The Shepherd Legacy

By Bluefireball123

23.2K 412 54

*Warning* This is a one-shot compilation, which will include nonsexual disciplinary spanking between an older... More

A Lesson in Humility
Bars and Fake IDs
Jackson, out of all people?
Mark and Stitches
Shadows of Yesterday
Failed Dinner
Jealous Brother
Sleep Deprived
A Miracle for Addison
Derek's Struggles
Pregnancy Scare
Smoking Habit
Party Sneakout
Bad Days
Cramping Hand
I'm Not a Machine.
Locker Rooms and Alex's Antics
Resilience or Cruelty?
Richard's Alcoholism
First Drinks
Missed Assignments
Skipping School
Game Night
Sibling Shenanigans
Vision Problems
Simple Mistakes
Nip It in the Bud
Smoking Struggles Continue
Post-Appendectomy Drives
Resident Arguments
I Need You to Fill the Void...
Walk on Water
The Talk
Studies Gone Wrong
Author's Note

Weed, Seriously?

476 8 2
By Bluefireball123

The Shepherd-Grey residence in Seattle, a haven of calm and serenity, was suddenly shattered by the abrupt opening of the front door. The evening's tranquility dissipated as Mark Sloan, a man usually known for his composure, stormed in with a face contorted by anger. Hot on his heels was Mary Shepherd, defiance etched in every line of her posture.

Their voices, laden with emotion, sliced through the peaceful ambiance like a knife. Mark, his volume not quite a shout but certainly louder than a normal conversation, was the embodiment of disbelief and shock. "I can't believe you, Mary! Smoking weed? At your age?" he exclaimed, his words laced with a mixture of anger and concern.

Mary, standing her ground with the brazen confidence of a teenager, fired back with equal volume, her voice a blend of rebellion and exasperation. "It's legal, Mark. And I'm not a kid anymore! So mind your own damn business!" Her hands were on her hips, eyes blazing with defiance.

The air seemed to thicken with tension as Mark, his anger almost tangible, countered her argument. "Excuse me? You may not be a kid, but you are still underage!" His hands were gesturing wildly, emphasizing each word with a sharp movement.

"It's not a big deal! I was with the other residents!" Mary argued back, her frustration evident in her voice, which quivered slightly with the intensity of her emotions.

Their heated exchange was abruptly interrupted by the arrival of Derek Shepherd. Emerging from the living room with a stern expression, his presence was like a sudden drop in temperature. "What is going on here?" he demanded, his voice authoritative, cutting through the argument like a sharp blade.

Seizing the opportunity, Mary attempted a hasty retreat to her room. "Nothing, Derek, Mark is just being unreasonable," she said, hoping to escape the brewing storm.

But Derek wasn't having any of it. He blocked her path with a firm stance, his authority as both a brother and guardian unmistakable. "Not so fast. Mark?" he asked, turning his gaze towards Mark, seeking an explanation.

Mark's frustration was palpable as he explained the situation. "I caught her smoking weed with the other residents after their shift." His voice was tinged with disappointment and worry.

Derek's face fell with disappointment. "Seriously, Mary?" he asked, his tone indicating his disbelief and concern.

Mary, attempting to brush past the seriousness of the situation, rolled her eyes and tried to deflect. "Both of you, mind your own damn business. I am going to my room and—"

Derek's patience snapped, and his anger rose to the surface. "The only place you are going to is the living room. Now," he interjected firmly, leaving no room for argument.

Meredith Grey and Lexie Grey, who had overheard the commotion, quietly excused themselves from the scene, understanding the gravity of the family matter and leaving the siblings to their storm.

In the living room, the argument escalated as Mary's frustration erupted into outright defiance. "It's not a big deal! Everyone does it!" she exclaimed, her voice rising in volume, her hands clenched into fists at her sides.

Derek shook his head, his expression one of stern disapproval. "It's not about whether it's a big deal to others. It's about responsibility, Mary. You're a resident at Seattle Grace, and your actions reflect on this family," he said, his voice steady but filled with concern.

