Their Asia (Geniuses and Gene...

By xxJulyLoveAllen

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Asia Wright has always been there for her best friend Aurora in more ways than one. When her best friends fa... More

AN/ Characters


1.2K 50 19
By xxJulyLoveAllen


I posed while Alonzo took a picture of me in front of the fountain of Rome.

"Lail come take a picture with me," I said crossing my arms while Alonzo took another picture laughing

Lail huffed and came over putting his arm around me looking at the camera. Alonzo rolled his eyes taking the picture and I leaned up kissing his cheek and Alonzo took another picture.

I saw a woman coming up with a baby and a man with her who I assumed was her husband "Alonzo ask her to take a picture of us!"

"You and your pictures," Lail said

"You'll thank me one day"

"Mi scusi?" (Excuse me?) Alonzo caught their attention with his best smile.

"SÌ?" (Yes?) The man said

"Ti dispiacerebbe farci una foto veloce?" (Would you mind taking a quick picture of us?)

The woman and man looked over and I smiled waving awkwardly. The woman nodded her head and Alonzo handed her my phone.

"Posso fare la foto" (I can take the picture) the man said

"Non sai come scattare foto" (You don't know how to take pictures)

Alonzo chuckled and came over to us. Alonzo and Lail both had their arms around me and I smiled. She took the picture and held up the phone "Un altro?" (Another one?)

"Si, si" Alonzo said and Lail glared at him.

I looked up at Lail and then back at the camera "Be nice"

"I am"

She took another picture and then looked at the man smiling. He nodded his head also smiling. Alonzo went over and they handed him the phone back "Grazie mille" (Thank you very much) Alonzo went into his pocket handing them some money but they shook their heads. "Per favore" (Please) he smiled and they took the money.

"Buona giornata!" (Have a good day!) they said walking away

Alonzo waved and came back over to us handing me my phone.

"You have to be such a people person?" Lail said

Alonzo shook his head "So I was thinking they have a zoo here."

"They also have the Trajan here," Lail said and I looked at him "Jesus, it's the oldest shopping mall in history"

Alonzo nodded "Lail took me there before when I was younger, loved it there. I think I was like 17?"

"Oh so 2 years ago?" I said and Lail laughed. I looked at him smiling and he winked at me.

"You guys are lame"

Lail held his hand out and I slapped it "Booyah!" I said loudly and Lail laughed harder

Alonzo pulled me over to him smiling and shaking his head "Still lame"

"Whatever" I shrugged wrapping my arms around him and kissing him "The zoo and shopping sounds fun"

"Head back to my place go to the club and head to my beach house on Ponza. So we don't have a repeat of this morning"

"Sounds good. I'll-" Lail's phone started ringing and he held up his finger "Eamm? Yeah I'm in Italy right now" he turned around looking at Alonzo and then me "How'd you know?" He looked around then waved at nothing in particular "Keep this between us? Of course Eamm, 'uhibuk aydan" (I love you too) he hung up the phone and came back over to us "Call your fucking dad"

"Matteo found out?" I asked nervously

"No worst. My uncle" he put his phone up "I'm surprised it took him this long though, he usually knows everyone's business."

"Did he find us through the cameras?"

"Yeah, your dad called him upset you weren't answering your phone again"

"Shit" Alonzo pulled his phone out

"Take it off silent," I said annoyed

"If I took it off silent we would never be able to have sex in peace"

"We'll just pay attention to it then Alonzo," I said crossing my arms

Alonzo walked away calling Matteo and I went over to Lail. He put an arm around me looking down at me "What's wrong?"

I looked up at him "How the hell do y'all know when somethings wrong with me?"

"The same way you know when somethings wrong with us"

"Touché" I squinted my eyes at him and he smiled

"Seriously. What are you thinking about"

"That party, the one we're going to tonight?"

"Yeah? You don't want to go?"

"No, I do! I do, but um is it going to be a lot of women there?"

"None as beautiful as you"

I look up at him smiling "You know that's not what I meant"

"What is it?"

