Emilia: Finding My Forever

By _dat_one_girl_

5.3M 125K 58.3K

𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 Emilia, a mixture of Enzo and Elianna. She isn't afraid of anyone a... More

Important Disclaimers
Character Aesthetics
1|The Groom's Pick
2|A Lifetime of Misery
3|The Wedding
4|I Hate Santo Valentino
5|My New Home
6|Kill or Be Killed
8|No Good
9|My New Thesis
10|Work of Art
11|His Parents
12|Two People Who Got Stuck Together
14| Foreign Regions
15|Mountain Climbing
17|Sexual Healing
18|Beach Day
19|The Small Details
20|We Were Drunk
21|Bittersweet Moments
22|Comfort Meal
24|Human Behaviour
25|Sweet Dreams
26|Liking My Husband
27|Playing Games
28|Emilia's Day
29|I Love To Shop
31|Innocent Eyes
32|Wishing For My Forever
33|Red Roses
35|To Forevers
36|A Tensed Match
37|Loyalty and Trust
38|A Great Leader
39|Show Me Everything
40|A Surprise Visit
41|Just My Opinion
42|Becoming My Worst Nightmare
43|A Rough Night
45|A Failure
46|Reading It
47|Fill the Void
48|Ball- Part 1
49| Ball- Part 2
His Secret-Book 1
Her Secret-Book 2
A Poem


77.1K 2K 627
By _dat_one_girl_

Emilia's POV

When I said that I wanted Santo to be my first everything, I forgot that it included my first breakup.

This burning feeling in my heart was almost unbearable. It was constant and I felt like I was being suffocated.

I wiped my eyes as I tried to call him again but he didn't answer.

He didn't come home last night and ignored all my calls.

I fell asleep by the door last night waiting for him to come back but he never did.

"Meow," James sounded as he curled next to me on the floor.

I frowned. "I miss him too."

I'll face whatever wrath Santo wants to unleash on me. I just wanted him to come home.

I was mad at him too. His reaction was extreme.

He didn't even try to hear what I had to say and assumed that I wrote bad things about him.

My phone rang and I quickly picked it up in hopes that it was him but it wasn't.

I cringed when I saw it was Professor Kate.

"What am I going to say?" I asked myself as I tried not to break down again.

I sighed before answering.

"Emilia," she sternly said. "I should not have to call you. You know what this is about."

"Professor Kate if you could give me a few more days-"

"Stop right there," she said. "Ms. Mariano, you've had plenty of time to do this simple task."

"Professor Kate, if you could just let me explain," I begged but she was not having it.

"Ms. Mariano, even if I wanted to help you, grades are due today. This institution does not normally allow students to do makeup but I begged the dean for you."

"Professor Kate-"

"Maybe it is for the best," she said. "If you could not finish one simple assignment then you probably do not deserve this degree."

My chest started to hurt and I began having difficulty breathing.

Why does no one ever listen to me?

"Please, just give me a chance," I begged.

"I am really disappointed in you, Emilia. I saw great potential in you," she said. "You will receive a letter of dismissal from the university by next week."

I tried to speak but I couldn't.

"Goodbye, Ms. Mariano. Don't waste your money trying again. You're not cut out for it," she said before hanging up.

Hot, heavy tears rushed out of my eyes as I screamed.

James immediately ran away and the guards rushed in to see if I was okay.

The chance of obtaining the only thing I have been working towards since I graduated high school was just taken away from me.

I cried the hardest that I've ever cried before.

I held my throat as it tightened due to the formation of a lump of emotions.

Everything was now sinking in. I had managed to lose the two most important things in my life: Santo and a chance of getting my degree.

Knowing that I couldn't get the degree that I worked so hard for was already painful but losing Santo too was unbearable.

"Does this look like a show to you guys?" I heard him shout to the guards but I was too distorted to look at him. "All of you get back to your posts now!"

I gasped for air as I couldn't breathe.

It hurt so bad that I didn't even know if I wanted to allow myself to breathe.

I started to panic since I didn't know what to do and my vision became blurred.

He immediately ran to me and stooped down next to me. "Emilia, breathe."

I shook my head as I cried harder.

I couldn't do that.

He grabbed me. "Emilia, what are you doing?"

I took a gasp of air as I continued to cry.

I've never felt like this in all my 20 years of life.

"I lost everything," I cried.

"What?" he asked as he started rubbing my back so I could breathe.

"They aren't making me graduate," I cried. "And I lost you. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you, Santo. I wasn't trying to paint you as a psycho. I just wanted to write about you. I just wanted to do something nice."

He stayed quiet as I cried until his chest.

I felt terrible.

I never wanted to hurt him.

"Stop," he told me after he had enough of my crying.

"I can't," I barely managed to say as I sobbed.

He sighed before picking me up from the floor before taking me to our room.

He placed me on the bed. "Where did you sleep last night, Emilia?"

"I was waiting for you to come back but you never did," I told him. "I know I was wrong but was it necessary to treat me like this?"

He stayed silent.

"I thought you trusted me," I said. "You assumed the worst in me and now I can't graduate. Maybe I was the one that needed to see if I could trust you."

He looked on me and I could tell he felt guilty.

"I'm sorry, Emilia," he said but that couldn't bring back the chance of me graduating.

He stood up. "I have to go."

Why did I expect that he would stay and talk with me?

I hoped that even though I lost my opportunity to graduate, maybe I wouldn't lose him too.

I told him the truth. I didn't write about Santo to portray him as a bad person, I wanted to understand him.

I turned away from him. "Of course you do."

"What else do you want me to do Emilia?" He asked sounding mad at me.

I turned to him. "I want you to be my husband and not walk away from me the first time we have trouble!"

"I wanted you to not write a whole essay on me describing me as some deranged man who needs to be studied!"

I stared at him silently as I held back my tears.

He sighed loudly as he angrily ran his hands through his hair.

"I need time Emilia," he said before walking out.

I picked up my phone and dialed my mom's number.

I missed hearing her voice.

"Emilia!" shouted enthusiastically.

"Emilia?" I heard my papa's voice in the background. "Emilia, we've been trying to call you!"

"What? I haven't seen any missed calls."

"Wait," my mother said. "Enzo, have you been calling her on the other number?"

"There is another number?" my papá asked confused.

"Enzo!" she shouted. "You've been calling her on the wrong number."

I smiled when I heard my parents were still at each other's throats. However, no matter how much they fought, they still had an unbreakable bond.

Why couldn't Santo and I be like this?

"What's wrong, Emmy?" My mom asked. "Is everything okay with you and Santo?"

"Not really," I answered honestly. "I did something that he didn't like and then he did something back."

The two were silent for a while before my mom spoke. "Did you know that he wouldn't like it?"

"No, I thought it was ok but I should've asked him."

"Don't worry about Santo," my papá said. "He'll come around. That man is just like me when I was younger."

"How about school, Emmy?" she asked. "At least that's going well right?"

I stayed quiet as my mouth began to quiver.

"Can I come back home?" I cried.

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