It's okay to have feelings

De analalwayswins

2.1K 62 35

Ahh being an adult in the working world must be fun! no. and especially not for Sasaki. Sasaki is having anyt... Mais

Chapter 1: woah...
chapter 2 why..?
chapter 3: what...
chapter 4 okay...
bonus: morning

Chapter 5 i love you...

346 10 12
De analalwayswins

apparently there's a youtube video that i don't remember putting 🤨 wattpad be glitching so idk if it's removed ig ill find out

A/N: Hhhhhhh sorry i took longer to write this chapter i started rereading the hirano and kagiura manga so my brain was occupied with them 😭 and now im rewatching jujutsu kaisen 😭. should i write a jjk fic yes or no. i do have a kagihira one now! anyways enjoy the chapter that was supposed to be the main plot of this story in the first place 💀😭 alsoooo there's some SLIGHT nsfw in this chapter 🤏😗 and this chapter is a little longer i think.


"Hey Shuumei?" Miyano asked after they laid there in comfortable silence for about 3 minutes. Sasaki looked over at him and responded, "Yes?" Miyano looked over at Sasaki, "Can i lay on top of you?" Sasaki loved when Miyano would ask him for some form of affection 'it's so cute that he still asks. i don't care what he does with me but his need for consent is attractive...' Sasaki just smiled and said "Heh you don't have to ask me twice! c'mere!!" He opened up his arms.

Miyano crawled on top of his boyfriend and buried his face in his neck. He laid there for a few seconds wondering 'Wait why did i ask? he probably doesn't care if i lay on top of him...' So he lifted his head back up to ask, "Is it weird that i still feel the need to ask for stuff like this..?" Miyano questioned. "No not really, your need for consent is very sweet actually. Though i personally don't care what you do with me but if it's more comfortable for you to ask then go for it!" Miyano was very relived to hear that, "hhhh okay..." he sighed in relief and put his head back down.

So they laid like that for a few minutes. Nothing to say, just comfortable silence. Very relaxing. Then, well, you know Sasaki. He can't go more than 0.5 seconds without kissing his boyfriend. So, now he grabbed Miyanos attention, "Yoshi?" Miyano immediately lifted his head back up "Yeah?" Sasaki didn't even say anything else he just kissed him. He loved surprising Miyano like that. Miyano pretends to hate it but it just makes him smile.

And, Again, you know Sasaki can't just kiss his boyfriend only once. Sasaki moves his hands from Miyanos back all the way up to grab his face. He liked holding him in place so he couldn't leave, unless Miyano says otherwise then of course he would immediately give him up. Miyano wasn't going anywhere though, after all, he enjoys this just as much as Sasaki does though he's not good at expressing that. So now there they were,




whew they really like kissing🧍‍♂️

okay they're just making out at this point🚶‍♂️

one of Sasakis hands is up Miyanos shirt on his lower back, the other in his hair. Miyanos hands, well, he has to hold himself up so his hands are just gripping the sheets. After about 30 seconds Miyano had to come up for a second, he can only go for so long. "Catching your breath Yoshi?" Sasaki asked in the most caring tone. He always sounded like that though, he always cares. "yes... gimme a minute..." Miyano said lightly panting. "Take your time, my love" Sasaki said softly.

After a few seconds Miyano had just processed what he said, 'my love??? MY LOVE???? he's pet-naming me??? that one actually sounded kind of sweet...' "Did you just pet-name me..?" Miyano asked. Sasaki looked back up at him with slight regret, "Oh uhh i guess i did. you don't like that?" Miyano blushed a little bit 'he really REALLY cares about all my preferences... he's so kind...' "Well not usually no but... that one you just used was... kind of sweet..." Sasaki smiled at his response "So i can call you that??" He had to make sure. "Yes. You can call me that" Miyano smiled.

'I hope he's ready for me to kiss him again because i cannot hold back for another second...' guess whos thought that was. that's right! Sasakis! But just as he thought that, Miyano himself went back in before Sasaki had the chance to! Surprise shawty!!  Sasaki was tired of being on the bottom though so he held onto Miyano and rolled him over. Now that Sasaki was on top, Miyano took this chance to move his hands up sasakis shirt and on his neck.

Miyano gave the back of Sasakis neck a light squeeze which in turn made Sasaki let out a little breathy noise. "Well damn yoshikazu where'd you learn how to do that?" Sasaki said smugly and smirked. But of course Miyano took this question seriously, "Honestly i didn't learn anything anywhere, i'm just trying things." That honestly made Sasaki fluster a bit, 'He- he's trying stuff with me? That's... kind of reassuring, that he feels that level of comfort with me to just try something out like that... god i love him so much' "I love you so much Yoshikazu" Sasaki had the most loving look on his face right now. "I love you too Shuumei" Miyano also had the most loving look on his face right now.

