If only...

By karadan_

107K 3.4K 572

"If I just had one wish ... i will wish I had a time machine, to Get rid of some of these memories. I would... More

01.no different
02.The acquaintance party
06.She is a nice person
08.I think I love her.
12.a party
13. Drunk
15. I want you
17. She cares
19.in her bed again
21.everything is clear now
22.my childhood
23. She was special.
24.She's gone
25. Visit
26- she love her !
27. she deserves better.
28. leave her alone
29.i can't leave her alone
31. you need help
33. vulnerable
34. just sex
35. heaven 🔞
36. goodbye
37.who are you ?!
38. I'm losing her.
39. grateful

32. i love you.

1.3K 45 4
By karadan_


The next morning I woke up a little late. I stayed up late thinking of a way to make things work between me and Mon then I ended up sleeping on the sofa next to the fireplace in the living room. it was cold and raining heavily, staying home and prepare delicious breakfast would be good decision to stsrt the day...I headed toward The kitchen and I started preparing breakfast with hot coffee and hot chocolate.... Maybe Mon would drink it... That's what I was hoping for.

At exactly 9 a.m. I finished breakfast and prepared the dining table. Then I went up to Mon's room to ask her whether she wanted breakfast in her room or not, as I always do.
I knocked on the door Several times and there was no sound, so I was a little worried because I know that Mon wakes up early.

After I despaired that she would answer me, I quietly opened the door to her room and stretched my head to see if she was sleeping or not, but she was not in her bed. I called her name.  Again to see if she was in the bathroom but there was no response. I started to feel anxious and frightening thoughts were filling my head ... I opened the bathroom door and she wasn't there either so immediately i ran to the window to see if her car was there or not and yes...... she did what she said yesterday.

i started felt terrified and ran to my phone, which was on the table in the sitting room...i called her but her phone was off.

At that moment, I did not know what to do, so I decided to wait a little. Maybe she went out to buy something or get some air...

after 5 hours of waiting.  I was feeling panicked and afraid because the rain was falling heavily and the weather was very cold, so I decided to start looking for her. I called my friends and told them to help me and call hospitals, hotels or even airports because I was afraid that she had returned to Canada or England...i don't know ... I called her friends.  They literally didn't talk to her for days, then I called the police and used my influence to get them to help me because according to the stupid rules they couldn't help because she hadn't disappeared for more than 24 hours.

I sat on the couch waiting for my phone to ring and someone to tell me that they found her safe and sound.

10 hours and no one know anything about mon ... my friends came to Mon house because they could not find anything about her and they knew that I was very worried.
Later, her friends also came and they were clearly worried, especially Rose... she was holding herself from killing me and i don't blame her Hours passed and we were sitting unable to do anything.

"You are like a curse in her life. Whenever you get close to her, you only hurt her. I don’t know what more you want from her after everything you did."
Rose said that angrily while looking at me with disgust.

"Rose, calm down, this is not the right time."
Emily said that to calm her friend,

"damm it Emily...This woman did nothing but hurt Mon. She destroyed her.... Do you remember how her rats almost ended the girl future and this bitch didn't even say anything to stop them? ....She should know her limits and stay away from Mon."

"She was trying to help"
Alex said that to defend me Even though we all know that what Rose said is true

"fuck her and her help, take her from here and I will find Mon and take care of her, just kept this woman away from her"
Rose said that in a loud and annoying voice

"I know you hate me and I don't blame you but please  Say what you want later.... I am losing my fucking mind and I do not know what I should do to find her, so please shut up "
I said that while grinding my teeth angrily and trying to prevent the tears in my eyes from falling Then I left the living room and headed towards the kitchen and called The police and they said nothing but they are still looking for her and will call when they find her.

I wanted to go out to look for her, but where?!

I had no idea where she was and I did not leave anyone who I did not ask him/her about looking for mon.
The feeling was like sitting in a pressure cooker and you can't get out of it.... you can't escape or scream or anything...just accept what was happening.

It was 11 pm when we heard the sound of the front door opening.  We all ran and .....it was Mon, fortunately. Finally she came back. I didn't know how to hold back my tears and keep myself calm when i saw her wet clothes with red eyes.
I don't know if she was crying or if she was sick but she wasn't well... I ran to get a towel and when I came back I found Rose hugged her tightly, burying her nose in Mon's neck and clinging to her as if she was koala and Mon was exchanging hugs with her.
I stood looking at them and I did not know what kind of feelings I was facing, but I wanted to scream and vomit ... i become weak.... i was terrified, suffocated and almost lost consciousness.

"Give me this and leave now without showing your face again."
Rose said that, then she took the towel from my hand forcefully, her eyes sparkling. I was unable to respond to her. All I did was look at Mon who was looking  at me too with a raised eyebrow as if she was trying to comprehend what was happening and I think she realized why everyone was at her house.

