Imagines with D&E

Von scjbubbletea

611 1 0

A book of short stories featuring you and D&E, but more of Eunhyuk since he's my bias... and Donghae is my bi... Mehr

Best Friends with Benefits #1: Do You Dare?
Best Friends with Benefits #2: Getting Acquainted Beyond the Heat
Best Friends with Benefits #3: Eunhyuk and the Boys
Best Friends with Benefits #4: What's Up with Him?
Best Friends with Benefits #5: Too Much To Handle
Best Friends with Benefits #6: Losing Control
Best Friends with Benefits #7: Yesung
Best Friends with Benefits #8: She Likes You
Best Friends with Benefits #9: Confessions and Kisses
Best Friends with Benefits #10: Happy Forever After
A Boxing Thrill #1: My Best Friend and the New Coach
A Boxing Thrill #2: Accidents
A Boxing Thrill #3: Showdown
A Boxing Thrill #4: Making A Choice
A Boxing Thrill #5 Ending 1: Donghae
A Boxing Thrill #5 Ending 2: Hyukjae
Celebrate: A Christmas Special with Super Junior
Gear Me Up #1: Wrecked

Gear Me Up #2: Bad and Badder

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Von scjbubbletea

[A/N: Yalls so sorry for the long wait 😭😭😭😭 I wanted to update like weeks ago but it's been so hectic cause yours truly was busy moving overseas for uni and my writing wasn't serving this chapter... But I'm finally ready to publish it soo HOPE YALL WILL LOVE IT YEAH]

Young Ji's pov:

"Thanks a lot, kids. Don't worry, I'm in good hands." As Donghae smiled at the two bouncers, Jeno and Dino, the worried, apologetic look on their faces faded slightly. "Go back to work."

They nodded and headed out, leaving us alone in the pub owner Heechul's office. He'd only return the next day, so they'd arranged for us to rest there for the time being according to protocol. The heavy scent of tobacco and expensive leather lingered in the air as we sat in the centre of the office, surrounded by fine wood and whiskey.

When my gaze caught the picture on the wall, I stopped short. This must be Heechul... If looks could kill, I definitely just got sent to the underworld. Appa, I may be seeing you much sooner than I thought.

He had the most intimidating eyes that were almost knifelike, as if they could see right through you with just a single glance. It was clear he was a man of power and influence who showed no mercy to those who wronged him.

How in the world did Donghae even get to know someone like him? I just picked up the cloth next to him on the couch and started cleaning up his arm, since Jeno and Dino had already taken care of the wounds on his back.

"Are you not going to ask me anything?" He asked as I grabbed the bandage wrap from the table and wrapped it around his injured arm.

The image of the blade slicing across his back couldn't stop replaying in my mind. "Does it hurt a lot?"

"It's nothing, just a few flesh wounds." His answer was no surprise, but the aching in my chest intensified when I registered his words.

"Don't." I exhaled shakily, resisting the urge to throw my arms around him. "Don't ever do something like that again. Looking after me has already cost you enough. I don't want you to—"

"Do you really think you're just a duty call to me?"

I stubbornly trained my gaze on the floor, still refusing to meet his eyes.

"Look at me." He commanded, which left me no choice but to obey. He held my gaze intently, demanding an answer with his eyes. There was so much in them — disbelief, hurt, anger... I couldn't tell which one he felt the most. So I gazed deep into them, studying and rethinking all that I'd known about him for the past seven years.

How could I have been so wrong?

"What do you think I am, heartless?" He fumed. "Do you really think—"

I wrapped my arms around his neck, cutting him off with a hug. I've been such a fool. I exhaled slowly, closing my eyes after furiously blinking away my tears. "I'm sorry, Donghae. I... I was an idiot. All this time, I thought that you were doing things you didn't want to and couldn't wait to get me out of your life. I jumped to conclusions. I'm so sorry."

A few seconds passed before he returned the hug, embracing me silently. "Don't be." He released me a while later, holding me by the shoulders with an impenetrable resolution in his eyes. "I won't let anything happen to you. If that bastard Kang Dae tries anything again, I'll rip his guts out."