"Look I know you and Alonzo find me attractive and I'm not going to lie and say you guys haven't boosted my confidence because you have, but I'm still insecure," I said "Insecure about other women, prettier, bigger women, normal sized women"

Lail looked around and went over sitting me down on a bench under a tree. I looked at him confused and Alonzo looked over, Lail pointed somewhere and Alonzo nodded his head walking off. "You feel hot"

"Yeah. It's hot out here Lail" I chuckled

"I read that people with hyperthyroid have trouble with heat"

My eyes widened and I didn't know what to say "You-That's sweet Lail" Alonzo came over handing me the water then going back over talking on the phone. "You guys be having this all planned out?"

"Really that hard to figure out we just care about you and know you?" I looked down and opened the water taking a drink of it. I was feeling hot and now my face was. For now, I would just blame it on my condition. "Asia" he pulled my face to look at him


"You're the most beautiful woman I've ever met in my life" I was about to say something but he shook his head "I know your weight is an insecurity for you so I don't mind reassuring you. I-You're important to me Asia"

I hugged him and he wrapped his arms around me hugging me back "You mean so much to me Lail"

"Hugging?" I heard Alonzo say walking up to us "That's scary"

"Lail's getting sweet on me," I said sitting in his lap

"I wouldn't say that," Lail said moving me and I gasped. He chuckled putting me back in his lap

"You okay?" Alonzo said looking at me then Lail

"Just was telling him about how I'm nervous about tonight"

"No reason to be nervous," he said sitting next to me then looked at Lail "Can I sit on your lap too?"

"Fuck off Alonzo" Lail chuckled and I laughed

"You have full control of tonight," Alonzo said

"Exactly. Couldn't have said it better myself"

"I'm not a pussy first of all," I said and they both laughed "I'm not, and you know I'm not."

"And I don't think it's a secret you like watching," Lail said kissing my neck

I looked at Alonzo who looked equally shocked "You told him!"


"Told me what?" I got off his lap looking at him, he started laughing "About you, Aurora, and Matteo?" I nodded my head "Yeah I knew. Matteo told me about it, I didn't figure out it about Aurora until later but yeah he told me. Laila told me about you and Aurora years ago."

"You two freaky old niggas swapping sex stories?" I crossed my arms and Alonzo laughed

Lail looked at Alonzo and then at me "I grew up with Matteo" he said simply

"Gross" Alonzo said

"Not Aurora's man being a fucking whore" I said and Lail chuckled. Then I looked at him "And you too" I pushed him "Asshole"

"Hey Alonzo was a whore too," Lail said

"I think it's safe to say we all had a past," Alonzo said

"You barely" I rolled my eyes and Lail held his hand out and I slapped it "Booyah!"

"Okay older and oldest" he stood up "Let's go unless you want to do something tomorrow and just go home to nap"

"No" I stood up "I want to shop and see animals. I wanna get one of those Egyptian wrap-around dresses"

"Asia were in Italy," Lail said putting his arm around me and Alonzo laughed

"You said we was in Rome" I looked at Alonzo

Lail started laughing and Alonzo grabbed my hand kissing it "You thought we were in Egypt this whole time?"

"I knew we weren't in New York. That's it, y'all be planning everything. I just be here"

I posted the pictures that we had taken today and saved the good ones for myself. I covered Lail and Alonzo's faces in the ones I posted with them because I do believe in fighting over dick. Especially these two.

Go fuck some millionaires and get lost in the world 💁🏽‍♀️ no I'm not rich I fucked for these trips 💦

"By the name of Allah Asia," Lail said chuckling

"What? It's a good caption" I said shrugging

My phone started ringing and it was Aurora FaceTiming me "Ciao bitch!" I said into the phone.

"Com'è il tuo viaggio?" (How's your trip?)

"Alright you doing too much," I said and she started laughing

"She said how's your trip," Alonzo said

"Trust me you won't get anything else out of me. Took Enya almost fifteen minutes to teach me how to say that" Lail started laughing and I turned the camera around showing her "Uncle Lail!"

