Thai BL- One Shots

By CarolineBlom630

9.3K 544 148

These are Thai BL one shots mostly from Gemini and Fourth but some characters will be added there once in a w... More

what's wrong with secretary Nattawat
The Omega
my fake boyfriend
I wanna be yours
I am in love with Front's brother
The Omega: part 2
my heart
like the movies
I hooked up with Front's brother.
The escort part two.
Am I gay?
My straight jacket is custom made
age is just but a number

The escort

633 38 10
By CarolineBlom630

Fourth has been living in Bangkok for about 6 months now. He moved there from Pattaya to study at Chulalongkorn on full scholarship, although he sends most of his stipend at home for his sister. You see, Fourth and his little sister are orphans, and Fourth has been practically taking care of his sister by himself with help from some relatives.

Fourth worked really hard to get this scholarship, and he promised his mother that he would get his law degree and be able to take care of his sister. The only goal Fourth has now is to ensure that he gives his sister the life she knows she deserves. He doesn't ever want to see her sister struggle as much as he does.

The thing is providing for two households and having to maintain a 4.0 GPA to make sure he doesn't lose his scholarship is hard. Also, because of his hectic schedule, he kept being fired from his part-time jobs.

So now he is low on cash, and he doesn't know how he is going to pay for rent because he needed to send extra money to his little sister this month. He can't also get a part-time job because he honestly doesn't have the time to because he is drowning in school projects and assignments that he barely has time to sleep.

Seriously! Fuck law school.

So now he is tired, broke and stressed out of his mind. He will probably be homeless soon but that's okay he will probably live in a library somewhere or a 24hour computer lab because honestly speaking he spends most of his time there anyways.

His best friend Ford suggested that he opened an onlyfans because apparently he is 'hot' but he doesn't think that's legal so he isn't really going to do it. Also he wasn't really comfortable with exposing himself like that on the Internet for people to see. Not that he has a problem with sex workers because he doesn't.

So that's how he found himself in this situation.

So a few days ago Ford suggested that he go on a date with some high class business person, a middle aged woman or man he really isn't sure anymore. So all he has to do is dress up, flirt a bit and he would be paid for his time. He is like some kind of escort and the person has already paid half of the money he required which would be enough to pay for his rent for three months and groceries. So a little harmless flirting for the night shouldn't hurt even if it's someone who is possibly old enough to be his parent.

Fourth knows this is irresponsible because he doesn't even know how this person looks like. The person could be a serial killer because if anything true crime documentaries is that it's always the rich ones that end up being serial killers. He could end being a rich person's meal by the end of the night, rich ones always end up being cannibalists. He has watched shows like 'hannibal', so he is pretty sure he might end up being meat loaf or stew.

However he is tired, he is desperate and he really just wants to finish his assignments without worrying about rent money and where his next meal is going to come from. He is really tired of sponging off Ford even though his best friend says he doesn't mind.

The worse part about this situation is that he gave this person the address to his condo so yeah he is pretty much going to get killed today. It is a chance he is willing to take though, he figures he should trust Ford because his best friend assured him this would be safe after all.

His breath hitched when he got a text from this person that he was waiting for him downstairs. He can't really tell the person age  from texting because the person texts like really formal. Also, it could be their secretary because, according to Ford, the person is crazy rich and wealthy AF. Rich crazy Asian type of rich. A CEO of some corporate company.

When Fourth gets downstairs, his eyes widen a bit by the sheer luxury of the car. It's no surprise that the person sent a chauffeur instead of coming in person, typical rich people behavior.

When he gets to the hotel, it's really luxurious, and he feels a little bit underdressed. The chauffeur introduces him to some lady who happens to be the guy - he just found out that the person he is meeting is a man after all. So the lady leads him to a very luxurious executive suite.

Fourth really hopes that he doesn't get killed tonight.

"Khun Nattawat, Khun Norawit is still in the shower. Would you like something to drink while you wait?" The kind lady - Beulah is her name apparently asks her.

"No, thank you." Fourth says with a kind smile. He doesn't want to be drugged and wake up in an abandoned building with a missing kidney.

"Okay, khun Nattawat. If there's anything you need, you can use that telephone to reach out to me." Beulah says with that kind smile on her face.

"Thank you, khun Beulah." Fourth smiles, and Beulah leaves with a nod.

So Fourth didn't know what he was expecting, but he knew that the last thing he was expecting was a beautiful tall guy with honey glazed eyes, beautiful ebony hair, and pouty pink lips. 

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Norawit says with a small smile.

He looks cute. Not at all Fourth was thinking.

"Uhm- it's okay. I wasn't really waiting that long." Fourth says with a small smile of his own. He doesn't really know how or what to feel. It is kind of awkward.

"I am Norawit, but you can call me Gemini." Norawit- Gemini says with that cute small smile of his, gesturing for Fourth to take a seat.

"Oh... okay, I am Nattawat, but everyone calls me Fourth." Fourth says, he still feels very awkward sitting across this ridiculously beautiful guy.

"So nong'Fourth. Tell me about yourself." Gemini asks him, handing a glass of wine that Fourth somehow couldn't refuse.

So Fourth tells Gemini about himself, not everything, though. He tells Gemini he is from Pattaya but doesn't mention his sister or any of his family. He let's him know that he is 19 years old and doing his first year in Chulalongkorn as a law student- he doesn't mention the gap year he took after his mother passed away.