So they continued to make out for another five minutes before things escalated. They were now both sat up. Sasaki had both his hands up Miyanos shirt, implied that he was about to take it off. 'I should probably make sure he's okay with this-' "Yoshikazu, before i let things go any further i need your consent." His voice was low, almost a whisper but not quite. He didn't need to be that loud since he was still holding onto Miyano, their faces were pretty close still.

"Consent for what exactly? something specific? Whatever it is you want i'm okay with trying." I mean there you go, there's your consent. But Sasaki need a more sure answer. "For anything. I don't know how far things are about to escalate and knowing myself i probably won't stop unless you tell me no. Yoshikazu, are you okay with the way things are escalating right now? Will you be okay with whatever happens next? and after that?" 'I really care about him... i don't want him to feel even an ounce of discomfort...'

"Shuumei, You have my full consent to do what you please with me. Don't forget that i enjoy these things as much as you do even if i don't show that quite as well. Don't feel the need to stop yourself. I'd stop you if i wanted to, okay? I'm completely okay with anything if you are." 'I love how much he cares. i really care about him too... i don't wanna mess this up... now i'm kind of nervous... but i still wanna do this...' Sasaki smiled at him lovingly, "alright then". His hands were still up Miyanos shirt. So he gave Miyano another tender kiss before sliding his shirt off.

Miyano, now being the only shirtless guy in the room, was a little flustered so he wanted to slide Sasakis off too. So Miyano did exactly what Sasaki had done to him, Slid his hands up Sasakis shirt, kissed him, and slid his shirt off. 'Did he copy what i did? man he's so cute. i probably shouldn't point it out to him though..' Sasaki was now gripping Miyanos waist 'He's so small... Though he's extremely attractive... He's so beautiful...' aww sasaki you sweetheart. Miyano just kept his hands around Sasakis back.

Sasaki kissed him a couple more times before deciding 'i wanna give him hickeys... well, he said he contents to everything...' So Sasaki moved his lips down to Miyanos neck, as well as moving one of his hands to Miyanos thigh. This sudden hickey caused Miyano to let out a small noise. "That didn't hurt did it?" 'i can't tell if that was a noise of pain or surprise..' "No, not at all. just a little surprising. And now it's my turn to give you one..." This actually made Sasaki blush a little bit as Miyano went straight for Sasakis shoulder.

As they kept kissing and giving each other occasional hickeys Sasaki would rub his hands around Miyanos waist and thighs hoping he'd get the hint *wink*. He started grabbing Miyanos belt, to give Miyano a bigger hint. He pulled back to look at Miyano. Sasaki wanted more. more. more. He wanted to ruin him... lovingly. Miyano wanted it too even if he wasn't good with initianton, he could tell Sasaki was trying to progress.

Sasaki didn't even ask anymore questions he just looked Miyano in the eyes, looked down at Miyanos belt, and looked back at his eyes as a form a question. "Go ahead..." Miyano said softly. to say he was flustered was an understatement. But he knows what he wants. and that's Sasaki. "You're really REALLY sure about this Yoshikazu?" Miyanos flustered face was really throwing him off. 'i hope he's sure about this...' "I'm sure Shuumei. Trust me. I'm ready for this..." 'i want him so bad...' this was intended to be Miyanos thought but it's honestly both of them.

With the reassurance from Miyano, Sasaki started undoing Miyanos belt, and slid it off. And, not wasting any time, unbuttoned his pants too, and just as quickly took them off. And now it was Miyanos turn. Miyano undid Sasakis belt, and his button, and took his pants off. Both boys were left in their underwear now. Miyano, still a bit flustered started covering his body out of habit. An arm over him stomach and the other over his chest. All he could do was look at Sasaki.

Sasaki went and grabbed Miyanos hands and slowly pulled them away from his body, "You're really beautiful you know." Sasaki said in the most sweetest, tender voice he could conjure, looking Miyano straight in the eyes, smiling softly. This, in turn, made Miyano smile too. "I think you're really beautiful too Shuumei" He smiled softly back at Sasaki. 'i love him so much!!' both of them were thinking. Sasaki let go of Miyanos hands and spoke "C'mere Yoshi" and patted his lap for Miyano to sit on.

Miyano wasted no time getting himself situated in Sasakis lap. Once Miyano settled in, Sasaki held his waist and leaned into his chest to carefully place another hickey on his boyfriend. And another one. Aaaand one more. 'i wonder when it'd be okay to take this further... should i kiss him more first..?' Just to play it safe, Sasaki did infact kiss him more. But he also kept his hands back around Miyanos thighs and waist. And they continued to make out for another five minutes or so before Sasaki decided 'i want more. i want more of him. i want all of him.'

