
谞讻转讘 注诇 讬讚讬 Kawaii_Lumine

88.7K 5K 3.8K

This is an Oshi no Ko x COTE ( Classroom of the eElite ) crossover fanfiction. I can't think of a good synop... 注讜讚

饾憛饾憭饾挾饾捁 饾搮饾搧饾搹~
0. Revenge.
1. Dreams
2. Cafe Strawberyl!
3. An old friend?
4. A name that is quite familiar...
5. I'll go with Sweet Today...
6. .....and with Sweet Tomorrow
7. The School of Her Dreams
7.5. Loveless.
8. Recognition.
9. LoveNow, or Love later?
10. Siblings.
10.5. The Hoshino Bonus!
11. The End of the White Room.
12. The Meaning of Freedom
14. A Rotten Desire
14.5. Thoughts.
15. Will for change.

13. A Clash between Students

3.4K 211 227
谞讻转讘 注诇 讬讚讬 Kawaii_Lumine

"𝖢𝗈𝗎𝗋𝖺𝗀𝖾 𝗂𝗌 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖺𝖻𝗌𝖾𝗇𝖼𝖾 𝗈𝖿 𝖿𝖾𝖺𝗋, 𝖻𝗎𝗍 𝗋𝖺𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗃𝗎𝖽𝗀𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖾𝗅𝗌𝖾 𝗂𝗌 𝗆𝗈𝗋𝖾 𝗂𝗆𝗉𝗈𝗋𝗍𝖺𝗇𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗇 𝖿𝖾𝖺𝗋." 

– 𝖠𝗆𝖻𝗋𝗈𝗌𝖾 𝖱𝖾𝖽𝗆𝗈𝗈𝗇


Seconds felt like minutes, and minutes felt like hours, as he stares at the White Room student that went by Amasawa Ichika.

Again, hers was a face he didn't recognize to be a part of the Fourth Generation's batch of students. Nor did her name ring a familiar tune to him. And yet still, just like that man from the store, she exuded that same aura. 

Beryl was clenching and unclenching his fists, his feet subtly shifting into a better stance just in case she attacks but....

This is an extremely dangerous situation, he thinks.

No cameras were around, nor were there passer-bys that could spot the scene and call for help. Nothing. It was as if this entire interaction was set up from the start, but Beryl was confident to believe that that isn't the case. This interaction was but a mere coincidence. An unfortunate one, much to their chagrin. The woman in front of him was simply staring at him with amusement all over, she seemed to be studying his every move, as expected from a White Room student but....

Ruby is here... This was the main problem. He needs to get her out of here. She mustn't get hurt.

" Ruby..." He whispers, without looking at her. The distance between them and that woman was good enough so that she wouldn't pick up on his plans. However, there is the chance that she could still interpret what he was going to say due to the sheer scale of the White Room training-- but none of that mattered to him at this point. He needed to get his sister out of  here. 

Ruby turns to him, not saying a word, but Beryl knew she was listening.

" When I say run.....you run as fast you can. And don't look back, okay?"

Ruby was about to retort until--

" We'll run together, just promise me that when you run, don't you dare look back. This isn't a game. Please. Trust me."


Desparation was laced in his tone this time to really engrave it to Ruby's head that he was serious, and that there was no room for argument. Ruby looked disappointed, but mostly worried. Still, she nodded. She trusts him. How could she not? This is her brother.... 

The last time she heard him use that tone of voice.....was from back then....

No, no time to think about that now. She needed to get ready. She knew well enough that Beryl wouldn't run after her. He would most likely stay to try and distract this woman, to stall for Ruby to leave and find help. That was the plan, she thinks.  Besides, she had full faith that Beryl might even just beat this woman! He is strong. She recalls several instances in the past where Beryl had gotten into fights and came out unscathed, even managed to win a 10 v 1 against their middle school's ' delinquent ' group with his bare hands alone....

Ruby releases a breath. He'll be fine. He'll win, she believes that fully.


I'm sorry, Ruby. Beryl apologizes to her in his mind. Things aren't definite yet, but he knew that the odds were against his favour this time around. It's not likely he could beat this woman in a straight fight. But as long as Ruby escaped, then he will have win the gamble.

" Planning to run away, are we? " The woman-- Amasawa -- spoke, her widening grin indicates that she knew exactly what they were planning. " Let's see how that goes then~" She sung, wickedly.

Ruby flinches hearing the tone of her voice. She could sense the malicious intent behind it, and terrible scenarios began making its way to her head..... but she dismisses all of them. She has to watch for Beryl's signal.

Beryl begins the count, keeping his eyes on the woman, watching her every miniscule move.


He hopes that Ruby's idol training will have paid off. He knows she has built stamina over the last few weeks with her daily jogs.... 


Make it home, Ruby. That is all your brother asks of you. Don't worry about him.


No matter what, stay alive.


With the subtle flick of his wrist, Ruby immediately began to act. She spun around, digging her heel to the ground, as she was ready to run like her life depended on it within that fraction of a second.

But so was Amasawa.

Beryl's eyes widened, his breath hitches, as he yells out.

" Ruby, don't move! "

" H-Huh?" Ruby froze immediately. She spun around again to face him with her evident confusion, but all she was met with was the uncomfortable expression Beryl was wearing on his face. It left her feeling unease.

What happened? Why did you change your mind? She wanted to ask, but the tension in the area was far too thick for her to cut.


Damn it... Beryl knew even this plan had the slim chance of success. But the sheer reaction time of Amasawa, who was ready to bolt as soon as Ruby processed his signal, forced a redirection.

