Akame Ga Kill OC Story: Broth...

By Gamekip99

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When two brothers straight from the afterlife come down to a world of assassination and corruption, with one... More

OCs info
Prologue: Cut the Tension
Chapter 1: This Doesn't Make Cents!
Chapter 2: Shed some Light on the Night-mare
Chapter 3: Sweet Teams
Chapter 4: Past or Future, but Present is Tense.
Chapter 5: Starry Staring Knight
Chapter 6: I Know Why The Caged Bird Stings.
Chapter 7: Shot Up!
Chapter 8: Hit the Road, not my Friends.
Chapter 9: Quit while you're A-Head
Chapter 10: Morning Story
Chapter 11: Time Heals all Wounds
Chapter 12: Seryu Later
Chapter 13: Don't Leaf Me
Chapter 14: Ferry Impressive
Chapter 15: No I in Scheme
Chapter 16: Things Went A-Rye
Chapter 17: Jaegers just wanna have Fun
Chapter 18: Swept up by the Wave
Chapter 19: Hard Days Knight
Chapter 20: Dis-Manta-Ling
Chapter 21: Hell 9000
Theme Chapter: Thanksgiivng
Chapter 22: Good Mourning
Chapter 23: I Sky with My Little Eye, Newcomers
Chapter 24: Train on your Parade
Chapter 26: Break a Leg, or a Tongue
Chapter 27: I Land You
You're A Mean One, Jin the Grinch.
Chapter 28: Kill the Time
Chapter 29: No Separate Way
Chapter 30: Rocky Road
Chapter 31: Second Base
Shadow Dagger Bio OCs
Chapter 32: No Exploration without Devastation
Chapter 33: Cruelty
Chapter 34: The Team Up
Chapter 35: Catching Up
Chapter 36: Umatora
Chapter 40: Esdeath x Jin
Chapter 41: Taking back the Town
Chapter 42: Fate can be Cruel
Chapter 43: I'm Sorry
Chapter 44: Fury
I Need to Talk

Chapter 25: He Shoots, He Chores.

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By Gamekip99

Jin and Chelsea were currently in the lab, and Chelsea was currently rambling about Trent to Jin since he was a good listener and didn't seem to care that much about saying his mind, unless it was Mine.

Chelsea: I mean, yeah, Trent is funny, sweet, and cute, also very artistic, but I don't see myself in a relationship, he's more like a brother you'd go for help, like a person who'd you ask for advice or be there to lift you up when you're down. You get that, right?

Jin: Uh huh.

Cheese: I mean, you guys are strong as hell, I can give you that, but I just don't see how two couples can happen in the middle of a war of Tatsumi and Akame, and Jun and Leone. I can understand Jun and Leone since they're practically gods even though Jun's powers are stripped, and Leone is still a human, but Tatsumi and Akame? I just don't understand. They're strong too, but what if I'm not able to be strong enough to live out the rest of my days with my hypothetical love interest?

Jin: Chelsea, do you want some advice?

Chelsea: Yes.

Jin: Give it time. That's my best choice. It can be an ally or an enemy. But only you decide. Mainly because I don't know Trent as much as you do. Speaking of whom, have you talked to him in the past few days ever since his confession?

Chelsea: Kind of. And maybe not. But hey, at least there's only two couples. It's not like Sayo and Ieyasu are gonna ask each other out. Also, thanks for listening, Jin. You're not that bad of a guy.

Jin: You're welcome Chelsea.


Oh, how wrong Chelsea was. Sayo was alone in Ieyasu's room, and she finally got up the courage to ask out her childhood friend.

Sayo: Ieyasu?

Ieyasu: Yeah, Sayo?

Sayo: Listen, I- uh, *sigh* I've known you and Tatsumi since we were kids, and you've given me a place to live when my parents died, and me, you, and Tatsumi vowed to stick together, whether our former army dreams or being in Night Raid, but I wanted to be together with you.

Ieyasu: We are together.

Sayo: No, like just the two of us.