"Ya 'amira" (Hey Princess) he said smiling

"'ant tueamil 'afdal sadiq li 'alays kadhalika?" (You treating my best friend right?)

"'iinaha tatanamar ealay, watujbiruni ealaa shira' malabisiha wataeamiha, 'iidha lam 'afeal dhalik fahi tadribuni." (She bullies me, forces me to buy her clothes and food, if I don't she beats me.)

Aurora gasped and I turned the phone around "What he say?"

"You bullying my uncle?"

"Bullying?" I looked at Lail and pushed him "If anybody bullying anybody it's Alonzo!"

"Me!" He said from the bedroom

"That's true," Lail said "He be calling us old and he tripped Asia at the zoo. She tried running after him but she lost her breath pretty quickly"

"You three are a bunch of kids," she said laughing "Oh! Uncle Lail. Aljuda is spending the weekend here, is there anything I should get him?"

"Not particularly, if he wants something he'll just get it himself. He's not gonna worry you about it."

"Alright that's enough" I pushed him out of the bathroom "I have to get ready"

"Where you getting ready to go?"

"A club, like the sex ones"

"Ooo." She wiggling her eyebrows "It's going to be fun. Did you see the gifts I put in your bag?"

"No what gifts?" I said opening the door "I honestly haven't touched my bag since I've been here" I walked into the bedroom where Lail and Alonzo were talking "Your uncle and son just keep me naked and feed me. If we go out Alonzo's been buying me clothes, and so has Lail"

"Have you been to Matteo's house? It's beautiful. You're in Rome, Florence is only an hour or so train ride away, the train ride is beautiful"

"Asia just figured out she was in Italy like 4 hours ago," Alonzo said laughing with Lail

"How was I supposed to know? Every time we travel y'all just be like pack a bag and take me on a damn plane" I went over grabbing my bag and taking it to the bathroom "And no I haven't been to Matteo's house, you crazy girl. He's still here, almost walked in on the three of us this morning" I said opening the bag and going through it.

"Shit. I thought he left for Japan already"

"Not yet apparently-" I gasped and Aurora laughed "Aurora!"

"Oh come on, you brought it up"

"Yeah as a joke" I held up the boxed buttplug

"It's a small but it's sexy" she smiled "I wear one sometimes and don't do anal with Matteo"

"Yeah probably because he would tear you in half" I looked at the door and then back at her "And I have two big dick fuckers in there. One with piercings"

"Alonzo," She said biting her lip and I nodded "I know he just freaky"

"Well I'm going to find out tonight just how freaky they both are"

"Asia" Alonzo knocked on the door "Here. Put this on"

I looked at Aurora and took my towel off and she whistled "Please don't tease me"

I went over opening up the door naked and Alonzo looked down at me "Thank you-"

"Okay I got my vibrator now what"

I looked up at Lail who looked at me almost like he didn't hear Aurora right while Alonzo started to get that dark look in his eyes. I quickly shut the door locking it and Aurora started laughing.

I went over grabbing the phone "bitch you can do that shit with Matteo all you want but I got two dicks okay?" I shook my head "They gone tear my ass up" I said worriedly



"You're Asia the fuck?"

I nodded my head "Right. You motherfucking right bitch"

"I packed you some lingerie too but if you're going to a club then you might not need it."

I held up the skirt and top Alonzo gave me "Yeah probably won't"

"Just wear a thong in case. If you really need to, it's lube in there to help you with the plug too"

I opened the box "I just stick it in my butt?" I said awkwardly holding it "I ain't gone hold you Aurora playing about anal and doing anal is two different things"

"Don't be a pussy Asia, and send me another video with you and Alonzo. I ain't seen my man" she said and hung up the phone.

I brushed my hair and was about to put it in a ponytail but decided against it. The humidity had gotten to my hair and the shower did too. So I just braided it and took down the braids giving me a more fluffy look that I liked.

