Kan & Beam (Love Syndrome)

By unaisaas

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#Bl # lovesyndrome #mature #bl #boyxboy #bxb #bxblove #lovesyndrome #mature #maturelanguage #maturity #mxm #r... More

CHAPTER - 15 🔞
CHAPTER - 19 🔞
CHAPTER - 22 🔞
CHAPTER - 1 Joe & Graf
CHAPTER - 2 Joe & Graf
CHAPTER - 3 Joe & Graf
CHAPTER - 4 Joe & Graf
CHAPTER - 6 Joe & Graf
CHAPTER - 7 Joe & Graf 🔞
CHAPTER - 8 Joe & Graf
CHAPTER - 9 Joe & Graf
CHAPTER - 10 Joe & Graf
CHAPTER - 11 Joe & Graf
CHAPTER - 12 Joe & Graf
CHAPTER - 1 Audi & Phon
CHAPTER - 2 Audi & Phon
CHAPTER - 3 Audi & Phon
CHAPTER - 4 Audi & Phon
CHAPTER - 5 Audi & Phon
CHAPTER - 6 Audi & Phon
CHAPTER - 7 Audi & Phon
CHAPTER - 8 Audi & Phon
CHAPTER - 9 Audi & Phon
CHAPTER - 10 Audi & Phon

CHAPTER - 5 Joe & Graf

1K 21 5
By unaisaas

- But, anyway, it's your fault, Graf muttered impatiently before going to sit on the nearby bench with a sullen face.

-Oh, I'm wrong, I admit, Joe admitted, making Graf feel better.

Hearing Joe admit his guilt eased some of Graf's frustration, but not as much as he saw the tall figure standing there staring at him.

-Aren't you going to eat rice? Stand in front of me, what are you looking at? Graf said hoarsely. Joe was still standing, but he knew the tall figure hadn't eaten anything yet because he was hurrying after him.

-What are you doing? asked Joe

- I already ate, Graf snapped back.

- I know you are not satisfied. Let's go back and eat together first, Graf, Joe said, because he knew Graf wasn't around yet.

- I know, said Graf, going to sit down with a frown.

-Graf, I know you are not happy with me. But please worry about yourself? We are athletes. All our energy comes from food. If you don't eat until you're full, where will you get the energy to exercise? Joe said in a serious tone

- I already know that. You don't have to teach me, Graf replied.

- I don't teach you, who would dare to teach you? But all I said was that I was worried about you, Joe replied, causing Graf to stop when he heard the word 'take care' of the person in front of him.

In the past, the two would not have spoken

never nice to each other or would have shown interest in this way.

-Why are you worried about me? Graf asked, who was still indifferent

- Well, you and I are friends, right? If you don't want me to worry about

you, are you going to let me worry about a dog? And don't argue. You and I just experience each other under certain conditions, I know you think so, but I don't, and you don't have to ask me why I'm dating you? Joe said in a low tone.

There was no emotional attitude as usual. Graph which

he was in a daze trying to find the words to argue with the person in front of him. But, he couldn't think of anything. -Let's eat. We have to

back to training, Joe invited again.

-So how do you want us to do this? If me

back to eat everyone will know that you and I are dating, Graf replied in a normal tone, not as loud as before

-Put on a normal face. Anyway, you have to

let's stay here for a few more days. If you don't get used to it now, what are you going to do tomorrow? Joe asked, Graf frowning before taking a breath.

-Well, let's go back to eat, finally Graf a

had to agree to go back because he still hasn't eaten enough rice.

- Come and eat with me. Your friends think they're done eating, try it

Joe to convince him.

-Good! Graf replied harshly. He got up and went back to the cafeteria without waiting for Joe.

Joe didn't say anything either. The tall figure looked at Graf's back with a disgusted expression.

-I give myself only to you, Graf, Joe told himself before following Graf.

When they returned to the cafeteria, Graf a

was greeted with flirtatious looks

from friends and teachers with whom he was close. But Graf doesn't care and goes to find a new plate of food.

-Where have you been? asked a smiling teacher.

-Why? I just went to the bathroom, a

answer Graf innocent before a

he goes to find a place.

Joe when he had his food sat

next to Graf. Some of Joe's and Graf's friends also sat down at the table. Graf's friends who wanted to ask and say something were silent. Because of Graf's face, they didn't want to ask anything. But, Graf is not very uncomfortable.

-Wait a minute, I'm going to take a breath, I'm going to walk a little, said Joe when he sat down to eat.

-Where are you going? Graf asked, frowning at Joe.

- I'm your boyfriend. Will you come to me or will I have to look for you? Joe said, making it so that only the two of them could hear because he knew that if he dared to speak out loud, Graf would go crazy again. They punish you for acting relaxed in front of others

- I'm not coming to see you, Graf immediately said between his teeth.