He really cares, so much more than I thought. Despite the constant tension between us, I'd always admired his guts and capabilities. He was bold, sharp and concise, always hitting the nail on the head. Nothing ever seemed to faze him, and he'd take charge before anything could go south. And if some idiot pushed his buttons, he'd crush them to death without giving zero fucks.

"I'll grab some popcorn."

He smirked, a tinge of affection in his eyes I'd never seen before. He was about to say something, but I grabbed the hem of his tank top. "Promise me. That you won't jump in front and take a bullet for me like that again. You scared me to death, do you know that?"

His gaze sharpened, telling me there was no room for negotiation. "I won't watch you die in front of me."

"Please." I begged, my voice barely a whisper. "I-I can't lose you too."

"You won't." His grip on my shoulders tightened, and his voice filled with conviction. "I promise."

I nodded, praying with all my heart that it wouldn't be broken.

A few hours later

What the... Dino had booked a room for us in one of the motels Heechul owned and not only was it the biggest one, but also excessively red and suggestive. What the hell does he think we're going to do in here?!

"What is this, really?" I questioned, but he just sauntered forward like he owned the place and shrugged at me.

"It's his best motel." Then he settled down on the leather couch by the wall, popped open one of the champagne bottles on the dining table and poured a glass for himself. "Ah, this is nice..."

I just folded my arms and stared at him. "Yah, you're drinking in a situation like this?" And doesn't he drink beer only?

"What? It's free. So is everything here." He gestured to the rest of the room with the glass in his hand, then took a sip.

I stormed up to him and plucked the glass out of his hand, trying to ignore the fragrant scent of the champagne. "Exactly! Why? And really, this weird ass red theme with only one bed? What does he think we're here for?"

He stared at me with a frown, as if there was something else on his mind. Seconds later, there was a loud knock on the door. He went straight to answer it before I could.

"Yesung hyung?"

Okay, now who is this?

He yanked off his sunglasses and stepped forward, cupping Donghae's face with both hands. The corner of his lips was bleeding, and the rings on his fingers were gleaming with blood. "Mwoya, that fucking bastard and his lackeys did this to you? Did he forget who almost broke his fucking legs?" He barked.

"I'm okay, hyung. Some idiots tried to stir up shit on your turf again, huh? Come in first, I'll help you clean up." Donghae stepped aside to let Yesung in, but he just swiped his thumb across the side of his lips to rid of the blood.

"Not now, you punk. Those fuckers broke their ribs fighting me and my guys anyway." Well, sounds like the kind of guy who can walk off his own death. "Heechul hyung has already sent his men to catch Kang Dae and his gang, but I didn't have time to dispatch manpower on my side since I rushed here right away after hearing from him." He pulled out his phone to make a call while Donghae stood watching. "Raid Seoul until you find this moron Kang Dae and his gang. Bring them back alive." When he hung up and turned back to Donghae, the look in his eyes made me shift nervously. "Kyuhyun and Teuk hyung will be back tomorrow, so those fuckups will kneel in front of you and answer directly to the four of us. How they will pay is up to you." That doesn't sound half bad though.

"They'll regret every moment they're alive. Especially Kang Dae and that fucking retard who almost killed Young Ji." Donghae hissed.

Yesung's gaze landed on me. "Any ideas, Young Ji? Just say the word and I'll make those rats cut off their own balls."

I like the way he thinks. I started to smirk, but stopped. "You know me?"

"He talks about you." He gave me a nod before turning to Donghae. "Isn't it time to tell her?"

Huh? Donghae turned around, his eyebrows knitting into a frown as he let out a sigh. After helping Yesung clean up his wounds, he sat me down and revealed how he'd gotten to know the gangs and their leaders.

It turned out that they'd saved Donghae years ago when he ran away from home. He was only eighteen and new to the streets, so he made an easy target and was often tormented by roaming street gangs. He was nearly beaten to death, but Heechul, Leeteuk, Yesung and Kyuhyun came to his rescue and took him under their wing.

