The School for Good and Evil...

Par SRSInkFeather

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Once upon a time, before Sophie and Agatha, two students changed the school forever. Friends in Gavaldon, the... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25: Epilogue

Chapter 20

491 30 2
Par SRSInkFeather

When he finally woke up, Garth thought he was dead. Every muscle, every bone in his body ached as if they had shattered. His vision was foggy, his ears ringing. He figured out he wasn't dead, but he wanted to be. He stayed still, closing his eyes.

Rather than seeing darkness, he saw Lilac's face. The ringing in his ears was replaced by her joyful laugh. Rather than feeling pain, he felt her soothing touch. It hurt to smile, but he couldn't help it. She was so lively. So beautiful. And he'd never see her again.

Garth opened his eyes. It was still raining, not as heavily, but still a downpour. He lay in the water, fur coat drenched. The world was still grey. He lifted his head, but dropped it back down. Everything still hurt. He took a breath, realizing he hadn't done so in a while.

He stared at his reflection in the water as he mogrified back into a boy. He was able to figure out the spell for pants and increasing the size of his sword. Everything still hurt, but it was a little better.

"Scar," Garth groaned as he pushed himself up with his aching arms. He looked around at the pond he was in, trying to find the wolf. "Where are you?" He stood up shakily and walked awkwardly out of the water. He collapsed on dry ground. Well, the muddy bank. But for him, it was dry ground.

Over here. Garth lifted his head, wiping the mud out of his eyes. Over here, the voice hissed again. The prince felt drawn to the voice. Like that first day in the Blue Forest, near the gates that lead to this forsaken place. He glanced back at the water, just to make sure Scar wasn't being left behind.

Over here. Garth slowly crawled toward the voice, dragging his legs behind him. When he neared a tree, he grabbed a branch to help get himself to his feet. He walked for a time in the rain, but slipped in the mud and fell again.

Over here. Garth kept going, not caring about the mud or the rain or the lack of direction. He had to know what kept calling him. What continued to pester him and want his attention. He simply had to know.

Garth got to his feet as he neared a cave. He stepped toward the entrance and looked inside. Darkness. He either went in and faced whatever was there, or he left. The prince looked around, not seeing any other option. He pulled out his sword and stepped into the cave.

"Anyone in here?" he called, his voice echoing off the walls. The further he went in, the darker it got. He could no longer tell if it was raining, but he was sure it was. He barely took a breath, fearing he'd awaken some creature.

Garth tuned in to someone's labored breath near the left side of the cave. He walked toward the sound, his only beacon in the pitch black cave. It almost sounded like a wheeze, happening less frequently every time.

Suddenly, a fire blazed. Garth pointed his sword at the spot, but only found an unconscious boy. The kid lay on the hard ground, some kind of dark fabric covering the lower half of his body. It was obvious he was in pain, his face expressing agony.

As Garth neared the boy, he saw his matted grey and white hair was wet. He could see a scar across the boy's left eye. Garth got on his knees and thought this guy couldn't be any older than he was. He gulped before carefully lifting the boy's eyelid. His eyes were blood red.

"Scar," Garth breathed, backing away immediately. His wolf was human. But how? There was no way this could have happened.

That's when Garth got the weird feeling they weren't alone. He turned his head slowly. In the firelight, he looked into two large, reptilian eyes. These were in the eye sockets of a black dragon's head that was as long as he was tall.

Garth lifted his sword, shouting, "Stay back." The dragon extended its long neck. Garth closed his eyes as he expected to get eaten. But nothing happened.

Why would I eat you? The voice. Garth opened his eyes just to see the dragon hovering over Scar the man. The dragon turned to him. If I wanted to eat you, you would have never seen your wolf friend again. Garth put the sword down slowly.

"You're the one who talked to me that first day, right?" he asked. The dragon seemed to bow.

Yes, I was. Garth, for the strangest reason, trusted the dragon. And that, in turn, made him sheath his sword. He stepped toward the dragon, still keeping a close eye on him.

"What did you mean by I didn't belong?" The dragon looked as if he would answer when Scar coughed. Garth launched toward his friend's side as he gasped for air. "What's wrong with him?"

Your friend landed on the rocks after pushing you away. I was unsure how to help a wolf, so I changed him into a child. It seems-

"Hold up," Garth interrupted, staring at the dragon. "You did this?" The dragon glared at him.