" Oh, make up your mind~ Are you gonna run or not?!" Amasawa laughs mockingly, as Beryl gritted his teeth, slightly perturbed of the situation at hand. A White Room student could easily catch up to the ordinary person....

It was a fact they both knew.

Beryl considers perhaps catching the woman off guard, and lifting Ruby over his shoulder, before sprinting his fastest speed. Certainly, his body now compared to before, has a better athletic attribute but.... his instincts are screaming at him not to make that decision. He tries to rationalize the reason as to why, but the only conclusion he could arrive to was that Amasawa Ichika remains as the unknown factor in this equation.

She has the likeness of a Fourth Generation student..... but with an added twist to it. He can't identify what that might be. But he'd rather not test it now. She seemed to be having her fill of wicked entertainment by gazing at the siblings as if they were helpless prey-- which in this case, they are.

If I run with Ruby in my arms.....and if she catches up to me..... I won't be able to dodge an upcoming attack, Beryl figures that to be the only reason why. There does exist the chance of Amasawa not being able to catch up due to the sheer physical advantage Beryl has over her, and the fact he'd taken running and stamina endurance training seriously for a decade now.... it's not impossible for Beryl to successfully escape with Ruby in tow.

But the fact remains; This is a woman who has endured White Room training far longer than he has. He doesn't know the exact details as to how the other generations must've been taught their curriculum in comparison to his. But the fact this woman could give the vibe of the latter, speaks enough that the training must've been of similar intensity. Knowing this, running can't be an option, especially with how he observed her insane reaction time.....

" Okay, I'm done waiting." Amasawa chuckles before slowly approaching them, Beryl's eyes widened and he instinctively shields Ruby. " Let's play now~"

" B-Beryl...." Ruby's tone was scared, each step the woman made towards them, made her tremble in fear. Just who is she? Could she be part of that facility?

Hearing Ruby's voice snapped Beryl out of his instincts for a moment. She was scared. He could tell that much. But...

He could tell further, that Ruby must be feeling death itself lurking in on her at this very moment.

No. He can't have that. Damn it, Beryl, think!

" Why did you attack us?" He finally asked her, causing Amasawa to pause in her steps.

" Why? Well, that's for my reasons to know, and yours to never figure out!" She winks. " No hard feelings though, kiddo~ Think of this event as simply a matter of bad luck. But hey! You seemed quite a bit out of the ordinary when you blocked my kick just then, so now I'm curious to see if that was just a fluke..." Then her eyes narrow. " Or if you can do more."

" So let's play!" She laughs again in amusement.

She's mental, Beryl surmises. Reasoning with her does not present itself as an option.

" Then....in that case..." 

Still, he has to try.

" At least let my sister go." Beryl throws one final shot. " I'll fight you as you wish. But you'll have to let her go. "

Amasawa raises a brow at that.

" B-Beryl!" Ruby breaks her silence, immediately clutching onto his arm and shaking it violently. " Y-You can't just stay here! " Even if she initially believed he's strong enough to beat her, something about this woman feels off now. Something about this is risky. And Ruby doesn't want to see that risk!

" Come with me....come on..." Ruby tries to pull him, but he stays motionless, staring down the woman before them. " Come on, we can run....you're fast, right? J-Just carry me, and then we'll run to the nearest station--"

" Ruby..."

" T-This woman is dangerous, Beryl. I'm telling you! No, I'm sure you figured that out too so--"

" Ruby."

" You have to listen to me! We have to run away from this.... y-you're just going to get hurt and--"

" Stop being a stubborn girl for once and listen to me. "

Her grip on his arm slackens upon hearing him speak in a tone she wasn't used to hearing from him. It was rough, coarse, and it screams he's doing everything he can not to do more. But when he finally looks at her, only to be met with a harsh glare, she freezes even more.

" There's no other choice." He shakes her hand off of him. " Don't make this more difficult than it is."

No.... Ruby's lips closes to a thin line as tears threatened to leave her, and with brows furrowed, she opens her mouth to retort despite the threat.

" We talked about this..... we always have a choice--"

He looks away from her again.

" And my choice is to save you."

She goes silent at that. Once again, it feels like the distance between them has grown wider. Except.... to a scale Ruby never wished to even have think of. If she lets him go through this, then she might never be able to see him again. She wanted to yell at him, scream at him for being stupid-- that there's better ways. But what can she do to prove that? They were lucky enough as is that this woman didn't just kill them both on sight just yet. She was watching, and she looked oh so amused at this display.

" I'm making this deal to save you," He repeats. " You still have a dream to upkeep, don't you? Focus on that. Don't worry about me." He muttered.

" Beryl....please...." Her response, although pleading, she already sounded defeated. She can't do anything to veto his decision at the moment.

Beryl tunes Ruby out. Not willing to hear any more of her voice, putting his full focus on Amasawa alone. 

" Do we have a deal, Amasawa? " He finally asked for her response.

Amasawa hums for a moment, roleplaying a thinking expression, but Beryl knew this was only her way of mocking them both. He found it irritating, but he didn't show it. It didn't matter if Amasawa was annoying or not right now, what matters is that she accepts his offer--

" No." She cuts through like a merciless blade.

Beryl goes silent, his fist immediately clenching at her response.

" What?" She tilts her head, " Did you seriously think I'd accept? What, did you seriously think you're in some sort of place to negotiate with me~? "

Damn it....Damn it....Damn it...!

" As touching as your relationship with each other is, what with all the protection and care you seem to have for the other. I unfortunately cannot sympathize." She grins.

Beryl tries to remain calm despite the severity of their situation, he continues to try to think of a plan. There has to be something. Please let there be something....

