Sun and Moon Show angst *my A...

By gachapatato1234

10.4K 188 396

this is my AU of the Sun and Moon Show, there are no ships (at least not yet) and there is angst. basically i... More

Sun's pain
Sun's nightmare
to comfort a brother
Eclipse's plan
What did Eclipse say to Sun?
Monty and Lunar have a plan?
Phase 2
Sun loves his brother Moon
Sun does what!?
Eclipse has a crush!?!?
Eclipse comforts Sun?
✨Sun committed arson✨
Moon gets in on the plan
Eclipse cares about Sun?
What is the blueprint!?
There is no Celestial sibling Christmas party this year.... {Christmas special}

A brothers apology

262 4 38
By gachapatato1234

(Yeah so likeeee, Christmas special part 2??? This is what that is I guess- again, I'm VERY sick, if you want another chapter like maybe don't rush me??? But I suppose it worked cause I'm writing this rn soooo)

Disclaimer this story contains self harm, self hate, mental emotional abuse, physical abuse, arson, swearing, etc. If you are being abused or self harm then seek help, you are not alone through this

Moon's Pov

It took another hour but I finally made it back to the Pizza Plex

Running as fast as I can I go inside of the daycare and look around for Sun

The whole place is decorated, it looks like it took hours

"Sun?" I say, hoping for my brother to respond, to be okay

I haven't talked to him since we had that argument, he probably thinks I'm mad at him. After all I did kind of just leave, not telling him where I was going or when I'd be back

God I hope he's okay...

Looking over, I see there is a Christmas tree in the corner beside the security desk

Walking over I barely see Sun, curled up in a ball on the floor, light snores coming out from his voice box

I crouch down next to him and gently pick him up, before attaching the cord to my back and carefully flying up to the platform

Detaching the cord, I decide against taking him into my room since he'll probably wake up when I try to get him through the tunnel

I open his door and walk into his room, gently placing him on his bed and covering him up

"I'm sorry brother... We'll celebrate as soon as we can, I promise..." I whisper to him, kissing him on the head

I ruffle his rays as gently as possible before walking outside of his room

I climb through the tunnel and into my room, walking over to the computer

"Computer, I need you to figure out what this is." I say, transferring the blueprint picture to the Computer

"Picture analyzed" I stare expectantly at the computer, "It is a blueprint"

"Yeah I know that much! What's on the blueprint? What is Eclipse trying to build?"

"Analyzing"    {Comment what you think the blueprint should be}

This might take a while.... I lie down on my bed, I hope Monty and Lunar are okay... I'd go check on them but I don't want Sun to wake up and find that I came back and put him in bed and then left again

This sucks. There is so much going on, I just don't know how to deal with it anymore...

I need a plan.

Monty's Pov

"LUNAR WE HAVE TO GO!" I scream, running into the room and locking the door behind me before running over to the window and unlocking it

Lunar, whose disguise also glitched away for some reason, runs over next to me, "Did Eclipse find out!?" He yells to me

"Yes!" I yell back, opening the window as fast as I can

I motion for Lunar to climb out and he glances behind us, "Is there anything we are forgetting!?" He yells, looking around frantically

"I don't know!? We've run out of time! GO!!"

Lunar hesitates before quickly climbing out of the window and jumping down, sure we are on the second floor but we are also animatronics so we can do that just fine.

Glancing behind me, I hear pounding on the door and I know it's about to break, then I see something reflective in the closet, to the left of the door

I glance back down to Lunar, who stares up at me and motions for me to jump down to him

I quickly turn around and run over to the closet, opening the door and pulling out a glass box

How have neither of us noticed this before? Or maybe Lunar has and it's unimportant. But I'd rather risk it and find out it's nothing than not and find out it's important

I run back to the window and look down, hoping Lunar is still there, he is and I call down to him

He glances up at me fearfully, and I throw the box down at him

He has to run and jump to the left, (Lunars left) but he catches it

I climb out of the window, and I'm about to jump when I hear the sorry break down

With only a second to choose, I realize if I jump, Eclipse will get to Lunar and I before we can escape

However if I don't jump, Lunar can escape while Eclipse is busy with me

Then he can get Moon and he will come to my rescue. I mean, I would for him, that's what best friends do right?

"MONTY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? JUMP!!!" Lunar screams up at me

I shake my head, and hope that he gets the message as I turn around just in time to see Eclipse running at me

In a last ditch effort to be able to have us both escape safely, I throw a punch

"Damn-" I knocked him flat-

Not wasting a second longer I turn around and jump

I get up and grab Lunars hand, who for some reason didn't start running

I sprint back to the Pizza Plex, dragging Lunar along with me

I try to turn on my GPS but it doesn't work

I guess it was damaged in the fall

"Lunar! Call Moon!" I yell, and faintly hear ringing and then someone pick up the phone

I barely hear someone say something before Lunar yells "Moon!"

There is a lot of yelling on the other end of the line before Lunar says, "We're going to get lost! We barely both escaped! I almost had to leave Monty there! Please come get us!!"

Moon says something else but I'm too focused on keeping us going at a fast speed and not falling over to comprehend what he said

Lunar gasps as the call buzzes out due to lack of a strong signal

I grip his hand tighter and run faster

Now there is nothing left for me to do except get us as far away from Eclipse as possible

"Did you call Moon?"



"I called a close friend!"


"I'll explain later! We have to go!!!"

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