
By Radical_Honesty

658 29 4

Abandoned shortly after his birth this is a story about a boy trying to become a Hero, In the face of some wh... More

Big Brother
Future Plans
Bad feelings
Declaration of War
Battle of Wit's
Wake up.

Gotta Go Fast.

31 1 0
By Radical_Honesty

(Tenko pov)

I had just finished my patrol of the Hosu area, I had been dispatched there on account of the Hero Killer being caught just in case he wasn't working alone. Thankfully other than the usual small time crimes there wasn't anything of note happening so after giving my report i left the city and returned to Musutafu.

I was hoping to get back in time to see the sports festival and keep my eye out for any promising recuits, After i had gotten off the train i was walking the streets close to U.A when i noticed a store that sold big screen tv's was broadcasting the first event and i couldn't believe what i saw.

Izuku was standing in the arena after getting first place, I was shocked but pleased for him. I always knew he'd do well if he just had a chance but the strangest thing was that the commentary was indicating that he had a Quirk now, Present Mic was talking about how fast Izuku was and i was quite confused.

I shook my head and kept moving towards U.A and made a note to chat with Izuku later to see exactly what was going on.

(???? pov)

I was watching the sports festival from my seat, When i noticed something that i had been looking for ever since the Doctor had examined All Might's medical records after my fight with him. The number one Hero's medical reports were listed as for 'Eye's Only' but there was one morsal of information he had been able to uncover, Apparently All Might was a father of two children and after searching the Yagi name we found reports of a pair of twins.

The Doctor did more digging but there were no records of the male child in that family, I then instructed Kurogiri to investigate All Might's closest allies and we managed to find a woman. This woman in paticular was an employee of Sir Nighteye who was at the time All Might's sidekick, She was summoned to meet Nighteye the night that was listed as the discharge papers of All Might's wife.

I commanded Kurogiri to 'invite' the woman to answer some questions and before she died she told us that she was instructed to drop off a child at an orphanage that same night. This was interesting as the baby was a boy and she then told me that she had taken the infant to the orphanage and dumped him because she didn't want to answr questions about his origin which she didn't even know.

All Nighteye told her was that the child was Quirkless.

I figured out that this child must be one of All Might's children and that the number one had gotten rid of him because of the boy's Quirkless status, My lips tightened and then turned into a twisted smile. If only the boy knew the truth about that and the fact that All Might himself was just like him when he was young. 

It was such a pity that we came by this information only six years ago. If i had known sooner then the boy could have become a useful pawn in my schemes, The only information we could get was that he'd been adopted by a very influential family.

I was certain that this boy i was watching on the screen was the same child because he bears a resemblance to All might's Daughter, And he was adopted by the famous Nakiri family. I made a mental note to keep an eye on this boy as he might still be useful in my plans.

The only question i had was 'How did he have a Quirk now?' but that may be answered in time.

(Izuku pov)

The first round was too easy, I only hoped that the second would be a bit more of a challenge. Our attention was then brought to Midnight again as she cracked her whip and announced that the next round would be a cavalry battle. Midnight explained the rules and said we could have up to four people on our team.

Midnight then went over the points system that would be in place, She then announced that i was worth Ten Million points !!! "Damn it" I said as every eye turned to me except for Shin who was standing beside me and returning the glares with equal intensity. We were given fifteen minutes to organise our team but i didn't need it.


I was ready to go, Shin was sat on my shoulders with my headband tied on so tight that the sudden increase in speed wouldn't make it fly off. "Okay Shin, You need to hang on tighter than before and keep your head down when i accelerate or you'll get whiplash" I warned my friend while he put his hands down to grab my forehead "Don't worry, I'm ready just warn me and i'll prepare myself" I nodded and waited for the countdown.

"5,4,3,2,1 BEGIN !!!!"

Midnight announced the start of the round so i dashed off, i kept my speed pretty low for the start, I was going about 50 mph. Shin was keeping his eye's open and watching for other teams, I ran to the other side of the arena and stopped. We were a good distance from all the other teams who immediately came right at us the second the round began.

I saw that Bakugo guy and the guy with two toned hair, They were standing there with a dumbstruck look on their faces but shook it off quickly and seemed to be scanning the area with their eye's. They were probably looking for me but my attention was on 'Her' she was on a team with a bird headed student and two other girls, One was the girl with the perma blush from the villain attack and the other wore some kind of strange googles.

(A/N Just put Amiko in Deku's place)

She had already noticed me and her team was already coming towards us, The only other student who i knew for sure found us was this guy with Engines in his legs. 'I wonder if he's related to Jenny ?' I idly thought while i watched him tell his white and red haired rider where i was. The girl's team was getting closer so i whispered to Shin to hang on real tight.