So he carefully laid Miyano down and moved his hands down to Miyanos underwear. Miyano knew exactly what Sasaki was doing and he was ready for it. This time Sasaki didn't even hesitate to slide the last of Miyanos clothes off. Nor did Miyano hesitate to slide the last of Sasakis clothes off. They were both still panting a little from making out a second ago. Sasaki was just hovered over Miyano and they were giving each other the most lustful look. 'here we go' they both thought.

--- aaaand TIME SKIP MUHAHAHA. yeah sorry but i had no intention or interest of writing an actual nsfw scene, i kinda just wanted to write about the care that comes before and after. that's what the original point of the story was 💀💀💀 that's why i wanted to write this. but then the other plot thickened too much💀💀😭😭 so erm.... enjoy the rest of this!!

After approximately an hour of switching positions and taking turns on each other, they finally gave out. Sasaki remembered back when Miyano said he wasn't a bottom, Which he respected, but Sasaki himself didn't exactly want to bottom the whole time either, so they took turns with each other.

They were laid there on their backs, side by side, both trying to catch their breath. And not too long after, Miyano started tearing up. He was... crying? Though these weren't bad tears. No these weren't out of regret or sadness. These tears were out of love, happiness, and a newfound deeper emotional connection to his boyfriend. These tears were cathartic. He wasn't quite smiling but he was definitely content. He and Sasaki looked over at each other. And, to your surprise, Sasaki wasn't too worried about the fact that Miyano was crying.

Little did Miyano know, Sasaki decided to educate himself a while ago on sex education. And just how to care for your partner in general. It was months after he started dating Miyano, 'if i get to do anything to him one day... i wanna make sure i know how to take care of him the best i can...' and he did a good amount of research. Which included the fact that some people get emotional as a post-sex response. So he knew Miyano was happy.

Without any words Sasaki leaned over to hug his boyfriend for a bit. Miyano did not hesitate to lean into Sasaki. They laid there, Sasaki rubbing Miyanos back for a few minutes. Sasaki finally pulled back a little and moved his hand up to Miyanos face, moved his hair out of the way, and gave him a light kiss on the forehead. "I love you so much Yoshikazu." Sasaki smiled softly. "*sniff* I love you too.." Miyano said still crying. Sasaki was now caressing Miyanos face, trying to wipe his tears out of the way, though they just kept coming. "Just relax and breathe okay?" Sasaki reminded him.

They laid there and hugged for another few minutes before Miyano spoke up, "Shuumei?" Sasaki pulled back to look at Miyano, "Yes my love?" 'Awe he said it again!!' "Do you think crying like this is a normal response..?" 'Man i'm glad i did some research a while ago' "Actually yes, it is normal for some people. Some people just happen to be emotional after things like this whether it be out of emotional intensity, pure love, deep connection, anything. So don't worry about it okay? It's okay to be emotional!" Sasaki gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"*sniff* You seem to be pretty knowledgeable about all this Shuumei." Haha you have no idea Miyano. "Yeah well, a while ago, like months after we started dating, i decided to educate myself. not in hopes of getting down with you right away but just so that when this day came i'd be able to take good care of you. I wanted to make sure i could make you comfortable and make sure things went nicely." He smiled at Miyano. Not that Miyanos tears were disappearing but this definitely made him cry more, He covered his face with his hands.

'GOD HES SO SWEET AND CONSIDERATE'  Miyanos thoughts were racing, so was his heart. "Well *sniff* i can definitely say *sniff* you did great..." Miyanos voice was all shaky, he loved Sasaki so much. "Awe come here Yoshi..." Sasaki laid on his back and opened his arms to his boyfriend. Sasaki laid there and held Miyano for as long as it took until he stopped crying, giving him occasional kisses around his face. After Miyano calmed down a bit, Sasaki asked him "Do you wanna come shower with me?"

Miyano was delighted at this offer but had something slightly different in mind, "Hmmm i wanted to take a bath, You know something more relaxing.." Sasaki immediately changed his mind, he wanted to relax too. "That sounds like a nice idea actually. Come on." They both got up and headed to the bathroom. Sasaki ran the water and went to go get towels while they waited for the water to fill.


After what felt like an eternity, the bath was finally filled. Sasaki stepped in first, then motioned Miyano to sit in front of him. He had Miyano face away from him so he could hold him from behind, while Miyano rested his arms over Sasakis. Miyano laid his head back on Sasakis shoulder and closed his eyes , and Sasaki took this opportunity to kiss Miyanos neck. "Don't fall asleep okay?" Sasaki noticed Miyano closed his eyes. "I won't, i'm just resting."