-Then I will go with you. It does not matter anyway. Joe immediately cut the script.

-What do these two loves talk about in secret? why are you whispering Say it out loud, all your friends want to know, ha ha ha, Professor Ong said going to hug Joe and Graf's necks behind the two of them.

Before Graf looked at his friends who were sitting quietly laughing at what the professor was joking.

- Nothing, idiot, we were just talking about sports, grumbled Graf.

-How can you talk about this? You two do different sports, the Professor continued to joke.

-Oh dad, it doesn't matter if you play the same sport or not, because sports are known to help bond the unit. They also help with the body. Graf continued to make excuses

A/N:- They call the coach a father.

-TRUE? Graf turned to call for help. Stepping on Joe's legs, making him jump a little.

-Yes, yes, Joe answered immediately.

-Ha ha ha ha, Joe seems to be afraid of Graf. But, I think sports bind the unit. Otherwise, the two would bite each other like dogs every time they met. How can they be together? They also skipped the friends stage to become lovers, ha ha. The teacher managed to provoke more. Joe was smiling.

While Graf couldn't argue with anyone. He bent down and ate alone without saying anything.

Athletes of each category. They are separated according to their practice. Graf went to the soccer field with his group of friends. Joe goes to the gym.

-Hey, In... who's the one with the water bottle? Graf came and asked. But, the other side didn't respond and went straight to the field, causing Graf to scratch his head in confusion

-What the hell was that? Graf asked another teammate

-No. I do not know. I saw him sitting quietly since we were eating. I don't know what's wrong with him, that's all. Let's warm up first, said Biu, Graf's teammate, before going for a run to warm up.

Then they went to train according to the team coach's schedule. After training for a while, they stopped to take a break.

- Let's warm up first, said Biu, Graf's teammate, before going for a run to warm up.

They then left to train after

the team coach's schedule. After training for a while, they stopped to take a break. Graf and a group of friends went to get cold towels and drinks before being led to sit in the shade of a tree.

- The sun is hot, Graf complained as he reached for a handkerchief to wipe his neck.

- Eh... rice. New fish, it's too much. A mocking voice made Graf look behind him with a frown as he saw Joe walking towards him with two other friends.

- Well, I want to take a breath. Not? Joe replied raising an eyebrow at Graf's teammates who had been joking for a moment. Joe was sitting next to Graf.

Graf himself moved away a bit, Joe could see that Graf was reluctant as he moved away a bit, Joe could tell that Graf was not very pleased with his visit. But, Joe ignored Graf's condition.

-How much time has passed? Joe asked. Graf was silent.

-Graf, Joe asked you a question, Biu nudged Graf.

-I'm taking a break, said Graf dryly. -Then why did you come here? Why don't you stay in the gym? It's much colder there than it is here, Graf said.

- I told you that if I wanted to come and find you, I would. You will find out that in this relationship I am not the one who does not keep my word. Joe said, smiling back at her before looking at the sunlight from the shadow of a tree.

- It's sunny today, be careful not to pass out, said Joe.

-I'm not that weak, said Graf.

-Huh, I know you're not weak. I'm just worried, aren't I? Joe asked back, silencing Graf.

Lots of ants around here. I guess someone eats a lot of

- candy over here Joe's friend joked before receiving a death glare from Graf, silencing him.

-Don't be mad at him. It's just a joke, Joe told him, because he's his best friend on the team.

- But, I don't like being teased, said Graf angrily.

-Okay, I tell them. I have to go now. Let's eat lunch together. Joe said in a serious tone.

-Hmm, answered Graf helplessly in his throat. Making Joe smile

when he saw that Graf was not holding out as well
much as usual.

-I'm going, if you don't train come see me, but if I'm the one who stops the first training, I'll come see you, okay? Joe told him

-Hmm, answered Graf shortly, as usual, with his eyes looking over the football field.

He didn't look at the person sitting next to him at all, unlike Joe, who was still looking at his face that was reddened by the sunlight and the weather


- I'm leaving, Joe repeated before calling his friend back to the gym.

-Graf, I'm really asking you. When did you and Joe fall in love? So how did you get in touch? asked his friend with complete curiosity.

-It's a long story, Graf said shortly, not wanting to say too much about it. Graf is now thinking of another friend whom he secretly loves more than just friends. Graf doesn't know how Beam is, at the end of the break they had to continue training, Graf and his friend went down to the football field again.

The whistle blew causing the soccer players to stop on the field.

-Okay, let's take a break, then see you again at 14. Let's have lunch before we go on, said the teacher.

- Are you going to find Joe? Do you think I got out before them? Biu asked. Graf thought for a moment.

