the inhuman avenger

By Dante_Legona

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yn legona (female) from birth she was taken in by hydra, growing up to be the future leader of it, but she is... More

yn legona
ticket out
changing course
new world..... me
anew embarking
deep end herogasm
changing face's

siege of new york

5 0 0
By Dante_Legona

Once skylar has ilena out of the car,
Ilena notices that the car is tied towards the ground heavly,

Skylar with ilena next to her walks past a few men,
To where skylar see's a familiar face waiting for a jet to land,

Skylar : nat!!

Natasha turns around,

Natasha : skylar!!
How have you been?
And what are you doing here?
Who is this though?

Skylar : ilena legona,
Natasha romanoff,
So uncle nick actualy called us in,
Something about the avengers initiative?

Ilena waves towards nat,
Nat waves back to her,

Nat : great you too huh?

Skylar : well yeah.
Who else is going to do it?
But anyway is it true about clint?

Nat : that loki has him?
Yep it's true.
But anyway i'm waiting on steve rogers.

Ilena gets a flashback of who Steve rogers is,
She gets snapped out of it,
As a quinjet is landing before the three of them,
Out of it steps steve rogers,

Nat greets him,
As skylar and ilena follows them,

Nat : it was quite the buzz around here,
Finding you in the ice.
I thought cpulson was gonna swoon.
Did he ask you to sign his captain america trading cards yet?

Steve : trading cards?

Skylar : they're vintage.

Nat : he's very proud.

Steve : by the way,
Mrs legona,
I knew you're mom,
I'm sorry to hear that she died.
You on the other hand skylar,
I didn't expect you to be well his niece.

Skylar : nick's niece?
Yeah i am,
Arn't i?
Well his skin is different,
But i am,
Atleast i think,

Ilena : thats why i keep seeing flashbacks of you.
I wonder though?

Steve and nat smile as the two women behind them are lost in thought,

Infront of them they see a man looking towards a olane kinda lost though,

Steve: doctor banner!!

Bruce walks closer towards steve, nat, skylar and ilena,

Bruce : yeah hi,
They told me you would be coming.

Steve : word is that you can find the cube.

Bruce : is that the only word on me?

Steve : only word i care about.

Skylar : right.
Hi bruce i'm skylar parker,
This is my partner in crimes ilena legona.

Bruce : right the inhumans thing right?
Where captain over here witnessed one of you're moms getting those powers were you where born from?

Ilena : yep.

Bruce : and then the other one,
Who'se father took a sample of said mother and putted it into you,
Let's see this is the second face you have already.

Skylar : second face?

Ilena : how?

Natasha : if you where bright enough,
You wpuld have deleted the file we have on leon parker,
Before you made it so that there was onmy skylar parker when he changed into her ilena.
Like you did years ago,
To forget one day.

Ilena : did i?

Nat : no matter what lets head inside,
It will get hard to breath out here any minute now.

Steve, bruce and ilena look over the edge,

Steve : is this thing a submarine?

Bruce : surely not they don't want to lock me up in a tin can,
Will they?

Propellors pop up from out of the water,

Ilena : looks like we are going up,
Euhm skylar are you sure that you're car can handle it??

Skylar just gives ilena a thumbs up,

Bruce : this is allot worse!

Nat : gentlemen, ladies if will follow me.

Both men and women follow natasha towards the bridge of the hellicarrier.

Where nick fury is giving out commands,
He looks backwards,
And see's natasha, with steve and bruce,
They are followed closely by ilena and skylar,

Nick : gentlemen, ladies........

He looks confussed towards skylar,

Nick whispers to nat,

Nick : what happend?

Nat : leon got shot last night.
And changed into her.

Steve walks up towards nick,
And hands him 20 dollars,

Skylar up next heads towards nick,
And hugs him imediatly,

Skylar : hi uncle nick.

Nick : not out in the open like this skylar.

Skylar : right, sorry sir.

Nick : thats oke,

Nick walks off towards bruce banner,
To where ilena joins skylar,

Ilena : so this is shield?

Skylar : its just part of shield.
Right nat?

Natasha : shield is alot more bigger,
But we don't have to worry about it,
We are going to do alot more what they can't.

Skylar : great so where can i sleep for a bit?

Nick : you're car agent parker.

Skylar : i'm not going up there.

Ilena : and i'm not leaving you're side.

Nick : don't worry that car is safely inside,
Just enjoy the down low for a moment.

Skylar : where is it?

Nick opens a oanel on the backside to a window,
Across the gap of the vast deep sky below them and the next part of the ship behind glass,
Skylars impala stands in a mechanic shop,

Skylar : sweet lets go ilena,

Ilena : right on you're tail.

Skylar flashes of,
Imediatly behind her ilena flashes off,
Leaving steve, bruce and natasha flabbergasted behind as they look on,
To where the woman are standing now,
Across the distance they see ilena and skylar stepping into the car,
To where they both are laying donw in the back seat,

Nick : alright thats enough of that.

The room they are in turns dark,
As the windows of that room close up,

Steve : so that girl ilena,
Her mom yn how did she.....

Nick : die?
Well captain,
You thought hydra was gone,
So did we,
Eventualy it caught up to howards stark and yn legona,
Some believe that she is yn legona,
Others say that she is her daughter.
But thats only time that will tell us who she truelly is.

Bruce : and the other one,

Nick : the dead kid,
That ivan parker brought back to life?
by using dna samples of yn legona herself?
Well its true he did came back until a few days ago where leon died a
And skylar took his place.

Steve : so what yn legona gave her gene's up to two kids now?

Nick : yes sir.
Now nat bring doctor banner to his lab.

As nat does that,

A few hours fly by,

Agent : we got a hit!

Steve : where?

Agent : berlin.
The museum.

Nick : captain you're up.
Take agents romanoff and parker with you.

Steve : on it!

