chapter 2 why..?

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A/N here it is!!! Here's the comfort part 😻 enjoy this one 🤭


Since Miyano had finished his food like 5 minutes ago, he just grabbed Sasakis hand as led them back up to their bedroom. Sasaki practically threw himself on the floor, curled himself up in a ball, and laid there sobbing for what felt like 10 hours (it was more like 10 minutes).

Miyano wasted no time. He laid right down there with him, facing toward him and running his fingers through his hair. He just let Sasaki cry for as long as he needed to, occasionally inching closer to kiss his forehead. 'Man i know he shouldn't have yelled at that girl but i also kind of feel bad for him too? I know he wants to be a good person. He's trying his best just like anyone else is. Ahhhh i hope he doesn't have to feel depressed for too long, I want him to be okay..' Miyano was definitely worried about him, Though i'm pretty sure Sasaki is just a little 🤏 more worried about the girl than Miyano is.

It's been 10 minutes. Sasakis tears were no more.

But the action of sobbing still remained. it's just dry now. Yep he wasn't done sobbing. His face still dampened by the last tears that his eyes released. 'i hate this.' oh no. here it comes- 'I had no reason to do that to her. what was i thinking?? well that's the problem i wasn't thinking was i? god this is so stupid. i am so stupid. man she probably felt like i was a monster in that moment. what the actual fuck is wrong with me. just because i had a long week?? what kind of stupid excuse is that. what kind of heartless piece of shit does that? me apparently. What does yoshikazu see in me?? why is he here right now?? i dont seem to be a very good person. why would he choose to stay right here next to me?? i love him so much but right now i can't figure out why he loves me...'

Completely ignoring what Miyano had said at the dinner table earlier, Sasakis thoughts tore him apart. He didn't exactly want Miyano to just leave his side but he couldn't exactly figure out what Miyano sees in him. But that's just the depression talking, otherwise, he knows damn well Miyano loves him to pieces. After a total of 15 minutes since his body hit the floor, Sasaki finally took his hands off his face and looked at Miyano who was still in fact right in front of him. Miyano moved his hands from Sasakis hair down to Sasakis face, wiping off whatever tears may or may not have been left. He just wanted to hold his face either way.

Sasaki was half zoned out staring at Miyano and because he was still lightly sobbing his breathing was a little weird. Sasakis eyes were filled with a lot of sadness and regret but also a little bit of fear? fear that he hurt someone. Miyano didn't even need to say anything he just rolled Sasaki onto his back and laid half on top of him. Sasaki wasted no time wrapping his arms around the Miyano that was now on top of him. Miyano gave him a couple kisses on the neck before he gently said "I love you so much Shuumei." And, as an impulsive response Sasaki asks, "why..?" 'shit. i didn't mean to actually say that-'

his thoughts were cut off when Miyano immediately answered "Because you're one of the sweetest, most respectful people I know. You're considerate and really thoughtful. Don't go thinking i've lost any feelings for you just because you made a mistake. I'm not gonna view you any differently because you had a bad day. You and I both know you're a good person. You're not suddenly deemed a bad person because one thing happened. What deems you a bad person is if you choose not to do anything about it. But that's not you. We both know you're going to give the most heartfelt apology the next time you see her. Does that sound like something a bad person would even consider? You have to believe me when i say things are gonna be okay. AND you have to believe me when I say I love you!! I love you because you're you. You're wonderful to me. I enjoy being with you no matter what kind of mistake you make. what matters is you fix it. And i know you will. That's why i love you."

God if Sasaki had any tears left he could create a whole ocean right now. Well, back to dry sobbing. He held onto Miyano tighter than ever, before he barely spoke out, "I *hic* I love *hic* you too-" Man this sobbing fit was not gonna go down anytime soon. Sasaki is now shaking. Miyano held on to him as tight as his little arms could and started kissing Sasaki anywhere that wasn't his mouth. He would've loved to kiss Sasaki on his lips but it'd probably be pretty hard for him with all this sobbing and shaky breathing.

Another 10 minutes passed. Sasaki was finally starting to calm down. The main sobbing stopped but the shaking was still there. His grip on Miyano actually loosened a little his poor body was so exhausted. Of course Miyano noticed immediately and suggested "how about we go lay down on the bed yeah? it's um probably better than the floor..." Almost immediately Sasaki stood up, a little too fast, got dizzy for a second and sort of just fell onto their bed. As Miyano was making his way into bed Sasaki asks him "... Can i lay on top of you now..?" Not even giving a verbal answer, Miyano immediately lays on his back opening his arms for Sasaki and doing that sort of grabby motion with his hands but the motion that implies more like 'come here' rather than a 'gimme'. Sasaki of course threw himself on top of Miyano as soon as he got the invitation.

Then Miyano remembered, "Shuumei? Are you hungry? I almost forgot you didn't eat earlier!" dang it "hhhhhhh did you have to ask that nowwww?" Sasaki whined. "I'm sorry!! i just didn't want you to forget to eat! you don't have to go now!" Sasaki responded "Has it really been that long? I'm not really that hungry yet." Miyano tried to estimate how long it's been since sasaki threw himself on the floor, "uhhh i think it's only been close to an hour? yeah i guess it hasn't been THAT long. we can stay right here for now but try to eat later okay?" Miyanos still a little worried. "*yawn* yeah i will."

"You tired Shuu?" I think the answer is obvious. "Yeah a little. Crying is exhausting." Miyano just wanted to ask him "Before you fall asleep... Can I get a kiss..?" 'OH MY GOD. I HAVENT EVEN KISSED MY BOYFRIEND TODAY??' Sasaki didn't even think for two seconds before he said "Of course!!" He was just now realizing how desperately he wanted a kiss too.

Sasaki whipped his head up so fast after Miyano asked that. After he answered Miyanos question, he didn't hesitate for even a second before smashing his face into Miyanos. That's an exaggeration of course, But Miyano held Sasakis face and neck as they shared their, surprisingly, first kiss of the day. But of course for Sasaki, one kiss is NEVER enough. He went in for about 5 more before he laid his head back down on Miyanos chest. Miyano then moved his hands from Sasakis head down to his back where they were before. Miyano did not let his hands stop moving, he rubbed that boys back like his life depended on it, to which Sasaki easily fell asleep to. As he noticed Sasaki fall asleep, Miyano kissed the top of his head and decided he would take a nap too.

What could go wrong with a nap at approximately 7PM?


this chapter is slightly shorter but i think that was a perfect cut off lmao. man chapter 3 will be sooooo fun 🥰😻☝️🙏(😈)

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