Of course I did. Did you think he did it on his own? Now, he is unable to breath properly because the rocks smashed his ribcage. Garth blinked a couple times. First, he had to get past the fact this dragon had changed his wolf into a person. Second, he had to figure out what this guy was saying.

The dragon grunted. Out of nowhere, his tail came, tied itself around his waist, and carried Garth away from Scar. It dropped him on the ground as the dragon stepped in front of Scar.

Let me handle it, the dragon muttered. Now Garth figured out how this thing was talking to him. Through his mind. But he didn't give it much thought after that, finding his path to Scar blocked by the dragon's rear end.

"Excuse me," he shouted at the dragon. "That's my friend. I think I should be over there."

You'll only get in my way and will probably kill your friend by doing so. Now stop talking and be patient. Garth groaned silently as he sat on the rocky ground. He crossed his arms and waited.

The difficult part wasn't the waiting, but the listening. Scar would wheeze or gasp for breath, but Garth couldn't do anything to help. The wolf boy would scream in agony from time to time, but Garth could only wait. Every cry of pain felt like a knife to Garth. It was getting to the point he couldn't stand waiting any longer.

"That's it!" he shouted, launching to his feet and charging the dragon's head. "I'm tired of waiting! Let me-oof!" The dragon had backed away, Garth flying onto Scar.

"Gah!" The boy sat up immediately, scaring Garth. Scar glared at him. "What are you doing on top of me?" he scolded. "Get o-" At that moment, Scar had noticed his paws were now hands. He looked at himself, touching every part of himself. He touched his face and ran his fingers through his hair.

"I-I'm a...boy." Garth stood up, watching as the wolf continued to look at himself. "I'm a boy." He started to hyperventilate, worrying Garth.

"Hey, Scar," Garth said, kneeling beside him. He put his hands on the boy's shoulders. "Scar, calm down. Take a breath. You're ok." Scar took a steadying breath, his eyes growing calmer as he breathed.


"Ask that guy," Garth replied, pointing at the dragon.

My name is Bartholomew, not that guy. Garth shrugged.

"Same, di-" Scar covered Garth's mouth with his new hand.

"Don't insult Bartholomew. He is a dragon of magic." Garth tried to say something, but it came out as a murmur. Scar hadn't taken his hand off his mouth yet.

Nice to know you recognize me. I've been in hiding for quite a while since Stephan was chosen to attend the School for Good and Evil. Garth went wide-eyed and ripped Scar's hand off his mouth.

"You know Stephan?" he blurted before Scar shut his mouth again.

Indeed I do. I could tell he was placed in the wrong school from the start and figured out it was you who belonged in Good. Hence, "You don't belong." Scar had the same look in his eyes as Garth. Shock.

"If you knew about Garth and you live out here, then how come you didn't try and save us when we got stuck out here the first time?" Scar asked. Bartholomew waved his claw at the boys. The next moment, they found themselves in matching collared red shirts, black pants, and tall boots. A basket of bread and water appeared also.

Please, eat. You two must be famished.

"Will you answer the question?" Garth replied, already reaching for the basket. The dragon laid down in front of them.

Of course. The answer is yes, I was here when you two were in the woods. But so was Stephan. He had gone looking for me so that he might use the scepter to gain control of my mind. As for saving you, please let me finish Garth. Garth had raised his hand politely while the dragon was talking, but put it back down when he was scolded.

As for saving you, I was the one who sent the vines after you. Garth nearly choked while Scar grew red in the face.

"You're the reason Vicky almost died? Why you-" Garth held the wolf boy back, trying to get him under control.

Garth wasn't planning on heading back to the school. So I had to knock some sense into him. Luckily, Lilac came along and did just that. But I had to make sure you all headed back to the school.

"So the vines kept coming," Garth added. Bartholomew nodded.

The girls got trapped because Stephan was near and I was trying to get rid of him. My spell may have gotten a little out of control and went after more people than Stephan, but the intention was to get Stephan to leave. Garth took another bite out of the bread he had in his hands.

"So that's why the vines didn't come after us this time?" Scar questioned.

Yes, Bartholomew replied. I only use the vines when I need to get someone to see the truth. Princes who think they can rule the world. Nevers who believe they're invincible. A few scars from plants can really change someone's point of view. Scar gulped down some water after taking another bite out of his loaf.

"So why the rain? Why the waterfall?" Garth asked.

Bartholomew replied, That would be Stephan's doing. He most likely believed I would eat you like I attempted to do to him. The giant serpent in the woods and crocodiles in the river were his minions. Garth stared at the dragon.