"And it's illegal for your age," Mark added, his frustration evident in his furrowed brow and tight jaw.

Mary's anger reached its peak. "Oh, so what, now you're both my fucking parents?" she spat out, her words sharp and cutting.

Derek, unimpressed by her disrespect, countered firmly. "We've been more than just brothers to you, and you know that. This attitude won't fly. Fix it," he said, his voice unwavering in its sternness.

Mary's defiance faltered slightly, but she quickly regained her composure and retorted. "So, what? You're going to ground me?" she asked, her tone mocking.

Mark, his patience wearing thin, emphasized the seriousness of the situation. "It's not just about punishment, Mary. It's about understanding the gravity of your actions," he said, his voice low and serious.

But Mary's fury returned full force. "Ah yes, because McDreamy and McSteamy are known for being the perfect role models in the hospital - one fucks and marries an intern, and the other fucks every breathing thing. Seems to me you made it out just fine despite that," she shot back, her words laced with sarcasm and bitterness.

Derek, appalled by her words, commanded sternly. "You are out of control! Go to my study and wait for us. Might as well take the belt out of the closet while you're at it," he said, his voice cold and unyielding.

Mary, her attitude faltering at the mention of the belt, protested. "What? No way!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with shock and fear.

"We will not repeat ourselves. Go!" Mark's firm voice echoed as Mary stormed off, slamming the study door behind her.

"What the hell was that about?" Derek asked, his tone a mix of disbelief and concern. He ran a hand through his hair, his worry evident.

Mark, his expression grave, replied. "She's getting out of control, Derek. Her disrespect..."

Derek nodded in agreement. "I know. We need to nip this in the bud. She's smart, talented, but this rebellious phase could ruin everything she's worked for," he said, his voice heavy with responsibility.

"Were you serious about the belt?" Mark questioned, his eyebrows raised in surprise.

Derek, with a nod, confirmed his intentions. "It has been too long, obviously," he said, his tone resolute.

As they stood there, the weight of their responsibility as guardians heavy upon them, Derek and Mark knew they had to find a way to guide Mary back on track, not just for her career, but for the unity and well-being of their family. The house, once a haven of peace, now echoed with the remnants of their heated exchange, a stark reminder of the challenges of parenthood and guardianship.


Derek and Mark entered the study with an air of solemnity that matched the seriousness of the situation. The room, usually a place of quiet reflection, was now the backdrop for a pivotal family confrontation. Mary sat in one of the leather chairs, her posture rigid, arms crossed in a defiant barrier. Her eyes, usually bright with youthful exuberance, now flashed with a mix of rebellion and apprehension.

As Derek moved towards the closet, the tension in the room escalated. Mary's gaze followed him, a trace of worry flickering in her eyes. The room was silent except for the soft creak of the leather and the faint rustle of Derek retrieving the belt. Mary's voice, tinged with a mix of fear and incredulity, broke the silence. "This is ridiculous! You can't—"

Mark, stepping forward, interjected with a firm but controlled tone. "Mary, this isn't a debate. You crossed a line. Both with the disrespect and with the weed."

Derek, holding the ominous belt, turned to face her. The sight of the belt triggered a visible reaction in Mary, a fleeting look of apprehension that she quickly masked with defiance. "I'm nineteen, not nine! You can't just—" she argued, her voice quivering slightly.

"This is not about age, this is about accountability. And respect - the way you spoke to us was horrendous. I know we raised you better than that," Mark said, his voice a mix of frustration and disappointment.

Mary's face flushed, and her voice dropped to a quieter, yet still heated tone. "So I can't express my opinions anymore?!"

Mark's response was firm. "This is not about expressing opinions, and you know this."

Mary, anger flaring again, retorted, "Well maybe it is because—"

Derek's voice, authoritative and unwavering, cut through the room, halting her mid-sentence. "Enough, Mary."