Nat walks of and heads yowards the garage to go and get skylar,

Nat lights up the rool the car is in,
To see that ilena and skylar are sleeping,
She carefully wakes skylar up,

Skylar : whats up romanoff?

Nat : we are up,
You, me and steve rogers.

Skylar : alright lets go.

Nat : listen its just a take and grab mission,
No killing and no exploding there are too much civilians there.
We are going to let steve handle it.

Skylar : why do i have to come then?

Nat : snatch and grab.

Skylar : oh i see.
I'll be there in 5.

Nat : copy that.

Natasha fades away as it is only a hologram of her.
On the quinjet,
Steve and nat are already heading off towards germany,
Where out of nowhere skylar pops up behind steve in a chair,

Steve : i thought that someone else was coming with us.
Where the hell is she?

Nat : she'll be here in time.

Skylar : who now?

Steve jumps in his chair,
While nat laughs a bit by it,

Nat : you are going to send him into his grave skylar.

Skylar : i'm sorry.

Steve turns around and see's that skylar isn't even wearing a uniform instead she is wearing normal clothes,
A blue leather jacket and ripped black jeans,

Skylar : we are almost there though.

Steve : is that what you wear as combat gear?
Listen up girly i don't care who you are,
But this aint combat gear.

Skylar : to me it is.
Ask you're fanboy capsicle.

Nat : you hung around stark alot skylar.

Skylar : the old me yeah.
This me no.

Steve : strap up girl,
We're going in,

Nat : actualy steve you are going in,
Nick asked me to hang back with skylar,
And come when you need us.

Steve : fine then i'm going.

Steve exits the plane,
Nat takes of again,
Now skylar joins nat behind the sticks,

Nat : i don't remember much of you being leon,
But skylar try to behave for some time.
Cap is on our side.

Skylar : i can't help it that he is a dinosaur,
Whats wrong with my outfit?

Nat : its not shield equipment like you're agent outfit.

Skylar: agent outfit?
I thought this was it.
Else you have to take it up with uncle nick.

Nat : skylar to be honest what happend  between you and daisy?

Skylar : Daisy is my best friend and exgirlfirend.

Nat : the legona girl?

Skylar : she's cute right?

Steve : can you keep that kind of talk for once you're off duty?
Kind of waiting for my time to show up.

Skylar : then keep waiting and don't listen in.

Steve : i got eyes on loki!
Cover me!

Nat : alright cap lets do this.

Over the coms skylar and nat hear,
Loki talking,

Loki : i said kneel before me!!!

Is not this simpler?
Is this not you're natural state?
It's the unspoken truth if humanity,
That you crave subjugation.

The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power.
For identity.

You we're made to be ruled.
In the end,
You will always kneel.

Skylar tries to get up,
But nat holds her down,

Nat : what did i just say?
Think about those innocent lives down there skylar,
If i let you go all out against him here,
Then there won't be a going back for you.

Over the coms again,
They hear an elderly man speaking,

Old man : not to men like you.

Loki : there are no men like me.

Old man : there are always men like you.

Loki : look towards you're elder, people.
Let him be an example.

Skylar now vanishes from her seat,
To where loki sends a shot from his scepter towards the old man,
As it almost reaches the man,
Steve jumps infront of it,
Blocking it with his shield,

Behind loki in the entrance of the musuem the lights go off,
As a dark figure stands there with red glowing  eyes,

Steve : you know the last time i was in germany,
And saw a man standing above everyone else.
We ended up disagreeing.

Loki : the soldier!

He looks backwards to where now a powerd down skylar is standing,
As the lights are back on in the museum,

Loki : and a....

He looks on how the woman walks behind a pillar and then reapears behind steve rogers,

Loki : warrior.

Skylar : warrior?
Damn boy why do i have to deal with this?

Loki stands back up laughing,

Loki : the man out of time and the man inside a woman.

Steve : i'm not the one who'se out of time.
Nor is she a man.

Skylar : thanks cap.

Skylar blushes now,
Above them the quinjet come's in,

Romanoff : loki drop the weapon and stand down.

Loki fires a shot towards the quinjet,
Cap throws his shield towards loki,
Where as the crowd now moves out of the way,
Skylar charges up,
As the colors fade in and out,
Loki looks suprised towards skylar,

Loki : what are you?

Before skylar can anwser steve is already fighting him,

Blow for blow they attack each other,
Until loki sends cap flying,
He walks over towards cap and puts the butt of his scepter on caps head,

Loki : kneel!

Skylar comes in now with two blasts of her own blasting on on loki's chest and the other one when he his knocked away,

Skylar : not today!

Now lpki tries to fight off skylar,
Who is now trading blow for blow with him,
Steve looks on in awe of how strong skylar is,
Again skylar dissapears as loki sends a blast towards her,
Behind him she reapears sending loki flying upwards,
Right above him she comes in again,
Blasting him back down to the ground,

Now over the speakers around the museum ac/dc starts to play,
Where now tony stark come's in to play,
As loki gets up,
Skylar stands next to Tony and cap.
where tony aims all of his weapons on loki,

Tony: make a move reindeer games.

Loki puts up his arms.

Tony : good move.

Steve : mr stark.

Tony : captain, emo.

Skylar : nice to see you too tin can.

Back on the way to the hellicarrier,
Tony joins cap, skylar and nat,
With their now prosoner loki,

Fury : he said anything?

Nat : not yet.

Fury : just get him here we're low on time.

Skylar sits opposite from loki now,
With her eyes closed,

Cap : i don't like it.

Tony : what?
Rock of ages giving up so easly?

Steve : i don't remember it being that easy.
This guy packs a wallop.

Tony : still you are pretty spry for an older fellow,
Even she is alot more stronger then she looks,
So what's tou're thing?

Steve : what?

Tony : it's a calosthenics.
You've might missed a couple things,
Doing time as a capsicle.

Skylar : already said that.

Steve : fury didn't tell me he was calling you in.