-Hmm, answered Graf, before leaving with his group of friends to the gym, Biu going with him.

There was the sound of shoes scraping the floor of the basketball court. along with the sound of a basketball. This made Graf stop and look towards the entrance to the gym and look

in. The tall figure of Joe stands in the middle

the basketball court. Run and trick your friends fluently. It competes very well.

-Hey, Joe is good too, don't you think? Biu said, Graf kept quiet without objecting because he was thinking about what Biu said. In other words, Graf never saw him

Joe playing basketball because he doesn't like it, but instead, Joe went to see him play football either at a school sporting event, whether it was a school sporting event or a school district competition.

Today was the first time Graf realized that Joe is a serious and dedicated basketball player. Play seriously, even if it's practice.

-Hey, keep him away from Joe, shouted a basketball player from the opposite side of the

Joe to another friend. But Joe uses his skills

personal to dribble past the kids to prevent their friends from coming and taking the ball. Before scoring beautifully at the circle, Graf smiled

by mistake.

-Okay, that's enough for now. You can take a lunch break, said the teacher's voice to all the basketball players.

Then all the basketball players went

to pick up his personal things that

near the basketball court -Damn Joe, there's Graf, he said

Joe's friend, the tall figure standing, stretching

muscles, turned and smiled.

He didn't think Graf would actually come

. Graf smiled as soon as Joe looked at him.

- I'm done, I'm hungry, said Graf hoarsely, shading some feelings. Joe quickly grabbed his bag and ran straight to Graf.

- It's over, come on. Joe put his hand up

on Graf's neck. But, Graf eliminated it.

-Why are you playing? I'm sweating, Graf said, feeling a sort of static electricity in her

as Joe touched her body.

- Can't I hug your neck? Are we dating, Joe asked jokingly. Graf growled in his throat. While Biu followed

in jest Graf's gesture because he was embarrassed by Joe.

- I'm wet with sweat. Still, you want to hug the neck, woo, Graf said.

"So if you take a shower... I can touch you," Joe said again. Graf turned

immediately to look at Joe..

-I mean hugs... he told Joe quickly, so Graf didn't say a word. Joe, Graf and their friends have

went to the canteen.

- Sit down and wait for me. I'll get you some food and water, Joe said.

- No problem, I'll go get it myself, said Graf.

- I want to serve my lover, don't I? "Sit here and reserve a table," Joe said, before he shouldered Graf into the long cafeteria chair.

Graf looked at Joe in disbelief. Even though Joe confessed to Graf that he liked him, Graf felt amazing.

- Is it okay with you...?! she said

voice from behind, making Graf turn to look before frowning slightly.

- What are you talking about, In? Graf asked

- It's nothing, I'm just saying if it's okay for him to bring you food, while in front of him there are several people lining up and waiting for him to eat, In said again.

This made Graf unhappy.

-What do you mean by that, In? Graf asked sec. But, Joe was coming back.

The tall figure looked at Graf in astonishment.

In didn't say anything else before leaving to find something for himself

-What happens? Joe set a plate for him with rice for Graf and asked.

-I do not know. Joe, you don't have to bring me food. I have hands and feet. I'll go get it myself. Graf assaulted Joe.

-What he said? You don't have to pay attention to what he said. Anyone who wants to say something, say it. I am willing to do it. You didn't force me, Joe said, making Graf stiffen a little.

-Hey Joe, let's finish eating. I'd like to talk to you about something, Graf said, her voice shaking.

Joe looked at Graf before nodding. After a while, Joe and Graf's friends came to sit and eat together, after he ate, Joe told Graf that he waited for him in the gym because it was cooler than outside.

As for Joe, he said he was going to the bathroom. Graf went and waited for him without protest.

- Can I talk with you? Said Joe who followed him into the bathroom when he saw no one was around.

What happens? In asked.

-When we took a break for lunch, what were you talking about with Graf? Joe asked bluntly. His expression immediately changed.

-What am I going to tell him and why? So what did Graf tell you? I'm asking.

-He didn't tell me anything. But, I can guess you said something to him because I brought him the rice, right? Joe asked again.

-So, hey, yes, I told him something about it. Joe. I'm really asking you. Why do you have to do this? You worked hard and you still have to run to get him food and water, he can do it himself, said In

-Well, he's my boyfriend, can't I do it for my boyfriend? Even if

I'm tired, I agree to do it. He didn't ask me for that. Besides, why aren't you satisfied? I can see you acting like you weren't happy when you found out we were dating Joe said as he walked away In clenched fists

-Yes! I am not pleased. I don't like you dating Graf. No Graf is the chosen one. Then why are you going on a date with him? Even if he used to hit you and scold you, In asked, his voice shaking

-And what does this have to do with you? We've argued and fought, if it's true then can't we love each other for that? What's up with you? asked Joe


-I... have loved you for a long time! Are

closer to you than to him. Why did you never look at me? he said loudly, making Joe look shocked.