" I'm not letting either of you go." She says, clapping her hands together rather joyfully. " However! Since you seem to love making deals, how about I propose one right now that could satiate both of our interests?"

" It's a simple deal, really." She snaps her fingers, and then pointing to Beryl. " if you can beat me in a fight, the two of you can go home alive. However..." She points to herself. " If I beat you in this fight. The both of you die. "

" And if she decides to run during our little bout..." Lastly, she points and smirks at Ruby. The blonde flinches again, as an evil glint shined in Amasawa's gaze. " I'll kill her first."

"....." Both Beryl and Ruby didn't utter a word. The former is doing his best not to show a single reaction at the moment, trying to keep the waves in his mind calm. While the latter was shaking in place from fear, she wondered..... if she really was going to die today.

" So? Do we have a deal?" Amasawa chipperly asks. It intimidated Ruby to no end just how nonchalant this woman is about taking another person's life. She must be deranged.


Beryl wondered why this had to happen today. Of all the other days. Why did he have to encounter this entity, with Ruby just behind him? If he tries to go back to the previous plan and act as a distraction for Ruby to make her escape, Amasawa would simply ignore him and chase after his sister like a wolf hunting a bunny rabbit. Conversely, if he tries to force his earlier deal, Amasawa might just switch triggers and attack them both immediately. This entire situation is inconvenient simply because he knows nothing of Amasawa's abilities, she was a greatly inconvenient unknown factor in this mess, and he knew there was only one way to find an answer; And that was to confront her head on.

But without the guarantee of Ruby's safety....


He has no other choice.

" I accept." 

As soon as Beryl uttered those words, Ruby stares at him with uncertainty. While Amasawa hums happily to his answer.

" Attaboy~ " Amasawa cooes before warming up her muscles again. Cracking her joints, and performing a few basic stretches, especially for her legs. " This is going to be fun! Please don't disappoint me.... Beryl, was it? An interesting name, hehe!"

Ruby tries to reach for Beryl again, hoping to make him reconsider, but one look from Beryl stopped her from doing anything else. Stay put, his gaze said. After that, he returns his attention back to Amasawa. Ruby bit her lip, gripping the ends of her skirt tightly, as anxiety began to pile up inside her. Is she going to just stand here and watch? That certainly seems to be the case and she hates it.

She's useless here and she knows it.

The only thing she can do..... is hope.

Hope that he would win.

Hope that somebody would come and save them....


" Ready?" Amasawa grins.

Now or never.

" Ready--"

But he was quickly interrupted by Amasawa directly charging at him with a manic expression. She threw her first kick, which he reacted to just fine with a block, and then another from her other leg after she retracted the first, and that was blocked too. 

Amasawa's attacks were relentless. The way she moved was sporadic, and risky, yet she still put a ton of power behind her kicks and punches. Her kicks were especially dangerous, since they aimed for his head and lower body constantly to try and set him off balance, to give way for an opportunity for her to perform a takedown or submission hold. But Beryl could react just barely fast enough to read her movements as accurate as he can. 

" Don't just defend," Amasawa says before throwing a punch to his abdomen. " Attack too!" but Beryl was quick to maneuver to the side, thereby dodging the punch.

She seems to be fond of using capoeira and taekwondo, her kicks are dangerous, I need to be careful, Beryl studied her movements throughout the first minute and processed it before having to defend himself from another flurry of kicks from Amasawa. He finds it unbelievable how risque her movements were, she seemed to have no care of how much space she was leaving open for her opponent to attack. But then again, it works. Due to the reason that she was fast and agile enough to force him into a corner. Even if he tries to switch from defense to offense, it wouldn't be that simple, it's all about timing and if he messes that up it'd risk a good blow to his own body. Potentially ending the fight. And then leaving Ruby all alone...

Ruby watched in worry as she saw Beryl was being pushed back constantly, all the while being taunted by Amasawa. She didn't know much about fighting, but she could tell just fine if a person was winning or losing. And much to her heart's discontent, Beryl is slowly becoming the latter. There was just no opportunity for him to attack! Amasawa's energy and stamina was evident, her kicks haven't gotten weaker nor slower by the second minute.

Keep your mind calm and analyze, Beryl reminds himself. As he dodged and parried, he was simultaneously looking for a pattern he could intercept to get a good punch in. He had the physical advantage over Amasawa here, his reach was longer, and his power would certainly deal a great amount of damage if he actually hits her. All he needs is to find a timing.....

Bam! Suddenly, one of Amasawa's punches connected to his cheekbone.

" B-Beryl!" Ruby yelled after him as the boy was suddenly dazed. Amasawa then performs a powerful front kick to his chest, knocking the wind out of him, and sending him back a few meters away.

Beryl staggers back a few meters, before his knees gave up and crumpled on the ground. He places a hand on his chest, trying to catch his breath. 

" Haah....haah......hagh....!" It was difficult. Since when was the last time anyone had landed such a blow on him? Even back in the White Room, there weren't many occurrences of that ever happening, as he simply grew and grew to overwhelm all of his obstacles.

But now....

" If defending is all you're good at, then I'm a bit disappointed." Amasawa puts a hand to her hip, cocking her head to the side. " Though, I do have to give you some credit. You defended extremely well. Moreso, than I thought you would."

" Hrrk....! " Beryl needs to get his shit together. Get up. Get up. Get up. 

His arms were sore. They were twitching involuntarily. Damn it. He tried to ignore it before, but his body needed to be heeded this time.... blocking Amasawa's punches, and especially her kicks, is not the most optimal defense he should do. They were strong. Too strong, in fact. It was only a matter of time till his defense would've slackened..... which is probably how she managed to get a punch to connect in the first place. His endurance....isn't enough.

