
Von InsaniumNarratives

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An organization working in secret to better society. Technological advancements that most people cannot fatho... Mehr

The Prologue.
Chapter 1: Discombobulation
Chapter 2: Possibilities
Chapter 3: Viral
Chapter 4: Production
Chapter 6: The Watcher
Chapter 7: The 'Truth.'
Chapter 8: Deception
Chapter 9: Wise Fools
Chapter 10: The Mastermind
Chapter 11: Familiarity

Chapter 5: Ambush

18 2 0
Von InsaniumNarratives

The two-co-scientist backed side by side, both of their fists raised. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." The masked man said. "If you fight back even a little, they will blow multiple holes in your chest. That would be splendid, wouldn't it? Rather, splendid for us." 1245 glanced around at the latter, counting at least seven extra guys, making eight in total. In order to converse with 5554, he spoke telepathically to 5554, like he did once before. Instead of communicating with his co-worker, he heard the masked individual's voice slam into his head instead. 1245 winced, grabbing his temple from the sudden pain. "I wouldn't try tricks if I were you." He spoke. "I told you. Any attempt to fight back will leave multiple holes in your chest." The masked man waved his hand, as the others opened fire onto the two scientist locations.

5554 narrowed his eyes, as blue lightning shrouded himself. Within his perception, the fired projectiles slowed down to a comical degree. as 5554 grabbed 1245's arm and zoomed out the way of them, tossing him to the side. With a swift turn and point, arcs of energy blasted from 5554's finger, which shocked the seven-armed individuals. Their bodies twitch and shake as they go crumpling to the ground. However, their bodies melted into a green goo. 5554 then glared at the original. "Let's try this again. You'll return the stolen chrome, and—" Before 5554 could even finish uttering his sentence, he was slammed in the gut by a heavy right jab, which caused 5554's eyes to widen in surprise. The striking arm wasn't all too fazed by the electricity.

Another swift attack came from above, as the boy swung his opposite leg upwards, striking the boy genius in his temple, making him tumble across the ground. 1245 from his side of the area raised his arm, causing multiple pieces of the equipment on the trashed tables to rise, as he chucked them at the enemy.

Said enemy trudged towards 1245, whilst simply jerking his head to the side, causing the improvised projectiles to miss. 1245 was surprised, but he didn't allow this to deter him. Rushing towards them, they threw a right hook to their face. The masked individual raised his same sided arm, grappling onto their wrist while speaking. "I suppose now would be good to tell you who I am." Twisting 1245's wrist, he brought his other fist and struck him in the nose, causing 1245 to tumble backwards in pain, before the other slammed his fist into their cranium. "I am the leader of the Anti-Chrome Society. You'll call me nothing but JJ." 5554 stood up from being grounded earlier, rubbing his arm. "JJ huh. Well, you've been a real pain in the ass, know that?" 5554 aimed his hand, and fired off a flurry of blue electrical bullets. JJ raised his arm, as a nanomachine shield formed, blocking the projectiles. Like the guns from the other men, it had green streaks running through it.

With a swift thrust of his hand, JJ created a whip, and snapped it towards 5554. 5554 rolled out the way of the whip, and threw more projectiles, this time in the form of jagged spikes. JJ simply sidestepped the bolts, before causing the shield and whip to morph into a sword, as they impaled it into the chrome covered ground. A large explosion occurs, as 5554 covered his eyes through the smoke of the blast. 1245 joined next to him. "The hell did they do?" When the dust cleared, the chrome from the ground bellowed had liquified, and now curled up onto JJ's sword, merging with it, and turning it a tinted purple color. The two scientists looked bewildered at this sight.

