Their Asia (Geniuses and Gene...

By xxJulyLoveAllen

30.2K 1.6K 399

Asia Wright has always been there for her best friend Aurora in more ways than one. When her best friends fa... More

AN/ Characters


990 52 6
By xxJulyLoveAllen


"When are you coming back, Alonzo?" Asia asked me "Give me a second Mr.Thomas and I'll help you with that okay? Put it down. Put it-Put it down"

"You supposed to be working" I chuckled

"Hey, I do my job and my job gets done-I said put it down, Mr.Thomas! Ass gone fall over again"

I started laughing "Lail being good to you?"

"Ugh, he's such an ass. Thinks he knows everything, and always early everywhere. It's annoying"

"You'll get used to him"

"Whatever, he better get used to me"

I chuckled shaking my head "I'm sorry about last week, my uncle needed me back home"

"You don't have to keep apologizing for that Alonzo. I know you guys are busy, I'm surprised Lail is here for as long as he is, though he's been splitting his time between me Enya, and Aurora"


"Yup. Took Aurora on a picnic yesterday then took Enya to some bookstore an hour away with only first edition books."

"I know he's having a great time"

"You have no idea," she said laughing "You know he took me somewhere too"

"Oh yeah? Where?"

"This store," she said sounding nonchalant "Found you something you might like"

"Yeah?" I said leaning back in my chair.

My phone went off letting me know I had a notification. I took a deep breath looking at the picture of Asia in this lingerie set.

"Is it okay?" She asked genuinely nervous

"Give me 8 hours. 9 max," I said looking at the time. It was 10 am in America. If I left right now I could get there right before she got off work.

She started laughing "You really like it?"

"Let's not ask dumb questions, Asia. You're better than that"

"Whatever," she said laughing "I'll see you tonight then?"

"You'll see me tonight"

"Good," she said hanging up the phone.

I nearly jumped out of my seat and went to my dad's office. He wasn't in there and I went back out looking for a guard and seen one coming up the stairs "Where's my dad?"

"Conference room"

I nodded my head and ran off to the conference room and nearly fell into the door. I looked up seeing my dad and sections 1,5, and 8 in there. My uncle Sante was next to my dad and they both looked up at me.

"Yes?" My dad said looking at me

"I didn't know you were in a meeting. My apologies"

He nodded his head and then looked at my uncle Sante "Take over"

He nodded his head standing up "Working with the Americans has always been risky and tricky so make sure you say nothing to them, easy give and easy take-"

"What is it?" My dad said closing the door "You look panicked"

"I didn't mean to worry you. I just have to leave for a bit"

"Okay? Then go?"

"Out of the country"

He looked a bit confused "For?"


My dad looked hesitant but nodded his head "Of course"

"I have a date, probably going to stay a while after"

"What happened to you liking Asia?"

I shrugged "You're dating Aurora and you look uncomfortable whenever she's around"

"That's not-" he sighed pinching the bridge of his nose "'ahtaj 'iilaa aitikhadh qararat 'afdal" (I need to make better decisions)

"What? You know I don't know how to speak that language"

"Nothing. Nothing, just don't let my feelings influence your life, Alonzo"

"Dad it's no big deal really. Besides, it's just a date, I'll get to travel some more too"

"Okay," he nodded his head "Where's she from?"



"You're quite literally dating an American."

"I didn't say anything was wrong with it. Just shocked me a bit that's all"

"Right. Speaking of America, when's the next time you're going back?" I asked to make sure I left before he did

"I'm not sure, depends on Aurora. She has a lot of work to catch up on"

"Right because all you do when you go there is lock her in a room and fuck her-"

"Alonzo shut your damn mouth" he whisper yelled and I started laughing

"What? You're an adult and she is too. It's not a secret-"

"Please stop talking," he said walking away from me


"I said stop" he kept walking and walked back into the meeting room shutting the door.

I pulled up to Aurora's house and seen her car was here and another car. I was kind of surprised considering it was a weekend and she usually stayed later on Fridays. Asia was off in a bit and just told me to wait here.