"This is cute," I said looking in the mirror. I opened the door and Lail was sitting on the bed while Alonzo was standing in the corner on his phone. "Well? You like it?"

"Aurora was joking right?" Lail blurted out

"Yes. She was joking" I said smiling

"Damn it," Alonzo said and Lail turned around looking at him "What?"

"So the outfit look alright or not" I asked again

Lail stood up coming over to me "You look beautiful. Like always"

"What he say," Alonzo said

"What shoes am I going to wear with this?"

"Those" Alonzo pointed to the shoes Lail had bought me today "Come here so I can put them on you"

I started to walk but stopped feeling the plug moving which felt completely different then how I thought it was going to feel "Woah"

"What's wrong?" Lail looked at me

"Nothing just got a little lightheaded for a second"

"I'll go get you some water. Go sit down" he said walking out of the room

Alonzo came over grabbed my hand and walked over to the bed ignoring the moving of the buttplug. I wasn't expecting it to make me so horny so quickly, it felt completely different but good.

I sat down and bit my lip "Wow" I said lowly and blew out a breath

"You sure you up to going?"

"Yeah I'm good" He looked hesitant but grabbed my leg making me let out a moan quicker than I expected to. Alonzo looked confused before he opened my legs "Wait-"

"Asia," he said smiling at me "Tell me I was right," he said moving his hand up my thigh.

"Right-Right about what?"

Lail came in holding the water and looked at us "What are you doing?"

"Nothing," Alonzo said and started putting on my shoes "We should go"

"Listen," Alonzo said putting a yellow wristband on my wrist "You know the color safe words?"

"Green is good, yellow is okay but I need a break, and red is stop"

"Good," Lail said "Well use those when you're on the floor. That yellow band is for us, which means you're open to touching. Just the rules, if you have a red band on and we touch you we'll get kicked out permanently"

"Okay," I said nodding my head

"If you want to go somewhere private just pick a safe word and we'll go," Alonzo said "That'll be your permanent safe word for us."

"Um, Rain. I like Rain"

"Good. Rain is good" Alonzo said

Lail walked in front of us and Alonzo put his arm around me "You didn't say anything to him" I said lowly

"He's going to find out eventually," he said looking at me "It'll be a treat for him"

"What do you mean?"

"You wanting more from him. Both of us"

"Is that why you suggested the club?"

He nodded his head "Me and Lail have similar taste but his are more... aggressive. He doesn't want to hurt or scare you"

I nodded my head "Which is why he's been so relax no matter what I do?"

"Yes," Alonzo turned me and kissed me  "if it's anything you don't want to do. You never have to do it, Asia"

"I know. I trust you both"

"Good. That makes me happy"

Lail whistled catching our attention "Love birds. Come here"

The receptionist smiled at us "Mr.Mostafa. Mr.Moretti, it's good to see you again. Do you need your private rooms tonight?"

"Just Moretti's" Lail said

I stayed quiet while Alonzo and Lail talked to her, I was glad she wasn't one of those flirty receptionists and truly professional.

"Your lounge area has been set. You three have a good night. You too Miss.Wright"

"Thank you"

Lail opened the door for us and Alonzo grabbed my ass making me look at him. He just smiled and then Lail smacked my ass making me gasp. Thankfully Alonzo had a hold of me because if he didn't I'm sure I would've been on the damn floor.

I turned looking at Lail "I can tell you haven't been working out"

He raised his eyebrow nodding at me "Yeah. You're right"

I looked at Alonzo who just chuckled "Be nice to him"

I heard moaning and music first before I actually saw anything, but when I did. Good googly-moogly.

There were girls scissoring while people stood around watching them. Some girls giving the guys head while they were watching the girls scissoring. Another couple was just openly fucking on the table, three people were on stage. One girl was tied up and so was the other. The guy was fucking her while the other girl ate her out. It was a gay couple fucking with people watching and even touching them, slapping his ass, rubbing his back, shit even holding him open while he was being fucked. A guy was tied down to a table while a girl was riding him and another girl was riding his face.

