Over Your Head

By marble-and-blackstar

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Scott was no stranger to dealing with someone who made his life literal hell. He had to deal with his sporadi... More

Verified Insanity
Biting Off More Than You Can Chew
Opening Up
Thank You
The Source
Getting Help
A Little Insight
At Each Other's Throats
Baby Steps
Reliving The Past
The L Word
Standing By

What Goes Up Must Come Down

2.3K 135 66
By marble-and-blackstar

A/N: Hello my lovelies. Thank you for your fantastic responses to my story, you guys are so funny and sweet. As promised, this chapter will be more exciting and dramatic. It starts off with them going to get a fake ID, although I didn't add any details of getting it because idfk how that works. I reread this 4 times and it's a sporadic mess, so prepare yourself. I apologize for typos, my brain just goes right over them usually. Enjoy!

Warnings: just more swearing, that should be expected in every chapter tbh

Chapter 5

"Stay here," Mitch ordered after I pulled up at some abandoned looking shack.

"How long is this gonna take?" I asked impatiently.

"Don't get your panties in a twist. Give me a half hour," he retorted before closing the car door and walking towards the building and disappearing through the door.

I sighed and tapped my fingers on the steering wheel, humming some incoherent tune. I checked the clock every few minutes, feeling more and more panicked every minute.

I was helping a 19 year old get a fake ID. I don't know when I got so stupid, but it was pretty recent.

It had been 45 minutes since Mitch disappeared into their building, and my patience was waning.

I opened my door and got out before walking towards the building, I froze before I could enter when I heard a familiar voice.

"Blondie!" Trevor exclaimed.

I turned around, looking at Trevor and his friends coming in my direction. Shit.

"We've been missing our little Mitchy. You wouldn't happen to know where he is, would you," Trevor inquired as he approached me.

I pressed my lips together and shook my head, "Haven't seen him," I lied breezily.

"Really? Scott?" One of his other friends asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows, not knowing how they knew my name.

"We heard you two the night after you guys met. You brought him food. How cute," Trevor taunted, getting closer.

"Why do you pick on him anyway?" I blurted out.

"He's small, gay and defenseless. Perfect target," one of his other friends commented.

"Why would you let someone like him into your home? What's so special about him?" Trevor taunted as he came even closer, making me back up into the side of the building.

I tried feigning confidence, "Because, for some reason, I believe that he has a future," I replied simply.

Trevor scoffed, "A future. He's really tricked you, hasn't he? He's pathetic. The little bitch played me. Made me think he liked me, then once I fucked him, he left me. He cried rape, but he just freaked a bit, that's all. Then he acted like I was the fucking devil. I tried to get him to talk, but he wouldn't, so we just knocked him around a bit," he explained nonchalantly.

I narrowed my eyes at him, and my whole body felt hot with anger. "You raped him?" I questioned in a low growl.

Trevor rolled his eyes in annoyance, "God, don't you listen? He just couldn't take it, so I pushed him a bit," he stated with a shrug, "It's not my fault, he's just so small and fragile," he taunted before laughing it off with his friends.

All of my anger was expelled through my fist as it collided with his jaw. If Mitch was only 16 at the time and he "cried rape" after Trevor, it was probably his first time.

Oh god.

That's why he looked so terrified of him. That's why he didn't let people in. He let his walls down and once I reciprocated, he shut down again. That explained his awful attitude ever since last night.

He didn't want me getting close.

I was pulled back into reality when I remembered that I was in a fight with 4 experienced punks. I felt a fist collide with my face before I was being thrown onto the ground. I shielded myself as they started kicking any free area they could find. I curled up in a ball, cringing at every blow.

Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice say something that I never thought I would hear it say.

"Hey! Leave him alone!"

I peeked up as Mitch launched himself onto Trevor's back before grabbing and clawing at his face.

Trevor let out a pained sound as he tried to shake Mitch off of him.

One of Trevor's friends yanked Mitch off of him, before throwing him to the ground.

"Mitchy, caring about someone besides yourself? It's like I don't even know you anymore," Trevor taunted, standing over me. "Risking your life for this piece of shit? Shame," he shrugged as he nudged me with his foot.

"What you don't seem to understand, Trevor, is that that's my piece of shit," Mitch declared confidently as he stood up, "And only I can treat him poorly."

I forced myself up before throwing punches, and shoving anyone I could.

"Scott!" Mitch yelled.

I looked in his direction, and ducked as a trash can was hurled in our direction.

The others didn't get the message fast enough, and were hit with it.

