The LEGO Movie Pachverse Rete...

By ACGalaxy1732

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description: this a retell story of The LEGO Movie featuring my characters/OCs/AUCs. character(s): canon: E... More

Chapter 1: Emmet
Chapter 2: Cloud Cuckoo Land
Chapter 4: Metal Beard Returns
Chapter 5: Emmet's Plan
Chapter 6: Vitruvius' Death + Takos Tuesday
Chapter 7: Emmet's Sacrifice + Lucy's Broadcast
Chapter 8: Emmet's Return + Final Battle
Chapter 9: Ending (?)

Chapter 3: Attack at Cloud Cuckoo Land

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By ACGalaxy1732

~Emmet looks sad and disappointed; he turns around and starts walking off.~

Emmet: Well, at least it can't get any worse. [suddenly a golf ball is thrown into the dome] I was wrong!

~The golf ball crashes through the dome and lands in Cuckoo Land.~

Superman: It's the Orb of Tee-ti-list!

~At that moment Bad Cop and his army of robots crash through into Cuckoo Land in their aircrafts.~

Bad Cop: Ruh-Roh, it's the bad guys!

Emmet: Whoa! How did he find us?

Wyldstyle: Go! Run! Come on, everyone! Protect the special!

~Wyldstyle, Emmet, Vitruvius, Unikitty and Batman rush back into the dome.~

Mermaid Lady: What's that on his ankle?

~Emmet looks down and we zoom in to see something attached to his ankle.~

Knight: It's a tracking device!

Bad Cop: [to his robots as he tracks Emmet] Take the Master Builders prisoners.

Gandalf: Oh, his tracking device led them right to us!

Emmet: Guys, no, no, no.'s not my fault.

Batman: [to Emmet as Bad Cops robots are attacking them] Oh, you are the worst leader I've ever seen. To the Batmobile! [the robots shoot at the Batmobile and it explodes] Dang it.

Wonder Woman: To the Invisible Jet! [the robots shoot at the empty space next to where the Batmobile was and that explodes too] Dang it!

Batman: Every man for himself! [he jumps off the edge]

Superman: No! We must protect the Piece! Shaq, do you know what time it is?

Shaq: It's game time! [they build a device to throw their basket ball at the robots aircraft] Y'all ready for this? [they throw the ball and as it hits the robots aircraft they just turn towards them] Oh, no! They were ready for that!

Superman: IT DIDN'T BREAK!

Bad Cop: Because it's Kragled. [to his robots] Machine gun! Fire!

~They shoot at Superman with chewing gum making him splat to the ground stuck in the gum.~

Superman: I can't move!

Green Lantern: Don't worry, Superman! I'll get you out of there.

Superman: No! Don't...

Green Lantern: [as Green Lantern goes to rescue Superman his hands get stuck in the gum] Aah! Oh, my gosh. My hands are stuck. [he wriggles his legs and those get stuck in the gum too] My legs are stuck as well.

Superman: I super hate you.

Lorz: The special is in trouble! We have to help him!

Blake: You two protect the special while we take care of the bad guys.

~Christine and Lorz nod then run to protect Emmet and the piece. Jerome and Blake activate their jetpacks then fly to the sky as they prepare their guns.~

Jerome: [to the bad guys] You're gonna have to get through us first!

Blake: Ready? Open. FIRE!

~They fire their guns to shoot the robot army. Meanwhile with Christine and Lorenzo, a group of robot army run toward them so Christine brings out her wand as Lorenzo bring out his laser sword then defend themselves and each other from the robot army: Lorz, using his laser sword, cuts off the robot army as Christine, using her wand like a gun, shoots the robots which breaks them to pieces.~

Emmet: [as the robots have got hold of Emmet] AAH! YOU'RE PULLING MY TORSO OFF!

Wyldstyle: Babe, help me get him out of here! [she decapitates a robot]

Batman: I said every man for himself. [he grabs a robot and strangles him]

Wyldstyle: Hey, you gotta be there for me.

Batman: Aaaah.... [pauses for a while] Fine! Fine, fine, fine! [reluctantly he goes to her aide and fights off the robots attacking Emmet] Fine. Fine. Fine....

Wyldstyle: I need you to have a better attitude about it!

Batman: I have a great attitude!