I went up and knocked on the door and Tina answered to my surprise. She crossed her arms looking me up and down, and I couldn't help but notice the black eye she had that was covered up with makeup. I knew was from Babu from the last time I ran into Tina.

"She's sleeping"

"I don't even know why you don't like me, Miss.Tina" I blurted out

She rolled her eyes holding the door open. Aurora was lying on the couch sleeping while Enya was sleeping on the floor with the book I got her.

"Damn, I wanted to give these to her," I said holding up the books.

"You the one been getting her all these new books?"

"Me and Lail, my dad too"

"Hmph," she said going over to the kitchen

I followed behind her not knowing what else to really do since Aurora and Enya was sleeping.

"I don't not like you Alonzo" she reluctantly said "Now your father. That's another story"

"Thank you? I think?"

She chuckled "How much do you know about the war with the Americans?"

"Not too much, just that Marco" I looked at her "Dated Aurora's mother, and he's her dad," I said lowly

"Her biological dad"

"Biological right," I said knowing how Aurora was about her father. How everyone was really, no one wanted to just say that Marco was her father. I had brought it up and the only thing I got was Brandon's her father. End of story.

"It's a shit ton more to that story but you know he was still looking for Laila when she died." I nodded my head "The only good thing from them dying is that he will never find out about Aurora. She could stay safe. Her and Enya."

"And with my dad dating her, it ruins that," I said nodding slowly and thinking about what Asia said.

One mafia sure. Two mafias? That just smells like trouble.

She nodded her head sighing "Matteo is selfish" She looked over at me "At least you look somewhat guilty"

"You really care about them"

She looked at me crazy "Of course I do. Now Asias running off with you." She shook her head "And Matteo doesn't even have the damn decency to tell her about his job" she said lowly "Aurora already knows about Babu and I'm sure at this point she wouldn't care if he was an axe murderer"

I sighed understanding where she was coming from. It was more than one occasion where I thought about the dangers we could bring them. Though wars weren't common, tension was and it was plenty of times another mafia did something but because they didn't have proof there was nothing anyone could do.

"Have you spoken to Marco?"

"Does it look like I try to keep in contact with him?"

"He's your brother"

"So? The last time I saw him was before Laila knew she was even pregnant"

"Why didn't you side with the Americans?"

She looked hesitant "Because Matteo is a good leader, and so is Brandon. I owed Brandon my life, he was my best friend. He-He saved the man I loved. The least I could do was protect his daughter, I didn't even expect to love her really" she mumbled

"Wow, I didn't know that"

"Because Matteo likes keeping people in the dark."

Well, that's the truth.

"So this guy? He in a mafia? I don't see any man around you"

"He is," she said hesitantly

"Oh," I said understanding "The whole mixing of the mafias thing" She nodded her head "That shits so stupid to me"



"Be careful what kind of questions you run around asking. You ask the wrong person and you'll get someone killed"

I looked at her and chuckled "You sound like my Uncle Sante"

She smiled shaking her head "Tell me Alonzo, what's the plan with you and Asia?"

"Are you asking because of my dad and Aurora?"

"Kind of. I may come off as a bitch but I really just want my girls safe, I'm afraid the world wouldn't be a safe place if something happened to them" she said sounding like a mom instead of the bitch my dad and Lail make her out to be.

"You know how Asia is. She'll make me work hard to get close to her, I'm like my dad in some ways. I do want her but now" I shook my head and looked over at Enya "It's not just Asia I have to worry about"

She looked over at Enya and then back at me "She adores you"

"I always wanted a sibling. I don't care how young she is, it's crazy how quickly she started to mean to me" She nodded her head then I looked at her "Miss.Tina?"


"I'm not my dad, I would leave before I brought any danger to them," I said honestly "I can't handle the thought of them getting hurt" I shook my head

She sighed "Communication in a mafia man. Rare sight," she said then chuckled

I started laughing "Thank my Uncle Sante"

"Smart man"

"So Miss.Tina?"