Ieyasu: I don't get it.

Sayo: Ok, the truth is, I'm in love with you, Ieyasu. You've done so much for me, and I couldn't think of any other man I want to be with. Other than you.

Ieyasu: Sayo. I- I can't believe I'm saying this. But I love you too.

They then get closer and closer until their lips touch and they kiss passionately without ever letting go. It felt like they were in heaven without actually being in heaven. All they wanted was to be in the moment as their feelings bursted out like an overflowing dam. Soon they stopped to catch their breath and Ieyasu rubbed his head in embarrassment.

Ieyasu: Well, I guess me finding sexy sophisticated city women is off the table forever. But I'm glad it is.

Sayo: Yeah. I actually punched you not because I was disgusted, but because I was jealous. I only wanted you, and I couldn't stand even thinking of the idea that some city girl would sweep you off your feet.

Ieyasu: You wanna tell Tatsumi?

Sayo: Yeah! We just can't encounter Trent. He got shot down by Chelsea and has been quieter than usual.

Ieyasu: And also Jin. You know how jealous he gets.


The happy new couple rush down to see Akame and Tatsumi making out, again, and Jun making some pancakes while Leone got ingredients.

Leone: I got powdered sugar! As sweet as my fox!

Jun: Thank you, Kitty. And hey! Sayo and Ieyasu, come on down and have some pancakes.

The brunette fox flipped them as Akame and Tatsumi rushed to the table and so did Sayo and Ieyasu, who were holding hands and blushing.

Tatsumi: Anything going on?

Ieyasu: Hey, Tatsumi? If we said me and Sayo got together, what would you say?

Tatsumi: I'd be happy for you. And so would the village. They've been betting on which one of us would be with Sayo.


Tatsumi: Kidding! Kidding! (Looks like the rival bakers that wanted me with Sayo owes my family 100 bucks.)

Ieyasu: You didn't know? Everyone did except for you.

Sayo: I can't believe it. All this time I was a betting device. Well, no use now. Me and Ieyasu are together!

Tatsumi: You are?! That's awesome!

The three hugged as Ieyasu and Sayo hugged Tatsumi, and even Akame got in on the action and so did Leone, as Jun groaned in disappointment.

Jun: The cook's always left out of hugs.

Tatsumi: Also, for your wedding, who'd you have decided for a best man?

Ieyasu: You of course!

Akame: He's one lucky guy, Sayo.

Sayo: (Oh my god, someone just shoot me.)

As the embarrassed markswoman continued to be blushing and Jun continued to cook, soon, the entire group decided to eat as Jin and Chelsea sat together and Trent sat with Lubbock instead.

Lubbock: Don't you worry man, there's always fish in the sea. But don't think you can get with me, since I'm straight.

Trent: Thanks Lubbock. Don't worry. I didn't crush on you anyways.

Mine: Would anyone?

Lubbock: Come on guys!

The gang continued to laugh as Sheele saw Jin and Chelsea closer and the red haired girl offered the werewolf more pancakes. Mine noticed as well, and boy was she pissed.

Mine: (Great. Now little miss priss is gonna take him. Yet he belongs to Sheele! I have to make sure they don't spend time together! Or at least have her love Trent!)

As the gang continued to eat, Najenda comes inside and eats some of the pancakes Jun made.

Jun: So, madam, how's the pancakes?

Najenda: Great. Susanoo's pancakes are good, but these feel more simple.

Jun: Sometimes not everything has to be extravagant.

Najenda: Ok, everyone? It's chore day.

Everyone: *groan*  Ughhhh.

Najenda: I know it's everyone's least favorite day and we can just have Susanoo clean, but we also need to put in her effort as well. Lazy effort means lazy minds. Sheele, since you're good at cleaning now, go ahead and help mop the floors in the cabin.

Sheele: Yes ma'am.

Lubbock: Me, miss?

Najenda: Well, you and Tatsumi set up traps. Being in the army requires that.

