Beautiful liar pt2

By yay997

18.9K 1K 492

NOTE: check the chapter number before reading the app messed up the order not me This is part two of beautifu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 2
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 3
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36(final)

Chapter 17

471 26 6
By yay997

Hyunjin's pov
I spent last night at Felix's house, jisung ignored both of us for the rest of the day...but I kept on thinking something...why didn't M tell him about the darkstone? I mean han was right about the fact that getting in touch or trying to dig in around the mafia will put him in danger, I feel bad for yelling at him but he has not idea what he us getting himself into...they are bunch of heartless criminals...but what is worse minho hyung is living with the? Why? For what end? I feel like missing something...a lot of things...I need to think more about this.

"damn, do we have an army to feed?" Felix's deep voice cut my was even more hoarse since he just woke up.
I glanced behind me to see the younger entering the kitchen.
"I thought since you let me stay here I will prepare breakfast for you" I answered giving him a big smile.
"I get this feast for letting you use my guest room...if I let you sleep inside my room what would you have done?"he joked shaking his head.
"Why did you want to me too?" I said with a wide smirk watching as Felix's expression changed into shock before he chuckled.
"you are good at this" he answered walking past me toward the fridge to grab a bottle of water.

"I am not going to have my morning kiss" I said making him choke while drinking" hey...hey are you okay?" I added running to check on him.
"what is wrong with you today?" he asked clearing his throat.
"what is wrong with you? I don't recall that you easily get flustered"I said rubbing his back.
"yeah" he said biting his lips, he glanced at mine and then back to the floor." well it is been six years since we met and you got hotter"he added taking me off guard.
"did I know?" I asked taking a step closer, he looked at me with a raised eyebrow before he took a step back.
"what are you doing?" he asked when he was stuck between the counter and I.

"what I am doing?" I asked putting my hands on each side of him."it is not like we did not kiss yesterday lix...come on you are acting like we are some kind of strangers...six years ago we..."
"okay stop I get it...i don't know why I am feeling nervous around you all the sudden...i...i feel like you are another person...the hyunjin I knew hid a lot of things from us...and it is been six years...i don't know what kind of person you may not make sense but my thoughts and emotions are all over the place" he cut me off, well he is right I lied to them before about a lot of things.
"i was always honest about my feelings toward you lix, at first I refused you because I did not trust you...or romantically see I was in love with minho hyung and jisung...but just entered my heart uninvited...i have never lied to you about my feelings...the moment I knew they were sincere I told you" I said kissing his cheek.

"I missed you so much" he murmured.
" I missed you too...i am really I want my lix back...the confident sexy Felix who you were sic years ago...and actually yesterday" I said making him chuckle...he literally pinned me on my table yesterday and things would have been escalated if han's mom didn't call us saying that she couldn't reach him.
"if you want..."
"get a rooom"
I pulled away from Felix to see jisung entering the kitchen, he looked like he just got up...his hair was all over the place...he took a seat on the table before he start eating.
"we were going to if you did not cut us"I joked.

"hey least you inherited something useful from your dad" he hummed enjoying the for without looking at us, I shared a look with Felix before I walked to snatch the plate from him.
"hey I was eating" he said glaring at me.
"we need to talk" I said he rolled his eyes at me before he sighed.
"what do you want?" he asked.
"it is about what you did yesterday jisung...i gave you enough you are going to promise Felix and I to stopped being reckless, and let me take care of getting minho hyung back"I answered looking at lix who nodded in agreement.

"I will stop digging into this if you tell me the name of the mafia..."
"no"I cut him off.
"this is not fair..."
"life is not goal is to keep you safe"I said cutting him again.
"fine damn it." he yelled glaring at me.
"promise me" I said scanning him.
"I promise I will be a good boy dad" he said rolling his eyes."now my food" he added.
I glanced at Felix who raised his eyebrow at us then nodded.
"I am trusting you on this jisung,"I said putting the plate down.

I heard a notification sound coming from my phone making the two boys look at me.
"is it M? "Felix asked with wide eyes.
I checked the message before I shook my head.
"no it is chan hyung...i need to head to the company...we have a board meeting" I said hiding the phone."see you later love" I added pecking Felix lips.
I glanced at Han who looked away, I chuckled before I walked out of the room...

Minho's pov

"if soyeon sees you she is going to be pissed" I glanced back to see the boss walking toward me...his arms were crossed behind his back while he word a small smile on his face.
"it is a habit " I murmured looking at the cigarette.
"soyeon's mom died from smoking...lung cancer as you know...try to quit it" he answered he hummed throwing the cigarette away."what you doing in the balcony?"he added...Clearly I was smoking before you ruined my peace.
"nothing" I answered.
"how is it going with my daughter? I hope you are taking care of her...she is important to me hoseok" he said with a serious face.

"I am trying my best sir..."
"try more...take her out on a date...try to get close to her...make her happy" he cut me off his words seemed like an order "you know how I get when I am angry hoseok...if my princess gets hurt because of you...i will make you pay for it....hard"he added.
"is that a threat?" I asked trying to stay calm.
"it is a warning"he said gripping my shoulder" arrange something...until then I have a mission to you"he added before he took a photo from his pocket.
"what did he do?" I asked staring at the man and back to him.
"he stole for know what you should do"he said walking away.

