Gunvolt Story Two - The Azure...

By Umbra2000

1.1K 39 13

It has been almost a year since the event you had dubbed Fallen Angels had taken place. Sumeragi has been in... More

01 - Intro
02 - Reunion
03 - Seraph
05 - Clash
06 - The Next Step

04 - Return

144 5 3
By Umbra2000

Relief and joy would flood your body like a massive wave, slamming into you like no tomorrow to the point where it was almost overwhelming. Slightly tightening your embrace with your little sister. But you would remember what you told Copen and realized something which froze your joy like the arctic. This would probably be the only time you would ever see Mytl again. Frowning from all of this but knowing it was best for her. You needed to get her to Copen.

Looking at Mytl you would explain to her that you were going to take her Copen and that to make sure she was fine, he would put her to sleep for a moment. Mytl looking at you without a word nodded her head. Embracing you once more, before you utilized your Psychokinesis to put Mytl within a calm slumber. One in which she would enjoy until you got her off of this place. Just as you stood up the sound of running caught your ears. Turning your attention to the room, you saw Gunvolt standing within the doorway.

The two of you looked at one another for a moment, each not knowing what to say for the time. But Gunvolt noticed the little girl in your arms and the expression on your face. The Azure Striker put two and two together. Especially when he remembered Copen.

Gunvolt: (Y/N), is this your little sister?

Y/N: Yes, she was taken by the people of the Seraph, I have a hunch as to why they took her, but I'm not going to allow to take her again. But, I have to take her back to Copen for right now. This will probably be the last time I ever see her again.

Joule: . . . . (Y/N).

Y/N: Don't worry I already knew this was the case. I'm an Adept and Copen has a serious hatred for them, it would make no sense for me to be able to see her.

Gunvolt: Alright . . . While you do that Joule and I are going to try to land the Seraph. We've dealt with everyone on board and it'll be a lot easier to do it from the outside.

Nodding your head you walked away from Gunvolt and Joule wondering how to get out of this area while wondering how Gunvolt would stop such a large object. But remembering Joule was the Muse now, it was not hard for him. You would venture out of the Seraph, performing your newest skill of phasing through solid objects. To your surprise you could do it would Mytl for some odd reason. But as you were doing this your head started to pulse and flashes of some memory appeared in your head.

You saw an image of you being shook by a man wearing a lab coat. They appeared to be yelling at you about something but you could not understand what was going on. But with a quick shake of your head you immediately caused the memory to dissipate. But something about that memory was quite weird to you. 

Your Thoughts: What the heck is going on with me now?

Floating away from the Seraph was when you saw what Gunvolt was doing now. The Azure Striker was covered with a rainbow-colored aura as he created a massive Flash Field surrounding the entire ship. But to your worry the Seraph was slowing down slowly. But if it still hit the ground it would still do some serious amount of damage. You clicked your tongue trying to figure out what to do, but you needed to get Mytl away from the area.

Landing on the streets near the Seraph you looked away trying to think of what to do when your phone suddenly rang. Floating it towards your head you saw that it was Nori once more. Answering the phone you asked about what was going on when you received another surprise. The sound of motorcycle engine was heard and the next thing you knew, Nori was driving towards you riding on the motorcycle. Immediately she skidded to a halt seeing you much to your surprise.

The two of you simply looked at each for a moment. Both trying to comprehend the situation. But you would finally speak asking when Nori even knew how to ride one of these things.

Nori: I've known how ride one for quite a while (Y/N), I have not told you everything about me. Don't worry about Mytl, I'll be taking her  to safety. I can't believe they would take a child.

Y/N: I'll look into why they've taken her, but right now I need to find Gunvolt and Copen. Before they tear into each other.

You place Mytl safely on the bike with Nori making sure she would not move when she drove off. After a moment, Mytl was safe on the bike still asleep. As Nori drove off with your sister you stayed there for a moment to watch them go. Just to make sure they were safe before going back to where Gunvolt was now.

As you flew through the air you could Gunvolt's Septima power, but you were also sensing another. This one was quite confusing to you now as you felt this one before. It was familiar and as you got closer to your destination your mouth went agape at the sight. An Adept was there, but they should not be there. Fact is they should be dead.