Mitch ran towards the car and I did the same. I yelled out as Trevor grabbed my hood and yanked me back.

I spun around, ripping out of his grip, and throwing a sloppy punch. He stumbled back enough for me to climb into the car and pull the door shut. I started the car and floored it, before looking at Mitch who was breathing heavily with wide eyes.

I breathed heavily as well, in a slight shock since I'd made it out alive.

We took a few moments of silence to calm down. Then Mitch continued to surprise me.

"How badly are you hurt?" He asked as he looked me over.

"I thought you didn't give a shit about me since you're just my charity case," I teased, trying to lighten the mood, but he didn't even smile.

"Are you ok?" He reiterated.

"Yeah, just gonna have a bunch of bruises tomorrow, and be in some major pain," I replied.

"I told you to stay in the car," he stated firmly. It wasn't sassy or rude like everything he usually said, he sounded genuinely upset.

It was nice to see that he cared about my well-being, even if he wouldn't admit it.

"I'm sorry," I murmured, trying to focus on the road.

He sighed before staying silent for a couple of minutes, "We don't have to go out tonight if you don't want to," he stated.

"Nah, its fine. It doesn't really hurt right now. I'm all up for a night out. You got the ID right?" I asked.

"Yeah," he replied, "What did Trevor tell you?" He blurted out.

"Probably exactly what you think he told me," I replied after a brief silence.

He sighed in annoyance before slouching in his seat.

I wanted to talk about it, but I knew not to push my luck with getting him to let his walls down.

"We're not talking about it," he quipped. And he was back.

"I know," I assured him, "I won't talk about anything unless you want to," I promised.

"Well I don't," he retorted quickly.

"Ok," I murmured. I glanced at him. He was staring out the window.

I sighed, but didn't say anything else for the rest of the ride home. Once we arrived back at the apartment, Mitch loosened up and got back into a good mood, much to my appeasement.

He tried on several outfits before finally choosing one. I got ready as well, actually quite excited for a night out with my two best friends and Mitch.

As much as I wanted to interrogate Mitch about his past, I knew that that was uncharted territory.

Within the next two hours, we got into the club. The bouncer didn't even seem skeptical about Mitch's ID, and let us in.

I grabbed his hand and led him towards our usual meeting spot. I glanced back and saw how excited and amazed he look by the ambiance of the club.

Kirstie and Alex already had a drink in hand and were dancing subtly when we approached. "Hey losers," I shouted over the loud music.

"Hey Scooter," Alex greeted as he pulled me into a hug. Kirstie hugged me next. I pulled away and motioned towards Mitch.

"Guys, this is Mitch. Mitch this is Alex, and Kirstie," I introduced them.

"Hi," Mitch greeted with a polite smile. Why couldn't he ever be this civil to me?

"It's nice to meet you," Kirstie called out as she gave Mitch a hug, surprising him. Alex settled for a handshake.

"Come on, let's get a drink," I called to Mitch before we went to the bar.

After 3 drinks, we were out on the dance floor. I was having a great time, even if my mind was clouded with dirty thoughts.

It was hard to keep my thoughts G-rated with a sexy 19 year old grinding on me like it was his job. I had to control myself though. I didn't want to be another one of those jerks who just used him for sex. I wanted him to know that he meant more to me than that.

I actually cared about that piece of shit. I wanted him to be happy, because I believed with a little persuasion he could change his ways and have a great future.

I didn't want to use him whenever he threw himself at me.

However he didn't seem to understand my reasoning, and that's where the night fell apart.

We were dancing, and he turned towards me before wrapping his arms around my neck. He brought his mouth up to my ear, "Take me," he whispered.

We hadn't gone that far before, but I knew he wanted to. I wanted to, trust me, I did, but I just couldn't. I didn't want to use him, or make him think I was using him.

I shook my head, "I don't just want you for sex," I blurted out. I'd barely even realized that I had feelings for him, and in my drunk state I apparently confirmed that.

He looked up at me confused, so I decided to explain. Well, I didn't actually decide, my drunk mouth decided to.

"I just want to make you happy. Not with sex though, because you mean more to me than that, and you deserve better," I explained.

It felt like I was being kicked in the chest when he pulled away from me with a look of disdain, "Well, too bad. I just need a place to stay, and way to get off every now and then, and that's all you are to me. And that's all you'll ever be to me," he declared. "So you better accept that and get over it," he added before turning and disappearing into the crowd.