The scepter is how. Stephan and his father had killed the witch that plagued their kingdom with dragons and serpents. However, it cost his father's life. Stephan stayed away from his kingdom for quite a time and realized his father's lifelong quest was over. He didn't accept this very well. For if not for the witch, Stephan would not have received the love of his people that he had every time he came to their aid. So he took the witch's scepter, which she used to control the minds of reptiles such as I. He returned to his kingdom, telling a tale of how his father died trying to kill the witch. Once in a while, when he felt like being a hero, Stephan would summon monsters for him to destroy.

"I'm still confused," Garth said. "How is he Evil and I'm Good? I mean, I killed people. He fake rescued people." Bartholomew turned to Scar, who nodded with understanding.

"Garth, how did you feel afterward? As in, after you killed people?" he asked. Garth stared at the ceiling of the cave, trying to remember his past thoughts.

"I regretted killing my dad, 'cause I only wanted him to feel my pain. I wanted to save Lilac when I killed Marcus, but I wasn't too proud of that either."

"And that guard in Evil?" 

"I beat the wolf to help the kid." Scar nodded.

"That's what I thought," Scar replied. The dragon nodded as well.

Stephan may have been saving his people, but his intentions behind that were pure Evil. He did it so that he may win the hearts of his kingdom, for it was the only way for him to rule them. The ladies, the parades, the celebrations. He was the hero to everyone, but was truly their demise. He deceived them so well that even his brother has no question in his mind which of you is Good. Garth groaned.

"I'm guessing Lilac won't be happy to hear Richard defend Stephan," he muttered. Bartholomew shook his head.

No, she wasn't. Scar stared at the dragon.

"You know what Lilac is doing?" Bartholomew shrugged.

I did. Vicky as well. I can-

"Stop talking," Garth interrupted, launching to his feet. "What do you mean 'you did know what she was doing'? Don't you know what she's doing now?" The dragon's eyes widened as Garth's words sunk in.

No. I can't. Bartholomew stood up and stared at the entrance to the cave. I forgot to see how she was when I found Scar unable to breath. Last I remember, she was in the Blue Forest, taking Vicky to the school. Scar stood up, in a panic as well.

"What's Vicky doing?" The dragon continued to stare.

She's in the Blue Forest with your friends, looking for Lilac. Bartholomew turned to them. You have to go back before it's too late. Scar and Garth turned to each other.

"What do you mean by too late?" Garth questioned.

"Can't you turn me back into a wolf first?" Scar pleaded. Bartholomew stared at them.

I will be too drained from turning you back into a wolf to transport you into the Blue Forest. For now, you will have to be a boy. You must stop Stephan. Before either of them could say another word, the world went supernova.

"Lilac!" Edward shouted into the woods, his hands cupped around his mouth. The only response he got was the echo of his own voice in the abandoned woods. He turned to Amanda.

"Are you sure the fox said Lilac was in here?" he asked. The fox started chattering to him angrily.

"Her name's Vicky. And yes, I'm sure she said here," Amanda replied. Edward looked around where he was standing. He groaned when he didn't catch sight of pink in all the blue.

"Garth is going to kill me for losing her," he muttered. Richard scoffed.

"It's not like she belongs to him," the prince retorted. Edward shot him a glare.

"Garth cares a lot about Lilac. Now get over yourself and help me find her."

He started to walk deeper into the forest when Richard shot back, "Yeah, go ahead and find her for Garth. Be the good little lap dog for the Never."

"Richard!" Isabella shrieked, raising her head from the bushes as he finished. Edward turned on his heels and marched up to Richard, standing inches away from his face.

"I am not a lap dog. Garth is not a Never. And if it helps you feel better, think of this search as us trying to find a missing friend." Edward walked away, muttering, "Which would have never happened if you had kept your mouth shut."

Richard, infuriated after hearing Edward's words, charged the boy and tackled him. The princes wrestled on the ground, punching each other in the face and gut. They would grab each other's collars until the seams tore. The girls shouted at them to stop, but they wouldn't.

That's when Garth and Scar appeared out of nowhere. When they noticed the battle, they jumped in, each grabbing a prince. It took effort, but they were able to drag Edward and Richard away from each other.

"Quit fighting you two!" Garth yelled at them, struggling to hold on to Edward. Scar squeezed Richard's chest, holding him firm as the boy tried to free himself.

"You guys are acting like squirrels fighting over an acorn," the wolf boy grunted. Everyone stopped when they heard his comment. Garth and Scar let the boys go, the princes staring intently at Scar.