" Aww, don't tell me this is your limit? " Amasawa pouts in disappointment. " C'mon, playmate. Get up! Isn't it embarrassing to lose like this in front of your sister?

Ruby.... His golden brown eyes turn to his sister. And all he sees is a tearful expression. He cringes from it, he didn't want her to cry. God he must look pathetic right now. Ah, if he does get them both out of this mess, she would probably use this as a chance to tease him again. Yes.... that's what his brat sister would do for sure.

Honestly.... he wouldn't mind that.

But first, he has to get up. No matter what.

He has to.

Amasawa's smile brightens.

" That's it.... get up, kid." She giggles. " Don't cut our fun short now~"

After catching his breath, Beryl gets up. His breathing was still somewhat ragged, but it should be bearable. He just needs to maintain his composure. Don't overthink, but at the same time, don't think less. He needs to win this, but beating her isn't an option. Knocking her out would've been preferred initially, but after further observations, he doubts it would give them enough time.

So the only option there is....

Beryl speeds up towards her.

Is to fight her with the intention to kill her.


This time it was Amasawa's turn to be on the defensive, she grins happily to each dodge and parry she performs against the kid's attacks. She found it absolutely interesting how this guy could keep up with her like this, it was certainly unnatural, and she wants to find out why that is.

The look on your face has changed... Amasawa notes the shift in his gaze. He is trying to kill her? Good. That's exactly what she was looking for from him.


Beryl has that expression again, Ruby's breaths felt shallow as she recognized that expression from that day.

When that bastard stalker took their mother away, and Beryl unleashed absolute hell as he repeatedly battered the man's face till he was unrecognizable from his card. She remembers, feeling horrified, as she watched anger and hatred take over his usually calm nature. And now.... he wants to do the same to this woman.

And she knew, painfully so, that he's doing it for her sake.


Minute three....

Amasawa tries to kick, but Beryl quickly counters using his elbow to hit block against and hit her at her laterals. Amasawa's eyes widened a bit in suprise for once, before a clear smile takes space once more, she absolutely loved this--

Thud! Before she could finish the thought, Beryl used that near once in a lifetime opportunity to flip her, catch her off-guard, and slam her against the pavement. He was quick to act as he immediately tried to follow up with a ground rear naked choke, he should've found no problem in outwrestling her, but to his suprise, Amasawa caught on to his plans much quicker than he anticipated. She slammed her head against his nose.

" Agh!" Damn it, so close--

She kicks him off of her again, making him fall to his back. She quickly rolls back into standing position and rushes with a gleeful smile as she aimed a sharp kick at his jaw, to which Beryl didn't allow himself to receive its full maximum damage as he twisted his head according to the kick to reduce the damage received.

Amasawa notices this and hums in approval, deciding to pause for a moment in place. She watches Beryl slowly get up and staggering backwards, tears welled up at the corner of his eyes as the immediate result of his nose receiving a hard headbutt. Blood seeps its way out of there too, but the boy didn't seem to care one bit. Already putting his hands up and eyeing her for her next move.

Minute four....


Landing a hit on her face is near impossible with her agility compared to mine... Beryl grits his teeth as a means to try to help shoulder his breathing. Now he has to breathe through his mouth. Fantastic. 

She seems to have stopped. Why is she just eyeing him? No, this is good. He could use this to try and think of a plan--

" You know what I am, don't you?"


" I've noticed the way you've looked at me since this whole thing began. I could sense your tension." Amasawa narrows her eyes. " You realized that I'm from the White Room this entire time, haven't you?"

" I.... suspected it, is all." Beryl speaks hoarsely. " You're....not normal. You match the description of what the news gave you people...." He feigns how little knowledge he has of the White Room. He'd rather not give away any more ' interest ' for her to make of than she does now.

" Hm, " She tilts her head, curiously thinking. " For some reason I can't seem to believe that." She says. " Your eyes give away more than just that little knowledge. Like you know exactly how much of a danger I pose, and how I move from the get-go."

A hum.

" Tell me, are you a student too?" She asks him.

He doesn't answer. He focuses on trying to numb himself of the pain. Get his body ready for the next exchange of blows, hopefully, this time not one-sided.

" No, I take it back. I don't recognize your face at all. Which makes you even more....out of the ordinary." She smirks. " You fight like an expert. Who would've thought I'd find such a capable fighter out of two strangers I thought I'd kill easily."

So it really is coincidence we met... Beryl notes that. She doesn't seem to be sent by anyone to harm him or Ruby specifically, she has a different intention in mind. She would've done this to any other person she could've met besides them. It's just that this time they weren't under the guidance of lady luck, and thus they crossed paths.

" Hey there!" Amasawa calls out to Ruby. " Your brother fights nicely! You're quite lucky to be his sister. I bet he fights off all the guys that try to get their slimy hands on you, eh~? "

Ruby flinches back. How many times has she flinched already? She couldn't help it. This woman screamed danger, Ruby was afraid.

But even more so afraid....

That Beryl would die here....

" Please.....stop it..." She muttered, but nobody could hear her. She watched, utterly helpless, as Amasawa began approaching her brother with slow steps. 

She wants to yell, she wants to cry, she wants to run to him--!


' Ruby, stay behind me and don't move unless I tell you to. '

' Ruby, there's no other choice. '

' Stop being a stubborn girl for once and listen to me.'

