chapter 4 okay...

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A/N: i hope i can write this out well enough. i've never had a situation like this happen to me so i hope this sounds okay! i guess it doesn't have to be 100% accurate, this is just a fanfic, it's supposed to be cute and fun 🤷‍♀️ also the girls name reveal is finally here lmao i didn't have one picked out before (also the girl is calling him shuumei bc it's a family bakery, she can't just call everyone 'sasaki' incase that wasn't obvious)


'WHY DO YOU HAVE TO PESTER ME WITH ALL YOUR QUESTIONS???' 'stop.'  'IS IT REALLY SO HARD TO JUST GO ASK SOMEONE ELSE?' 'stop. it.' 'WERE CLEARLY BUSY RIGHT NOW I HAVE THINGS TO MAKE COULD YOU JUST GET OUT OF MY FACE FOR FIVE SECONDS???' 'STOP IT!! i don't want to remember that. leave me alone..' "leave me alone.." Sasaki didn't even realize he said that last part out loud. Well more like out quiet, his voice was very low but Miyano heard that.

"..Shuumei..?" This made Sasaki jump, he kind of already forgot Miyano was there. His thoughts were so distracting. "Oh! sorry i... didn't mean to startle you.." Sasaki still wouldn't look at him. Wouldn't speak to him. He couldn't hold eye contact right now he was still freaking out. 'can barely breathe...' True, he was still breathing rapidly. Miyano was still thinking 'should i..

Miyano decided to hug him. No, not just hug him, Hold him. Really tight. Really close. He wanted Sasaki to know he was there 100%, Right by his side the whole time. "Shuumei i need you to listen to me.." He spoke up close to Sasakis ear. Of course Sasaki couldn't really respond or acknowledge this, Miyano just had to hope that he was listening.

"Your- You're gonna be okay.."

"Everything is gonna be okay"

"You're not a bad person"

"Just. Breathe."

Miyano continued to repeat stuff like this for a few minutes, still holding onto Sasaki. And, When he could finally get Sasakis attention, Miyano decided to help him calm his rapid breathing. That candle method. Miyano held up four fingers and had Sasaki "blow them out" like candles. Sasaki thought it was corny but he tried it anyway. 'For Miyano...' Well... It worked. He started breathing a little more normally. Though his heart was still beating a bit fast but overall he was alright. Depressed, but now he could breathe normally.

"Shuumei..? You okay..?" Sasaki looked up at Miyano for a couple seconds then just hugged him. He hugged him so tight he felt so grateful right now. 'Man i'm glad he was here. i feel so... loved..' And right on cue with his thoughts: "I love you so much Shuumei.." And Sasaki, finally speaking: "I- i love you too. I can't tell you how grateful i am right now.. Seriously, Thank you. Thank you for sticking with me.." Miyano smiled so warmly at this. His heart melted a little bit. "Awe you don't need to thank me! This is what partners are for isn't it? We're supposed to be here for each other. Of course i wasn't gonna leave you like that!" 'Man he's so sweet... i love him so much...' "Oh.. yeah.. i guess you're right, heh, i wouldn't leave you either..." And so they sat there for a while, holding each other, Miyano rubbing Sasakis back. They really would do anything for each other.


"Hey Yoshi what time is it?" Miyano pulled his phone out of his pocket "5:23. Should probably start dinner soon, anything specific you want?" Sasaki looked at him almost confused "Huh? You're cooking again? but isn't it m-" He was cut off by a serious Miyano "No! It's okay! I've got it! Seriously... You need to relax okay? I don't mind, really.." Now Sasaki was looking at him a little surprised 'Wow... He... He really cares about me. I wouldn't even have minded cooking, or at least helping. But he seems pretty worried... Maybe i should listen to him..' "Al-alright I uh, I'm just gonna go lay down.." Miyano smiled "Sounds good, i'll come get you when it's ready okay?" Sasaki nodded "yeah, okay"

It's okay to have feelingsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