Chapter 7

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History went by at a sluggish pace. Instead of Professor Sader, a past student had filled in, saying Sader would be going back and forth from schools. Apparently he was the exception. So for the whole class period, the students got to learn about this "great villain" and his story. Garth didn't even recognize him from any of the books. He made a mental note to check the library just in case he was asked a question about an unknown baddie. Which had happened multiple times during the class.

"I wonder why your scars haven't faded back," Jerald snorted as they stood in line for lunch in the Clearing. Evers stood in another line, the lunch for both schools more like a joint picnic. Thankfully, Garth couldn't see Lilac in the line. The only mark she knew of was the one across his chest. And he wanted to keep it that way.

"They probably won't fade back," Kergy noted, taking a rusty pail of gruel and what looked like a pig leg in it. Garth looked at his arms, the scars sticking out like sore thumbs. He had to come up with an excuse if Lilac saw him.

The ogre shoved a bucket of gruel into his arms. Jerald got the same thing. The three boys stepped out of the line and started walking near the tree line of the Blue Forest. Kergy picked up the pig leg in his pail, turned to Jerald, and sniffed at it.

"Mmm. Smells real good. Maybe I'll get some later tonight," he commented, licking his lips. After the goose, Kergy was more awake and out for blood. Jerald made a nervous giggle with a single snort.

"Nice try. But I'm not sca-sca-a..." Jerald froze, staring into the woods. Garth's brow furrowed while Kergy snickered.

He waltzed up to the pig, saying, "You look pretty scared, little pi-pi-pi-ggy." Kergy had turned around, staring off into the woods like Jerald. Garth waved his hand in front of their faces.


"Garth?" It was Lilac.

Garth turned, saying, "Lilac. Nice to-GOODNESS GRACIOUS!" His eyes widened as he turned to see Lilac. "" Makeup. She was wearing makeup. Her eyes dazzled, her lips cherry red. Her hair. It sparkled like the night sky. She had bangs. Her dress. Her handy work for sure. No sleeves, just a simple strap around her neck. A sash. She was wearing heels. Garth tried to breath, but her presence was overwhelming. He blinked a couple times, making sure he wasn't seeing a different princess.

"Garth, what happened?" she asked, putting her basket down as she ran to him. His heart leaped as she touched his face, tracing the right side of his cheek. Man was she hot. Wait, where did that come from? Her worried eyes were warming. He wanted to melt in her arms. He wanted to faint. He wanted to grab her and...kiss her.

He snapped out of his daze, turning away from her. He tried to get his breath back, tried to erase those thoughts. I'm a Never. Nevers don't love. Nevers don't love really cute princesses. Not even strikingly gorgeous ones. He cursed under his breath. Agreeing with what he thought wasn't helping. The scars. Concentrate on the scars. She was asking about the scars.

"Garth?" He looked up at her. "Where did you get all those scars? Are you hurt?" He felt dizzy. Her new bangs were covering her right eye. How tempting to just brush them back. Her shoulders were back and slender. Her skin looked so smooth he wanted to touch it.

The School for Good and Evil Prequel The Never Prince (fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now