Millions and millions of questions were showering through your mind at the speed of sound as you tried to comprehend how they were alive. You remembered Copen had killed Zonda right before your eyes. Could that one had been some kind of an illusion or something. You were just about to react when it happened within an instant. Something slashed at your back sending diving to the ground. Flipping around like no tomorrow before landing on the ground with a thud. Close to where Copen and Gunvolt were now, but just before any of you could move your bodies were frozen up to your thighs.

Y/N: Terrific this guy can use ice too.

Zonda: No, no, no that was not me, but I have to say his skills with ice are incredible, I appreciate your assistance Tenjian.

Appearing next to Zonda stood a new figure this guy appeared to wearing some form of armor that was a dull gray. It reminded you of your Septima Armor when you use to have your glaive. Just who was this guy and what was his connection with Zonda.

Copen: URGH! It seems like you're part of Sumeragi.

Tenjian: Not by a long shot, we are nothing like those fools, we are members of Eden. Sumeragi had a noble cause at first, but their direction was quite baffling.

Zonda: Yes indeed, they were going in the right direction for Adepts, but they took a couple of steps in the wrong way.

Tenjian: Zonda, I believe it would be best to show them your true form, after all aren't you getting tired of using these illusions to trick people?

Zonda: I guess you're right, Azure Striker, Adept Slayer, and . . . . . Former Eternal Squall.

Y/N: I'm the Illuminare now!

Zonda: Illuminare, now bare witness to my true appearance.

Within a blinding flash of light and the shattering of what appeared to be glass you looked away for a moment. But the moment you looked back you could not believe what you just saw. You were expecting a tall male human flamboyant looking guy. Not a little girl who looked even younger than Mytl.

Zonda: It actually feels nice to finally stop using my illusions to trick others. But what you see is the true Zonda, the leader of Eden.

Copen: Eden?

Zonda: Eden, is a paradise for all Adepts they'll be allowed to live in peace against their inferiors. And we'll have to do whatever it takes to make the paradise for adepts.

Copen: You guys sound exactly like QUILL, you guys are nothing more than terrorists. 

Zonda: It may sound like that, but things will be different, especially now that we have the Muse in our disposal.

Y/N: Say what?!

Looking towards Zonda and Tenjian you realized there were strange mirror shards floating around them. That's when you realized something right away. Each one held the energy of the Muse which meant one thing. Joule was somehow shattered with Zonda's Septima and was split into those pieces. Without a second thought, you sprung into action. Not needing to hear another word from them. It was time for the Illuminare to take action and the spring was reaching its limit. Glowing with Septima Power your eyes blazed with power and a grin sprouted across your face.

Tenjian: Huh what are you--

Y/N: Violent winds/Stronger than the gods/Blow away my enemies all your strength!

Tenjian: Zonda get--


The air around everyone turned violent as a gust of air shot through the place. Knocking everyone away with such a force it nearly knocked you off your feet. But you did not want to waste this opportunity as the pieces of Joule floated around the place. As you launched for them you were not the only one reaching for them. Copen shot out and grabbed one as you did the same thing. But the others floated back toward Zonda.

Tenjian held her close and was looking at you with a ferocious expression. You did not care about the look of anger on his face. Remembering that Mytl had been kidnapped and these guys were essentially the reason for this too. Rage was building up within you too. Both of you became tunnel vision.

Tenjian: Zonda, get going I'll catch up when I deal with this pest.

Zonda: Very well, come back safely, big brother.

Zonda's body cracked like a thing of mirrors before shattering into pieces. Gunvolt called out to her before turning to see Copen was leaving as well. He did not know what to do until a small shard went flying toward him. The Azure Striker looked to see you had tossed the shard you had gotten from the scuffle.

Y/N: Volt, get going, I need to let out some steam and this guy is the perfect target.

Gunvolt: . . . . . Alright . . . But come back in one piece.

You did not turn to Gunvolt and simply nodded your head as Gunvolt ran off. You and Tenjian glared at one another both of your Septima power appearing around you. The temperature around Tenjian began to drop and the air seemed to vibrate around you.

Tenjian: Ice vs Psychokinesis, let's see which one will come out the winner.

Y/N: Pal, let me tell you one thing, suicide is a coward's way out of life.

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