Christine: Yeah-no you don't. [continues to shoot the robots as she takes off her hood in front of Emmet] Hi Emmet.

Emmet: [shocked] Christine!?

Christine: Surprise neighbor? [shoots off the robots]

Wyldstyle: Who are you?

Christine: I'm Christine.

Lorz: I'm Lorz, short for Lorenzo.

Emmet: They're my neighbors back at Bricksburg, I didn't know they're master builders!

Christine: It's a long story that I will tell you soon or later. [continues to cut off the robots]

~Batman gets the tracker off Emmet and throws it at one of the robots.~

Robot: Ow!

~Bad Cop picks up Emmet's tracker which is now attached to the robot.~

Bad Cop: The Special's in the northwest quadron. We've got him cornered. [he looks down but all he sees is the robot with the tracker attached to his head smacking into a wall]

Robot: Ow! Ow! Ow!

Bad Cop: Where did he go?


Unikitty: Oh, no! They've hit our silly cloud stabilizers!

Wyldstyle: Let's go! We need to get Emmet out of here!

Emmet: Can't we build something?

~Suddenly a space guy named Benny flies over to them.~

Benny: Hey, I'm Ben! But you can call me Benny! And I can build a spaceship: Watch this! [he starts building a spaceship and chanting along as he works] Spaceship! Spaceship! Spaceship! Spaceship! Spaceship...

Wyldstyle: No! You can't. The skies are surrounded.

Benny: That's okay, I didn't really wanna build a spaceship. Anyway, that's cool. [looking visibly disappointed as he kicks his half built spaceship and it falls apart]

Unikitty: Well, where can we go where we can't be found?

Lorz: Definitely underground.

Emmet: [he quietly mumbles] Maybe we could go underwater?

Batman: [knocks Emmet aside] What if we went underwater?

Wyldstyle: Great idea, Babe!

Unikitty: Thank you, Batman! You're ideas are the best!

Emmet: But I just said that...

Wyldstyle: We could build a submarine!

Batman: A Bat-submarine, patent pending.

Unikitty: With rainbows!

Vitruvius: And dream catchers, in case we take a nap.

Benny: Like an underwater spaceship!

Christine: In addition, weapons: either magical. [poofs out her wand]

Lorz: or melee. [brings out his laser sword] And communication devices! [brings out his laptops, phones, tablets, and smart watches]

Emmet Brickowski: Well, you can't build all of them at once.

Wyldstyle, Vitruvius, Batman, Unikitty, Christine, Lorz, and Benny: [they huddle together for a moment] Ready! Break! [they all go off to build the submarine]

Emmet Brickowski: Okay.

Unikitty: [as they build the submarine] These are the colors I need: blue razzleberry and sour apple.

Batman: If anybody has black parts I need them, okay? I only work in black. And sometimes very, very dark grey.

Wyldstyle: Use the yellow bricks.

Emmet Brickowski: Guys, can I help?

Lorenzo: [to the group] Any cool colors will do; cool colors, as in blue, purple- actually blue would work: underwater camouflage. Anyone agrees?

Bad Cop: [he continues to search for Emmet in his aircraft] Where is he?

~As the others continue to build the submarine, Emmet holds up a piece of Lego.~

Emmet: Anyone know what this is and do you need it?

Benny: I think we could use wings, rocket boosters...

Wyldstyle: Ooh, get your retro space stuff out of my area.

Christine: We're building a submarine, not a spaceship.

Benny: Sorry, I could not resist!

Emmet: Guys, hey? Just tell me exactly what to do and how to do it.

Vitruvius: Emmet, don't worry about what the others are doing. You must embrace what is special about you!

~Suddenly Emmet gets an idea then smiles to himself.~

Bad Cop: [spotting Emmet on the submarine] There he is! All units, attack the sub!

Wyldstyle: Emmet, get in here! [the group takes the submarine towards the water as Bad Cop at his robots are chasing after them]

Bad Cop: Stop him! Stop him! [suddenly the submarine goes off the edge of a cloud and plunges down] Don't let him get to the water!

Wyldstyle: [as they get closer to the water] Dive! Dive! Dive! Everybody in! We're going under!

~The submarine plunges into the water, we then see Cloud Cuckoo Land being destroyed by the robots and the Master Builders, even the space trooper army, handcuffed and taken as prisoners.~

Wonder Woman: Oh no.