She bites her lip again, till it bled. With clenched fists, she shuts her eyes and looks to the ground. Swallowing the bitter truth that doing something stupid would only distract him. This was the only she can do.

' Stay put.'


" Is this really all you can do?" Amasawa stands before him, her eyes looking down on him as if he were a bug that fascinated her. " Remember our deal. If you lose....the both of you die."

Beryl hasn't forgotten that.

How could he?

" I applaud you for taking the steps necessary to try and kill me. I was quite satisfied seeing that murderous cold expression you wore as we fought. Though you could only disable me temporarily from my leg and throw me down on the ground..... which didn't do much, but hey! A+ for effort, right~?" She shrugs.

He was close....

So damn close...

" You could barely keep up, but you're at least tons better than any other random stranger I would've killed on the street. So I'm quite glad we met!" She chirps, before a malicious smile adorns her lips again. " Unfortunately, it seems to me you've reached your limit. That's a shame."

The old him had no limit...

" Well..... you know what? Since you entertained me for a few minutes. I might as well give you some wisdom! Not like it'll do much since I plan to kill you and your sister, but it's the thought that counts." She laughs before crouching down to his level, maintaining full eye contact with him.

" One thing us experiments were taught back in that place. Was this mindset..... ' in this world, winning is everything '." She whispered.

Beryl's eyes widened upon hearing that line again.

" Bet the news didn't tell you that, huh? Well, they wouldn't have understood its meaning as well as we did but..... winning really meant everything to myself and my colleagues." She smiles. " To win meant to survive. And to survive meant to keep winning at all costs. Even if it means having to kill to do so. The methods didn't really matter..."

" Where am I going with this? Ah well, I suppose..... if you really cared about your sister. You would've tried to beat me even if your body broke down, no?" 

Winning is everything....

The methods don't matter. Nor what sacrifices needed to be done.

As long as you win in the end, nothing else should matter.

.....Funny how he used to believe those words like a stupid mantra back then. But he couldn't deny its partly what kept him going, as it had its points that made sense to him. Even now, it continues to influence some of his actions.


So many things matter besides winning.

This is what he learned after facing loss.


All of that matters.

Perhaps it's just not something a white room student could understand unless they went through the same realizations he did. But he couldn't care about what a White Room student would think, or how they would judge him if he'd realized such things sooner. 

But right now, what mattered to him, above all else, was his sister.

Her smile, her joy, her anger, her sadness, her dreams, her ambitions-- her life.

If he loses here, she would lose all of that.

And if he loses....

He'll lose her all over again.


Get up and fight. Grit your teeth if you have to. Adapt at all costs.

is this not what you're used to?

The woman before you is nothing but an obstacle. Destroy it at all costs, and achieve your goal.

Don't break your promises, Beryl. Don't ever do so.

She may not know it now, but you too were once a student.

In fact, you were the best that'd ever been.


...... I don't care much about being the best, nor being the strongest anymore. It's a meaningless title.

I don't care much about winning and reaching the top and gaining an advantage over others.

I choose to not care about those things, and instead let my priorities lie elsewhere. As a son. As a brother. As....the new life that'd been given to me. I am both blessed and cursed, but I'll choose to live with that.

However.... if you think this is really it for me. That's fine.

But know this, Amasawa.

Never, not even in a million other universes, would I ever let you lay a hand on my family.

" Oh...? You're getting up?" Amasawa watched in suprise as beryl calmly got up, his hands that were previously rested on his chest, now falling off to the side

She smiles in anticipation.

I'll protect her. I'll protect my brother too.

I won't let my own incompetence act as my executioner today. Not when I still have a promise to keep to the both of you.

Even if my chances of winning are unlikely, I'll continue to stand my ground.

Even if it means....

Having to prove once more....

That in the world of the White Room....

There is none that can beat me.


" Beryl...?" Ruby blinks in confusion at what she's seeing. It was if her brother had changed to an entirely different person within a minute. Any murderous intent, or feelings of anger, just....dissipated?

What suprised her even more was when he finally met her eyes at last. He signals something with her hand.....was he reassuring her? How cocky.

Cocky, huh....

Even so....

Ruby can't help but smile in relief this time.

Her little brother is back.


" Oh? You look lively now--"

Before Amasawa could finish mocking him a second time, her eyes widened in suprise when she just barely dodged a heavy kick from her tall opponent.

When did you--?

Again, interrupted by his attack, she could barely even finish her thoughts. As Beryl threw several combos of punches and kicks, Amasawa responds in kind by countering each with a parry or follow-up attack-- however, she noticed something was quite different this time around. Each attack she threw back was being effortlessly dodged by the boy as if he saw it coming beforehand. As if he knew her moves before she could even think of it herself.

Strange.... something's changed with you. Amasawa thought suspiciously. His entire demeanor from earlier when he was practically being beaten to humiliation was just gone. As if it were never there. Was everything till now but an act?

it's been a while.....hasn't it? Beryl thought. It's like I don't even see you anymore, Amasawa.

All he saw was just another opponent he had to beat in a room with only white. He's back there again. With something to prove.

With a reason to win, and not just for the sake of winning.

Thump! Amasawa grins when she felt her front kick connect against him once more. But then an uncomfortable feeling began to form within that split second as Beryl didn't seem to react anymore. His eyes were focused on her. Without emotion. Just desire.

To win.


" Thuagh!" Amasawa coughs when she felt a fist ram through her solar plexus.

The both of them stagger back from each other's critical blows, with Beryl clutching his chest once more, but his eyes remained focus on Amasawa as she seemed to receive the pain a lot more than he did. She was coughing repeatedly and clutching her center with genuine shock on her expression for once.

