says as the rest of the group meets us in the hall.


“Are you and Jason together now?” Megan prys.

“Duh, I told him it would be best. I’m the fairest of them all, so why wouldn’t he want to be with me?”

“Well because you bully-” Ally says, but before she can get further Megan glares. Thank the Gods for a smart friend.

“Anyway-“ but before I could, someone bumped into me, making me fall to the floor.


“Oh gods, I’m so sorry” this girl mutters, lending a hand.

I smack it away and frown, “Watch where you're going!”

“I am so sorry I-“

“I heard you the first time” I spit.

“Yeah, we’re not deaf” Megan says, backing me up.

“If there’s anything-“

“Wait, are you the new kid?” I butt in.

“I'm new”

“Well uh- we are so sorry for our attitude. Welcome to Auradon.”

“Thanks” she says hesitantly.

“You know” Megan smirks, “We need a fourth member to our group. It would be in your best interest to join us.”

“Oh well, I have some friends who are waiting for me in class, but we can talk more later if you want to. Sorry again” she mutters before running off.

“Weird” Megan mumbles.

“Very weird indeed” I agree, “New plan find out everything you know about this new girl"

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