Tony : yeah there is alot of things fury doesn't tell you.

Skylar sits up now,
Looking upwards,
Outside it starts to thunder,

Nat : where is this coming from?

It catches everyone's attention now,

Steve : what's the matter scared of a little lighting?

Loki: i'm not overly fond of what follows.

On top of the quinjet they all hear a loud smack,
As the quinjet starts to shake voilently.

Tony puts on his helmet and starts walkig towards the moading hatch,
As he opens it,
Another men pops up,

Skylar : thats perculiar.

The man knocks tony backwards with an oversized hamer,
Skylar stands up and punches the hammer backwards,
And starts smacking her fist against his face,
Where he now picks skylar up and throws her out of the quinjet.

He picks up loki and escapes,

With skylar falling down to the ground,
She see's the man with loki flying off to a mountain,
After them tony flies out of the quinjet,
After him she see's steve jumping out,

She looks towards the general direction the men went and teleports off,

Right above where the man and loki are she apears,
Now both of them watch on how the colors arpund them fade and come back,
Once they look back above them,
Through the lighting,
They see a dark figure with red eyes looking towards them aiming something.

As they hear a woman yell,
A black beam is comong towards thor,
Sending him flying,
As she stops,
Tony even knocks the man further down.
Into the forrest below.

Loki tries to escape,
Bit as he turns,
He is greeted by the red eyes directly infront of him,

Skylar : you're not going anywhere!

They both watch on the brutal fight between tony, steve and the man,

Loki : come on thor!

Thor summons lighting and hits woth his hamer on steve who blocks it with his shield,
Sending a shockwave through out the forrest knocking him, thor and tony down.

Skylar : nat it's okay now i got four idiots down.

Nat : right moving in on you're location skylar.

Once the quinjet arrives,
Skylar teleports both loki and steve onto the ship,
Tony and thor fly into it themselfs.

Skylar now snaps her neck,
And sits back down where she sat,
Closing her eyes again,
Now in fear loki looks towards her.

Tony : i wouldn't test hzr patience if i where you.
You saw what happend.

Thor : how can a tiny one mike that pack a punch?

Skylar opens her eyes,
Imediatly they look bright red.

Loki : the she devil.

Skylar aims her habd towards loki,

Skylar : i'll beter keep my mouth shut if we're you.
Because you suck at fighting.

Thor : listen brother.

A few hours pass by as they reach the hellicarrier now.
Loki is being locked up,

Skylar is in the room alongside nick fury,

Nick : incase it's unclear,
If you try to escape.
If you so much scratch that glass.

Nick opens the floor beneath the cell,

Nick : it's 30'000 feet straight down in a steel trap,
You get how that works.

He closes the door now.

Nick : ant, boot.

Loki chuckle's,
As he looks towards skylar

Loki : it's an impressive cage.
Not built, i think,
For me.

Nick : built for something alot stronger than you or her.

Loki : oh, i've heard.
A mindless beast.
Make's play he's still a man,
How desperate are you?
That you call on such lost creature's to defend you?

Nick : how desperate am i?
You threatend my world with war,
You steal a force,
you can't hope to control.
You talk about peace,
And you kill because it's fun.
You have made me very desperate.
You might not be glad that you did.

Loki again looks towards skylar,

Loki : oooh.
It burns you to have come so close.
To have the tesseract,
To have power.
Unlimited power,
And for what?
A warm light for all mankind to share,
and then to be reminded what real power is

In an instant skylar walks forward straight through the glass as if its not even there,
Two black balls of energy are already in her hands aimed towards loki,

Skylar : power?

Behind a stepping back loki he feels someone else standing there,
also with two black orbs in her hands,
Ilena stands behind him,

Ilena : you can't even phantom what real power is.

Nick : well let me know when "real power" wants a magazine or something else,
Girls lets go.

Both woman dissapear and walk out right behind nick fury,
Leaving a scared loki behind.

Before they enter the bridge,
Nick turns to skylar and ilena,

Nick : thank you again girls,
Now let me do the talking in there.

Ilena holds skylar back,

Ilena : so whats the deal with loki?

Skylar : threatend the planet with war,
And power.
And took a friend of ours.
So now we have to get it all back.

Ilena : right?
And you're okay with that?

Skylar : as long as you are safe i'm ok.
So can we go now?

Ilena : why do i have to be safe skylar?

Skylar : can we talk about it later please?

Ilena : fine.

Skylar walks off towards the bridge,
Ilena follows her,

Nick : and i want to learn how loki used it to turn two of the most sharpest men i know,
Into his personal flying monkeys.

Thor : monkeys?
I do not understand.

Steve : i do!

Skylar and ilena smile,
As for bruce and tony they sigh,

Steve : i understood that reference.

Tony turns to bruce,

Tony : shall we play doctor?

Bruce : this way sir.

Skylar : anything you need from us sir?

Nick looks towards ilena and skylar,

Nick : no at ease agent parker,
Miss legona.

Skylar and ilena now walk off,
As to where steve walks after them,

Steve : ilena can i have a word with you?

Ilena looks towards skylar,

Skylar : its oke,
You know where to find me.
If not at my car i'm in the lab talking to the tin can.

Ilena nods,

Ilena : captain.

Steve : right,
Euhm about you're mom.

Ilena : honestly if you want to ask me if i knew her or ever saw her,
I didn't,
She died begore i was born.

Steve : thats just it ilena,
Maybe there is a chance that yn legona is still somewhere deep inside of you,
Just like how leon's feelings and such are still inside of skylar.

Ilena : thats maybe a little too far fetched,
I don't even think that there is anything i got from yn legona,
Except maybe some flashbacks.

Steve : flashbacks?
What do you mean?

Ilena : like when i first met you.....
I had flashbacks of her going on a mission with you and bucky barnes,
Or how peggy and howard gave her the power that skylar and i have.

