The Player of the Maze

By lydiaeditzxx

22K 392 62

When the new Greenie (Thomas) meets a girl named Paige Everdeen, their worlds collide. Making it clear, they... More

The Meeting
Let The Games Begin
Don't Blame Me
The Scorch Trials
The Truth
Part II
The Escape
Winston & The Storm
The Traitor
Wicked Vs The Right Arm
Part III
Not Strong Enough
"If anybody hurts you"
Family reunion
The Great War
Old tales...

The Right Arm

606 11 6
By lydiaeditzxx

Lying down looking unwell Thomas looked down at the girl he had caught feelings for, hoping she would wake up soon. Finding comfort, Thomas would hold her hand tightly in his hands. Slowly, Paige opened her eyes blinking. She was happy the first thing she saw was Thomas looking down at her hands slowly rubbing his thumb on it.

"Hey Tommy...." Paige would whisper smiling. Straight away Thomas would look at her.

"You're okay." Thomas said smiling. "Come on let's get you up."

"Welcome back shank." Minho said smiling.

"Ah good to see you too shitface." Paige said smiling as she stood up with the help of Thomas. Looking at everyone Paige caught eyes with Luca who was coming over to her. As soon as he could he tightly wrapped his arms round her, almost falling into his arms she smiled relieved to be back with her brother.

"You see dad?" Luca asked.

"Nearly shot him in the head." Paige smirked. "Like inches away." Luca nodded smiling as he went back to sit on the couch. Admiring her, Thomas came next to her crossing his arms.

"I need to tell you something Tommy." Paige said. "After. Alone." Thomas looked at Paige and nodded concerned. Overhearing, Teresa looked at Paige, making eye contact Paige made Teresa look away.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Jorge shouted punching the man from the party in the face. Paige looked over.

"You're going to have to leave my house." The man joked. He wasn't in the best state. It looked like Jorge had been hitting him for hours, for example blood was running down his nose. His left eye completely shut and swelled like he had been in a boxing match. The other eye hanging on for dear life.

"I don't enjoy hurting you." Jorge said standing over the man who was tied up into a chair in the centre of the room.

"Looks like you've been having fun." Newt said looking at Paige. Paige looked at Newt then Thomas and smiled trying not to laugh. "Where is the Right Arm Marcus?"

"Wait this is Marcus?" Paige asked stepping forward.

"Kids smart." Marcus chuckled. "Catches on quick. Are you the brains of the operation?"

"Would run in the family." Frypan muttered. Paige's head titled as she smirked, hitting Frypan in the back of the head not too gently to not hurt him but not to hard to give him a headache.

"Ow." Frypan said looking up at Paige stood behind him as he was sat on the couch.

"Stick to cooking Fry." Paige said nodding. Frypan chuckled. "Good to have you back."

"Guys. You mind." Jorge said.

"Sorry old man." Paige smiled . "I didn't just save your life from my father."

"Your father?" Marcus asked.

"Shut up!" Jorge shouted grabbing Marcus' hair forcing his head to look up at Jorge. "I know you know where the Right Arm are hiding. So you tell me. And I'll make you a deal. You can come with us." Chuckling like a psychopath Marcus replied.

"No thanks I make my own deal. Never miss an opportunity." Marcus chuckled. "Supply and demand. Wicked wants all the humans they can get. I give them that. I get the kids drunk, they pass out, wicked comes in and takes them. Separate the weak from the chav." Marcus looked over at Brenda who looked away. Jorge chuckled.

"I changed my mind I do enjoy hurting you." Jorge kicked the chair back as Marcus chuckled like it was a game. Grabbing his gun, Jorge held Marcus at gun point over his head against the floor. "Talk!"

"Okay! They like to move around." Marcus spluttered out blood. With the help of Minho, Jorge lifted Marcus back up. Breathing heavily, Marcus was ready to answer. "They have an outpost in the mountains. But it's hard to get to, a long way away, you'rere never going to make it with Wicked on your ass."

"Not on foot." Jorge smirked. "Where's Bertha?"

"No please not my car." Marcus almost begged.

"Oh yeah. Bertha." Jorge smiled.


Driving Bertha, the Gladers smiled being in a car. In the back, Thomas looked out the window at the world they were going to save. But all Paige was looking at was Thomas, that was what she was going to save. Sensing, someone looking at him he looked to his side to see Paige, making eye contact they both smiled and looked away both blushing. I mean they were just kids. Mountains and mountains kept the sun out for a while. Stopping the car the would group got out. They had come to a dead end, cars piled up in front of them and a tunnel blocked off by rocks. Walking towards the cars suddenly. BANG! BANG! BANG! They were getting shot at. This was a normal sound for the Gladers now.