A heavy silence fell, thick with unspoken emotions and tension. Mary's eyes darted between Derek and the belt, a symbol of the gravity of the situation. Her earlier bravado was visibly diminishing under the weight of reality.

Mark, seeing her internal struggle, softened his tone. "Mary, we're doing this because we care about you. You're not just our sister; you're someone we've raised. Your actions have consequences."

Mary's frustration spilled out, tinged with desperation. "But I'm not a child anymore! I'm a resident, I make life and death decisions every day. How can you not see that?"

Derek, placing the belt on the desk and leaning forward, emphasized the importance of her role. "That's exactly why this is so important. You're in a position of responsibility. You need to set an example, Mary, not just for the family but for the hospital, for the patients who trust you with their lives."

Mary's frustration morphed into anger. "So, what? A mistake means I'm not fit to be a doctor? That's not fair!"

"It's not about being unfit," Mark interjected gently, his voice laced with empathy. "It's about understanding the gravity of your actions. We've all made mistakes, but we learned from them. That's what we want for you."

Derek nodded in agreement, his tone reflective. "We've been through a lot together, Mary. Losing Mom and Dad, raising you. We didn't have a rulebook for any of this. We just did the best we could."

The anger in Mary's eyes began to dissolve, replaced by a dawning understanding. She knew the sacrifices Derek and Mark had made for her, the roles they had taken on that went beyond typical brotherly duties.

Mark continued, his voice soft but firm. "We're not perfect, far from it. But we've tried to be there for you, to guide you. This discipline, it's not about punishment. It's about understanding that every action has a consequence."

Derek picked up the belt again, his expression solemn and conflicted. "This is as hard for us as it is for you, Mary. But we can't just let this go. You need to learn from this, to grow."

Mary, her demeanor shifting, looked down, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. The gravity of her actions, the disappointment she had caused, became palpably clear to her.

In a whisper, barely audible, she expressed her remorse. "I'm sorry," she said, her voice choked with emotion. "I didn't realize... I just thought it wasn't a big deal." The realization that her actions had broader implications than she had considered was a sobering moment for her, and the study, once a place of confrontation, became a space of reflection and understanding.

Derek and Mark, standing in the solemn atmosphere of the study, shared a glance that spoke volumes. The tension was almost tangible, the room charged with the gravity of the moment. Mary, her head bowed in a posture of introspection, seemed to shrink under the weight of her realization, her voice infused with a newfound understanding and regret.

Derek's voice, once stern, now carried a note of gentleness. "Mary, we know you're not a child. But being an adult also means facing the consequences of your actions. It's not just about what you did; it's about how you handle it." His words were measured, an effort to bridge the gap between authority and empathy.

Mark, moving to sit on the edge of the desk, mirrored Derek's sentiments. His eyes, usually full of mischief and light, now reflected a more somber hue. "We've been where you are, in different ways. We've made our share of mistakes. But we learned from them, grew from them. That's what we want for you." He leaned forward slightly, his hands clasped, emphasizing the sincerity of his words.

Mary lifted her gaze, her eyes meeting Derek's. The vulnerability in them was stark. "I just... I felt so pressured. Everyone was doing it, and I didn't want to be the odd one out." Her voice was a mere whisper, the confession seeming to unburden some of her inner turmoil.

Derek, nodding with understanding, replied, "Peer pressure is tough, especially in a competitive environment like Seattle Grace. But you've always been strong, Mary. You don't have to follow the crowd to prove yourself." His expression softened, acknowledging the challenges she faced.

Mark chimed in, a hint of pride in his tone. "You're a Shepherd, Mary. You have a legacy of strength and excellence. You don't need to compromise your values for anyone." He paused, then added with a lighter touch, "Not to feed your ego or anything, but you are nineteen and already a surgical resident. That's an incredible achievement." He offered a small smile, an attempt to lighten the mood, even if just for a moment.

