Chapter 14

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The setting sun gave everything an eery look on the night of the Trial. Rules were given earlier during classes, though there didn't seem to be much need. There weren't many. Once the sun had set, the two lowest ranking competitors, determined by the past week, would enter. Every fifteen minutes, the next group of Ever and Never would be tossed in, the top ranking competitors entering about three hours after the sun had set.

    Lilac had hoped to use that advantage, but now she was in the second group to enter into the Blue Forest. She would have quality time with the Nevers who would attack her and the School Master's traps. Thankfully, these traps affected both sides, so she had hope. Spells were allowed and the princes got to carry weapons.

Her only other option was dropping an enchanted handkerchief. If she thought she was in danger, she could drop it. Once it hit the ground, she was back with everyone who wasn't going into the forest. The same went for everyone else, Ever and Never. It was their choice if flight or fight.

Once the sun rose, the competition was over. That would be signaled by the howl of the wolves. Whoever was still in the forest at sunrise was the winner and earned five first rankings. One winner was prefered. If there was a tie, which had never happened before, the rankings would be split between the winners.

Lilac glanced in Garth's direction. He wore a blue tunic like everyone else, sleeveless despite the winter air. His navy cloak barely swept the ground, the hood low over his face. The only way she could tell it was Garth was the fact that Kergy stood beside him, talking. His cloak was a little smaller so it looked like a cape with a hood.

Lilac wrapped her own cloak around her shoulders as a winter wind blew through. It gave the night a creepy feeling and left her with chills. She ran through her numerous spells again. If she had to mogrify, she really didn't want to end up naked in the cold. Fox and wolf calls were second nature, bird, deer, and rabbit requiring a few moments.

"Lilac of Woods Beyond," Pollux called. She stepped forward behind Marie, a frightened Ever who had to enter first. She was nodding her head rhythmically, running through calls and spells most likely.

She watched as the lines formed. Right after her group, a prince and a Never with an ominous appearance would enter. Next was Kergy and Richard, and after them was Garth and Stephan. The line continued farther back. A wolf had handed her a white handkerchief earlier, which she now fiddled with. She noticed the Nevers had red ones.

"Are you alright?" She turned to see Stephan, a smile on his face and a sword at his side. She smiled weakly.

"Sure." She stared at the ground, but her focus was more on her peripheral vision, where Garth stood. Stephan took her hands into his.

"Everything will be ok. As soon as I get into the woods, I will find you." She smiled sweetly at Stephan. She stepped toward him and leaned against his shoulder.

"At least I haven't lost you as a friend," she muttered.

Garth watched all of this from the other line. It was for the best. So how come he couldn't convince himself of that? Fergal was right. He had gone soft because of her. Now he had to prove his place in Evil. Princesses were for princes. Solitude was for villains.

"You ready for this?" Kergy asked again. Garth nodded as silver sparks flew from the School Master's tower high above.

"FIRST PAIR READY!" Castor howled as darkness filled the clearing. Wolves tossed the first group into the forest, no return. Until sunrise that is. Evers having a slumber party near the tunnels watched intently, chewing on goodies from Good. Nevers stared off into the woods from the tunnels, ready to escape an embarrassing defeat.

The School for Good and Evil Prequel The Never Prince (fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now