Lubbock and Tatsumi: Yes madam.

Najenda: Sayo and Ieyasu, hunt down the edible Danger Beasts. Like a Chicken, a Swan, basically look at this division of he highlands. They're crawling with edible danger beasts. Hunt down 5. At least. And Sayo, make sure you don't electrocute them much.

Both: Yes madam.

Najenda: Mine and Akame are doing garbage detail-

Mine: WHAT?!

Najenda: -and laundry.

Lubbock: Why can't I do it?

Leone: Because you'd just use it as an excuse for looking at the ladies's underwear.

Najenda: Thank you Leone. Speaking of which, you and Jun need to get groceries. There's a grocery market out there and other than Sayo, Tatsumi, Jin, you, Trent, and Chelsea, you can get groceries without causing a ruckus. Just draw a low profile to yourselves.

Both: Yes madam!

Najenda: Jin, you and Chelsea need to make more medical products. Our healing supplies are low, and while they're getting bandages and first aid kits, you should make some chemicals and healing potions.

Both: Yes madam.

Note: I'm making Chelsea a scientist and assassin in this fanfic.

Najenda: Ok, Jun and Leone on grocery duties, Sheele's mopping, Lubbock and Tatsumi are safeguarding the hideout, Jin and Chelsea are making medicinal potions, Mine and Akame have garbage duty, Sayo and Ieyasu are hunting, while that leaves Trent.

Trent: We're going to visit Dr. Reed and talk to some of the Hidden Resistance. Specifically their Generals.

Najenda: Our superiors. We've been getting reports of moles inside our Revolutionary Army and also the Hidden Resistance. We've lost many battles since hey came into our secret hideouts. So, Chelsea and Jin, could you guys make a truth serum by any chance?

Jin: Give us some time. We need to find a specific flower, which is luckily around this area.

Chelsea: The Crimson Azalea. Their properties make the best truth serum. Not too uncomfortable, but enough to make them squeal all secrets like a pig. Sayo, Ieyasu? Could you guys please fetch it for us?

Both: Sure.

Najenda: Now let's go out and do some chores.


Chelsea and Jin were currently making a truth serum for Najenda as they were discussing with the general about their scientific talent.

Najenda: I knew Jin was a genius, but I never expected you to be a scientist as well.

Chelsea: I was always the brains of my old team.......before they died. I used to be a citizen of Solaris. Until that bitch Kimberly came in, took all of our valuable resources and money to use for herself, and wiped us off the map. Only a few people lived. Everyone believed the Solarians were dead. I still remember it all.



Chelsea was a small girl and currently sees Solaris under mass destruction and burning to the ground.

Multiple people were running for their lives and trying to escape but Kimberly just killed them all or her soldiers did. Not to mention, he ones who were lucky to be alive, they were forced to work in the Solarian Mines. As Chelsea packed a backpack and ran, she then sees Kimberly threaten the mayor at glovepoint.

Mayor: I beg of you, Miss Kimberly. Please stop this madness!

Kim: I told you to pay up the money and you didn't.

Secretary: We've been busy paying the taxes in money and resources that you've enforced on-

She then grabs the Secretary, and a giant Thunderbolt hit him, exploding him.

Kim: Do not butt in. My business is my business. Now, you either pay it back in your previous gold ore, or I blow up Solaris from the map.

Mayor: I can't-

Kim: Ok. Have it your way.

She uses her powers and prepares a giant thunderstorm until the Mayor gives up and offers her something.

Mayor: Wait! I have something you might like.

He goes into his office or what remained of it, and pulls out a box with lots of makeup and beauty products.

Mayor: We've been the center of the Emperor's Teigus. With your enforcing, you've stripped us bare and we can no longer make any.

Kim: Cut to the facts, worthless knave.

Mayor: Here. Gaea Foundation.

She opened the box and was fascinated by all the different types of cosmetics that were in there.

Kimberly: We might just see you next month.

But before she took it, Chelsea ran up and stole the Teigu.