Steve : hmmm ok.
That's weird.
Anyway maybe after all of this we cab have a chat ilena.

Ilena gets a text,
She looks at her phone,

1 new message


I'm in the lab with the
tin can and big green.

Ilena : sure but i got to go right now steve.
Skylar promised me to talk stuff out.

Steve : well i'm going to same way though.

Ilena : to stark and banner?

Steve : yeah we got to iron things out.

Ilena : cool.

Inside the lab,
Skylar is looking towards the scepter of loki,

Skylar : so this thing turned clint to serve loki?

Tony : possibly.

Skylar : i wonder how.

As she try's to tough the sharpest point of the scepter,
Tony is already behind banner,

Jabbing him with a taser,

Banner : auw!!!

Behind skylar she hears steve,

Steve : hey!!

Now jumpscared twice she cuts herself on the scepter,

Skylar : god damnit!!

Ilena runs over towards skylar,
To where steve looks towards tony,

Steve : are you both nuts?

Tony : jury's out.
You really have a lid on it,
Haven't you?

Skylar : i'll be alright ilena.

Tony : whats you're secret?
Mellow jazz, bongo drums,
Huge bag of weed.

Skylar : to be honest i could use a joint right now.

Ilena slaps skylar in the head right now,
While tending to skylars wound.

Steve : is everything a joke to you?

Tony : funny things are.

Steve : you're threatening the safety of everyone on this ship.
Isnt funny.
No offence doc.

Bruce : it's alright,
I wouldn't come onboard if i couldn't handle pointy things.

Ilena : i need to get you out of here skylar.
The lab is too dangerous for you.

Skylar : i'll be fine.

Ilena : we are going right now!!

Tony, steve and bruce look towards ilena,

Skylar sighs,

Skylar : alright then.

She goes off with ilena,
A few decks up,
In the garage where her car is,

Ilena : why where you touching that thing?

Skylar : i wondered how loki could turn barton.
But yet tony and cap scared me,
Resulting in to this.

Ilena : what if it turned you?

Skylar : then we would have been fighting now.

Ilena : skylar what if it would have triggerd something else.....
You know like......

Skylar : like how i changed into this?
It was my own fault i wasn't paying attention.
The guy had a clear shot and took it.

Infront of ilena's eyes,
A flashback pops up,
Of leon shooting black balls of energy out of the window,
When he realises the guy is gone,
He stands up and turns towards ilena and daisy,

A gun shot wizzes by his head,
He barely dodges it,

Again he starts to shoot energy balls to the building across the street,

Ilena looks at him,

Ilena : leon!!

Leon looks back at her,

Leon : the guy he is still here!
Better stay safe and do-

Ilena gasps on shock,
Once daisy looks towards leon,
They both are in shock now,
As leon stands there shocking as his body is losing its life,
Blood drips from his forehead,
As a hole goes through it completely,

Leon : down......

As he falls to the ground,
Ilena gets snapped out of it by skylar smacking the car door shut as she sits behind the wheel of the impala.

Ilena now a little pissed at skylar,
Walks off,

Skylar : ilena?
Did i do something?

Ilena looks back at skylar,

Ilena : don't you remember being shot down?
Feeling you're life draining out of you,
That last breath you took before you fell?!
I still remember how daisy and i where looking at you !!
You died right infront off us leon!!!

That last sentence echos through the entire deck they are on,

Skylar looks back towards ilena,

Skylar : i did,
By protecting you both.
But i'm not leon anymore.
I'm skylar now.

Ilena : tsss.....

Ilena walks off,
Leaving skylar alone.

In the mean time,
Natasha is heading towards loki's cell,

Loki turns around and notices her standing there,

Loki : there are not many people,
Whi can sneak up on me.

Nat : but you figured i'd come.

Loki : after,
After whatever tortures fury can concoct.
You appear as a friend,
As a balm.
And i would cooperate.

Nat : i want to know what you have done with agent barton.

Loki : i would say that i expanded his mind.

Nat : and once you've won,
Once you're king of the mountain.
What happens to his mind?

Loki : oh.....
Is this love, agent romanoff?

Nat : love is for childeren,
I owe him a debt.

Loki : tell me.

Nat : before i workerd for shield.
Well made a name for myself,
I have a very specific skill set.
Didn't care who i used it for or on,
I got on shields radar in a very bad way,
Agent barton was send to kill me,
He made a different call,

Loli : and what will you do if i vow to spare him?

Nat : not let you out.
Loki: oh no....
But i like this.
You're world in the balance and you bargain for one man.

Nat : regime's fall every day,
I tend not to weep over that,
I'm russian.
Or i was.

Loki : and what are you now?

Nat : it's really not that complicated.
I got red in my ledger,
I like to wipe it out.

Loki : can you?
Can you wipe out that much red?
parkers son, dreykov's daughter,
Sao paulo, the hospital fire?
Barton told me everything,
Youre medger is dripping,
Gushing red,
And you think saving a man,
No more vortious than youreself will change anything?
This is the basest sentimentality,
This is a child at prayer.

The image changes towards tony and banner,

Loki : you lie and kill,

It changes towards the bridge where thor still is alongside nick fury, maria hill and phol coulson,

Loki: in service of liars and killers

The scene cjanges towards skylar working on her car now,
And to a walking away ilena,

Loki :  you pretend to be seperate,
To have you're own code.

The scene changes to steve looking through crates finding weapons exactly the same as hydra used to make

Loki : soemthing that makes up for the horrors,
But they are a part of you,
And they will never go away

It imediatly changes back to where loki hits his fist against the glass window,

Loki : i win't touch barton,
Not until i make him kill you,
Slowly, intimatly,
In every way he knows you fear.
And then he'll wake just long enough to see his good work,
And when he screams, i'll split his skull!
This is my bargain you mewling quim.

Nat turns around and qtarts to cry,

Nat : you're a monster.......

Loki lauhhs,

Loki : oh no,
you brought the monster and she devils.