As the four of them gained power and influence, they each started a gang of their own and various business operations to expand their wealth — pubs, motels, casinos and anything that earned them dollars and bucks. Things were going well until six years later when a group of rivaling gangs teamed up and framed them for murder and arson, sending them right behind the bars. All their gang members suffered badly during the few years that they were in prison, many terrorized and exploited because their leaders were gone.

It was why Donghae had to lie low and seek refuge from my dad, who didn't turn him away despite knowing his background.

"My mum didn't give two fucks about me after my dad died, so the four of them were all I had.  I would have been killed by those scheming assholes who put them in jail if it weren't for Ki Moon ahjussi." He glanced at me, the gratitude in his eyes clear as day. "He treated me like I was his own son."

He went on to explain how the four searched for him immediately after their names were cleared, and reinstated their gangs with his acknowledgement. Today, they were known as the Big Four all gangs feared and respected. No one dared to defy them as they were not only powerful, but deathly united like brothers. This made them invincible and tamed the other gangs — as long as someone crossed one of them, the other three would make his life a living hell.

They'd asked Donghae to lead his own gang and help manage their business since he was just as capable, but he refused as he preferred to lie low and didn't want me to be involved in the gang life. They respected his decision, but assured him he was welcome to join them any time he decided to change his mind. They were ruthless as gang leaders, but loved him like a brother and taught him to be tough, to protect himself and never give trust to others until they earned it. He'd always been a hot-blooded young chap, but their ways shaped him into the man he was — fierce, loyal and bold.

Suddenly, it all made sense. Why he always seemed so closed up from me and stayed away whenever we weren't working. He never really spent time with his friends, and if he did, he never did it anywhere near me.

He was trying to keep me away from danger.

I had no idea... "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked softly, placing my hand on his arm. "I would've understood instead of making things harder for you."

He just shook his head. "I don't usually tell anyone. Not if I can help it. It's best to keep this life away, especially from you. You've already set a foot in thanks to the garage and losers like Heo Deokjin, and I wasn't going to involve you any further. The moment you're in, there's no getting out. The gang life won't do you any good, and I know it's not what you want." He sighed. "I knew this day would come, but I just didn't expect it to be so soon. It's all because of that pathetic ass Kang Dae."

"He dug his own grave." I said firmly. "And look, it's time. It's time for me to get to know your family, the brothers who made you who you are today. And I want to hear what they have in mind to make those scumbags pay for almost killing you and taunting the shit out of us every time they had the chance."

He almost gave his life to protect me. In turn... When I saw the hesitation in his eyes, a resolution struck me hard. I turned to Yesung. "Teach me how to fight."

His eyebrows twitched in amusement, but Donghae tensed up. "Young Ji."

Yesung held my gaze for a brief second. "Bring her in to meet the gang tomorrow." Fuck yes! Donghae started to protest, but he just stood up to leave. "Scream your lungs out if shit happens. I'll just be next door."

Donghae turned to me the moment he left, but I rushed past him straight into the bathroom. "I'm taking a shower!"

I could barely hold back my grin when I heard him sigh from behind me. Guy's given up on me no doubt, it's been a long day anyway.

By the time I was done, he was out cold on the couch. I carefully pulled out one of the chairs and sat watching him as the night's events ran through my mind like a movie. He's tense even in his sleep. His eyebrows were drawn together in a tight frown and his lips pulled into a firm line as he slept. I slid my palm onto his, holding his hand silently.

Donghae... I swear, you won't lose me.

Back then, I had no idea how badly my father's health had been deteriorating. His heart was weakening day by day, because he was constantly overworked to raise and provide for me. He hid it from me, and I was too stupid to notice anything until that heart attack took his life.

I wasn't going to make the same mistake twice.

It's time for me to step out of my comfort zone. But where should I start? Hmm... Maybe the motel staff? I could talk to them for starters and get to know them a little. Donghae greeted them by their names earlier just like he did with Jeno and Dino. He seemed to know every single employee, regardless of the positions they held. The more I got to know him and the secrets he'd been keeping in all those years, the more my admiration for him grew. He was really something else.