"All that research on chrome, yet you cannot fathom the extent of its capabilities, let alone use its basic ones." With a single swipe of the now chromatic blade, a slash of the chrome came blasting towards. 1245 stepped in front of his comrade and made a swift hand gesture. The slash began to slow as it got closer to them, before eventually coming to a complete stop. "Woah! Sweet trick! Where'd you learn that?" 5554 asked, with a grin. "Always." 1245 replied with. JJ moved from his spot, ghosting behind the individuals. 5554 shrouded his body in electricity, and spun to meet him, aiming a swift strike towards their head. JJ weaved his body to the side, causing the hit to miss its mark, before raising his sword and slamming the butt of the hilt into his gut, before swiftly uppercutting him in the chin.

1245 attempted to assist, but as he tried to get close, he was knocked backwards by a telekinetic force. JJ Meanwhile kicked 5554's foot, causing him to fall on his other knee. Spinning around the sword, he elbowed the scientist in the chin, having him fall backwards. "Both of you are untrained and weak. I thought the two best scientists of chromatic laboratories would put up some sort of fight." 5554 rubbed his chin, standing up once again. "Well sorry to disappoint." 5554 reached into his pocket and pressed the button on his car keys. Before JJ could realize what was happening, 5554's car burst into the caverns, the engine revving loudly. Multiple weapons came out of the car, aimed at them. Primarily guns and laser technology. JJ held up his sword and swiped it as the weapons on the car fired.

The chrome on his sword expanded, and formed a giant wall in JJ's path, protecting him from the impending damage. Whatever hit the barrier seemed to just dissipate as it did. "Linear." They said, walking towards the barrier as it protected him.

With a simple jab, the chrome expanded outwards towards the car, to which 5554 pressed a button to make it retract the weapons, retreating. The wall of chrome passed through the cavern walls, seemingly disappearing. Everything that the two scientists did seem redundant in the face of this enemy. 5554 narrowed his eyes. The only viable option would be to flee for now, but how could they? This JJ individual obviously was going to use chrome for things they did not want, and they utilized it way better than they could have, without the aid of any chromatic bracelets. The supernatural abilities of 5554 and 1245 were also useless, as they seemed to match them without fail.

JJ lowered the blade in their hand. "Let this be a lesson." He said to the two. A moment after, JJ pressed a button on his wrist, before a green light enveloped him, as he disappeared. To 1245 and 5554's surprise, he left the bag of chrome sitting there. 1245 furrowed his brows. "He was..toying with us." 5554 scoffed, speed walking over to the bag and snatching it up. "Of course. It's always the evil masterminds." He muttered as he shoved the bag into his jacket pocket. "Let's see. What else did we gain from this? Nothing! We still have zero idea who this guy is, he clearly outmatches us." 1245 closed his eyes as he folded his arms. "He used chrome without the aid of the bracelet, or any other tech for that matter." 5554 shook his head. "We don't know that. Did you see that green stuff he used? That could be a crutch." 1245 waved his hand dismissively at their co-worker.

"Well, it's info that we can't count on. We need to go off what was displayed." 5554 rubbed his chin. "He fooled us into thinking this fake person worked at the lab. They were literally not real. He slipped under our noses just like that. What's to say he won't do it again?" 5554 widened his eyes. He answered his own question. "I take it you've figured something out?" 1245 asked. "Yeah. It's a good thing we started producing those bracelets. They'll assist us." 5554 clicked his car keys, beckoning 1245 to follow him. "Our first order of business is finding 9637. I can leave that to you I hope?" 5554 asked. 1245 nodded. "Good. I'll be working on a new defense system, using the resources we have. JJ won't get past us again." The two drove out the caverns, as 5554 used the same wormhole technology from before, transporting them back to Chromatic Laboratories.

5554 didn't bother parking the car, or even driving it back to its secret location. He tossed the keys to the front guard. "Keep these safe for me, would you?" The confused guard nodded, looking at the keys. "Let's recap. We locate 9637, I'll make upgrades to our defense systems." 5554 said as he and 1245 entered the elevator. The elevator descended down below ground, as the two stepped out. They nodded to each other as they walked down separate corridors, each preparing to do their respective task. A common goal was in mind, and a solution was prepared.

Meanwhile, somewhere else.