Nat turns back around with a normal face,
No sign of tears,

Nat : so banner, legona and parker.
Thats you're play?

Loki : what?

Nat : loki means to unleash the hulk,
Keep banner in the lab i'm on my way,
Send thor as well,
And please keep parker and legona away from the scepter.

She turns around and looks towards loki,

Nat : thank you for you're cooperation.

With ilena now entering the lab stark and banner are in,

Ilena : if it weren't for you stark!!
Leon would still be alive!!

Stark : hold on you're horsey kid.
Look at youreself first if yn didn't got captured you wouldn't be standing here right now,
And he wouldn't be turned into a she.

Banner : he has a point.
Bu the way who wouldn't say that eventualy parker wouldn't turn it was about to happen.

Ilena : you know that if you're papi didn't gave my mom that cursed thing none of this happend!

Nick joins them now,

Nick : what are you doing mr stark?
And what is this about ilena?

Ilena : never mind!

Stark : uhm...
Kind of wondering the same thing about you.
You're supposed to be locating the tesseract,

Banner : we are,
The model is locked.
And we're sweepign for the signature now.
When we have a hit,
We have a location within a 5 mile radious.

Tony : then you have you're cube back,
No muss, no fuss.
Wjat is phase 2.

Ilena : you know what?
f this!

Ilena walks out.

With skylar still on her car,
She starts to have a headache,
Before she puts her hand down and slips with it,
A hand grabs her and keeps her from falling,
She looks towards the person helping her,
When she does,
She see's a familiar face,
That of her own,

Leon : bet you didn't see this coming.

Skylar : the hell are you doing here leon?

Leon : why are you doing like this to her skylar?
And believe me i already know it,
But i want to hear it from you.

Skylar chuckels,

Skylar : ofcourse you do,
We're bassicly the same person, you and i.
I'm like this because last time i tried to protect her,
This happend to me.
Weird right?

Leon : maybe it was about time,
Change is good skylar,
There is only one of you or me,
Just the same as this car.

He now sits against it,
Skylar sits next to him,
With her head on his shoulder,
Leon starys to carress her hair,

Skylar : if only.
You had alot of dreams,
I'm here fullfilling them.

Leon : because you had a second chance.
Don't let it go to waste by pissing ilena off.

Ilena : who the hell are you talking to?

Skylar and leon jump up from the car,
They both look towards ilena,

Leon & skylar : ilena.....

Ilena : uhm.......yeah?

Skylar walks towards ilena,
As ilena only sees skylar right infront of her,

Leon walks towards skylar and dissapears as he walks through her,

Skylar puts her hand on ilena's cheek,
And kisses her,
When they break,

Ilena : leon......

Skylar : can you see me now?
I'm still him but also me.

Ilena kisse skylar again,

After a few images going through both their minds,
They break apart,
Behind ilena, skylar sees that leon dissapears,

Leon : take care of her skylar.........

Skylar smiles,

Skylar : i will.......

Ilena looks behind her but doesn't see anything,

Ilena : you o-

The hellicarrier starts to rock,
As an explosion goes off,
The hood of the impala slams shut,

Nick : legona on me!
Parker you got loki!

Skylar helps ilena to get back up,

Skylar : work is calling,
You alright though?

Ilena : i am now skye.
Lets get to work.

Both of them nod,
And walk off,
When it pans to their backs,
They already dissapeared.

Next to fury running towards the bridge,
Ilena shows up,
Already holding two black energy balls in her hands,

Ilena : i got you're back sir.

Nick : good to know legona,
That someone does.

Ilena : so any idea who it is?

Nick : probably Barton.

Ilena : kill on sight?

Nick : knock him out but don't kill him.

Ilena : on it.

Once they are on the bridge,
Nick is looking over the status report,
Seeing that one engine is badly damaged and shut down,

Tony and cap are on coms talking to each other to get it back working,

Skylar : loki is secured for now.

Nick : copy that parker.

Nick see's now that humk and thor are fighting it out,

Nick : we need evac on the lower hanger bay.

Maria : on it,
Come on.

She and a few agents try to walk off,
As a grenade gets thrown into the main area of the bridge,

Maria can barely dodge the explosion,
Nick now hides himself,
Where as ilena throws black energy balls towards the door the grenade came from,
Bullets whizzes by her head,
But she manages to hit a few men,
As now an arrow flies by her head,
Hitting the ground behind her,
It explodes,
Knocking her out,

A few soldiers come into the room,
Trying to pick her up,
But nick shoots all of them,
When a few more arrows come through,
Nick starts to shoot to where they came from,
As he and maria now tend to a knocked out ilena,

With skylar,

Skylar : as long as i'm standing,
You aint getting out of here.

Loki : oh i wish that was true,
It would be a shame to lose that what is important to you.

Skylar turns around her eyes glow bright red,
As she looks towards loki,

Skylar : is that a threat?
You are in no position to bargain!
You hear me!
Hurt her and i will squeeze you're last breath out of yo-

Skylar powers down as she is knocked down by a agent that is taken over by loki,

Tony now jump starts the engine again,
As steve is fighting off the enemy,
The humk gets distracted by a jet,
But is gone now as the jet explodes the hulk is falling down to the ground below,

Nat goes over clint,
And with ilena and skylar out,
Nobody can get through them,
Wich can cause panic to everyone.

Thor on the other hand,
Comes to the room,
Where loki is kept in,
He see's that loki is escaping,
Quickly he rushes in and heads towards loki,
Only to find out that it was a trap by loki,
As the door close on him,
He looks towards loki who stands next to a knocked out skylar,

Loki : are you ever not going to fall for that?

Thor hits the glass with his hammer,
Almost breaking it,
Wich leads to the locks holding the cell in place to loosen up,

Loki : the humans thinks us immortal,
Should we test that?