He learns a few things about Gemini, apparently the guy is 26 years old. The heir of Titicharoenrak enterprises, he is apparently lactose intolerant who prefers almond milk over soy milk. He learns that Gemini is an only child and the guy is basically a prodigy.

Listening to Gemini, Fourth can't help but feel envious of Gemini. He also realizes that he might be slightly attracted to him, which is understandable because the guy is unfairly pretty! Like who looks like that?

"So nong'Fourth. Would you like something to eat? I can ask my chef to prepare something for us." Gemini asks and Fourth realises that they apparently not going out like he expected. Then again he didn't know what to expect.

"Uhm- yeah sure." Fourth replies since he has had 2 glasses of expensive wine on an empty stomach.

"Great! Anything in mind? Pierre is a wonderful chef, he can prepare anything your mind desires."  Gemini says and he is very lively which is so adorable. A sharp contrast to how hot he is.

"Anything is fine with me really." Fourth replies.

"Great!" Gemini gives him a blinding bright grin.

They share a warm meal and the conversation flows naturally. It turns out despite their 7 years age difference they have a lot in common. They both love soccer, and huge fans of Manchester United. They have the same taste in music, and they are both Marvel geeks with Toby Maguire being their favourite spiderman.

"Although we both agree that Toby Maguire is the best spiderman obviously but we have to agree that the Tom Holland spiderman trilogy is obviously the best!" Fourth says, perhaps a little too excited but Gemini doesn't seem to mind.

"Blasphemy! How can you even say that with a straight face?" Gemini argues equally as enthusiastic.

They argue about this issue for almost an hour until they end up somehow talking about Harry Potter. It turns out that Gemini claims that he is a slytherin but Fourth argues that Gemini is definetly a Gryfindor. Then Gemini dares to tell him that he is a Hufflepuff when it's clear to see that Fourth is a Ravenclaw.

"P'Gemini! How could you say I am a Hufflepuff? I mean if you had said slytherin maybe but Hufflepuff?" Fourth pouts feigning offence.

"You are too cute to be either. A definite Hufflepuff if I have seen one." Gemini says, his voice soft and his eyes impossibly fond. They are sitting so close to each other that their faces were only a few inches away from each other.

Fourth didn't realise they were sitting so close to each other, his heart is beating so fast Fourth thinks it might jump out of his chest.

"Cute?" Fourth asks softly tilting his head slightly to the side.

"Too cute." Gemini replies just as softly, his eyes flickered to Fourth's lips then his eyes. Fourth mirrors the movement.

During the little starring contest they are having Fourth wonders why a person as beautiful, funny and interesting as Gemini would need an escort or pay someone to have a date. If this is even a date, it feels very much like a date though. He could literally have anyone he wants.

"P'Gemini... why am I here?" Fourth asks softly still maintain intense eye contact with the older.

Gemini takes time before he replies  he licks his lips, eyes flickering down to Fourth's lips once again before he meets his eyes again.

"I needed company." Gemini's voice is low and sultry.

Fourth swallows hard. He feels heat pool in his stomach and something ache in his chest. Somehow he has the urge to reach out and touch Gemini.

He really doesn't know who initiated the kiss but all he knows is that Gemini's lips are soft and have a sweet and bitter taste of the red wine they were drinking.

Everything happens so fast that Fourth barely registers getting naked or moving  to Gemini's bedroom. Everything feels so intense, with Gemini kissing every inch of his naked body.

Fourth didn't expect to lose his virginity today but considering that he was expecting to getting killed or having his kidney carved out of him and sold to the black market he doesn't mind. Plus Gemini is so good with his hands, his lips- with his everything basically and Fourth feels so good.

Fourth arched against Gemini when he moved to his other nipple. Two fingers worked inside him, a little uncomfortable but nothing he couldn’t handle. Not so long as Gemini kept his mouth on him, lavishing his nipples with attention. Gemini's thumb rubbed around a sweet spot and Fourth's eyes rolled back into his head. So close. The strength of what was building was staggering. Mind-blowing. His body was going to be blown to dust, atoms, when this hit. If Gemini stopped, he would cry. Cry, and beg. And maybe kill... Fourth came, groaning, every muscle drawn taut. It was almost too much. Almost.

Fourth realises that Gemini was not done with him when his lips ghost over his neck, holding him tightly by his hips. He is sure that it will leave a bruise but he really doesn't mind.

“'I want you sore, baby," Gemini murmurs, and he continues his sweet, leisurely torment, backward, forward. "Every time you move tomorrow, I want you to be reminded that I’ve been here. Only me. You are mine.'”

Fourth's whole body shudders at the sound of Gemini's deep low voice.

"Okay... I am yours." Fourth murmus, for tonight at least. He would allow himself to be Gemini's, every inch of his body, mind and soul will belong to Gemini.

Tomorrow he will probably go back to his student life, looking for a part-time job that will miraculously fit within his busy schedule and try to forget about tonight. For now he will surrender himself to Gemini and allow the older to do with his body whatever he pleases. He will allow Gemini to mark him as his... Even if Gemini will never be his, he knows that he will forever be Gemini's.

Fuck! Fourth is screwed. Both literally and figuratively.

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