The Unknown

By M-addie

45 0 0

Ally Cole meets a boy at the libary she works at He's very odd and has a secret life he tries to keep Ally aw... More

The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown
The Unknown

The Unknown

0 0 0
By M-addie


Work was work, long and boring. Olivia tries to make it not boring but with everything this woman does i see her a few times a day, turns out she does more than run the bakery. She also makes clothes, I don't know how I never knew that, but considering she always wears the most beautiful outfits it doesn’t surprise me. 

Asher had messaged me and said he was coming to get me. I was happy today was over. After the incident with Chris my nerves had been shocked all day, anytime I saw him I would freak. I'm not sure how I'm going to deal with this. Asher said they'd never hurt me, maybe not Olivia but Chris, I'm not so sure. 

I'm sitting in the back with Olivia talking about her clothing business waiting for Asher to show up, when we hear a loud slam and yelling starts. We both jump up and run to the front, I see Asher right in Chris’s face, hes angry, very fucking angry. 

“If you ever do something like that again I swear to god I will drive a steak right through your cold heart.” Asher screams at Chris

“Ash, chill out she's fine” Chris says very calmly 

So this is what they’re yelling about, what Chris did to me this morning. How did Asher find out? 

I look over at Olivia and see a very guilty look on her face. Oh..

“Asher, stop lets go” I say stepping out behind the counter

He looks at me and in an instant he's right in front of me, grabbing my face and what I'm guessing, looking for any bite marks or scars. 

“I didn’t touch her Asher, just scared her a bit” If Chris doesn’t shut up i’m afraid Asher might stick to his word

“Shut the fuck up” Asher says to Chris, then continues to check me. Tired of him moving me around i grab his hands and push him away from me 

“Ash, stop lets go please” 

“Are you okay” 

“Yes, let’s go please i’m tired” 

“Okay, I’m sorry” 

He grabs my hand and pulls me towards him hugging me, i hug him back and hear him let out a heavy breath. He lets me go and grabs my hand again then leads me out of the bakery. I look back at Olivia and she’s still standing in the same place, not moving a muscle. 

We get into Asher's car, he doesn't start it, he just sits there, not talking, not doing anything. 

“Ash-” I start but he cuts me off 

“Stop, let me think” he says laying his head against the steering wheel, I reach my hand up to his arm and slightly run my fingers over it, he grabs my hand and puts it in my lap

“Asher” i say moving my hand back to his arm, he again grabs it but this time he holds it, still not talking or moving, he keeps his head rested against the wheel holding my hand. 

Finally he sits up, drops my hand and starts the car then pulls out of the shop. I sit quiet in my seat, I don't understand what’s going on, he’s very hard to read. 

He’s driving back to his house and after this long day all I want to do is sleep, so I rest my head against the window and slowly drift off to sleep. I wake up to Asher carrying me inside, I snuggle myself against him holding him tight. We get inside and he takes me up to his room. 

He lays me down on the bed, then takes off my shoes then turns to leave 

“Lay with me” I say lightly 

“I can’t right now” He says back coldly 

“Please just lay with me, at least till i fall back asleep” I plead but it doesn’t seem to work because he turns around and leaves the room

I groan and get out of bed following him downstairs, he goes into the kitchen and reaches for the bottle of whiskey, instead of getting a glass he takes a swig straight out of the bottle

“Go back to bed, Ally” he says taking another swig from the bottle 

“Not until you come with me” i say walking to him

“Ally, just go to bed” He now sounds angry. Angry at me, for what?

“Either you come with me or i’ll stay right here all night” Maybe that will make him come with me

“Suit yourself” He says then starts to walk away. Nope didn’t work, I know what will tho…

I get up and go back into his room, grab my shoes and purse then walk back downstairs, passing him but not saying a word, I grab my car keys and walk out the door. Before I even reach the first step on the porch I hear the front door open. Bingo.

“Where are you going, Ally?” I hear Asher say from behind me, I'm not going to answer him, give him a taste of his own medicine. So I keep on walking to my car. I hear him following behind me getting closer each step

He grabs my arm and turns me to face him, “Where are you going” he says sternly 

“Home” i say back ripping my arm from his grip, but he's right back to grab it again 

“No” he pulls me closer to him 

“No?” I question 

“You’re not leaving me again” He looks sad, he changes emotions so fast im afraid he may give me whiplash 

“Then stop making me want to leave” Now i'm saying things to hurt him, i didn’t really mean to say that, it kinda just came out 

He says nothing back, he just picks me up over his shoulder and starts walking back to the house 



He takes me back into the room and lays me gently on the bed then climbs over top of me pinning me to the bed 

“I make you want to leave?” He leans down so close to my face 

“When you’re a dick, Yes” I lean up so our lips are almost brushing 

“Tell me how to fix it” He pushes me back down and lays his head on my stomach 

I let out a soft breath and let him lay “Stop shutting me out, stop pushing every emotion down, stop taking it out on me when shit goes wrong” I slowly run my fingers through his hair

“I’m trying” He says lightly 

“I know you are, but it’s the little things, all i wanted was for you to hold me and you left” 

“Ally, i want to be the man you deserve, i want to be the one you can always count on but i'm afraid i’ll never be him” He sits up and moves beside me, I turn over and sit on his lap 

“You can be him, i didn’t come back just for you to doubt us, i can back because i believed we could make this work”

“We can make this work and we will, I promise i will be better” He says while moving his hand from my hips to my face bringing me closer to his, our lips are almost touching when i whisper “Good”, he leans closer and puts his lips against mine, kissing me slowly, holding onto me like this is our last time 

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