No time to relax.

Beryl winds his fist again.

No time to breathe.

Amasawa looks up at him and begins to react.

No time to even blink!

Thump! His punch was a feint, meant to disguise a full powered semi-roundhouse kick aimed towards her side where the liver resided. 

Amasawa gets knocked down to the ground, clutching her side with her free hand, seemingly struggling to catch her breath as blood began to drip from her mouth. Her expression no longer what it used to be. The cocky and mocking arrogance has all but vanished as she faced him seriously.

There's no mistaking it.....this kid.....could read me. Amasawa concludes, a bitter laugh tempting to escape her.

Guess she'll have to try a little harder. She smiles again, and their battle resumes.

Minute 8....


Ruby watched in amazement as her brother fought Amasawa with concentration and intent to win at all costs. She wondered what may have motivated him to become a new person in the span of minutes! She's never seen him fought this purposely before, all the guys she's seen him beat up in the past were done in very lackluster fashion compared to what he's doing now. Each hit made her cringe as if she could feel the pain Amasawa must be enduring too.

Speaking of which,

That woman...is just as crazy... Ruby stood there in sheer disbelief watching Amasawa dish out the same energy without fail. It's as if she wasn't even tired! No matter how much the both of them staggered from each other's exchange of blows, they still push forth as if it didn't even affect them.


She's relieved. Beryl is finally fighting back with everything.

He might just be able to steal the win....

Or so she hopes.


Taking all those blows from earlier helped readjust my body to the pain received from a White Room student. Beryl thinks. With that feeling ingrained into him once more, his body has taken a step  closer to becoming what it once was. Though the gap difference is still obvious..... he can at least hold his own against Amasawa.

Amasawa prefers kicks over punches, her movements may seem sporadic, but if you observe just enough. You could find there is a pattern.

Life is not without its patterns. She is no exception.

All I have to do is to expose those patterns as much as I can and hit her vital points. Right now she seems intent on protecting her upper body, so I should go for the nerve systems on her legs to shut it down, and then theoretically go for her jaw or temple with a hook.

Humans are not without their vital points. She is no exception.


I see, so you must've taken those hits somewhat on purpose with the intent to get used to me, huh? Amasawa smirks as she dodged another combo of punches, slipping past, and trying to counter with a body shot, to which he spun around and tried to hit her with a backfist--

His attacks have become just as relentless as hers. 

Minute 9.....

Oh.... seems like time is almost up. Amasawa's smile disappears.

Oh well, I had fun playing with you. But unfortunately I have to end this.

Amasawa switches footing mid-parry and begins assaulting Beryl's guard with a flurry of short and concise jabs. Beryl raises a brow, noticing the sudden change in movement, but before he could think of a way to adjust, Amasawa aimed a heavy kick straight to his knee.


it brought him down, but Amasawa didn't stop there as she threw a knee uppercut to his jaw. 

" Agh!" Beryl recoils backwards, landing on his bottom as he looks up at her with a bit of confusion. Those moves just now were extra fast than what she'd been throwing at him....

Don't tell me...

No there was no mistaking it. Beryl is sure that this entire time, she had been purposely holding back.


" Beryl...?" Ruby gasped when Amasawa landed that nasty knee upper cut onto her brother.

Something feels different again...... that woman's smile is not like before. Ruby realizes it too.

Beryl gets up slowly, rubbing his chin to try and soothe the pain, but the momentum has changed-- no, it had stopped altogether as Amasawa stood there with a different smile than before.

" You did well. You've truly impressed me." She applauds him. " You even managed to land a few good hits on me! So congrats, haha!" she laughs again.

Beryl furrows his brows. The unsettling shift messing up with his earlier flow.

Amasawa stops clapping and sighs.

" Though.... you didn't seriously think that was me at my best, right?" Her smile disappears completely, and replaced with a thin line. " I wasn't taking you seriously, you know. If I did you would've died within the first minute for sure." She shrugs nonchalantly.

" Still, my praises to you for keeping up with me even at my casual pace. You made things quite fun for me." 

Minute 10.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Eh? What did she set an alarm for? Ruby wondered.

Beryl watched as Amasawa raised the sleeve of her hoodie to glance at her watch. She uses one hand to reset the timer.

She returns her golden gaze to him.

" What a shame....I was going to try and use my maximum strength to test you if our play time could last longer. But.....hey," Amasawa takes out a vial from her pocket. " I guess this is why people normally go on a spiel about time being precious."

What the hell is that? Beryl squints his eyes to try and take a good look at it. It was a small cylinder glass containing a translucent blue liquid. He watched as the older woman shakes it for a bit while humming.

She unclips something from the top of the vial, revealing a sharp needle-- turning the vial into a syringe.

" I'm sorry I can't fight you with my full strength. Really, I am." Amasawa grins before guiding the needle to her neck. " But how about I compensate you for it? Instead of fighting me at my full strength....... how about you fight me at my max potential instead? "

Beryl's eyes widened at that. Is she being serious? Her ' max potential '? 

She drops the syringe on the ground after she had injected herself with it.

This isn't good..... we have to move!

" Ruby, run away now--"


" Tch!" Beryl felt a sharp pain bursting from his arm. His body has reacted instinctively before he even realized Amasawa had launched an attack. She tried to kick him while he wasn't looking, rushing at him within a blink of an eye, to catch him off guard.

She retracts her leg and eyes him with a manic grin.

Beryl looks at her and notices the veins that were straining from her neck and the sides of her head. Her golden eyes were sharper than before, simulating that of an actual predator. And her kick....