Before loki can do anything the guard gets knocked out,
But loki and thor look to him,
And see coulson standing there with a gun,

Phil : move away please.
You like this?
We started working on a prototype,
After you sended the destroyer,
Even i don't know what it does

The gun powers up.

Phil : want to find out?

Before coulson can fire,
He gets stabbed in the back,
By loki with his scepter,

Thor : no!!

On the ground skylar starts to wake up,
And getting up,
She reaches for her head,

Skylar : can you please not yell thor....

She looks towards the cell as she see's thor,
She turns around to look at where thor was looking,
As she does,
Against her chest she feels the tip of something pointy,

Skylar : loki........

Thor : loki!!!

Skylar starts to get her mind being taken over by loki,

Before it's complete loki is getting shot by coulson,
Throught the wall,
Before coulson dies,
Skylar goes over to him,
Grabbing her chest,

Skylar : hang on phil.
Daisy still needs you.

Coulson : she'

Skylar : coulson?

When skylar lets out a tear and wants to get back up,
To take revenge on loki,
She already has a black ball of energy in her hand,
She feels the same pointy feeling against her chest again,

Loki stand sthere smilling at her,
Now her mind gets completely taken over by loki,

Loki now has a change to drop thor,
And make an escape,
Togheter with skylar and a few agents they converge on their way towards a quinjet,

When ilena comes back concious she hears over the radio,
Li'e the rest of them,

Nick : skylar parker turned on us,
Agent coulson is down.

Agent : a medical team is on its way to you're location.

Nick : they're here,
They called it.

A few hours go bye now.

Ilena aswell as nick, steve and tony are on the bridge,
None of them are talking until nick starts,

Fury : these where in phil coulson's jacket,
I geuss he'd never did get you to sign them.....

Fury sighs,
As he throws the captain america trading cards on the table towards steve,

Fury : we're dead in the air up here,
Our communications,
The location of the cube,
Banner, thor......skylar.......

He looks towards ilena,

Fury : I got nothing for you,
Lost my one good eye,

Maybe i had that coming......

He walks around the table now,
Where only Steve, tony and ilena are sitting

Fury : yes
We were going to build an arsenal with the tesseract,
I never put all my chips on that number though,
Because i was playing something more riskier,

There was an idea,
Stark knows this.
Called the avenger initiative,
The idea was to bring togheter a group of remarkable people,
To see if they could become something more,
To see if they could work togheter when we needed them to.
To fight the battles we never could.

Phil coulson died still believing in that idea,
In Heroes.

Ilena aswell as nick and steve watch on how tony walks away now silently,

Fury : well, its an old fashioned notion.

Ilena : old fashoined or not,
It's not bringing skylar back.
If you need me i'll be doing the work that she couldn't finnish.

Once ilena is in the garage and opens the hood of the impala,
She starts working on it,
As she fails and is busy with other stuff in her mind,

Ilena : why!!
Goddamn it why you!!!

She slams her fist against the car,

Next to her the same as leon appeared for skylar,
A woman shows up,

Yn legona : really is this what it takes to break ilena?

Ilena now with tears in her eyes looks towards yn,

Ilena : i'll never be like you or skylar,
I can't save the people that i love......

Yn legona : are you kidding me?
Look what you have done already,
You gave her the perfect reason to do anything to save you.
Hell even i did that once.

Ilena : but look what happend to you.
You died.

Yn : i didn't die.......

Ilena : you didn't?

Yn : no you silly girl......
You are me.

Yn hugs ilena now,

Ilena : how.......

Yn : deep down you know.
Because skylar is still leon,
We only did a hard reset to not let reinhardt or hydra get their hands on the knowledge we had ilena yn legona.

Ilena looks away and then back to yn,
She is shicked as she doesn't see yn anymore.

Ilena : i am yn legona.
And this time i'm not letting anyone die.

Over her com's she hears stark,

Stark : that's great kiddo now get you're ass over to new york.

Steve : glad to have you back luitenant.

Ilena steps into the impala after cutting it lose.

Ilena : same here captain.

Nick fury on the other side looks towards the garage through the window,
And see's that ilena drives through it with the car,
The moment she hits the glass she dissapears with car.

In new york at stark tower,
Tony arrives,
Quickly he gets his suit of him,
As he walks to go inside he see's a now mind controlled skylar aswel as loki lookinh at him,

Tony : hi there emo.

Loki : please tell me that you are going to appeal to my humanity.

Tony : uhm......
Actualy i'm planning to threaten ya.

Loki : you should have left you're armor on for that.

Tony : yeah.
It's seen a bit of mileage,
And you got the euh....
Glowstick of destiny.
Would you like to drink?

Loki : stalling me won't change anything.

Tony : no, no threatening.
No drink?
You sure?
I'm having one.

Skylar just keeps on looking and waiting on loki's command.

Loki : the chitauri are coming,
Nothing will change that.
What have i to fear?

Tony : the avengers.
That's what we call ourselfs,
We're sort of like a team.
Earths mightiest hero's type thing.

Loki : yes i've met them.
Got one here right now.

Tony chuckle's,

Tony : yeah.
It takes us awhile to get any traction,
I'll give you that one.
But let's do a head count here.
You're brother, the demi god.
A supersoldier, a living legend who kind of lives up to the legend,
A man with breath taking anger management isues.
Maybe but we are not sure a woman out of time, who can do the same as emo there.
A couple of master assassins.
And you,
You managed to piss them all off.

A song starts to play over the radio,
As an engine roaring through the sky can be heard,

As the roar gets closer and closer,
Through the window opposite where skylar is standing next to loki,
The glass shatters,
As the black impala come's crashing through it,

Skylar starts sending black energy balls towards it,
Wich explode on impact,
Yet the car doesnt take any damage,
As it keeps on coming towards her,
In it sits ilena,

Tony : speaking of one.