"That man? What mafia is he in?"

"What did your uncle tell you?" She said smiling

"They've been fighting more," I said to my uncle Sante "Dad barely talks to me anymore"

"Your dad is just stressed," my uncle Sante said casting his line

"He barely spends time with me anymore, my moms been cooking more"

"Are you okay?" My uncle looked at me

"Yeah. The foods not too bad, needs some seasoning but it's okay"

My uncle started laughing "I meant your emotions, Alonzo"

"Oh," I said smiling

"Look, Alonzo. Your parents are, well-" he rubbed his face "They're stressed, adults can get overwhelmed too you know?"

"You don't seem like you get overwhelmed, Uncle Sante"

"That's where you're wrong"

"Really?" I looked at him shocked

"Yeah, when I don't get my usual vacations I like to strangle random people"

I looked at him and started laughing but he had a serious look on his face "Uncle Sante!"

"It's good for you" he shrugged "You hold them by the neck real fucking tight with all your strength then they die and you relax. Then you do it again"

"Can you do that to family?"

"Of course!" He said "I'll have to come up with a good story on how Matteo died the way he did, but it's doable"

"N-Not my dad"

He looked over at me "Something the matter?"

I shook my head "I'm just being a baby"

"You're 15 Alonzo you can be a baby," he said and I looked at him "You're not a man yet my boy"

"My mom, what if-what if she's the reason my dad doesn't like me anymore?"

"Hey! Your dad loves you Alonzo" he said firmly "And he's put-" he sighed "He's just going through some things okay?"

"He's barely even home anymore"

"Well I'm not catching shit" he stood up "Want to go to the warehouse?"

"But-" he gave me a look and I jumped up "Yeah!"

I walked quickly through the warehouse with my uncle next to me. He was chuckling and grabbing my shoulder every so often to slow me down.

My uncle came to a door all the way in the back and opened it. My dad looked up while he was loosening his tie. His jacket was thrown on the couch and he had a drink sitting in front of him. He looked behind us for a second before looking at my uncle and then me.

"You okay Alonzo?"

"I um-um-"

"He wanted to see you," my uncle said and I felt my ears getting hot. Why would he just say that?

I looked up hearing my dad chuckling "Why didn't you just call me?"

"I thought you were busy"

"That's why you should call me" he motioned me over "Anything else Sante?"

"That'll be it"

"Take an extra day off," my dad said

"Don't mind if I do" he saluted then walked out shutting the door

My dad looked at me "You enjoy yourself with Sante?"

I nodded my head "I always have fun with Uncle Sante. Did you know he chokes random people when he gets mad?"

My dad rolled his eyes "Yes I know. And he'll just leave the damn bodies there."

"How come the cops haven't caught on yet?"

"I usually send people to clean up after him"

"Shouldn't you talk to him or something? Seems kind of risky"

He leaned back looking at me "How would you do it?"

"Um, just tell him to stop choking random people out. Cops can get on our trail and that would be bad."

"Then how would you deal with Sante being stressed at work? Potentially putting the mafia at risk from the inside"

"I don't know" I shrugged "Go fishing? Uncle Sante likes fishing"

My dad chuckled "Your uncle is a good man" I looked at him "Don't tell him I told you that, even better second. So if Sante wants to choke random people out to get his anger out then so be it. I'm willing to let him do those things because it is times when I need him and he can't take his vacations"

"Why are these vacations so important?"

"I haven't a clue," he said frustrated "It's stupid really"

"Do you not want him taking vacations?"

"Just don't think it's worth the risk"

"Risk? What risk-"

"Let's go get something to eat, yeah?"

"Okay," I said feeling happy, my dad was acting like his normal self again.

"What are you feeling?" He stood up grabbing his jacket

"Actually can we go bowling?"

"Bowling?" He asked looking at me somewhat confused

"Yeah? I mean why not?" I shrugged

"Okay" he chuckled "bowling it is"

I stood up "I'm so gonna kick your ass!" I said excitedly

"Keep dreaming kid"

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