Blake: [to Jerome] I hope Chris and Lorz are okay with the other remaining master builders.

~Unikitty watches sadly within the submarine as her home is destroyed.~

Unikitty: My home. It's gone! I feel something inside, it's like, [angry] the opposite of happiness! I must stay positive. [she struggles within herself to remain positive] Bubblegums! Butterflies! [she looks out the window and sees more fallen debris from her destroyed home] Cotton candy!

~Unikitty begins to cry, so Christine walks to her then pats her head. Emmet goes over to comfort Unikitty as Christine steps aside.~

Emmet Brickowski: Gosh, I'm so sorry, Unikitty. Do you wanna sit down and talk about it? [he points to the Double-Decker couch he's build behind them]

Batman: What... the heck... is that?

Emmet Brickowski: It's a double Decker couch, which seemed like a good idea at the time, but I now realize it's not super helpful. But it does, you know, it has cup holders, seats flip up with coolers underneath.

Batman: You are so disappointing on so many levels.

Vitruvius: Why are my pants cold and wet?

Wyldstyle: [disgusted] Ew!

Christine [off screen]: Excuse me?

Vitruvius: Uh...

~Suddenly the sub starts to fill up with water.~

Unikitty: The walls are crying!

Benny: We're falling apart at the seams!

~The submarine starts to fall apart.~

Lorz: [screams in fear then panics] We're going to die!

Batman: This is not how Batman dies!

Christine: Everyone, this is no time to die!

~As the submarine fills with water, Emmet starts to drown.~

Wyldstyle: Emmet! Hold on! Hold on!

Emmet Brickowski: Wyldstyle!

Wyldstyle: Deep breath! [inhales] Deep breath, everybod...!

~Suddenly as the submarine sinks it explodes. Above the water, Bad Cop circles in his aircraft.~

Bad Cop: Micro managers, what's going on down there?

Robot: Scanning submarine wreckage. No survivors detected.

Bad Cop: Scuba Cops, dredge the entire ocean if you have to. We have go to find that piece. [the scuba cops dive into the ocean to search for the Piece of Resistance] Let's get these prisoners back to Lord Business and give him the good news: the Special is no more.

~The captured Master Builders are taken to Lord Business's Think Tank.~

Lord Business: Hello, everybody! Superman. Wonder Woman, I had no idea you'd be here. Mr. Shaquille O'Neal. Greetings, all! [referring to Jerome and Blake] Those two space troopers. Welcome to my Think Tank!

Superman: [gets into strapped to a chair] All the Master Builders you've captured over the years, you brought them here.

Lord Business: You're a very perceptive person, Superman. They come up with all the instructions for everything in the universe. Robots!

~The robots strap a device to Superman's head.~

Superman: No! No! [then his chair shoots up to the top] NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! AAAAAAH!! Can't get much worse than this.

Green Lantern: Uh...hello, neighbor.

Superman: Oh no.

~We see Green Lantern is strapped in the chair next to Superman's.~

Green Lantern: It's Green Lantern! Oh, my gosh. We're roommates! How crazy is that?

Superman: Does anyone have some Kryptonite that they could give me?

~Two of the robots take off Jerome and Blake's helmets revealing their faces.~

Jerome: You will never get away with this!

Blake: They just did.

~As the other captured Master Builders are being strapped into the Think Tank.~

Lord Business: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Where is the Special?

Bad Cop: The Special and the Piece of Resistance are at the bottom of the ocean.

Lord Business: Wait, are you telling me you don't have him?

Bad Cop: Sir, my scuba team is looking for his remains as we speak.

Lord Business: Bad Cop, he could still be alive! The Piece could still be out there!

Bad Cop: The only remanent of the Special was a double Decker couch.

Lord Business: Wait, hold up. A double Decker couch?

Bad Cop: Yes, sir.

Lord Business: Really? So it's like a bunk bed couch? Is that what it's like? That's weird. If you're sitting in the top middle, how are you gonna get down without climbing over someone? If you're sitting on the bottom, and you're watching TV, are you gonna have to watch through a bunch of dangling legs? Who's gonna want to sit on the bottom? It is literally the most useless idea I have ever heard.


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