"okay ... mon is home now so we're leaving, goodnight everyone"
Alex said that and she left with lucy because they didn't want to witness the upcoming drama,

" and we also have to go rose"
Emily said that and then tried to take her friend's hand to leave, but Rose was so stubborn and angry to the point she was ready to kill me if that were whatevers it takes to get me out of Mon house
" i can leave mon with this woman again"

" it's okay Rose, don't worry, I'll take care of the rest from here" Mon said that and grabbed Rose hands which was drying Mon hair with the towel.

" mon she like a curse, i don't want to lose you because of her, AGAIN" Rose said that as she gritted her teeth angrily. 

"hey, rose calm down, everything will be okay....don't worry and go now to rest. I will talk to you later."
Mon said that calmly as she held Rose's hands and looked at her with a warm look.

"If you need anything, you know that you can call me and I will be here in a moment.
Rose said that and she hugged Mon tightly and she was convinced to go after being stubborn for a long time.

When everyone left, Mon started to take off her wet jacket and I ran to the bathroom to get another towel without saying a word.

"There was no need for you to frighten everyone. I am not a child. I can leave whenever I want."

"N...No....  You cannot go out in weather like this...you have dangers fever and you act like ... please don't do that again"
I said that in a shaking voice while I was trying to prevent myself from exploding in front of her and crying and screaming to say everything I was holding inside me.

" Can you stop acting as if you care? You know very well that I will not accept  To sit with you under one roof, and I told you yesterday that if you don’t leave, I will leave but you still here"
Mon said that coldly as she put her hands in her pockets.

" if this is what you want, I will leave your house."
I said that after silence, then I lost control and my tears began to fall

" finally, thank you. You can stay here tonight and leave in the morning."
Mon said that and then sighed as if i had relieved her of a heavy burden Then she walked towards her room.

" No...I am leaving now but.... but promise me that you will take care of yourself."
I said that, which made her stop and turn around with raised eyebrow,

"as you want but do not ask me to promise you anything. Save the effort, there is no need to do all this so chill ...."

"I love you"
I said that and interrupted her, almost feeling that I was suffocating from preventing myself from hiding it and denying it all the time.

"Get out of here and don’t let me see your face again"
Mon said that while gritting her teeth angrily after being silent for a few moments...Her gaze became intense and her body spasmed as if I had awakened the monster inside her.

" I am leaving, but I will not hide it any longer. I love you and I will do anything to fix everything and ... and make you accept me.... l love you mon"
I said that in a trembling voice and my tears began to fall I was feeling pain in my heart because I know that I was late. 

" are you going to leave or should I leave?"
Mon said that while crossing her hands on her chest... with that look in her eyes that tell me she hate me.

i took my bag and my jacket while I was crying uncontrollably then i left her house and closed the door behind me.
I felt like crying to relieve the pressure and the heaviness that I was feeling, everything was too much that night.... I allowed myself to collapse and sat on the ground in front of Moon’s house while it was raining heavily and I cried... i cried like didn't do that before.

That night I did not leave her house to leave her alone, but rather to give her the space she wanted so that she would not leave and repeats what she did in the morning.
All I wanted was to protect her, and being with her under the same roof was not helping.


I don't know how time passed that night, but I spent hours crying until I felt like there were no more tears to shed....The weather was cold and the rain was falling heavily.

I was sitting on the ground hugging my knees... My body was shaking and I was completely wet but I felt relieved because I had finally said it....
  I was satisfied because I finally told Mon that I love her.
I know that what I said no longer has meaning for her now, but I was happy and satisfied with myself.

I was feeling dizzy and my body was shaking and I probably had a fever when the door of Mon house opened.

I looked up and saw her standing there with shocked and angry look on her face.... You don't know how much I wished I could run to her and hug her tight and kiss her but that was it.  Forbidden for me because I was stupid to miss paradise

Mon said that and stood in front of me with her eyes shooting sparks.

"I am not leaving.... I did what you wanted and ... and left your house but no .... I am not.  i'? not leaving... please go back inside so ... so  you don’t get sick."
I said that in a shaky and weak voice.

Mon said that and hit the car hard many times

"no sto..stop please"
I said that while trying to stand up but I was feeling weak and dizzy and suddenly I lost my balance and almost fell but she holed me, yes she caught me and took me in her arms and I  I grabbed her shirt...clinging to her with weak smile on my lips...I was ready to die at that moment, because the warmth and peace in her arms was all I wanted.... At that moment, I closed my eyes and all I could hear was Mon voice who was calling my name while I was losing consciousness in her hands...  I didn't know if it was reality or a dream, but I wanted time to stop right there...with her...between her arms.


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