JJ appeared within the area, in front of a large, abandoned building. The building was isolated from the rest of the city, in what presumed to be the middle of nowhere. Approaching the building, JJ walked through without slowing down. The doors revealed green cracks, and an automated voice spoke to JJ.

"WELCOME, MASTERMIND." The inside of the building looked nothing like the outside. Inside it was clean, and the technological advancements were absurd. Three individuals in masks looked to the opening door, as one stood from their seat. "Boss is back. Sweet." He said, with an Australian accent. JJ walked past them, placing the chromatic blade on the table. "How'd the little ambush go?" A feminine voice asked him. "Exactly how I intended it to go. We have a sample and had zero loss. The confusion of the duo exceeded my expectations." A deep chuckle came from the other side of the room. "Those chrome lab rats are idiots, boss. We are ahead of schedule." JJ nods, but he waved his hand dismissively. A robotic whirring came from his mask, as the voice modulation disconnected. He spoke, his voice monotone.

"We don't let that waver our intentions, nor let it make us contempt with our predicament. I taught you all to remain astute. Remain erudite in our craft." He spoke. The same feminine voice sighed, crossing her legs in her chair. "We know. But when will we get our end of the bargain? You promised us something. Something big." JJ slid his hand over the surface of the blade on the table. "Purple Chrome is likely one of the most powerful materials the world has ever seen. It innately is dangerous. But it is only dangerous if your mind is enriched immensely. This is why I can utilize it on a whim." To demonstrate, he held out his hand. The chrome on the blade shifted and flowed to him like water. It transformed into a crystalized state, as JJ now held a chromatic crystal.

"In time, the rest of you will be able to achieve the same. That is what I promised you. Afterwards, we part ways, and you can do what you wish." The man with the deep voice chuckled, the bass in his tone seeming to vibrate the area. "You won't let us down, JJ." JJ nodded, as he placed the piece of chrome back on the table. "We have this sample of chrome here, but for the rest of you, we'll need more. Which brings me to my next order of business." JJ snapped his fingers, as a projector formed on the wall in front of the table. It was the building plans for Chromatic laboratories. At least, the surface level of it. "With the intel I collected from my copies, they are building bracelets, designed to where even the most simple-minded people could use. We are to take a few for ourselves. Four would do nicely." The masked female rubbed her chin.

"So you want us to infiltrate the lab, and just swipe a few? Why not sabotage the production?" JJ shook his head. "I have no intention of sabotaging production. Let them produce as much as they like. It'll only benefit us in the end." The other three listened, intrigued. "I am the only one capable of using chrome without aid. With the bracelet, it should be nearly flawless in how I manipulate it. So much so, I can train the three of you to use it on a level I can, or at least something slightly mitigated. No matter how many they make, we will remain superior." JJ then gestured at the female mask. "You will be the one to lead the mission." She was pleased to hear such a thing, crossing one arm over her chest.

"I won't let you down. It'll be a swift in and out mission." JJ nods, as his voice modulation returns. "I won't rush you three straight into it, but you'll have everything you need." He snapped again, and the projector shifted its image. It now showed the underground layout of the lab. "Use the schematics as a guide, and you'll be able to traverse effortlessly."

The mapped-out plan appeared flawless and straightforward. All that was left to do was put it into action. JJ picked up his weapon, making it shrink into a metal disk, before he placed it into his pocket. "Everything I've left to you three. I have some business to attend to." He spoke. With that, JJ left the building, doing not as much as a simple goodbye, or farewell wave. "Man. Boss just doesn't show us any emotion, does he?" The female mask said. She sighed, placing a hand on her forehead. "I guess it can't be helped." She then clapped her hands together. "Alright boys! Let's get this party started. We'll swing by the lab tomorrow." The three nods to each other. The two males also exited the premises, one complaining about he hadn't eaten for the past few hours. As they leave, the female figure sighed to herself, taking off her mask and hood. As she did so, lush red hair flowed down her back, as her eyes glimmered gold, with tints of red in them. She reached into her jacket, pulling out an old name tag. The numbers read. . .



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