The Unknown

By M-addie

45 0 0

Ally Cole meets a boy at the libary she works at He's very odd and has a secret life he tries to keep Ally aw... More

The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown

The Unknown

0 0 0
By M-addie


“Oh Ally” My mother pulls me into a hug, i can’t remember the last time she hugged me or if she ever did, but this is weird and i am extremely uncomfortable 

“Hi, mom” i say pulling away from her 

“Who’s this” she says looking at Asher 

“Im Asher, Ally’s boyfriend” Asher holds out his hand to shake hers but she looks at him dumbfounded 

“Boyfriend?” My mother questioned him, not even 5 minutes into being here and she’s already starting 

“Yes boyfriend, he’s my boyfriend” I push passed her and walk into the house dragging Asher along with me, we get into the living room I see my brothers and dad watching football on the tv, i never understood sports but we would always watch it together as kids 


My dad spots us and gets up off the couch, he comes over to me and stands right in Asher's face. “Who are you?” he says 

“Im Asher, Ally’s boyfriend” once again he puts his hand out and gets rejected 

“Ha, boyfriend?” My father laughed at him, i'm really starting to regret this 

“Yes sir, i’m her boyfriend” Asher is trying to be nice but i can tell he wants to rip his throat out 

“That’s funny” My dad says then turns and goes back to the couch. My brothers got up and walked over to us, they didn’t say anything they both hugged me. These boys were the only things keeping me going, before Asher I had no one, hugging them felt so nice. I missed them so much. 

After a long, well needed hug they let go and went to Asher, they didn’t say anything all they did was shake his hand and went back to the couch 

I didn’t know what to do, I felt so uncomfortable, so not wanted right now. All I want is to get back into the car and drive far far away. 

Asher definitely knew I was upset so he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to him, my dad had looked over at us and rolled his eyes. Most dads would be happy their daughter found a good man that loves them and makes sure they’re safe, but not mine.. 

“Ally, go help your mother in the kitchen, Asher sit down” my father says to us, i don’t want to leave him with my dad nor do i want to be alone with my mom, but i do as he says and walk into the kitchen. I see her cutting vegetables and putting them into a pot. Fuck, i didn’t think about this, Asher can’t eat anything, fuck fuck fuck 

“Wow, you actually decided to spend time with your mom” she says with a bitchy tone 

“Dad made me” I’m not playing her games today, she wants to be a bitch, well so can i 

“Where's that guy you brought” 

Guy, i know she knows his name she just wants to piss me off, not gonna work mother, nice try tho 

“His names Asher, and hes with dad” I say back, still standing in the doorway of the kitchen 

“Hmm, well get over here and help me cook, the boys shouldn’t have to wait all night for their food”

I don’t want to argue so I walk over to her and help with whatever she’s making. I can’t help but think of all the times we would cook together when i still lived here, i never did it by choice. I was always made to cook, the men did whatever, while the women cooked and cleaned which was and still is such bullshit. Asher cooks most of the time, which i don’t understand but oh well, he cooks better than me so i don’t complain 

After about an hour everything was finished, we set everything out on the table and called everyone in to eat. I didn’t know how we’re going to explain why Asher isn’t eating, all I know is my parents aren’t going to be happy. 

Everyones sat at the table my father at the head like always with my mother beside him, i’m sitting at the end with Asher, no food has been served yet which i know i’ll be the one to do it 

“Ally” my father starts, “Get everyone their food” there it comes, i knew i'd be the one 

I get up and start making everyone's plates, I look over at Asher. I don't know what to do about his, he gives me no answer. Fucking great. I give everyone their food, men first, women last. I didn’t give Asher a plate, which caused a dirty look from my dad, but he didn’t say anything. Yet. 

“So Ally, how is work” my brother Eli says 

“It’s really good, i love working there my boss is so sweet and kind” I say, my mother gives me a dirty look but i brush it off

“That’s cool” He says

“Yeah, what are you gonna do once you graduate” 

“I don’t know, i don’t wanna go to college, but-” he tries to say but my mom cuts him off 

“Absolutely not, you will be going to college. I don't need another one of my kids being a failure, your sister has already taken that spot, you don’t want to be miserable do you” My mother is great at shutting down anyone’s hopes and dreams. i just hope Eli doesn’t let her 

“I'm not miserable, i'm quite happy with my life” I say just to piss her off and it most definitely worked 

“Really? I mean look at you Ally, everyone can see it” She looks me up and down 

“See what exactly?” She’s really starting to piss me off now

“God Ally, you’re a mess, you work at a tiny bakery making minimum wage, your car is shit, you live in a one bedroom apartment in a terrible town, and now you’re dating some random guy who will probably leave you in a month, miserable” Her words hit me like train, not my living situation but the part about Asher, what is he does leave me, then i actually will be miserable, maybe she’s right. 

“First off, do not speak to her like that, second off, i will not leave her, you have no idea how wonderful and amazing your daughter is, she brings so much joy into mine and everyones around her’s lives, so you have no right to sit here and say these things about her when you know nothing” Asher cuts in, i definitely didn’t expect that, i don’t think anyone did 

“Oh hunny, just wait we all know it’s coming, you don’t love her how could you, take one good look at her” My mother has no idea what she’s doing, he could drain every person in this room before we even blink.

I look at Asher and his face says it all, he’s getting angry and i don’t think i can stop him if he does, i place my hand on his thigh to try and calm him and it seems to work until my dad butts in 

“Asher, be honest what do you see in Ally, cause personally i see a broken little girl who craves for the taste of happiness when she knows she can never get it, solely because she doesn’t deserve it” My father looks extremely happy with himself, but that was the worst thing he could have said right now

Asher jumps up and is at my fathers face with his hand around his neck before i could even try to stop him, my mom yells and my brothers stay seated, probably hoping Asher kills him 

“How about this, here's what i see in you, i see a sad excuse for a man who believes he can say and do whatever he wants but here's the truth, you are just a worthless piece of space who preys upon the weak to gain whatever you can, you will not sit here and say these god awful things about Ally, when you are no better than the gum on the bottom of my shoe. I’ve had my fair share with men like you and let me tell you, it didn’t end well for them.”  He lets go of my fathers neck, walks over to me and rips me from my seat

He practically drags me to the car and throws me into my seat. This will be a fun ride home…

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