The room fell into a reflective silence, broken only by the soft ticking of the clock on the wall. Then Derek stood, the belt still in his grasp, a stark reminder of the discipline that was to come. His gaze on Mary was a mix of firm resolve and paternal concern.

"Mary, we don't want to do this, but we believe it's necessary. Not as a punishment, but as a reminder of the responsibilities you carry." His voice held a note of finality, an unspoken acknowledgment of the difficult but necessary path they had to take.

Mary's eyes followed the belt, her face a canvas of conflicting emotions. "Derek, can't we just... find another way?" Her plea was soft, a last grasp at an alternative to the impending discipline.

Mark spoke gently, his voice a soothing balm in the tense air. "You know this is how we handle things in our family." His words were not just a reminder of their traditions but also an expression of their collective values.

Derek's tone grew sterner, "It is a reminder, not only of the responsibility but also of the respect that we are supposed to show each other." He paused, allowing the weight of his words to settle in the room. "The way you spoke to us and the things you said... This should not happen again."

Mary swallowed hard, her defiance now completely replaced by a quiet acceptance. "I understand," she said, her voice steady but subdued, a testament to her growing maturity.

Derek and Mark shared another glance, this one a complex tapestry of regret, determination, and fraternal understanding. The decision was difficult, but they knew it was a necessary step for Mary's growth and learning.

As Derek approached Mary, the belt in hand, his words were laced with a parental love that transcended mere discipline. "We're doing this because we love you, Mary. Because we want the best for you."

Mary nodded, her face a portrait of resignation mixed with understanding. "I know. I'm sorry for letting you both down. I didn't think about the consequences of my actions, not just for me, but for our family."

Mark, stepping closer, placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. His gesture was one of reassurance and solidarity. "We all make mistakes, Mary. What's important is learning from them." His hug, brief but filled with warmth, was a silent promise of their unyielding support and love, a moment of familial unity before the difficult act that was to follow.

Derek stood before Mary, the weight of his role as both brother and guardian evident in his posture. The belt in his hand was a somber reminder of the gravity of the situation. "You're a part of this family, Mary. And in this family, we hold each other accountable. It's how we've always done it, how we've managed to stay strong through everything." His voice was steady, a blend of firmness and caring.

Mary, her rebellious spirit now subdued, kept her eyes downcast. "I know. And I'm really sorry. I didn't see it then, but I do now. I let the pressure get to me, forgot who I am, what I stand for." Her voice was filled with remorse, a stark contrast to her earlier defiance.

The room was engulfed in a heavy silence, the tension palpable. Derek's hand, though steady, betrayed a slight tremor – the reluctance of a brother forced into a role of discipline. "I hope this will be a lesson you remember. Not just the consequence, but the reason behind it," he said, his gaze meeting Mary's.

Mary nodded, her voice a fragile whisper. "I understand. And I'll do better. I promise." Her words were a quiet vow, a commitment to change.

Mark, still beside her, gave a reassuring squeeze to her shoulder. "We know you will. You've always been strong, Mary. You just lost your way a bit. But we're here to help you find it again." His voice was warm, offering comfort and support.

Derek took a deep, steadying breath, the responsibility of his next action weighing on him. "Alright, let's get this over with. Remember, this is because we care. Over the desk," he instructed, his tone a mixture of resolve and regret.

Mary, bracing herself, complied. The belt, an object so mundane yet so significant in this moment, symbolized not just her mistakes but also her brothers' commitment to her well-being.

Her hands grasped the edge of the desk as she exhaled slowly, disappointed that she had ended up in this position again. Unbeknownst to her, Mark stepped back, closing his eyes; he understood the necessity of the discipline, but he was not a particular fan of it, having been on the receiving end of the belt himself.

Derek, with a heavy heart, approached his sister, placing a gentle hand on her lower back. It was meant as a comforting gesture but also to keep her in place. "I'm starting," he warned gently, raising the hand with the belt.