"Take cover!" Newt shouted. Aris, Minho, Teresa all took cover behind a van, whisky Luca and Brenda behind a Volvo. Thomas, Newt and Frypan behind another truck. And then Jorge and Paige.

"Everyone okay?" Thomas asked.

"Fine!" Aris shouted back.

"Looks like it's me and you again old man." Paige smiled looking at Jorge.

"Anyone know where those shots came from?" Newt shouted his voice echoing in the mountains.

"Here hold this." Jorge said giving Paige a bomb.

"What the fuck are you going to do with this blow us all up?" Paige asked.

"Create a diversion dipshit." Jorge said cocky. "Get ready to chuck it."

"Where? The top of the mountain. If you haven't noticed a human can't throw that far. Unless you're weird." Paige said.

"Good job you're weird." Jorge smiled. Paige smiled annoyed. She was going to kill him if they got out of this alive.

"Ready. 1.2." Jorge said before hearing bullet shells drop to the floor.

"Drop it." A girls voice said. "Now." Before Jorge could do anything Paige dropped it.

"Jorge drop the thing man." Paige said looking at the red button in his hand.

"So it's not old man anymore?" Jorge asked putting the trigger down.

"Really at a time like this? Grow up." Paige said holding her hands up, Jorge did the same.

"On your feet. Let's go." The girl shouted. Paige looked at her and another girl next to her. Their mouths were both covered up by scarfs, their fingers on triggers and rage in their eyes. Jorge and Paige both backed up holding their hands up.

"Back up." The girl yelled. "You two over here now!" Luca and Brenda did what the girl said not wanting to get shot.

"And the rest of you." The other girl said.

"Woah. Easy." Thomas said running over to them with his hands up, stepping in front of Paige. "Easy..."

"Aris...." One girl said. All eyes fell to Aris.

"Luca..." The blonde girl asked. Confusion flickered in their eyes as they lowered their guns.

"How do you-." Frypan asked confused. The girls dropped their mouths revealing what they actually looked like.

"Omg Harriet." Aris said walking towards one of them. The girl had braids and had a beautiful face, everything perfect. The other blonde hair in braid and looked like Newt.

"Sonya." Luca asked hugging the blonde haired girl.

"Lucky we didn't shoot your dumbass." Sonya said.

"You know my brother?" Paige asked looking at Sonya.

"We were in the maze together." Luca smiled.

"Brother?" Harriet asked. Luca nodded. The others all looked at each other confused. Harriet whistled into the air.

"We're clear guys come on out!" Harriet yelled. This lead to many armed men and women coming out of hiding from the top of the mountains. Jorge looked at Aris and Luca and smiled. They had just saved everyone. Walking through the blocked off tunnel, cars, and men, got into trucks and cars driving off.

"We're taking them to base." Harriet said. "The Right Arm got us out."

"Wait. You know the Right Arm?" Thomas asked. Harriet opened a door to a car.

"Hop in." Harriet smiled. Finally getting to their destination, the Gladers got out and looked around. Men, women, children walked around the mountains. Tents, fire places, washing lines. They had made a home here. The survivors looked around and smiled.

"Welcome home." Sonya smiled. "You're going to meet Vince."

"Who's Vince?" Luca asked walking behind Sonya.

"The one who gets to decide if you stay or not." Harriet said.

"I thought the Right Arm was an army." Brenda asked.

"We were. This is all that's left of us. A lot of good people died getting us this far. Who are they?" A guy asked. Paige guessed this guy was Vince. He had a beard, slick back hair, a gun in his pocket and a knife.

"They're inmunes. Caught them coming up the mountain." Harriet answered.

"Do you check em?" Vince asked.

"No. But I know these two. Luca and Aris. I trust them." Harriet said pointing to the two boys.

"I don't. Check em." Vince said ordering one of the men to check them. Once the check was done they nodded.


"Alright." Vince smiled.

"Hi." A woman said coming from behind them.

"Doc." Vince said. The women looked at Paige and Thomas and smiled.

"Hello Thomas. Paige." The women said.

"You know us?" Thomas said his voice shaking.

"Interesting. Makes sense they put you in the maze." The women said smiling. "But I was afraid they'd killed you after what you two did."

"What we did?" Paige asked.

"The first time we spoke. Thomas said he couldn't take it anymore. Watching your friends die." The woman said. "The last time we spoke. You and Paige had sent us coordinates to every Wicked compound, trial and lab."

"You were our source." Vince said.

"We wouldn't have been able to pull it off without him." The woman smiled. Thomas and Paige looked at each other then back at Vince. Teresa looked at Paige then Thomas. What had Teresa done then?

"Thomas. I need to talk to you." Paige remembered.

"Okay come on." Thomas said taking her hand and walking off with her.

"Get these guys come warm clothes and food." The woman said watching them walk off together smiling

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