A Godly Swap (A Collab OC Sto...

By Izzy_Existence

990 92 1.9K

A goddess falls in love with a mortal so she goes to a friend for advice... admittedly not a reliable one on... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 1

137 12 299
By Izzy_Existence

3rd Person P.O.V

The moment Gow had transferred her powers to the squirrel, he instantly felt more powerful... whereas she felt weaker. The now former goddess felt weak, but also... free. She felt free of the stress and weight on her shoulders, but the question was... how was she to explain everything?

Her mom, her brother, her friends, her job- what was she doing?! ...She was throwing everything away for- HIM. A mortal! Isn't that the stupidest thing you've ever heard?! ...Well, not to her. She was only thinking of him in that moment and nothing else mattered.

Sonic the hedgehog. The love of her life.

She just gave up everything for him... it hadn't even occurred to her the possibility that he didn't love her back! ...What if he didn't? But what if he DID?!

Gow fell to her knees the second her powers were transferred. She wasn't used to this feeling of weakness...

It took her a moment to get her strength back and push herself up. Her legs felt like jelly, but she put her arms out for balance and forced herself to stand.

She sighed. "I-I got this... I can DO it. It's just standing! Walking! It's fine!" She spoke to herself, momentarily forgetting Savage's presence. "Uhhh... Gow?" He tilted his head. "Huh? O-Oh yeah... you're still here. Um- I'm fine. Just uh- not used to this... My powers always gave me a little boost of energy."

Savage didn't know that, but perhaps that's why he felt a little hyper at the moment. He still forced himself stiff however, feeling concern for his other. He was about to reach out to help her until he pulled back.

The squirrel realized something. That's right... she can't touch me anymore. He quickly brought this to her attention. "Gow... I realized something." The wobbling now mortal turned to him. "Y-Yeah?"

"...You can't touch me anymore."

Gow's eyes shot open at the realization. He's right... Her ears pinned to her head and she sighed. "...It's alright. I'll get over it. My only regret is the fact I'll never touch your fluffy fur again." She chuckled, giving him a hint of a sad smile.

Something Savage would never admit to anyone, especially Gow herself, is the fact he already kinda missed the feeling of her hands on his head. How she'd pet him, give him hugs of comfort when he needed it, and the little acts of affection.

He never liked them before but... now that they're gone, he misses them.

Savage's ears pin to his head sorrowfully. He knows she isn't happy about this. And secretly, neither is he. "...You never liked it when I touched you anyways. It's not like it affects you." She was going to put a comforting hand on his shoulder, but then retracted.

She sighed. "So... now you send me to the dimension I gotta go to and I somehow teach you how to get to Heaven." She smirks. "It ain't gon' be what you think."

Savage's eyes widened. "Heaven..?" He hadn't thought about it before. He'll get to see the afterlife! His eyes sparkled with curiosity. "I'll get to see dead people?!" Gow chuckled. "It's uh- a bit more complicated than that... but sure. Maybe."

Savage rolled his eyes. "Now, it's time for you to send me where I gotta go. The Existenceverse." Savage nodded and put his hands up for a bit before realizing. "...How do I do that?" Gow sighed and tossed him her watch, which he skillfully caught. "You can use that to travel until you figure it out yourself. There's some buttons with coordinates. They're named. Look for 'Existenceverse'."

The squirrel nodded and started looking through the watch. He couldn't resist looking through the rest of the watch too, so he went through the photos to find many photos of Gow with her friends.

He saw photos, games, and even text messages. Wow, she really personalized this thing, huh? He eventually found the coordinates and pressed the button to open the portal. Gow waved Savage goodbye. "...Goodbye, Sweetheart. It'll be a while till our next meet." She gave him a sad smile with a hint of pride before she walked through to the other side and left the squirrel alone.

A few moments past once Gow disappeared through the portal. Savage looked down at the ground sadly and rubbed his arm. Energy was running through his hands, it felt strange. To be honest he didn't feel much different, yet at the same time the flick of the wrist would send out a storm or madness. The squirrel let out a breathy sigh and looked down at his hands. "For Gow."


Savage's P.O.V (This is my first time writing in first person so sorry if it's bad😅 -Francis)

I had been running for a few blocks, it had been pretty rainy lately so it was the first time I got out of the HQ for a while. The air was fresh and cold, but I always liked it whenever it rained since it was always more peaceful, even though I had to stay clear of the puddles.