Chelsea: (No way I'm letting something as cool as this fall into her hands.)


She tries blasting electricity at Chelsea but she couldn't land a single blast. Then, she used her magnetism to seal in Chelsea using metal artifacts.

Kim: How dare you think you can take my items! Solaris is nothing more than a filthy hole from which hopeless, stupid, and lowly morons! You'll never be more! All you are is a reminder that parts of society must be poor! I should just eliminate all of your ugly mugs. In fact, I'll do it right now.

Kimberly starts trying to crush Chelsea with metal and the red haired girl felt like her bones would be crushed. Soon after, Revolutionary Army members show up.

Kim: Declan O'Neil.

Declan: Yes.

Kim: The traitor who stole Atom Reconfigurer: Molar.

Declan: You know what it can do.

He snaps his fingers and a giant explosion ravages Kimberly, as he grabs Chelsea and tells them to get her to the nearest Air Manta.

Declan: Get the girl to an Air Manta! I'll take down Kimberly.

They grab Chelsea and toss her to an Air Manta as Solaris was burning down to the ground. Kim fought Declan and tries to shock him, but he kept his cool and dodged her blasts. He kept on firing explosions with snaps and then tapped he earth to create a earth pillar and uppercut Kim in the face.

Kim: That's it. I can't stand it! How can army generals like you, work for the filth that is the Revolutionary Army?!

Declan: Because I want a better life for the people. You want a better life for yourself.

Kim: And what is there to think about? I'm rich, powerful, and strong. Why should I think about the insects of the empire? And speaking of which, I plan on unleashing a giant thunderstorm. It'll wipe out Solaris and anyone in a 10 mile radius!

Declan: What?! That'll endanger your own soldiers too!

Kim: Yeah. But they knew what they were getting into when they joined the army.

She then uses her Trump Card  to control he weather and Chelsea could see an entire thunderstorm as she flew away from Solaris.

Chelsea: What about Mr. O'Neil?

Revolutionary: He's tough. He'll make it.

After a few minutes, the thunderstorm hit Solaris and caused a massive explosion, as the shockwave hit the air mantas and nearly caused them to fall to the ground. But luckily, they survived. A few weeks later, Declan O'Neil was seen in Solaris, living off of remains of the stores and any edible animals.


Chelsea: And that's my origin story. Solaris was rich in resources, but we were heavily taxed. My parents also died in the explosion. So I had no one. Declan O'Neil helped take me in and raised me along with Sophie Riley. But I don't even know what else to do.

Jin: Chelsea. Wow. I'm sorry.

Chelsea: It's ok. Besides. Thanks to Dr. Reed, I was able to get over it enough.

Sayo: Hey guys.

Ieyasu: We found those Azaleas. Sayo said to grab multiple in case you needed more samples.

Chelsea: Thanks.

After a few minutes, the truth serum was perfected, Najenda took the potions that they made, and called her friend Mia Reed to teleport them over to the Hidden Resistance.

Mia: Hey guys. Trent? How's my friend treating you?

Trent: Nicely.

Mia: Now come on. We got traitors to snuff out.

They hurry and leave but Jin notices he still has the Wind Cleaver and tries to reach out, but they leave.

Jin: Well, what do we do now?

Chelsea: We could train.

Jin: Are you sure?

Chelsea: Well, you're right. If we can barely defeat Psycho Conda and Scorpio, how can we win?


After a bit of quick teleporting, Mia gets the group over to the remains of Solaris and find multiple people tied up.

Mia: We found these people to be rats. So we're hoping we can find out who their leader is. Hand me the serum and we can get the truth out of them. Kelly's been trying to snuff out the rat, but she's busy trying to train with her new Imperial Arms.

Currently, they see Kelly attacking with a scythe the size of Extase.

Mia: The Black Widow: Reaper. It can absorb the life force of anyone she slices to heal her own. It even has a Trump Card to give her body that ability.

Trent: Where are the moles, Dr. Reed?