"This is just the first floor," Alonzo said in a teasing voice

"What's on the second floor?"

"The private rooms. Alonzo quit fucking with her" Lail said

Lail grabbed my hand leading me through the crowd. I looked back seeing Alonzo following us.

"Mostafa! Moretti Jr!" A guy came up excitedly and I heard Alonzo scoff.

The guy was kind of handsome. Not like Alonzo or Lail. He was pretty plain in a handsome way I guess. Sharp jaw, tattoos, blue eyes, blonde hair. I think if I wasn't with Alonzo and Lail I would let him talk to me.

"Federico" Lail said looking at him "How have you been?"

"Good, good. Wasn't expecting to see you two here, haven't been here in forever. Neither has Matteo."

"A lot of us have actual lives outside of here so," Lail said chuckling "But you have a good night"

"Woah" he looked down at me "Who is this beauty?"

I didn't even look at him and just let Lail pull me away "Who was that dick?"

"No one important"

"Is he in a mafia?" I asked

Lail chuckled "No, he runs a software company"

"So he's just an ass?"

"Yeah," Alonzo said from behind me

We got to this private lounge area and I looked at them confused "I thought we were finna watch people fuck?"

"You want to go out there?" Lail said making sure he understood

"Uh duh, motherfucker. I didn't just come here to sit with y'all. We do that at home"

Lail looked hesitant and I looked at Alonzo "Come on" he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room

"What about Lail?"

"He'll find us"

"Can I get a drink first?"

Alonzo nodded his head "But no alcohol"

"Why not?"

"You can't do shit like this drunk, it's unprofessional and not consensual"


"What did I just say?" He looked at me and I forced myself not to roll my eyes

"I'm sorry"

He shook his head "'I apologize' you don't say you're sorry."

"I apologize," I said feeling embarrassed

Alonzo grabbed my hand "The thing about all of this is learning. Everyone in here has been a beginner before"

I took a deep breath nodding my head. That certainly made me feel better "You always know how to level me" The bartender came over sitting down two drinks and Alonzo slid over to me "Which one is mine?"

"Both. Water; to calm you down" he said sliding the water over to me "And the sprite for when you're watching. Make sure your sugar doesn't drop from all the excitement"

I took a drink of the water feeling better and Alonzo smiled at me making me blush and I covered my face making him laugh.

"Lovebirds" I heard Lail and looked at him. He smiled and started laughing coming over and sitting next to me "What's got you blushing like that Asia"

"None of your damn business" I playfully punched him in the stomach and he laughed

"What do you want to see first? You just want to look around or what?" Lail said putting his arm around me

"I guess just walk around. Kind of wanna see some lesbians though, I been taking too much dick and my gayness is going away. I don't like that"

Alonzo covered his face laughing and Lail just shook his head "Keep her away from the women please" Lail said

I looked at Alonzo "I say we find a girl who looks similar to Aurora and-"

Alonzo pulled me up "Whatever you're about to say; Yes"

"Whatever you're about to say; No" Lail stood up and grabbed my hand

"How about you guys figure out what's going on and I'll go look for the bitches" I said walking away

I was walking through the party seeing people off in every corner having sex or the occasional flogging scene. From what I understood the more hardcore stuff was done in the private rooms and you were invited in if the couple wanted you to watch.

"Oh shit," I said bumping into someone "My bad"

"No it's fine" I heard a girl laugh "I've had worse things on me than soda"

I looked up seeing a beautiful Italian woman. She had long brown hair, brown eyes with bright red lips stick. She was about 5'6 so we were about the same height.

We both laughed at what she said and she held out her hand "Monique"

"Asia," I said shaking her hand

"First time here?"

