A Desire for the Moon

By open_trash

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King Kim Seokjin seeks out the mercenary Kim Namjoon to be his bodyguard for a month. The decision that chang... More

17 [M]


317 41 9
By open_trash

Breaking News:
Titled as "The Most Earning Young Star" Kim Taehyung announced his retirement from the industry following the death of his mother. Said he would focus on his studies from now on.

Namjoon closed his eyes and leaned back into the bed. He was happy that Taehyung could finally do something that he liked. Should he visit him? After a lot of pondering, he finally decided to visit the funeral that Taehyung was holding. It was open to the public. People said it was the last time they would see Taehyung as a super star. He had an event lined up too. Though it was after a month, the tickets were already sold out. The only regret that Namjoon had was that he didn't get to buy the tickets. Because one, he was late and two he had no money.

Should I ask Seokjin for it?

No! He was an emperor. He shouldn't ask Seokjin such trivial things. He can just stream it illegally. For now, he focused on going to the funeral. He unlocked his phone again.

Hoseok (Main guard)

I want half a day off.

He wasn't expecting it but the reply was fast. Was he not on duty?

Hoseok (Main guard)


I am going to a funeral.

You can go.
Don't forget to bring Jungkook to the palace later today.


Namjoon locked the phone. He just sat there staring at the wall opposite to him even when he received a few more notifications. He knew it was most probably Hoseok yelling at him to not use emojis and communicate properly. Or something on the line of 'I am your superior officer and you can not use emojis with me.' But he didn't care. He'd probably do it again.

Namjoon had moved to the palace a few days ago. He was not expecting a huge room or any luxuries in the room. But what he got was beyond his expectation. The room was huge. It was on the right of Hoseok's room but there were three rooms in between. It was already furnished with all the basic necessities as Hoseok had told him but the definition for basic necessities was clearly different for Namjoon and Hoseok. Namjoon was expecting the room to be much smaller and only equipped with a bed and side table. But the room had many more things. A huge double bed was in the middle of the room. There was a huge window on the left and a walk-in closet on the right. Right across the bed there was a bookshelf and small study table. A washroom to the right of the bookshelf. The bookshelf was fairly empty. He looked out of the window. It was a bit cloudy but not entirely gloomy. The notification on his phone made him look away.


I hear there is a funeral for that woman.
Are you going?

Namjoon chuckled. Jungkook was always worried about Namjoon. He was a little agitated when Hoseok told Jungkook to stay at the guard's building. But soon Jungkook made friends with some of the guards. That kid was really good at making friends.


Haven't decided yet.
But I will drop by in the afternoon.
Seokjin wants to meet you and assign you your position.

I will be ready.

The thing that was irritating him was the funeral. He was not going there to pay respects. No. He was already mad that the lady died an easy death. He was going there because he wanted to see Taehyung and probably meet him. The only thing that stressed him out was the reaction he would get from Taehyung.

He looked at the tiny alarm clock on his bedside table. It was 10 in the morning. The funeral wasn't supposed to start before 1 in the afternoon. He didn't have anything else to do in the meantime so he took a long shower and started preparing for the funeral. He wore a black suit and paired it with a black tie and a pair of black sleek shoes. He styled his hair professionally with gel. He wanted to look rugged but then thought that he could respect the dead person one last time even if she was a terrible human. After getting ready he left the room and started walking towards the exit of the palace. On the way, he saw Seokjin giving orders to some people. He stopped in his tract. Seokjin looked really authoritative. He seemed to be in total control of every situation in the empire. He was a great leader.


Namjoon shook his head and started to walk again.

As soon as he was out of the palace facilities, he took out the cigarette pack and lit one from it. He felt like his head was slowly becoming lighter as he took the first puff. He sighed as the cold air brushed his face. He was smoking after almost two weeks. The smoke burnt his throat as he blew the smoke out. It felt nice. After a few puffs, he threw the cigarette on the floor and put it out by stomping on it. He made his way to the nearest convenient shop and bought a packet of gum. He didn't want anyone to know that he had smoked. Especially if he was going to see Taehyung.

He sighed again as he walked towards the funeral hall. He had yet to decide if he wanted to meet Taehyung or not. It was a very tough decision for him. What if Taehyung doesn't want to see him? What if Taehyung doesn't remember him? What if Taehyung is happy without knowing that Namjoon is still alive?

Right when he was about to leave the street, he saw a small flower shop. He slowly entered the shop and looked around. An old lady came out of the counter and smiled at him, "What would you like to have, young man?"

Namjoon looked at the lady. She was way shorter than him. She was slouching a little. Mostly due to old age. The wrinkles on her face were prominent.

If dad was alive, he would have been at the same age.

He immediately looked away.


"I am looking for something to offer at a funeral."

"Ah." The old lady walked past him and took out a bouquet out of nowhere. "Here. It is 500 Won."

Namjoon tilted his head, "You had it ready?"

The lady chuckled, "You must be going to the actor's mother's funeral. I have sold at least 10 of those since the morning."