"Where does an analogy like that come from?" Edward questioned. Vicky chattered as she slowly neared the boy. Scar frowned at the fox.

"Is that what we sound like to you guys?" Scar asked, turning to Garth. The Never prince nodded enthusiastically. Isabella, Amanda, and Vicky gasped.

"Scar," the girls said in unison while Vicky chattered even more. The boy bent down and picked up the fox, stroking her face. He nodded toward the girls. The princes' eyes widened.

"Your wolf is...human?" Edward gawked.

"What kind of black magic did you use on him?" Richard interrogated. Scar snarled at the prince.

"Garth didn't do this. And he would never use black magic." The boy said the words in such a tone that gave every student on the premises shivers. Richard backed away from the wolf boy, wanting to keep his head.

"Richard has trouble believing you're Good," Amanda explained. Garth shook his head.

"Doesn't matter right now. We have to find Lilac and Stephan." Garth relayed their encounter with the dragon Bartholomew, using most of his time telling them about Stephan's past. He could see in Richard's eyes that he still didn't believe his brother was Evil. At least he warned him.

"If that's the case, then we have to find Lilac right now," Isabella squealed. "But we searched practically everywhere." Scar growled.

"If I was a wolf, I could sniff her out." Vicky perked up and leaped out of the boy's arms. She started sniffing the ground, zig-zagging as she kept her face down. Garth smiled.

"I guess that means you had a good idea," he remarked. Scar grinned, the expression weird on his pale face. They followed the fox closely, looking around her path in case they caught sight of Lilac. It wasn't until Scar peeked around a bush that anyone caught sight of her.

"Over here!" he shouted at them. Garth bolted past him and kneeled before the unconscious girl. She was breathing softly, unharmed.

"She's sleeping," he told the others as they started to crowd around. Garth shook her gently, but she didn't stir. "I don't like this." Edward bent down and touched her neck, feeling her pulse.

"Maybe it's like those other students who got stuck in sleeping spells. You know, where their prince has to come in and kiss them for the girl to awaken." Richard smiled.

"Good, then we can prove that Stephan is Good and not Garth." Isabella elbowed him. Garth glanced at Edward.

"Are you sure?" he asked. The prince nodded. Garth turned to Lilac's sleeping face. So calm and serene. He took a breath before picking her up. He neared her face, feeling sweat trickle down his cheek.

This was the final test. He kissed her, closing his eyes. He felt her take a sudden breath and opened his eyes. She was awake. Lilac wrapped her arms around his neck, keeping him close. Garth held her against his chest, pleased that the spell was broken.

When they let go, everyone froze at the sound of someone clapping. Garth stood up, helping Lilac to her feet. The sound seemed to come from all around them. The Never prince kept his arm around his princess's waist, his eyes darting around the area.

"Nice to know which side we truly are on, isn't it?" a voice said. All of a sudden, something crashed into Garth's chest, the boy flying back into a tree. He grabbed his head as pain surged through his skull. Girls' screams caused him to look up.

Scar, Edward, and Richard were just as disoriented as him, sitting against sturdy blue trunks. The girls squealed as they were transformed into birds and stuffed into a floating cage. Vicky was yanking on empty air. At least, that's what Garth thought until he realized what was really going on.

"Stephan," he breathed, trying to stand. He fell back to the ground, his vision fogging as his head pounded. Garth looked up just as blondie pulled off the hood of his invisibility cloak. His hair had gone back to blond, the edges spiked like icicles. His face was much paler than it should have been, a mysterious shadow shading his princely blue eyes. He had a cruel grin on his tight visage.

"Nice to know who your enemy is," he replied. Stephan grabbed Vicky by the neck, his finger glowing. Before Garth's eyes, the true Never spoke an incantation. The fox slowly changed. Her paws became hands and feet, her fur shrinking into pale skin. Soon, the fox was a girl with red hair and green eyes. She gagged as Stephan continued to tighten his grip on her neck.

"Let her go," Garth growled, trying to stand up again. Stephan stepped forward and put his foot on the prince's back. He pushed him back down to the ground with strength Garth never knew the guy had. He cackled maniacally as Garth struggled to stand.

"I'll let you have Lilac's pet for the time that she stays human," he chortled as he dropped Vicky. The girl gasped for air as the birds in Stephan's cage chirped. "See you soon, Prince Garth." Garth felt the pressure on his back slacken. He jumped to his feet, but it was too late. Stephan was gone.

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