Pretty soon more of the students were running right at us as more and more saw the teams heading in our direction but when they got near i ran around them like they were stuck in mud and reloacted to the other side of the arena again.

"Hahahaha You'll never catch us you losers !!" Shin taunted from his rider's position on my shoulders, Some of the teams seemed to see that he wasn't lying and began to try and take points from other teams but the three main teams being 'Her', That Bakugo guy and the dual hair coloured guy kept pursuing us.

There was a blast of wind that flew past us and i noticed that 'She' was punching the air and unleashing blasts in our direction. I knew this wasn't the time to get sloppy so i kept running around the arena, The red and white guy sent more ice towards us whenever i stopped so there was no other option but to continue to go faster and faster.

Thankfully the blond guy started to destroy the ice with explosions from his hands because it was blocking his team, He was really angry and was bonking this red haired guy on the head to make him go faster.

I chuckled a bit from the display but kept moving past them in an attempt to keep our points, Pretty soon the other three teams got smart though and decided to box us in. The ice guy made glaciers to narrow my field of movement to a tight section of the arena, Then all three started to advance at once. I was restricted by what i could do like this, I could phase myself through the ice using hyper speed vibration but with Shin on my shoulders that wasn't an option.

The blond guy came flying towards us with his explosions and the girl kept sending blasts of air from her fist's that were punching the air. I noticed the engine guy gearing up for something as well as his engines were emitting blue flames so i wondered what to do.

I was about to suggest that Shin use his Quirk but just then the horn sounded and the round ended. I breathed a sigh of relief and watched as the blond guy fell flat on his face and proceeded to roar in frustration.

"In first place is TEAM SHINSO !!!!!" The arena heard as Present Mic shouted the results, "In second place is team Yagi, Followed by team Bakugo and then team Todoroki" Present Mic then went through a list of everyone else who had passed while i high five'd Shin in celebration.

Eventually we were all dissmissed for lunch and that was welcome because i was starving, Me and Shin went to the cafeteria where we found the Kyouksei dorm residents along with Alice and Ryo. "All right little brother we're going to feed you some good food to give you plenty of energy for the last portion of the festival" Alice announced while the rest went into the kitchen and got to work cooking.


Me and Shin were seated at a table and were just getting the first dishes delivered to us by Alice and her compainions. "All right you little dweeb get this down you're throathole" Ryo said surrounded by his flaming aura. He took his bandana off a second later and immediately went back to normal. "Please enjoy" He said in his usual monotone.

Everyone who had come over to investigate when they smelled the food was surprised at Ryo's sudden transformation but quickly turned their attention to me as i took my first bite of the trout dish he had prepared for me and Shin. "Oh my god it's fantastic" I said, i next looked at Shin but he didn't comment because he was too busy stuffing his face like an animal.

Over the course of the next forty minutes i recieved dishes of many different styles, From wild game to a steak rice bowl that was from Soma and tasted amazing, "This is Chaliapin Steak, I'm surprised you'd know about this Soma" I said surprised at his culinary knowledge. He just gave a thumbs up and told me how he'd beaten a girl in a food war with this dish.

Eventually lunch was over so Me and Shin relocated to the section of the seating area that was reserved for our class and other's not in the Hero course that's when we were informed that the final section of the festival would be a one on one fighting tournament. My sister and her friends went back to the seating area they were in before that was close to the V.I.P section and when i looked up i saw Tenko looking down and giving me a smile while clenching his fist out in front of him like a punch.

I smiled as i knew that he was saying "Do your best" so i gave him a nod then turned my attention to the arena where the first match was about to take place.

The first match was with this bright pink girl introduced as Mina Ashido and some other blond guy with a strange belt who was named Yuga Aoyama. When the match began Aoyama started shooting lasers from his belt at Ashido but made no impact as she danced and dodged all of his attacks, She seemed to be using some kind of fluid to skate around but when she got closer to Aoyama i saw it for what it really was. She expelled a highly corrosive acid that damaged Aoyama's belt, she then skated right up to him and finished the fight with a powerful uppercut to his chin knocking him out.

The stadium cheered for the winner Ashido as Aoyama was carried away on a strecher with his pants half way down his legs. I couldn't help but laugh at his humiliation and wondered how he would deal with this later.

"Ashido Win's" Midnight announced i looked at the tournament bracket that was displayed on the monitor and saw that i was next so i made my way to the prep room to be called to the arena, "Kaminari huh ?? Well i guess i'll see what he's got up his sleeve" I said after patting Shin on the shoulder and walking out of the seating area.

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