I threw on my jacket and made my way down to the lobby. As the lift doors were opening, there was a series of loud barking and yelling. When I looked up to see where the commotion was coming from, I stopped short. A black wolfdog was snarling at a couple who was cowering by the reception desk, about to pounce forward and bite. Wait, is that a... Blue Bay Shepherd? The new extraordinary wolfdog breed I'd been hoping to meet ever since I laid my eyes on it. It really looks just like a wolf! I stared in awe for a moment. That distinctive blue coat and those pale eyes from the Blue German Shepherd and Eastern Timber wolf, oh god. It's — no, she. She looks just like a wolf, and she's beautiful. Vicious yet beautiful. I caught sight of the name on her collar and rushed forward just in time.

"Luna, no. Down. Luna, down!" I commanded, raising my voice when she continued to growl and bare her teeth at me. Slowly, she began to relax. I crouched down and extended a hand to let her sniff me. I smiled as she licked my palm, lowering her head slightly for me to pet her. "Good girl." She's really one of a kind. "I can't believe I found you. Luna... You're as beautiful as the moon. You're very rare, you know that?"

Just as I was scratching her chin, I heard the clicking of stilettos. "You recognise her breed?"

I looked up to see a lady in a black faux fur coat and Gucci heels staring down at me, her glorious golden brown curls sitting proudly on her shoulders. She looks familiar, but I've never met her before and I'm sure of it. Her eyes followed me with a tinge of fascination as I stood up to face her.

"She's an American Blue Bay Shepherd, a new wolfdog breed. Blue Bay Shepherds are sweet and affectionate in nature, but she seems to be the opposite."

"You study dogs?" A low male voice asked.

It was then that I noticed two young men about my age approaching us. The shorter one was leading a Dobermann by the leash while a husky trailed behind the taller one who'd just spoken.

I nodded. "Animals, actually. I'd be a vet if I could."

"She's actually the alpha dog among the rest. It's usually hard to even get her to listen to someone, but you're the first girl to tame her with a command. We could use some of that skill in the gang."

I raised my eyebrows curiously upon hearing the shorter man's words. Are they perhaps...


Donghae's pov:

The next day, 9.15pm in Heechul's casino

"You're late, bastard! Three shots now or you'll cough up every cent you lost today."

"Three shots is nothing—"

"Then make it ten!"

All this fucking noise. All I could hear were gang members hurling swears and threats at each other and loud beats of the music egging them on. I rubbed my temples with my thumb and middle finger, trying to shut out all the ruckus around me. Where the hell could they have taken her?

My eyes flew open when someone kicked my chair hard from behind. Who the fuck? I turned around, ready to burn holes into the culprit's face. I stopped when I saw Heechul hyung staring down at me with a cigar in his mouth and two glasses of whiskey in his hand. He extended his hand which was holding the fuller glass towards me, waiting for me to take it. "Little bastard, I didn't invite you here to sulk in a corner with that long face."

I sighed, taking the glass from him. "Sorry. I'm just not in the mood, hyung."

"You're not her father, so just get your ass up and enjoy life. Those bitches will cut anyone who tries to even look at her, so she's safe. From what Yesung told me, she doesn't like you breathing down her neck anyway. Look, I know you don't care about all the girls here who want you to fuck them, but there are some decent ones like Carla and Inha. You know they're not like those desperate chicks, so go hook up with one of them before Kyuhyun or Jungsoo beats you to it with something like strip pong."

I gave him a side eye. "For what, to show how well I can cheat?"

Yesung hyung walked up to us from one of the tables nearby and hung his arm around Heechul hyung's neck. "To show her you deserve better, you punk! She's just a hopeless leech who only gives a shit about herself and doesn't want to fuck off."

Heechul hyung removed the cigar from his mouth, using it to gesture at me. "If this goes on, she'll end up as a cockroach in your life you can't even get rid of. Just fuck around all you want! Then she'll know you're done with her bullshit."