-Um, what did you say? Are you kidding, In? Joe asked softly, perhaps he had misheard.

-I would never joke about it. why joe Why did it have to be Graf? Graf loves Beam. You do not know? How can he agree to be with you so easily? In a

said what was on his mind. Joe raised his hand and rubbed his face with a strained expression.

-In, listen to me, you are my friend. Not

I never thought of you that way. -What happens? asked Graf, though

he wanted to curse him, when he saw Joe's face, Graf couldn't help but ask. Joe smiled weakly before sitting down next to Graf.

-No, it's nothing, just a few things to think about. "I'm sorry you had to wait so long," Joe said softly, which made Graf look surprised. Joe doesn't really make fun of him.

- Is there something you want to talk to me about? Joe asked

Uh.... I forgot... if I remember

- I'll tell you later, Graf said. He honestly wanted to come and talk about

the matter of meeting Joe.

But when he saw Joe's battered face, Graf didn't think to speak in that one

moment. Joe looked at Graf in surprise. Graf said she needed to talk to him, but now she had forgotten…

-Graf, can I ask you something? asked Joe

-What the? Graf asked

-I can lay on my lap, I'm dizzy, I just... I don't know, Joe said softly, not waiting for an immediate answer from Graf, Joe immediately fell back onto Graf's lap as Graf winced.

He pushed Joe's head deliberately,

but when he saw her on the other side raise her hand to her forehead, Graf stopped.

-Honestly, what the hell are you doing? Graf asked curious. Joe forced a smile on his face.

." Joe was silent as he closed his eyes, so Graf was silent as well. Graf was looking at Joe's face who had his eyes closed, so he didn't realize that In was watching them from the entrance of the gym with hurt and indignant eyes, then prepared to leave thence.

-Graf, when you were secretly in love with Beam, how did you feel? asked Joe. Graf frowned slightly.

-How did I feel? Graf asked, confused.

-How do you feel when you are secretly in love with someone? Someone who doesn't think about us at all, Joe asked again, Graf was amazed to hear this.

-It hurts, are you okay? Joe said again. Graf sat and thought about him and Beam. Graf also felt pain whenever he was near Beam.

He was aware that Beam would never think of him as more than friends. But, Graf hoped that if he took care of Beam, it would make Beam feel weak and fall in love with him.

-Why are you talking about this? Graf asked softly and looked down at the face of the person lying on his lap, his face has a long shape with a prominent nose, he looked at him until Graf himself felt that Joe was attractive.

In the past, they fought all the time, so they were never that close to each other.

The closed eyes suddenly meet Graf's, who are looking at Joe's face. This made Graf jump a little because he didn't think Joe would open his eyes at that moment.

-You should know. how are you feeling now Joe said in a serious tone.

This made Graf feel excited about the look and the words Joe wants to convey, as Joe is now also very hurt.

-To be someone who loves in secret. but he doesn't get love in return, it hurts... but being loved and not being able to love back to that person hurts just the same, Joe said again. Graf frowned, doubting Joe's words, but didn't ask any more questions.

Graf's hand was caught by Joe and placed on his chest.

-What the hell are you doing? Graf asked suddenly, feeling strange when Joe shook his hand like that.

-Graf, I know you are ashamed of this relationship. But can I ask you? I am asking for the opportunity to let me act like your lover, like a real lover. Even if it's only for a few days, if after that you don't think anything of me if your heart doesn't soften one bit—I won't bother you any more, said Joe,

looking into Graf's eyes.

Graf was a little surprised. In other words, he understood what Joe said.

Because Graf was in that situation

in which he secretly loves his friend and is a person who was also secretly loved.

-Really, Joe? Do you really like me? Graf couldn't stand it and had to ask again.

-Yes... I like you, no, I love you. Joe said in a serious tone.

-So, you won't get hurt? That is, if the day I agreed that I won't feel anything for you.

Graf continued, his heart trembling at Joe's words a few moments later.

-It will hurt... but I have to bear it, right? Because I chose to love you, Joe said again. Graf breathed a sigh of relief.

"Um... Okay, I'll give you the opportunity to take your boyfriend seriously while we're here," Graf said.

Joe smiled slightly before Graf frowned as he realized something.

-Wait, Joe, everything you did. It's like I'm a woman and my boyfriend has to take care of me. Seriously? I'm not on the receiving end, Graf exclaimed thoughtfully.

This immediately made Joe laugh. The stress is almost completely gone.

-Ha ha ha... you, try asking your friends, what is the best defense between you and me. And who is to attack? Joe joked, thinking that at least he and Graf were
in peace for now.

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