Namjoon looked at the bouquet and scoffed, "I can't believe she is getting such a humongous farewell." He quickly paid the lady and left the shop.

The place was huge. It was a conventional hall. Taehyung's company had organised the entire funeral for him. Namjoon was confident that Taehyung showed zero interest in the whole thing. He wouldn't want the lady to have this lavish funeral. But then again, he was the empire's most loved artist. The company wouldn't want to ruin the reputation even when he was quitting.

The hall was decorated with white garments and flowers that the woman liked. The first step in the venue felt like entering that house again. The house that made him and Taehyung cry rivers. The house that was so terrified by the woman that his father took his own life in the very same house. Second step felt like standing in front of the lady. Namjoon's breath started to become shallow and laboured. He closed his eyes but it didn't help. The harsh, low pitch voice rang in his ears.

"How much more idiotic can you be?"

"Never tell people that you are my son."

"I can't believe that man left me with two of his most stupid and useless sons."

"I hope you both die just like your father."

He opened his eyes immediately. He took a deep breath and kept walking. He placed the heavy bouquet in its place with the rest of the flower. Looking at the picture of the lady smiling made the scar above his eyes hurt again.

He looked around and saw people looking at the photo sadly. It made him uncomfortable. He knew that it was probably the worst idea to visit the funeral when he knew that the scars left by the lady never healed. He scrunched his face and walked out of the venue.

The air outside was really relaxing. He immediately took out his box of cigarettes. As soon as he was about to light his stick when someone stopped.

"It's a no smoking area."

Namjoon turned to see who was the person that was irritating him. He scoffed, "Aren't you supposed to be with Taehyung?"

The manager nodded, "Yes." He gulped a little. "You need to follow me."

Namjoon raised his eyebrow, "Do you not know who I am?"

The manager clicked his tongue, "I know. That's why I don't understand why he wants to meet you."

"Who wants to meet me?"

The manager took a deep breath, "Taehyung."

Namjoon immediately threw the cigarette in his hand and wiped his hands on his trousers. He arranged his tie as he looked at the manager, "Lead the way."

The manager huffed and started taking Namjoon to the back door. The hallway was well lit and long.


Namjoon's eyes went wide as he turned back. "Jungkook?"

Jungkook jogged to him with a smile, "I heard you were here. I was worried."

Namjoon chuckled, "I am alright. You don't have to worry."

"Were you going somewhere?"

Namjoon nodded. He looked at the manager, "Let's go." The manager resumed walking followed by Namjoon and Jungkook. There was a room on the left. The manager opened the door to let them in. The room looked like a waiting room. But there was makeup and a rack filled with clothes. It must be Taehyung's green room.

"He'll be here soon."

Namjoon hummed. Jungkook saw the manager leave the room. He turned to Namjoon, "Who are you waiting for?"

"Ah," Namjoon pursed his lips, "Actually, Tae-" He stopped when the door opened again. Both of them turned to the door. Namjoon took a deep breath as Taehyung entered the room. There was a void in Taehyung's expression. Namjoon was usually good at reading people's expressions but Taehyung's face was difficult for him to read. "Tae-"


There were two gasps in the room.

"Hyung!" Jungkook stepped forward but was stopped by Namjoon.

Taehyung's expressions were slowly surfacing as he stared at Namjoon, "Why are you here?" His eyes had slowly started watering and his voice sounded wet.

Namjoon licked his lips a little, "I was just making a visit."

"Liar!" Taehyung's voice cracked, "You are still a liar. You left me with that woman. You lied to me back then too. You said you'd come for me. You told me to wait for you. But you never came!" Taehyung sniffled a little. "Why did you come here now?"

Namjoon wanted to step towards him. He wanted to wipe the tears out of his face. He wanted to hug his brother but he stayed at his place, "I am sorry." It was the only thing that he could say as Taehyung cried silently.

"Why are you being sorry?" Jungkook really looked offended.

"Jungkook, don-"

"No!" Jungkook stood in between Namjoon and Taehyung, "He needs to know." He stared right into Taehyung's eyes, "Do you think hyung was enjoying his life away from you? Do you even know how hard life in a mercenary camp is? Even when he was fighting with people all over the world just for survival, he kept tabs on you. Threatened your mother whenever she tried to pressurise you. When you dropped out of college, he blamed himself for not taking care of you!" Jungkook's face was crimson red. He was so angry that the veins in his eyes were popping out.

"Jungkook enough." Namjoon finally stepped in, "You have said enough. He is scared."

Jungkook closed his eyes for a while. When he opened his eyes again, the anger had subsided. He stepped back a little, "I am sorry if I scared you. I just don't want you to blame Namjoon hyung for anything."

"I have a question." Everyone turned to the manager, "Why are you guys out? I thought Namjoon got out of jail because of the funeral. But you are roaming around without any security."

Namjoon was about to say when the door of the green room opened. One of Taehyung's bodyguards came rushing, "His Majesty is here to meet Taehyung-shi."