Mia: Here. General Declan O'Neil, General Sophia Riley, and General Haruki Jackson who got transferred over to us.

Declan: We got the traitors right here.

Sophia: Can't wait to snuff em out!

Jackson: But we should be sparingly with the serum. And be careful about the use. How much to use?

Declan: Just stay calm, Jackson. I've tried everything to get them to talk. And they know we need them alive. So just a shot of truth serum in these 4 soldiers, and they'll spill who the traitor is.

Kelly: Hey, what's going on?

Mia: Be silent, Lieutenant Davis. I'm putting in a specific concoction made by Night Raid to make them squeal.

She does that and they all squint in fear, and the group begin to ask them questions.

Declan: Ok. Riley and Jackson, get one soldier and write down as much info as you can. This guy seems to be the head.

They nod and take their specific soldier off to an interrogation center as Declan, Mia, Kelly, Najenda, and Trent look over the head mole.

Declan: Any more traitors like yourself?

Empire Soldier: *truthfully* No. I'm afraid not. *real* Ah! I'm so dead.

Declan: Any plans that you know of to dismantle our forces?

Empire Soldier:  *truthfully* We have some moles inside the Revolutionary Army and here to obtain plans about attacks. *real* Why can't I stop?!

Najenda: Any for Night Raid?

Empire Soldier:  *truthfully* In fact, Genjiro Tendo rigged the air manta with a tracking device to find Night Raid, and a few days from tomorrow, they'll have Yamada Yoshiko fetch them and kill them. *real* Just kill me.

Declan: That's impossible. General Tendo would never do something like this!

Empire Soldier:  *truthfully* Yes. Because the real General Tendo was kidnapped and replaced with another one and even stole his fortune telling Teigu.

He tries to grab Kelly's scythe to kill himself, but she dodges.

Declan: Ok, where is the real General Tendo?

Empire Soldier: Basem-base- I'll never tell!

Trent: Drat, ran out.

Najenda: But we have a good amount of info. And I think he said basement of Revolutionary Army base. Thanks. I'll send this out to everyone.

Declan: We'll send you some troops to eliminate their forces and hopefully Yamada Yoshiko.

Najenda and Trent: Thanks.


Leone and Jun were currently at the grocery market and buying stuff like batter, spices, seasonings, ingredients, meats, vegetables, and other items.

Clerk: That'll be 40 dollars.

Jun attempts to pull some money out, but Leone slammed two 20 dollar bills on the table.

Leone: On me, Johnny!

Jun: Thanks, Lia.

Clerk: Oh, is she your wife?

Jun: Uh, no she's my-

Leone muffles his mouth and says her form of the lie.

Leone: Yes. Yes he is! Well, fiancé, but you know, waiting for the wedding!

Clerk: Really? Congratulations. Oh, here's your groceries.

They grab their groceries and head on home as Leone hears a man cursing himself about his money being stolen and Jun chuckles.

Jun: Ok,it says on the receipt there we have chicken and beef and bacon and pork for meat; cabbage, spinach, and some others for vegetables; salt and pepper; some knives; and something something pills.

Leone wanted to die of embarrassment but luckily her boyfriend was naive. So she pretended an animal was there by throwing a rock at a tree to make a sound and swiped his receipt and pills when he wasn't looking. Jun went to find it, but smelled no sign of monsters.

Jun: Couldn't find it. And where did the receipt go?

Leone: Uh, it flew away because of the wind.

Jun: Ok. Let's go!


As Jun and Leone were running home, Lubbock and Tatsumi then got a message from Najenda that there would be a group of soldiers heading out to try and take out Night Raid, and needed to head back home to grab Susanoo and also a chemical from Jin and Chelsea. However, that was after Lubbock explained his origin story. And unlike Jin, who didn't care that much, Tatsumi was arguing with Lubbock about his past.

Tatsumi: If you really do want Najenda to like you, don't peep at other girls in he hot springs, especially my girl! Or Jun's!