I took a deep breath hiding the photo, all these years I convinced myself that I am killing bad people involved with mafia...but it did not make it I am indirectly hurting innocent ones....the bad people have families too...the drug deals I supervise are responsible for the death of people....teenagers is been years since my life turned upset down...and it is easy....i walked outside heading toward my car, I mean I want to find out exactly what happened to my brother.. I want to help Mr yun too...and stop the dark stone...but in the process I began a monster and there is no going back from this anymore....

I got a text with the details about the man I am supposed to kill, I parked the car reading through his information.
Jeon kangsoo 48 years old married with three children....i swallowed hard reading the last information he is old with kids and he got in trouble with the mafia.
"What?" I yelled blinking my words in Lee this a joke or what?what does an employee of a big company have to do with Ahn?
Is this just a coincidence?

I continued the read through  his file, and he is had a lotdebtdevt before it was paid...well that explains everything he got a loan from the dark stone...he is stupid...i sighed taking a deep breath.
A notification popped on my screen out of nowhere...and if my mood was not bad is now.

Dear minho, miss is been a couple of days since the last text...your little boyfriend texted me he wanted to know about the name of the mafia you are working for...before you get angry at me...hyunjin told the other two not I did not tell him though...-M-

"damn it hyunjin" I yelled hitting the wheel hard, what was he thinking about telling them about something like this?
It was bad enough that he jisung and Felix know I am a criminal...i threw the phone off the passenger seat before I started to drive again.
This needs to stop...once and for all but I have to take care of my job first.
I drove directly to the man's house, I parked on the side of the road before I called him.
"hello," I heard an answer coming from the other side.
"do you have the money?" I asked hoping that he managed to get it so I don't have to kill him.
"Who is this..."
"you know very well who I am?" I cut him off is he playing dumb?
Silence filled the line before he said" you work for the mafia...i...yes I do, we could meet up and I will give it to you".

I raised my eyebrows at the answer...i did not expect that but it is better for me.
"I am outside your house come" I replied.
"I don't want to leave the house... family is not here you can come..." he shuttered...what is he into? Something feels off...
"if you are going try something stupid I am going to kill you and take the money "I replied hanging up, I stepped out of the car and checked my surroundings...nothing seemed kit of the ordinary I fixed my mask before I walked toward the entrance.

I froze when I saw the door opened, no this man is definitely into something....i got my gun out before I walked inside.
"kangsoo" I said scanning the is empty...i clenched my jaw...he was playing with me.
"I should have thought about this plan before...long time no seen minho...or should say hoseok" I glanced behind me fast pointing my gun at the man who threw his hands in the air, time seemed to freeze as I locked eyes with How did this happen?

Han's pov
"come on hold him for a bit" mina said trying to make me carry her son i was dragged here by Felix against my will to visit our nephews and sisters
"love let him be" Jihyo said leaning onto the couch....she still hates me...I get it.
"I don't want to hurt him" I murmured shaking my head.
" carried chaewon before..."
"yes but she was not  born before she was supposed to...he..."
"he is fine now...premature babies happen all the time " she cut me off.

"yes but he was born early because of me...his uncle...i don't want to hurt him more...please" I said swallowing hard the three who were inside the room with me were surprised by my answer, even jihyo noona seemed taken back by my answer.
"brother, I don't blame you... I think of it as was supposed to happen...i am right baby?" she said looking at jihyo.
"jihyo, I am serious...this needs to stop...I love you but I love my brother too...whatever is going on needs to stop" My sister cut the woman who sighed.
"it was kind of his fault..."
"Because he is hurting" mina yelled.
"he should have moved on...he had Felix by his side they could have just moved on together and forgotten about the past"jihyo yelled back."both of them chose to make the wrong decision

"you made the wrong decision ago when you told hyunjin to leave" mina said and at that exact moment jimin busted into tears as all of us looked shocked.
"you did what?" Felix spoke for the first time.
"jihyo...i am sorry" mina said shaking her son.
"I...just take him out of here "the other replied.
"jihyo what did you do?" Felix asked looking pissed.
"I did what I saw right, I told hyunjin if he is going to hurt you he better leave..."
"that was not your decision to make" Felix yelled looking pissed" Because of you I suffered for years" he added, I grabbed his hand trying to calm him down.

"I did not force him to leave..."
"but you were one of the reasons..."
"it was a mess...i did not want you to get hurt.."
"it was our mess to deal with not yours.. And I got have no idea how much pain I felt when I learned he gave up on me...after losing another person I"
"lix calm down please" I whispered but he was shaking with anger.
Silence filled the room as jihyo looked at the floor, she knew that she made a mistake...
"how could you do that to me?"Felix asked.
"baby, she is right on one thing...i don't think that hyunjin left just because..."

"he left because he thought you and u would be happy together...and she made him think like that. She makes him think that he is an outsider" he cut me off" I...i need to leave or I am going to say things that I am going to regret..."he added storming out of the house.
I shook my head at jihyo before I followed after the younger, she was not exactly responsible for what happened but maybe her words influenced hyunjin's decision...maybe if hyunjin did not left we would have been happy....

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