The first strike landed with a resounding crack, echoing in the room. Mary took a deep breath, the pain radiating quickly, her shoulders sagging slightly. Mark, a witness of the ordeal, winced in response; Derek was not holding back, intending to deliver the message.

Derek kept up the staccato rhythm, punctuating the sharp bite of the belt with stern words. "Mark and I treat you with respect, and we expect the same level of respect back. Swearing at us the way you did is unacceptable, and if you ever do it again, you will end up back here. Is that clear?"

Mary, struggling to keep up with the relentless speed at which Derek administered the discipline, nodded. Derek paused for a second, allowing Mary to compose herself and answer his question. Grateful for the small reprieve, Mary breathed through the pain, a couple of silent tears escaping. "Yes, sir," she answered, her voice strained, her hands shaking and knuckles white as she gripped the edge of the desk to keep herself from reaching back.

Derek rubbed her back gently, "We're almost done, kid." With that, he continued the correction, slightly increasing the strength behind the belt. Mary felt the difference, her resolve to remain quiet, crumbling as she began whimpering every time the belt made contact with skin. Mark's heart broke, and he turned around completely, unable to look. Derek looked back at him in sympathy momentarily, feeling the same influx of emotions but having to remain strong. It was in moments like these that their parents' phrase "This hurts me more than it does you" actually made sense.

With a particularly hard strike, Mary finally gave in, crying freely. She dropped her head on her arm, burying her face in the nook of her elbow, hiding her tears and pain. Derek saw it as a sign to finish up, and with one final swat, it was over. He rubbed Mary's back gently as she composed herself, her breathing calming down slowly.

After the discipline, the atmosphere in the room shifted palpably. The tension that had been so thick began to dissolve, leaving a quiet understanding in its wake.

"Stand up, Mary," Derek instructed gently as he put the belt away. Mary stood, facing her brothers, her demeanor reflective of the change within her. "I really am sorry. I didn't mean to disrespect either of you or our family name."

Derek, having put the belt away, addressed Mary with a solemn expression. "We know, Mary. And we forgive you. But remember, respect and responsibility are non-negotiable in this house. Mark and I are not exempt from the two either."

Mark's features softened as he added, "You're going to do great things, Mary. We both believe in you. Just remember to stay true to yourself, and the values we've brought you up with." His voice was gentle, and encouraging, reminding her of the potential they all saw in her.

The three siblings stood together in the study, a family united not just by blood but by shared experiences and deep bonds. The ordeal they had just gone through was difficult, but it was also a testament to their commitment to each other.

Mary, more composed now, looked up at her brothers with gratitude, her eyes red and teary but resolved. "Thank you, for everything. I may not always show it, but I appreciate what you both do for me. I won't make a mistake like this again." Her words were sincere, a promise to herself and to them.

Derek, with a small smile that hinted at relief, replied, "That's all we ask, Mary. Just be the best you can be. That's all we've ever wanted for you."

Mark added in a lighter tone, "And maybe ease up on the sarcasm when you're angry. We get enough of that from each other." His attempt at humor was a gentle nudge towards normalcy, a way to ease the lingering tension.

Mary, still feeling the sting of discipline, both emotionally and physically, but managing a slight chuckle, responded with a simple, "Yes, sir."

They all shared a small, relieving laugh, a moment of levity breaking through the seriousness of the situation. It was these moments, challenging yet filled with unconditional love and understanding, that truly defined their family.

Mary finally allowed a genuine smile to cross her face, tired but real. "I'll work on that. And maybe next time, I'll just talk to you guys instead of... you know." Her attempt at lightness showed her willingness to move forward, to learn from this experience.

"That's all we can hope for," Derek replied, his voice now carrying a hint of warmth, a sign that, despite the hardships, their bond as a family remained unbreakable.