"Yeah, my boyfriends-" I paused but just shrugged "They're arguing so I just decided to explore"

"You're in a poly relationship?" She smiled that sounds fun"

"Kind of" I smiled "I basically told them I wanted to fuck both of them or they could fuck off and somehow we ended up stuck together"

"Truth be told that's how most of them end up together anyway" She looked behind me and smiled "This is my mistress Angel" She reached around me pulling her mistress excitedly. "This is Asia. She's new"

I nodded my head "You'll have to excuse me if I unknowingly disrespect you" I chuckled

She smiled shaking her head "It's fine. It's nice to meet you Asia, are you here with anybody?"


Angel rolled her eyes and Monique looked down "Lail" I turned around looking at him and Alonzo coming up "And here I thought the club had just gotten better"

Lail put his arm around me "I see you found one lesbian and a wannabe man"

"Funny," Angel said flicking him off, she looked over at Alonzo "Still haven't found better company?"

"I'm kind of stuck with him at this point," Alonzo said kissing my cheek

Angel looked at me wide-eyed "Surely Matteo doesn't know"

"No he doesn't and I would like to keep it like that you big mouth bitch" Lail said and I looked at him crazy


"You fucking bitch" she said laughing and they hugged each other

"Seriously. Don't tell Matteo" Lail said

"I haven't seen him in forever. Almost 4 months"

I looked at Alonzo "That was when Aurora came"

"That Aurora" Angel said sounding shocked then Monique looked at me "Matteo's-"

"You should shut up Angel," Lail said. Lail looked at me "Well if you ran into anybody I'm glad you ran into them."

"Better us than Federico" Monique said rolling her eyes

Angel looked at me "Stay clear of him sweet sweetheart. He's known for pushing doms buttons with their subs"

"Isn't that against the rules or something?" I asked

"Kind of a grey area. He isn't touching without permission or being outright disrespectful in the club's eyes"

"If anyone is going to ignore him or send him running it's going to be Asia," Alonzo said proudly and I smiled "Made Lail cry once"

Lail smacked his lips looking at us and we both laughed. I looked over at Monique who was smiling looking at the three of us "Can I show you around a bit while these 3 talk? We'll be standing here forever"

"I don't mind," I said looking at Alonzo and Lail who both nodded. Monique kissed Angel and Monique held her hand out so I could grab it.

"Lail Mostafa and Alonzo Moretti," She said smiling

"Trust me. They're just normal people"

"Yeah to you. Aurora got her hands on Matteo, god knows how. I didn't even think the man liked people. Or talked" she said and I laughed "Plus she's so nice"

"You met her?"

"Barely. Matteo took her away and up to his room. They left a few hours later, well. He carried her out a few hours later"

I nodded my head "Classic Matteo. Always keeping her to himself"

Monique opened a door and led me in "This is my favorite part of the club, and not because I'm a lesbian"

I looked around seeing everyone in the room performing oral on each other "Can definitely see why this is a favorite"

"You know why BDSM is so fun and rewarding?"


"The foreplay," she said "Everything before is foreplay, warming the body up for the big finale. Seeing your dom or mistress enjoying themselves from the pleasure you're giving them. From the pleasure they're giving you. It's intoxicating"

"Well when you put it like that" I took a deep breath

I looked over seeing a guy eating a girl's pussy slowly and sensually. She was holding her legs up while she moaned. The guy was stroking his dick still eating her pussy while he was moaning too.

"Usually I don't walk around without Angel," she said "Sometimes I get horny so quick, I rush over to her and forget all my training" She chuckled

"People train to be a sub?"

"Yeah of course. I mean not everybody, some doms find their own subs and train them slowly. I went to a school and met Angel there. We were friends first, I had another dom before her but my taste were.. different"

"What's your taste?"


"What's that?"

"Consensual non-consent"

"Oh I know what that is" I looked at her

"You're not weirded out?"

"No why would I be? It's a kink club, I mean hell. I'm here-"

She threw her arms around me hugging me and I awkwardly hugged her back "Come on!" She said excitedly. She pulled me out of the room "Do you do role playing?"

"I've thought about it but I don't think I would be to good at it"

"Any ideas?"