I didn't want to cry. I mean, I wanted to, but I wasn't going to. Not here. I wanted to scream at him, shake him until he got it through that stupid little head that I actually cared about him.

Instead, I decided to mask my pain with more alcohol as I usually did.


I'm not sure how I made it home that night, but I woke up the next afternoon in my bed with a splitting headache.

I groaned before rolling over and sitting up. I'd had worse hangovers, to be honest, but it hadn't quite had my heart broken like I had the night before.

I mean, what did I expect would happen? He would confess his feelings for me and we'd live happily ever after?

No. He was a street rat who'd been used for sex countless times, and didn't know how to handle his emotions. 

Assuming he had any.

I reached for my phone to see if I had any messages. I groaned in annoyance at Alex's text.

Alex: My wallet is missing. I had I before I danced with Mitch.

I set the phone down before climbing out of bed and exiting my room. Mitch was sitting on the couch watching Spongebob.

"Where's Alex's wallet?" I demanded tiredly.

"I don't have it," he replied without even looking up at me.

If it had been anyone else, I would've believed him and let it go. I may have had feelings for him, but I sure as hell didn't trust him.

I opened the door to his room and barged in.

"Hey, get out of my room!" He ordered as he got up and followed me.

I turned towards him quickly, "It's not your room. It's my apartment, and you just needed a place to stay, so it's not yours," I retorted before turning and grabbing the pants he'd been wearing the night before and rifled through the pockets.

"Stop!" Mitch yelled at me as he grabbed the pants and yanked them out of my hold.

I started rifling through all of his drawers, despite his protests.

He tried pushing me away from his stuff, but I was a lot stronger than he was, so I barely budged.

I went over to his bed and looked under the covers and the pillow, but there was nothing there.

"Scott! Stop it!" Mitch whined as he climbed on the bed and glared up at me.

Under the mattress.

I reached down and lifted him up before setting him back on the floor before I reached down and lifted the mattress. I scowled at him before eyeing the simple black leather wallet. I grabbed it and checked, and sure enough Alex's driver license was in the pocket.

I groaned before glaring daggers into him, "Not only did you steal his wallet, but you had the audacity to lie to my face about it!" I yelled, "God, when are you going to get it through your fucking head? I'm here to help you. If you need anything I'll do it. You're not on the street anymore. You don't have to fucking steal from people. I don't get why you have to keep pushing me away and treating me like shit, I'm just trying to help, because I care about you. But you obviously don't care because you're so goddamn selfish!" I ranted, fuming.

For the first time since I'd met him, he didn't have a clever remark. He just looked up at me with an expression that was mixed with hurt and confusion.

"God, even the thought of someone caring about you throws you off. I just can't deal with you right now. I'm gonna go give Alex his wallet back. I just can't right now," I stated breathlessly before pushing past him and disappearing into my room to get ready.

I hissed in pain when I finally took notice to the pain covering my body from Trevor and his friends. I took a hot shower and downed some Advil before doing my hair, brushing my teeth and getting dressed.

My head wouldn't stop spinning. I was too pissed. He just made me so angry. I needed to get away from him for a while.

I went to Alex's place and gave him his wallet back. I hung out with him for the day afterwards, reluctant to go back to the apartment.

I reluctantly decided to return to the apartment in the evening.

Mitch was sitting in front of the TV, watching a cartoon of some kind. I felt a little less heated, so I decided to at least try and be civil.

"Hey," I greeted as I stood next to the counter.

"Hey," he murmured.

"Did you eat?" I inquired, and he nodded. No insults, no sass. I thought I would love that, but it seemed weird.

I nodded before sighing, "I'm gonna go hide in my room for the rest of the night," I informed him before heading towards my room.

"Scott," he spoke up.

I turned towards him, raising both eyebrows, "Yeah?"

"I'm sorry...for being...a handful," he stated softly.

I sighed before sitting down next to him, "It could be worse, honestly," I informed him.

I knew it was hard for him to not be that way, and I knew I should cut him some slack, but he was so infuriating.

"How are you feeling? From Trevor," he inquired.

"It hurts like a bitch, but I'm gonna take some more Advil and take a hot shower," I replied as I stood up, "See you tomorrow."

A/N: Well that was shit lol. But hopefully you guys liked it? Give me some feedback. Also, I already have this whole story written already, but I was thinking about cutting the last half I already have and doing something completely different, but i'm not sure yet. I'll figure it out though. I will see you tomorrow, well not see you, but you'll see my update...ok I'm a mess, I should go. I love you guys, goodbye for now.

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