I can't.....move my arm...? Beryl thought in disbelief as he looked down to his right arm attempting to move it.

It didn't take him long to realize that she had broken it with one kick.

" B-Beryl! Let's run!" Ruby tries to tell him, sensing the entire situation has flipped over its back. Amasawa didn't seem.... normal. I mean, she was never normal in the first place, but now she seems like an entirely different person from before!

" Ruby--" Beryl tries to utter his response, but he was caught in a flurry of punches by Amasawa. He successfully parries like before, and slips by a few, before then landing a good hit to her cheek with a good hook from his left.

But Beryl looks on in even more suprise when Amasawa simply turned her head against the force of his punch, showing him the amount of strength she had gotten from that vial. Just what drug is that? He wanted to ask, but this was not the time. Amasawa grins wider before connecting a devastating gut punch right back.

Beryl immediately coughed up blood, the sheer force was unlike anything he's ever felt before. He felt his eyes become blurry from a singular punch. This.... This isn't normal at all. He's never even felt something like this back when he was still in the White Room. It must be because of that thing she's injected into herself--!

Amasawa followed up with lightning quick palm strikes straight to Beryl's chest, cracking his ribs and risking a collapse-- but the main intention being to bring him back to his ragged breathing from earlier. Except this time it has raised itself on the scale exponentially.

Beryl coughs up even more blood, staining the concrete pavement, before staggering back a few good meters and collapsing entirely.

Ruby watches in horror as she watched her brother bleed. She could hardly say a thing, the shock was too incomprehensible at the moment, she was simply frozen even more so than before.

" S-Stop it!" She yells, and Amasawa finally turns her head to her.

She grins.

Amasawa turns on her heel and begins wordlessly approaching Ruby. The latter steps back a bit, was she finally going to kill her now? No. No she can't. She's scared. Please. Please don't--

But a pathetic tug on Amasawa's sleeve caught her attention. The magenta redhead turned to face Beryl, who was barely standing, yet stubbornly clutching onto her with a pathetic grip compared to before.

" Where do you think you're going....." His golden brown eyes stare at her, without fear. " Our ' game ' isn't over yet."

It turns out he was clutching her with his broken right arm. He was willing it. Amasawa watched unimpressed as he was ready to punch her with his left arm-- she intercepts, forcefully bringing it down, and bashed his straight at the nose again. Releasing more blood.

Despite all the damage he's took. Beryl still remains in his stance.


I can't see.....it's so damn blurry....

I can hardly even breathe.... only taking in a few short gasps to keep me going....

His face was stained with forced tears mixed with his blood. All he could see was a red world now.

Damn it..... to think she had something like this up her sleeve.... there's no time for me to study it....

My body wants to give up....

Oh how tempting it is so surrender. His body is screaming for his surrender. But his heart....his mind....

I have...to stall.....

Give Ruby enough time....to snap out of her fear....and run....

Stall enough.....till....

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

Even as he was being ruthlessly toyed with by the new Amasawa, all he could think about was Ruby at the moment.


Beryl...... why...?

Why did you fight her?

Why did you fight for me?

Her eyes began to grow heavy. Just like his.

This is a nightmare....it has to be....

Please....wake me up....

But it is reality. What she's seeing now, is without a doubt, what's actually happening. Her brother being beaten to a bloody mess.

They locked eyes, only for a moment, she could barely even see his eyes anymore. But she could tell what he was trying to say.

' Run.'

And so she starts running.

There's no point in standing still while he's being beaten like this.

I have to find help.

I have to help him somehow!


As her feet began whisking her away, she lets the tears run down her face as she wonders why she's running when her brother is getting hurt. When her brother is about to be killed before her. Just like their mother, he was now being pummeled to death by some stranger they crossed paths with! Why does this have to happen to her, happen to him?!

What did they do to deserve so much pain....

Stop...Stop crying, Ruby....

Keep running...

Look for help..... I can still save him....

And she finds that stranger. She immediately begins yelling.

" P-Please! Save him! Save my brother! He's in danger-- he's going to be killed! Please send help!"

She yells....and yells....

The stranger quickly nodded before calling up a number on their phone. A moment of relief washes through her clenching heart, maybe she found help in time, maybe they could--


" Ruby.....what are you doing....?"

It was a lie...... I'm sorry.

" I....I can't.....I'm sorry....but I can't leave you..." She said through her choked sobs.

Standing between Beryl and Amasawa was none other than Ruby herself,  with Beryl lying on the floor behind her. Her body had acted before her mind could.

Its instinct was to protect her little brother at all costs.

It aligned with what she truly desired from her heart.

" Stop...." Ruby pathetically sobs as Amasawa approached them. " P-Please.....stop hurting him.....leave Beryl alone....please...."

Amasawa gets nearer.

" Please....you can hurt me....kill me even...!"

Beryl's eyes widen at that.

" Just...please....let my brother live...." 

More tears drop to the ground. Her expression was scrunched in desperation, her limps trembling, her brows creasing, and her eyes simply wouldn't stop crying. She was scared, sure.

But not for herself.

For him.

Beryl comes to the realization that he often forgets Ruby was there that day too. She watched it happen. The way their mother was stabbed, bleeding out, dying on the ground, yet still giving them warm hugs. She was there.

Ruby is fighting in her own way.... so that it doesn't happen again. Even if she's begging with her head against the floor. Crying and sobbing. She....

Amasawa suddenly stops, taking in the scene before her.


She stares silently at the way Ruby was pleading for her to spare her brother's life.

A familiar scene begins to cloud Amasawa's mind at the moment....

Why does this....