Loki manages to dodge the incoming car,
As it hits skylar she flies through a window,
Ilena manages to stop the car,
And steps out of it,
Imediatly she vanishes,

Tony : that will give us some time.
but i need to talk to that woman,
This isn't a suitable spot to park.

Below on the streets,
People watch on how two people are falling down,
And vanish once they reach each other,
Between explosions in,

Inside the train station,
They reapear,

Ilena : what you think you will get out of this skylar?

Skylar : a beter world for you and me.
Because if you can beat the-
Ilena : join them?
Blimey skylar get you're head out of you're arse!

Skylar : just give in ilena,
You know that i'm telling the truth.

Ilena : i've hear it before skylar.
1940, 1960 and 1990.
But here i am again.
Without me you wouldn't be standing here today!!

Skylar sends a black ball of energy towards ilena,
Who vanishes and reapears behind skylar,
Knocking her out in an instant.

Ilena : when you wake up,
I'll need you at full strenght skylar.

Ilena picks her up and exists the station,
Infront of her she see's steve, natasha and clint,
Hiding behind some cars,

She quickly runs over to them while carrying skylar,

Steve : she okay?

Ilena : she better be.

Tony : where is banner?
has he shown up yet?

Steve : banner?

Tony : just keep me posted.

Ilena : you guys can watch skylar?

Steve : what are you going to do?

Ilena : about to have someone cap,
Remember the war.

Steve : oh......

Ilena vanishes,

Clint : the hell is she talking about?

Steve : wait and see barton.

A bunch of chitauri soldier riding there flying crafts,
Suddenly dissapear,
The flying crafts all fall down one by one,
As in the sky high above the chitauri soldiers reapear,
Right infront that of loki,

Not ten nor twenty,
Thirty of them are falling down,
Followed by a straight coming upwards to them,
A black beam of energy,

Loki manages to dodge it,
Just barely as the rest of the chitauri soldiers following him all fly into it,
Imediatly they are dissintigrated.

Tony : is that what you guys did in the 40's?

Steve : that and alot more stark.

Tony : wanna help me get rod of this beast behind me?

Ilena now reapears standing on top of tony's suit of armor surfing on it,
As she sends a couole of black balls into the beast flying directly after them,

Tony : you beter duck!!

Ilena looks to the front and see's that tony is flying into the mouth of another one,
She vanishes before tony floes into it,

Next to natasha and clint,
Ilena comes back into frame.

Ilena : so she awake already?

Nat : she is barely though.

Skylar : ilena.....
What happend?

Ilena : you're numb skull got mind jacked by loki.

Skylar : oh,
If i can get my hands on him.

Clint : you have to wait in line for it.

Infront of them the chitauri soldiers are coming more and more towards them,
Thats when lighting hits them all,
As thor is now with them,

Cap rejoins the group aswell,

Steve : what's the story upstairs?

Thor : the power surrounding the cube is impenetrable.

Tony: thor is right,
we got to deal with these guys.

Nat : how do we do this?

Steve : as a team.

Thor : i have unfinnished bussiness with loki.

Clint : yeah,  again you have to wait in line.

Skylar: hey man i said the same thing.

Ilena : cap its up to you.

Steve : save it.
Loki is going to keep this fight focussed on us,
And thats what we need.
Without him these things could run wild.
We got stark ontop.
He is going to need us to....

Behind steve thet all see brice riding in on a motorcycle.

They head over to him,

Bruce : so this all seems horrible.

Nat : i've seen worse.

Bruce : sorry.

Nat : no, we could use a lil worse.

Steve : stark we got him.

Tony : banner?

Ilena : just like you said.

Tony : then tell him to suit up,
I'm bringing the party to you.

In the distant they see tony flying around a corner behind him is a massive beast following him,

Nat : i-i-i don't see how thats a party.

Ilena looks towards skylar and nods,
Both women power up,
On one side of the group out of ilena dark energy comes out of her,
As on the other out of skylar blue energy,
Both women prepare an attack,

Bruce turns arpund and starts walking towards the beast,

Steve : dr banner?
Now might be a really good time for you to get angry.

Bruce : thays my secret cap,
I'm always angry.

He imediatly turns into the hulk,
Pinching the incoming beast roght in the face,
As its speed pushes the hulk back wards,
The beast tippmes over with its tail first above the group,

Ilena : skular now!!

Both woman release two seperate beams each in their own color,
Wich holds the beasts body a bit back,
Stark comes in and sends a rocket to an open space on the beasts back,

Exploding a hole,
So that the women's energy beams can disintegrate the beast,

The chitauri hanging on the buildings on the sides,
All scream now,

Now all of them stand in a circle ready to attack the rest of the chitauri,

Thor, ilena, steve, tony, skylar, natasha, hulk and clint,

Nat looks up and see's more chitauri comong through,

Nat : guy's.....

Tony : call it captain.

Steve : alright, listen up,
Until we can close that portal up,
Our priority is containment,
Barton i want you on that roof,
Eyes on everything,
Call out pattrens and strays,
Stark you got the perimeter,
Anything gets more then three blocks out,
You turn it back or you turn it to ash.

Clint looks towards tony,

Clint : can you give me a lift?

Tony : right, beter clench up legolass.

Steve : thor, you got to try to bottle neck that portal,
Slow them down.
You got the lighting,
Light those bastards up.

Thor flies off,
After spinning his hammer around,

Steve looks towards natasha,

Steve : you and me,
We stay here on the ground,
We keep the fighting here.
Hulk, just smash.

Ilena : what about us?

Steve : stealth,
Luitenant you and agent parker are going to hunt for loki but not hurting or panicking him.
Just stick close to him.

Skylar wants to go already,
But she is stopped by ilena,
As ilena gives her a kiss,
Stunned by this skylar looks towards imena as she is walking off,

Ilena : good luck skylar,
Oh by the way if you are mooking for you car later on,
Its in starks tower,
Top level.

Ilena now vanishes,

Skylar : the hell is it doing there?

Stark : enough chit chatting let's get to work people.