"What?" The manager looked at Namjoon and Jungkook, "You guys should hide."

Namjoon scoffed, "It's okay. I work for him."

"Huh?" Taehyung turned to him. There were still tears in his eyes but his sadness had converted into confusion.

Namjoon nodded, "It's the only reason I am standing in front of you today. Because I have a stable job."

Before Taehyung could ask further, the door opened again. Everyone in the room except Namjoon bowed immediately. Seokjin entered the room followed by Yoongi and Hoseok. He was maintaining a steady eye-contact with Namjoon. He sat on the couch, leisurely as always. He was wearing a black three piece suit with white shirt and a black overcoat with fur on it's collar. As he crossed his legs, his shoes shone under the dressing lights. He looked at Yoongi. Yoongi nodded and gave the bouquet to Taehyung.

"Congratulations." Seokjin smiled mildly, "On your freedom from your mother and the industry."

Taehyung swallowed a huge lump down his throat and nodded, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Seokjin looked at Namjoon, "Wasn't expecting you to be here."

Namjoon chuckled, "I wasn't expecting you either. But here we are. And to answer your question, he is my brother."

Seokjin wanted to order an immediate execution for Namjoon. He was getting on his nerves. But then he realised something. They were out of the palace. He was off work. Whenever he had ordered something when Namjoon was actually working, Namjoon had carried out all his orders without any questions. But as soon as they were out of work setting, Namjoon's attitude changed. Ah, it was going to be harder to bend Namjoon out of work. He looked at Taehyung again.

"You have always been one of my favourite actors. I wish all the best for your life ahead." He got up, straightened his suit before walking to the door. As he passed Taehyung, he stopped and placed his hand on Taehyung's shoulder. "You are free from your mother because of your hyung. Make sure to thank him."

He smirked as he looked at Namjoon knowing completely well that he was going to be bombarded with questions from Taehyung and Namjoon probably didn't want Taehyung to know this.

Serves you right for not respecting the emperor.

Namjoon stared right back at Seokjin with a stoic face. Yoongi followed Seokjin out of the room.

Hoseok looked at Namjoon, "There is a meeting with Prince Jimin at 3. You can have a day off today. I am giving you night duty."

Namjoon gave a node. Hoseok knew he wasn't going to get anything other than that so he just left the room without saying anything.

Taehyung turned to Namjoon, "What did his majesty mean?"

Namjoon chuckled, "Seokjin is just spitting nonsense. It's not a big deal."

"It's his majesty for you." The manager glared at Namjoon, "And he doesn't just spit nonsense."

Namjoon sighed, "Fine." He massaged his forehead as he looked away, "He came to me saying he needed someone to protect him while he left the empire for a month. I agreed upon some conditions. One of them was a stable and respectable job for Jungkook and me after we came back. And another was to get rid of that woman."

Taehyung shuddered a little. He sat on the couch, head in his hand, trying to control his emotions. "So, you killed her."

The manager was scared. He knew if Namjoon told the truth, he would never be able to look into Taehyung's eyes. Taehyung might not even talk to him after that. He might lose Taehyung forever.


The manager turned to Namjoon with wide eyes. He lied to Taehyung. But why?

Taehyung took a deep breath. He looked at Namjoon, "Thank you for doing that for me but hyung, I want you to not come in front of me for a while. I can't imagine the things you went through at the camp. I now know that you were always there for me even when you were in front of me, however," Taehyung took a brief pause, "However, I would like to be left alone. At least for a while. At least till I wrap my head around the fact that you didn't abandon me."

Namjoon nodded slowly, "I understand. Don't worry. I'll be out of your hair as long as you want." He went to Taehyung and patted his head, "Just- Please take care of yourself." He looked at Jungkook, "Let's go."

Jungkook's eyes shifted between Namjoon and Taehyung. Namjoon gave a final pat on Taehyung's shoulder before leaving the room. Jungkook slowly followed him out. As soon as they were out of the hall, Jungkook stopped Namjoon by this wrist, "Hyung..."

Namjoon stopped right there. He didn't turn back or move.

"I know you don't like to be weak. But hyung, we have been together for more than ten years. You can show me-"

Jungkook stopped immediately as Namjoon turned around. Jungkook wasn't expecting Namjoon to be subtly smiling. He was really confused. Why was Namjoon smiling? The subtle smile turned to full fledged laugh. Namjoon looked at the sky and covered his eyes as he laughed.

"Hah!" He stopped as he looked at the hall again, the smile on his face subsided. His eyes turned to the usual dragon-like shape. He looked at Jungkook, "Let's go, we have a meeting to attend."

Jungkook got scared for a brief moment before following Namjoon. Namjoon stopped one of the taxis and gave the driver the direction to the palace. Usually Jungkook was very patient with Namjoon and never asked about anything that Namjoon did but now he was curious. He wanted to ask Namjoon about the reaction. He closed his eyes as the taxi started running. He knew better than to ask useless questions to Namjoon.

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