I ran into an alleyway with a few dumpsters below stairs that led up the side of the building. "I thought it was Jack's turn to take out the trash." I mumbled under my breath, curiosity taking the best of me as I quickly dashed over to one of the dumpsters. Yes, I know I'm getting side-tracked, ok? Trash is cool when you live with like nine other people.

After opening up the rusty thing, which was always a hassle, I jumped up and started to dig through whatever was in there. "Nope, nope- OH, MY SANDWICH!!" I jumped down from my spot with a delectable ham sandwich in hand. "Didn't I lose you like a week ago?...Eh, I can just prank Jack with it."

The sandwich was soon stuffed into my tail before I ran over to the flight of stairs and began quickly climbing up. I grunted slightly and pulled myself up, panting lightly as I sat there for a moment. "Why can't Knuckles just add an easier way in?" I grumbled under my breath while squeezing though a window.

I landed in headquarters, it was the place I...spelt and stole food from. I wouldn't say I live there since they more of just beg me to stay and I get free food- "Savage, there you are!!" Lavender called out, my hair stood up for a split second and I fell out of the window onto my butt.

"OW!!" I shouted, rubbing my head and glaring at Lavender as I clenched my teeth. She just rolled her eyes while leaning on the controls for the dozens of cameras Tails set up around the city, I never liked the idea of being watched ever where I went.

I stood up and dusted off my fur. "Do you know how long it takes me to clean this stuff?" I asked while giving her a glare. Lavender sighed, "Next time can you tell someone before you go out?" she didn't even look at me, she was to busy with her stupid watch duty.

My glare just got harder and I scoffed before walking into the kitchen. I let out a large groan after seeing Sonic, I hated his guts. Oh and Tails, Knuckles, and Jack were there too but they're not important right now, or ever.

"Oh, hey, Savage!!" Sonic said to me with his smug smirk planted on his face while leaning on the counter. Sometimes I wish he would just shut up. I thought to myself, ears twitching in annoyance as he spoke. "Did you ever-" Suddenly he just stopped talking, he never did that.

Sonic's eyes widened and he looked like he was trying to talk but his mouth wouldn't budge. I raised my eyebrow at him and smirked, rubbing my chin evilly. Maybe having these powers won't be that hard after all...if I wished to, I could just make every plate in this dump come alive and try to kill him!!

The cupboards began to glow an ominous red as something hit at them from the inside. My eyes widened and my ears pressed down onto my head. Knuckles and Jack quickly stood up right before dozens of plates came crashing out, large mouths, scary black eyes, and somehow could fly?!!?

I watched before my very eyes as the monsters came heralding themselves towards Sonic who still couldn't talk thanks to my first wish. Knuckles jumped in front of the annoying blue hedgehog and smashed the first wave of plates.

"WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?!" The angry echidna roared, Sonic shouted something but it was muffled where it was near impossible to understand. "What is he saying?" Jack asked, standing next to Sonic with an unamused look.

Knuckles quickly turned to him, glaring daggers. "It doesn't matter what he's trying to say, we're under attack!!" I gulped slightly and started to back away from the fight. Lavender and Tails soon ran in the room holding shields as a horde of plates tossed breakfast at them. Sonic threw his hands in the air as he tried to talk, it would have been funny if I wasn't about to be in the biggest amount of trouble ever.

"Mind explaining why our breakfast started to fight us?" Tails asked in a calm and scared voice while Lavender stood between him and their food. I quickly ran out of the room frantically, worried I'd get in trouble or just make things worse at that point.

I'm such an idiot, I did this so Gow wouldn't have to worry anymore!!! 'I wish every plate here would come alive an-' WHO THINKS OF THAT!!?!?! I mentally shouted at myself while running out of the kitchen and hiding behind a wall, out of breath and panting heavily.

I sat down behind the wall, catching my breath to not have a full blown panic attack. I looked down at my hands, I was fine. I wasn't trembling or any of that crap. I let out a sigh of relief and my body relaxed itself. You're fine. You're fine. But you let out an army of plates onto this place.

Before I could think of anything really at this point, the watch on my wrist beeped. My ears perked up and my eyes shot open like a dog who had just heard fireworks or the mailman. I glanced down at it and saw a small alert saying I- or probably should I say 'the god of wishes' was needed in the Existenceverse for something.

A moment passed. I need to do this for Gow. I didn't want this power for myself, I wanted Gow to be happy!! Without another thought I stood up and found the button for the Existenceverse as I opened up a portal. This was about to be my first job as a god... and I wasn't about to mess up.

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