Skylar : right.....

Now in a blink of an eye skylar vanished too,
As the hulk jumps up imediatly killing some chitauri soldiers in his path,

Thor now reaches the top of new york city's higest Building lighting the portal and whatever comes out of it up,

Stark is flying around keeping the chitauri inside the 3 blocks radious,
Aswell as blowing a few of them up,

Hawkeye is shooting arrows at random chitauri soldiers that are flying by,

Where as steve and natasha are fighting of chitauri soldier left and right,

Ilena and skylar are racing each other to find loki,
While in the mean time killing chitauri soldiers and beasts left and right.

After awhile,

On her coms,
While she is chasing after loki,
Ilena hears steve,

Steve : i need someone to keep them at bay at the portal,
And another to leep romanoff safe.

Ilena : skylar you get the portal.
I get romanoff.

Skylar : on it.

Skylar now teleports in right below the portal,
Everyone on the ground can see now that she is powering up and shoots a beam big enough to fill the portal,

Where as ilena now teleports in ride behind natasha,
Riding a flying craft of the chitauri,
She sends energy balls to whoever is following them,

Behind them tony emerges,
He kills a few coming from the front of the women,

As he then goes on to help cap on the bridge before the tower and station,
Killing some chitauri by blasting his repulsors into caps shield,
After that he flies upwards,
Throwing some chitauri to the ground that are climbing up towards clint,
Who is shooting arrows to others,
From climbing up to flying around,

Where as on craft falls into a beast,
Ontop of it is the hulk smashing away on soldiers,
As he rips of a metal plate and jams it into the neck of the beast,
Thor arrives and slams it deeper,
All in the mean time,
Skylar reapears back under the portal firing yet another beam into it.

A few hours pass by,
As the avengers are battleling again nst the chitauri,

Ilena notices that skylar is getting tired,

Ilena : nat i have to go.

Nat : right i can handle it from here on.

Ilena : skylar i'm coming to you.
Go and take a rest.

Skylar : i got this ilena.

Next to a falling down and trying to go back up skylar,
Ilena pops in,
Grabbing her,
Not quick after that a levaithan swallows both of them up,

Leaving the portal wide open,
Behind natasha now loki chases her and starts shooting at her,

Nat : clint.

Clint : i got him.

He shoots an arrow,
Wich loki dodges and grabs,
Smilling towards clint,
The arrow explodes sending loki flying right next to the black impala of skylar on the top level of stark's tower,

To where now on the very top of it nat can land right next dr selvig and the machine,

Loki stands up again and wants to go towards natasha,
The hulk jumps up and smashes loki to the inside,

Loki : enough!!!
You are all of you beneath me.
I am a god, you dull creature.

Loki now looks behind the humk seeing ilena putting skylar into her car,

Hulk turns around,
And looks at the two women,
They look back at them,

Ilena : don't mind us.
Continue "god".

Hulk turns around and grabs loki by the leg,
Smashing him into the ceiling and floor,
Over and over again,
Leaving the god of mischief completely broken,

Hulk : puny god.

Skylar : nice work hulk!

Ilena : you ok skylar?

Skylar : yeah why wouldn't i be?

Ilena : you know drained of you're stamina.
I can take it over.
You just rest here for now ok.

Skylar : ile-

Ilena kisses skylar and heads off,
Now below the portal ilena reapears this time shooting a beam larger then the portal.
Longer then skylar did.

As the rest of the avengers slowly fall of exhaustion or running out of ammo,
Ilena is keeping the portal shut from this side.

But as nobldy can back her up she falls aswell,
As a flying by chitauri shoots her in both of her shoulders,
Ilena falls to the ground below,

In their coms they hear Nick fury,

Nick : tony there is a nuke headong you're way.

Tony : how long.

Nick : three minutes, max.
The payload will wipe out midtown.

Tony : jarvis put everything we got into the thrusters.

Jarvis : i just did.

Tony flies off now,

In stark tower,
Skylar who is sitting inside her car,
Blacks out,
As she opens her eyes,
She see's that almost all of new york is a wasteland,
Reduced to ashes by the nuke,
In the distance she see's cap's shield maying next to thor's hammer and clint's bow,
As to where tony's suit is right infront of her on the balcony,
With inly a skeleton inside of it,
She looks uowards still seeing that the portal is open,
As to where she looks besides her,
She see's that ilena has died by bleeding out,

This shock wakes her back,

Skylar : nat close that portal on my cue!!
I'm going for the missile.

Ilena : skylar don't!!

Skylar : i'm sorry ilena there is no other way.
I love you and always will.

Skylar pulls her earpiece out,
As she puts it down she vanishes,
Before tony can reach the nuke,
She is already ontop of it,

Tony : emo what are you doing?

Skylar : doing the best i can tin can.

She smiles towards tony,
Sending a blue ball of energy upwards to sign to nat to close the portal,
As she and the nuke vanishes,
They all watch on how the alien ship in the portal blows up,
But no sign of skylar coming back down from it.

Ilena : skylar!!!

Steve : she's gone ilena.

Ilena who still lays on the ground tries to teleport but is stopped by her wounds,

Ilena : no!!!

A bright light shines in the city of new york,
Seen through the entire city,
As the rest now is gathering in stark tower to capture loki,
They watch on how the bright light lights up the city,

As now right infront of them a woman apears,

Steve : yn???

Yn : i'm going to make you pay!!!

She charges up a energy blast and points it into loki's face,

Loki : i'

Yn : to hell with you're drink.

She blasts it point blank into loki wounding him more,
As he flies into the wall,
The rest of the team holds yn back.

Yn now walks away towards the impala that is left behind by skylar,
The moment she sits in it,
She and the car dissapear.

Somewhere out in space though,
Skylar is seen heavly wounded and laying inside a bed unconcious.

???? : you'll be a fine addition to my army,
Yet another stray to be my daughter.

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