As the Shepherd siblings transitioned into the living room, the atmosphere shifted from one of solemnity to a more relaxed family setting. Meredith and Lexie, already seated and aware of the household's methods of handling situations, didn't need words to understand what had transpired. Lexie, without a word, handed Mary a pillow, a simple gesture that was accepted with a gentle, appreciative smile. This exchange, devoid of any embarrassment, highlighted the unique dynamics of their family.

Meredith, with a look of concern mixed with curiosity, was the first to break the silence as they entered. "Everything okay now?" she asked, her tone carrying a mix of sisterly concern and genuine interest.

Derek, finding a spot next to Meredith and draping an arm around her shoulders in a comforting manner, responded with a reassuring note in his voice. "Yeah, things are handled." His expression was calm, reflecting a sense of resolution.

Mary settled next to Lexie, making practical use of the pillow she had been given. Her actions were subtle, yet spoke volumes of the understanding and support within the group. Mark, completing the circle, took his place on Lexie's other side, adopting a posture similar to Derek's.

Seeking to lighten the mood, Mary turned to her brothers with a hint of playful mischief in her smile. "Now, not that I'm not sorry or anything, but tell me honestly; if I had been respectful and sorry for smoking weed from the start, would you still have used the belt?" Her tone was light, yet it carried an undercurrent of genuine curiosity.

The question sparked a chuckle from Lexie and Meredith. Mark smiled in response, and Derek rolled his eyes in a good-natured manner, clearly amused by Mary's question. "Honestly, no," he admitted with a hint of a smile. "It was mostly about the disrespect. You are nineteen, after all, and it's not like you got blackout drunk or anything."

Mary's smile grew more mischievous at Derek's response, but before she could retort, Mark quickly interjected with a stern yet playful tone, "Which does NOT mean you can smoke weed, Mary."

Her playful pout in response elicited laughter from everyone in the room. Lexie, ever the caring sister, checked in on Mary, who reassured her with a nod and a quiet, "I'm sore but fine."

Meredith, ever the peacemaker, switched on a medical drama, knowing it would be a perfect way to further lighten the atmosphere. The family settled into their seats, ready for their favorite pastime of pointing out medical inaccuracies—a familiar and enjoyable activity for the group.

As the show progressed, Mark couldn't resist making a quip about the on-screen residents. "Resident doctors are so useless sometimes, aren't they?" His comment, meant in jest, earned him a playful pillow thrown at him by each of the three women in the room, all residents themselves. Derek joined in the laughter and, noticing his brother's pout, teasingly added, "Well deserved, Mark."

During an intense craniotomy scene, Mary, her medical expertise shining through, pointed out an obvious inaccuracy. "No neurosurgeon surgeon would ever do that. The angle is all wrong!" she exclaimed, her knowledge evident.

Derek, beaming with pride at his sister's keen observation, agreed. "I didn't catch that. Good eye, Mary." His praise was genuine, a testament to their shared professional respect.

As they continued watching, Meredith and Lexie, intrigued by the family's approach to discipline, ventured to ask more about it.

"So, is this like a regular thing?" Meredith inquired, her tone laced with curiosity and a hint of concern.

Derek replied, explaining their perspective. "It's not about regularity; it's about making sure the message is understood. We were raised that way, and it's worked for us." His explanation was straightforward, reflecting the values he and Mark shared, values that were instilled in them by their parents.

"Yeah, it's about respect and responsibility, not punishment," Mark added, emphasizing the underlying principles behind their actions.

Lexie, still curious and perhaps a bit concerned, asked, "Does it ever feel... excessive?"

Before her brothers could respond, Mary spoke up. "It's more symbolic than anything. A reminder of our values. It's not something we take lightly." Her response highlighted the depth of understanding and respect within the family regarding their methods.

The conversation continued effortlessly, marked by a comfortable and open exchange among the siblings. They spent the rest of the evening immersed in light-hearted banter, laughing at the TV show's inaccuracies, and enjoying the warmth of each other's company. It was a typical evening for the Shepherd-Grey household—a night filled with laughter, understanding, and the unbreakable bond of family that weathered all of life's challenges together.

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