"Well, I wanted to do a kidnapping. Ever since I found out Lail was-" I stopped talking and took a sip of my drink

"In the mafia?"

I looked at her and shook my head "The mafia? No, what the hell?" I tried pulling my hand away

Monique started laughing "Angel works for Babus Italy operation. That's how they know each other"


Monique threw her head back laughing "Don't worry. Some of the people in here have a hand in illegal activities"

"Girl you can't be scaring me like that"

She went over opening another door "Sorry, sometimes I forget about Angel's job"

"I do too honestly. Lail is such a good ball, he doesn't scream mafia man"

"Well I've seen Lail working and let me just say" she shook her head "If you like the Lail you have now don't go to work with him"

"I would care about Lail no matter what side he showed. I knew what I was getting into when I found out he was in the mafia"

"I like you" she smiled

"You're pretty cool too"

I looked around seeing we were in a lingerie shop of some sort but for bdsm stuff.

"So whatever you order here gets sent to your room and billed for the memberships"

"We checked in under Alonzo's"

"You'll have to specify since Matteo has a membership here too"

I walked over looking at the lingerie "I really don't know-" I paused seeing an outfit on the mannequin "Wow"

"Oh yeah that would look perfect on you"

"You think so?"

"Of course, what size do you wear?"

"An extra small," I said embarrassed

"I'll be back" She ran off excitedly and I smiled shaking my head

I went over to the one-pieces to find something more of my style. I didn't wear lingerie a lot but I figured with me being with Lail and Alonzo I could be more open to it. Being more open to being sexy I guess.

I found a cute one-piece I thought would fit me perfectly "I like this" I said to myself

"I think that would look wonderful on you"

I heard the guy's voice from earlier and didn't even respond. I looked through the hangers looking for an extra small and smiled when I found one.

"I should probably get shoes too"

I walked over to the shoes and looked at them "So how long have you been with Mostafa? Or Moretti?"

I looked over at the lady at the front "Excuse me?" I held up the shoes I thought were cute "Do you have these in a 7?"

She smiled nodding her head "I'll go grab them for you"

"Let me guess? They told you not to talk to me?"

"Did you ever think that maybe I'm just not interested?" I said still not looking at him. I looked over seeing another one-piece outfit that I thought would look perfect on Aurora "Yes, this would look so good on her"

I went over looking for a medium and found the last one. I knew for a fact that Aurora didn't need any more heels so I didn't even bother looking.

"How would you know you aren't interested if you don't even talk to me?" He said trying to sound flirty but it just annoyed me

I looked at looked at him "You run a software firm right?"

"Yes," he said proudly

"Have you ever gotten a proposal and was like wow this shit is a complete waste of my time" he was about to answer but I cut him off "In businessman term or whatever the fuck you use. You have nothing to offer me, nothing to help me. I don't want to offer you anything and I don't want to continue talking to you. So kindly fuck off, yeah?" I said smiling

"You didn't even-"

"And this is the part where I say 'Wow! This shit is a complete waste of my time!'" I said sarcastically and walked away

I heard Lail's loud laugh making me turn around. He was standing with Angel and Alonzo. Angel was smiling and Alonzo was too.

Lail and Alonzo walked over to me while Angel went to go grab Monique. Lail grabbed my throat kissing me roughly and I moaned almost dropping the clothes I had in my hand. He grabbed my ass pulling me closer to him then pulled away leaving me breathless.

Alonzo wrapped his arm around me "We're heading upstairs" he said and I bit my lip nodding my head

"Federico, you ever try something like that again and I'll take your head off your fucking body got it?" Lail said smiling almost laughing. Federico didn't say anything and Lail's jaw clenched. He grabbed him by his shirt shoving him into the wall "I said do you fucking got it!"

"Y-Yeah I got it Lail" he held up his hands

Lail grabbed my hand pulling me out of the store. I smiled at Federico on the way out and stuck my tongue out and pointed at him making Alonzo laugh.

"Keep going," he said chuckling

Asias first outfit

Asia's second outfit

Auroras outfit

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