I scoffed. "I have better things to do than entertain a bunch of bimbos who think the world runs on sex."

"And who's making my dongsaeng do that?"

They're back. I looked up to see Teuk hyung striding towards us with a woman on his arm and a few others behind him, along with his gang.

"He's twice as dramatic as my grandma on her deathbed. I ought to..." Heechul shook his head in resignation while I just smirked. There was never once he didn't make a grand entrance and not once where it didn't serve him, just like his authority. As the oldest among the Big Four, Teuk hyung commanded attention in a way the others couldn't.

He stopped in front of us, tapping Heechul hyung on the arm. "Is this the first day you know him? He doesn't hook up with just anyone." Then he turned to me, an icy look in his eyes. "Don't worry, we'll finish off Kang Dae and his gang."

I smiled. "Teuk hyung. Where's Kyuhyun?"

He stepped aside, letting Kyuhyun into my view.

Of course. He was holding two girls to his side by their waists, a laid-back and seductive smirk on his face as they responded to his cheeky words. The four of us just watched him, unamused. Even though he was the youngest, he was the most unbothered and level-headed. And fully aware of his own power and influence.

But is he going to continue flirting instead of greeting his hyung? "Cho Kyuhyun! Are you done being a man whore?" I hollered in his direction. Bursts of giggles and laughter broke out from all around, but it didn't faze him one bit — as usual.

He nodded at me and went back to his daily flirting chores while one of his underlings approached me with a bottle of wine and handed it to me. Valentino Signature Red 2004'. He got me Italian wine even though he was in China. I smiled and turned back to Teuk hyung. "How was your trip to Milan?"

"Better than expected. I made a good deal with Leandro." Teuk hyung gestured at one of his men. "I brought back some brandy he recommended too — specifically Fernet Branca for you."

I suddenly felt a burning sensation hit my lungs, and my smile vanished as quickly as it came. Fernet Branca. I haven't heard that in a while. And I thought I'd never have to again.

"What's wrong?" He stepped forward, placing a hand on my arm. "You don't look so good, Donghae-ah."

I forced a smile and was about to brush it off, but Heechul hyung stood up abruptly and slapped me on the back. "Move it, the outfit I prepared for you is ready."

What, outfit? "Hyung, I said no—"

"Just go, you punk!"

I ended up in his room upstairs. One look at the outfit and I was done. I shut my eyes as my nerves boiled with irritation. I'm going to be the fucking centre of attention.

When I returned, Heechul hyung let out a howl. "That's what I'm talking about!"

Oh, no. I watched in horror as he grabbed a mic from the table nearby.

"Ladies, grab Lee Donghae because he's gonna be a man whore tonight! The rest of you idiots, stop gambling and dance until you can't feel your fucking legs!"

Ugh. I groaned internally, bracing myself for what was going to come next when the main doors were suddenly thrown open.

"Without us?"

In walked four women dressed boldly and gracefully in lavish black gowns, dark faux fur coats and stilettos — Heechul hyung's sister Heejin, along with Kyuhyun's sister Ara, Teuk hyung's sister In Young and an unfamiliar figure who was walking alongside Luna.

[A/N: SURPRISE BITCHES I gathered the sisters 😂 It ain't the same without the fam ;)]

Teuk hyung frowned. "Who's that next to Luna?"

I narrowed my eyes for a better view, only to find myself rooted to the ground like an idiot.

"Wait, isn't that..."

What the fuck, Young Ji?!

I watched her like a hawk as she approached me, her eyes never leaving mine. Just as she was reaching me, Luna raced past her, causing her to trip on the edge of her dress. I bolted forward, catching her as she fell — right into my arms.

"Hi," she whispered.

Fuck. What the hell am I looking at and why does she look like a fucking temptress? My gaze raked down her face, lingering on her luscious red lips for a second before travelling past her cleavage to her exposed thighs and back up. I've never seen this side of her before. She's sexy and the confidence she's exuding is alluring, almost bewitching.

All eyes are on her. Including mine.


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