Her psychotic smile remains like a statue....but...


Ruby, through her tears, suddenly spots a coupe of water droplets splash on the ground. So it's raining huh, she thinks sadly. Even the gods were mocking her and her brother....

But then she notices how the water droplets came consistently....but not spread out.

Not like how rain should....

But if it isn't rain then...

Ruby slowly looks up, and she gasps in shock.

Is she....



" No, this is....why am I..." Amasawa reaches a hand to feel the liquid that'd been pouring itself down her cheek. " Crying? No, I shouldn't be....I'm already....!"

" Stop it. Don't be fucking reminded of it!" She suddenly yelled, both of her hands furiously wiping away the tears. " This isn't the time! You're supposed to be over it already-- It's been years, damn it!"

She seemed to be having a breakdown. Whatever just happened to turn her into that, Beryl assumes it was partly due to the effects of whatever she injected into herself. It could be amplifying her already manic behaviour to new heights.

Ruby quickly glances at Beryl and silently moves over to him.

" I...I don't know what's happening but..." Ruby said through her own dried tears. " L...Let's run..."

Beryl weakly nods. Ruby wraps his good arm around her and tries her best to stand up, supporting his weight but--

" Don't you fucking leave."

The blonde freezes in horror when Amasawa, for the first time, spoke in a horrble tone.

Ruby looks at her, and she was met with a fierce glare that could kill.

" The two of you....why do the two of you remind me..... OH TO HELL WITH IT, I'LL KILL YOU BOTH!" Amasawa laughs maniacally before she continued her pace towards them, even with the tears rolling down her face. It was a disturbing sight to see. Like a monster straight out of a horror fiction.

" N-No! Beryl, cmon, let's hurry. I know it hurts to move but--"

" No...."

" S-Stop it! Don't try to argue with me, this isn't the time--"

" Don't worry...... we did enough......we stalled enough..." Beryl says.

Ruby was confused. " W-What? Stalled for what--"

" Not ' what '. It's ' who'." Beryl begins smirking, even with a bruised lip.

Who the heck are you talking about--



" H-Huh...?" Ruby could've sworn just heard a--

" W-What?!" She squeaked in suprise when she turned around only to find Amasawa's unconscious body lying on the floor, with some sort of dart that pierced her neck.

" Took her long enough..." Beryl's eyes began closing, he was beginning to lose consciousness.

" Her...?" Ruby mumbled.

With the last bits of his consciousness slipping from him, he at least answers....

" Yeah...... she's an old friend of mine."

Beryl's body goes completely limp after that, the sudden weight made Ruby yelp and struggle as she tried to use whatever strength she had to lift him-- but they only end up falling to the ground together. She at least tries to protect his head from the ground though.

An old friend...? Beryl do you mean she's also from--

" Are you two alright?"

The voice of a firm woman quickly shakes Ruby out of her thoughts. When she turns her head to meet the person who had just saved them, she was met with a comforting but strong purple eyed gaze. Her dark blonde hair sways with wind as it passes, and several men were behind her investigating the area.

Wait...isn't that...?

" I am Detective Sagami Yuki. I'm sorry for not arriving sooner."

~~~~ Chapter End ~~~~

Omgggg i actually did this all in one day. Crazy. I didn't think I had it in me but.....I guess I was feeling super motivated to write one of the scenes I've been dying to write, huh?

8k word count in a day! Wohooo

Sorry if my skills in writing a fight scene is not that good. I've never been really confident in that sort of thing, but I feel that i've tried my best here. And I hope it reaches to u too.

Did the fight go how you expected? And yes, Imma just state it right here and now that if Amasawa went full power ( without the injection ) from the start. Beryl would've been STOMPPPPPEEEDDD.

I quite enjoyed writing him getting beaten up lol. It's been on my mind for like....months. I've always kinda had a dislike towards how Kiyo is written to be so stupidly OP in canon that it's hardly even realistic anymore ( this is my opinion fr ) because it kinda takes away any growth he'll ever need. Both physically and mentally.

This is why I love writing fanfics. It gives you this sort of freedom to write a character and have him/her suit to your tastes. Even if some others dislike it. But thats how it is when you write a story. You face criticism with how u do things and u just gotta deal with it. Learn as u go, yk?

Fun fact about this fight:  This will prolly be more interesting to those readers who have read through my other fic  ' Last Elite Standing ' but i also had this Kiyo vs Ichika fight scripted for it somewhere down the line in year 2. It haunted me for months since I got it. And writing it here, with its own version suited to this fic, gave me quite the closure hehe. I wont spill too much details about how the LES Kiyo vs Ichika fight would've gone down cuz its irrelevant so moving on~

If you guys are interested in reading  a reaction of Goldenberyl series, then do check out @BlueNightOwl0528 for that! She's asked for my permission and I granted her that. She's covering the prologue oneshots series first, so its gonna be slow, but dont try and pressure her alright? Let her write at her pace. ( Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/358575021-cote-reaction-goldenberyl ) 

Same way that you guys mostly dealt with my updating like once a month--



Question (s ) of the chapter: Why did Amasawa plan to attack anyone in the first place? And between her and Yuki, who would win in a fight? ( again, answer only if you'd like to! )

I'll see you guys in the next chapter! It's going to be pretty long so yeah expect to see me in a month or two after this lmao.

And i hope u dont mind but next chapter is going to be Yuki-focused. ( I love writing her scenes second to Hoshino sibling scenes ) it will cover the events Yuki went through before arriving to Ruby and Beryl

See you then~!

Next Chapter: A Rotten Desire.

讛诪砖讱 拽专讬讗讛

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