After that relaxing bath, they had both cleaned and rinsed off and were finally ready to wind down. They both dried off and headed back to their bedroom. Miyano laid back down on the edge of the bed, he was exhausted. Sasaki walked other to their dresser, "what do you wanna wear to bed?" Miyano thought for a second, "hmm Just underwear and a tshirt is fine." Sasaki looked back at him, "okay!" Then he proceeded to grab Miyano some fresh clothes and walked over to him. "You tired?" Miyano sat up and stretched, "Mhhm" He mumbled.

Sasaki couldn't help but smile at him, 'after all these years he just never stops being so adorable'  "Haha here i'll put your clothes on for you." And he did just that. He had Miyano lift his arms so her could throw his shirt on him, and pulled up his underwear most of the way, Miyano did the rest. Sasaki gave him a quick kiss on the forehead, "alright gimme a second while i put my clothes on." and Sasakis choice of clothes were, underwear, and pants. no shirt.

"Hey yoshi, before you get comfortable you should dry your hair more." Sasaki mentioned. Miyano let out the biggest sigh, he just wanted to sleep. "Haha don't worry i'll do it for you, just don't lay down! i'm gonna go grab the hair dryer." Sasaki offered. "Huh? Youre bringing it in here? where are you gonna plug it in?" Miyano questioned. Sasaki pointed to the power strip next to their bed, "Uhh the power strip next to our bed..?" 'He must be TIRED tired i should probably hurry up..'

Sasaki returned with said hair dryer and sat on the bed next to the power strip to plug it in. "Okay, come sit on the floor in front of me! After this i promise you can lay down." Miyano just went along with it and sat on the floor in front of Sasaki. Miyano just closed his eyes while Sasaki ran his fingers through Miyanos hair, which Miyano very quickly found out he enjoys, while blow drying his hair. After Sasaki finished that Miyano decided to ask, "Do you want me to dry yours for you?" even though they both knew how tired Miyano was.

"Are you sure? aren't you tired?" Sasaki asked genuinely. Miyano gave him a small smile, "ah it'll only take a few minutes and your hairs still damp." Miyano offered. Sasaki smiled at him, "If you insist! let's switch places." So Miyano did the same as Sasaki did to him, running his fingers through Sasakis hair while keeping the blow dryer on it. When Miyano was done, Sasaki took the dryer back, "I'll go put this away, you can lay back down." and gave him a small kiss on the forehead. 

Before Sasaki joined Miyano on the bed he asked, "Do you need anything before i lay down with you? water? something to eat? anything?" Miyano thought for a second, "Just a glass of water yeah. Thank you Shuumei." Sasaki smiled, "Of course! i'll be right back okay?"


Sasaki returned with two glasses of water, one for him, and one for his darling boyfriend. "Here ya go Yoshi!" Miyano smiled, "Thanks Shuumei." Sasaki took a sip of his water. Miyano chugged his. 'wow... glad i asked if he needed anything..' Sasaki spoke up, "So are you doing okay? Everything good?" Miyano set his glass down on his night stand, "Yeah i'm okay, why?" Sasaki looked at him, "Just checking you know? like i said, i wanna take good care of you!" Miyano smiled, "Ahh okay.... So what about you? Are you okay?" Sasaki smiled real big at this, "Heh yeah i'm good, you're too cute!"

Sasaki had just one more question, "Also, do you think that all went smoothly? is there anything you didn't like? did you enjoy all that overall?" okay maybe three questions. Miyano honestly looked a little confused, "Well yeah, i enjoyed everything! I thought that was obvious considering i never had to stop you from anything. I think that was really nice for a first time! What about you?" Sasaki smiled at him, "well i'm glad we both agree then, i think that was good too" Sasaki leaned over to kiss his boyfriend.

Miyano let out a big yawn. Big stretch. And laid back down. Sasaki finished his glass of water and also laid back down. "Shuumei?" Sasaki looked over to his sleepy boyfriend, "Yes my love?" He smiled. That nickname made Miyano smile everytime, "did you wanna cuddle?" Sasaki giggled a little, "of course! i wasn't gonna fall asleep without holding you.." Miyano blushed a little, "Can i spoon you then?" Sasaki smiled, "Of course" And he turned around giving Miyano the invitation to spoon him.

Miyano moved up close to Sasaki and wrapped his arms around him, and placed a kiss on the back of Sasakis neck. They both closed their eyes, "I love you Shuumei.." Miyano said sleepily. "I love you too, Yoshikazu." And they fell asleep just like that.


A/N WOOOOOOOOOO OKAYYYYYYY i finally got it done 😭😭 apologies for the wait 😭 i will have one more little chapter after this, just as a bonus 🤭 this parts actually been done for a while but i was originally gonna make the bonus part of this chapter too until i took to long to finish it so im just posting this now. teehee 🤭

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