Lubbock: Hey! Looking at hot chicks in hot springs and being in love are two different things!

Tatsumi: That's why she doesn't love you back! Besides! Akame loves me back but not because I peep on her!

Lubbock: What do you know?!

Tatsumi: Uh, oh, I don't know, I know because I'm in a relationship! Why don't you name how many girlfriends you had?

Lubbock: Shut-

Jin: CAN IT!

Both boys gulped and Jin and Chelsea hand them a potion.

Jin: It's a deadly poison. Chelsea made it with my Obscuro.

Chelsea: We hear there's going to be some soldiers coming around to kill us. Not to mention, they know where. First, we need to find the Air Manta's tracking device.

Jun: The what now?

Chelsea: Yamada's sending an army against us to try and kill us. So we're depending on Susanoo to make a fake home, we spray them with poison gas, and then we kill Yamada and burn the body. Seryu and Price keep coming back, so we have to kill her first and leave no remains.

Jin: And Tatsumi, could I have that relic? We can go visit Bulat with it.

Tatsumi: Ok.

Jun: I'll come too.

Both brothers and Tatsumi head up to the heaven realm while Akame, Chelsea, Susanoo, and Lubbock prepare the fake house.

Chelsea: Ok! (Leaving me with finding the tracking device.)


When they arrived, they walked around and heaven was strangely quiet. Quieter than usual. Not even the admittance lines were crowded.

Tatsumi: Is it usually like this?

Jin: Let's go see Bulat.

They rush over to see Lucy and Jonah but they were gone too.

Jin: Usually, there's purgatory. A workplace for most of our workers.

They head there, and soon they find themselves in the middle of a fight that ended, along with Jonah and Lucy.

Jun: Luce and Jonah. Where's our mom and dad?

Lucy: You're not gonna like it. So let's go.

She snaps her fingers and they see both parents in a coma, and multiple heaven and hell soldiers.

Jonah: Our soldiers have been fighting off multiple assaults from Isaac. Not to mention, he's been farming our resources and comatized your parents. And Sir briefed me on his history with him and Lisa.

Lucy: We were hoping to catch you in your dreams, but we don't know how to activate the artifact for longer than 5 minutes without your parents.

Tatsumi: Well, could you see what Yamada's doing right now?

Jonah: Again, we need your parents help to activate the artifacts needed. And Jin, I know what you're going to say about Gabriel, but he's retired and also off somewhere adventuring.

Tatsumi: Could we at least see Bulat?

Lucy: I'm afraid not. He's busy. He decided to help us with the fight.

Jonah: Not before flirting with me. We don't mind him being gay, it's just annoying whenever he flirts with me at the wrong time.

Jin, Jun, and Tatsumi: We get it.

Jonah: We did however place a curse on Isaac, but he must have somehow found a cure or antidote.

Tatsumi: Thanks anyway. We'll head back home now.

They raise the totem and head back into the corporeal world as a bright light overtook them.


Najenda: Who's on watch duty?

Suddenly, the three men appeared out of nowhere and looked refreshed.

Mine: These three losers can be the lookout.

Akame: How long were you gone for?

Jin: (Right. The inconsistent time.)

Jun: We visited heaven. And turns out our parents are comatized.

The entirety of Night Raid gasps as they explain more.

Jin: Mom and dad prepared an army to defend the heaven realm.

Tatsumi: But we just went to see bro. Ok. We'll be on lookout.

Akame: Well I will be too.

Leone: Me three!

Najenda: Ok. Lubbock, Mine, Chelsea, Trent, Sheele, and I'll get some sleep. You 5, do not do any night time "activity" other than watching the fake house. Susanoo will watch over here.

The couples blushed except for Jun and Jin since Jun was dense, and Jin was jealous. Also he had a pressing matter to ask.

Jin: What about the tracking device?

Chelsea: Found it! Now bring this over to the fake nest, and you're good to go.

Jin and Jun: Let's go get ourselves a Shadow Dagger.


Chapter 25: End

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