Anna Potter and the order of...

By MikaelsonAni

18.1K 735 23

[Book 5] After returning to Hogwarts to begin her fifth year at Hogwarts, Anna Potter discovers that much of... More

Anna Potter
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 19

605 24 0
By MikaelsonAni

[Anna runs in dorm with happy scream.]
Rose&Parvati&Lavander: (worried) What is it?
Anna: Everything is okay. More than okay. (To Lavander and Parvati) Girls, could give us a moment?
Lavander: What hap--
Parvati: Sure. [Parvati grabs her hand and they get out.]
Rose: So what is it?
Anna: Don't judge.
Rose: (sight) What did you do now?
"She seems so tired..." laughed James.
"Reminds me of moony." Said Sirius.
Anna: IamdatingCassie.
Rose: What?
Anna: I am dating Cassie.
Rose: (shocked) Cassie as in...
Anna: Cassiopeia Malfoy.
Rose: Whaaaat? YOU GOT WITH MALFOY?!
Lucius glares at Anna.
Anna: Yep. She is my girlfriend. [Rose clunches her heart.]
Rose: I think i'm having a heart attack.
Anna: Hey! No judging, remember?
Rose: You became Malfoy's girlfriend! How can i not judge?!
Anna: She isn't as bad as you think, ok? She has a good heart and is nice company. She is funny, sarcastic, smart, cunning, loyal- she would do anything for her friends and family and she is a very good listener. And She is so beautiful. Her eyes are so blue, i swear, i could drawn in them and i would even complain and her lips...
Narcissa smiles, noticing how much Anna loves her daughter. Casanna fans all smile. Lucius's glare softens.
Rose: (with pity) You love her, don't you?
Anna: She is like a star in the daylight, unseen, but burning bright. Whenever i am around her, for a short while, i can forget about my demons. She makes me feel alive, Rose.
"Look how much she loves her, James. Let them be." Said Lily.
James looks at Anna and gives up.
"Fine." Said James. Lily smiled.
Rose: I'm happy for you, but Anna... be careful. [Anna smiles.]
Anna: I will and thanks for supporting. I know you aren't Cassie's biggest fan. (Rose snorts), but are still trying so thank you. [Anna hugs Rose, Rose smiles.]
[Cassie goes into dorm and sees Blair and Theo making out on her bed.]
Cassie: You horny sluts! Get offf my bed!!! [They blush and stand up.]
Regulus gave a look to Barty and Evan. James did same with Remus and Sirius.
Cassie: Next time you do anything on my bad and i will cut off Theo's dick and rip out Blair's tongue! [Theo rolls his eyes.]
"Hey! Look your niece is taking after you!" Said Barty to Regulus.
"Yes. It's exactly the same thing you told us." Said Evan. Amused Regulus rolls his eyes.
Cassie: This doesn't matter now. Anna Potter is my girlfriend.
Theo&Blair: What??!!
Cassie: (big smile) You heard me. She told me she had feeling for me, i told her that i did, too. We started dating.
Blair: You seem happy. Congrulations. [Theo glares at nothing.]
Theo: I still don't understand what you like in that idiot!
"I agree with my godson!" Said Lucius.
"My daughter isn't an idiot! Cassiopeia is lucky to have Anna as her girlfriend!" Said James.
"It's Anna who is lucky to have Cassie as a girlfriend!" Said Lucius.
"They are both lucky to have each other. Now can we continue watching?" Said annoyed Barty. James and Lucius glared at each other.
Cassie: Hey, she might be idiot, but she is my idiot! [Blair chuckles.]
"Know the feeling." Chuckled Lily, Evan and Remus.
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!" Said James, Barty and Sirius.
Cassie: And... I like her for many reasons. She's completely unexplainable. You think she's the good girl, but once you get to know her, you realize she's everything. She's crazy, she's funny, she's honest, and you never know what she'll do next. She's real, she's deep, she's logical and mystical. She believes that there is good in everyone. She's sensitive and distant, a warrior, a friend, a lover. She's fearless and gentle, wondrous and brave. She is everything. [Blair smiles at her.]
When Lucius sees his daughter's lovesick eyes, he sights.
"I can't stop her, can i?" Said Lucius.
"She is a Black. We are too stubborn." Said Narcissa. Lucius sighs again.
Theo: If she breaks your heart, i swear i will rip off her head and hang it in a great hall as example! If you think Askaban or Dumbledore will stop me, you are very wrong. [Cassie smiles.]
"He's a good boy. I like him." Said Lucius to Narcissa.
"I like him, too. We have to adopt him this time, too." Said Narcissa. Lucius nodded.
"I will take care of Nott Sr." Said Lucius. Narcissa pecks him on the lips.
Cassie: Thanks, Theo.
[The whole school is gathered in the great hall. Professor McGonagall stands in front of the staff table.]
McGonagall: Today begins your 0.W.L exams. A number of Ministry instructors are here to give them. Exams will take place for the next two weeks.
"Ughh... Exams." Said James and Sirius.
McGonagall: Exams will be split in two parts, theory and practical application. I must warn you that the most stringent anti-cheating spells have (pause) been added to your exam papers. No student has successfully cheated on an O.W.L. in a century, though every year someone tries it. (pause) Naturally, cheating will not be suffered and anyone caught will be expelled from Hogwarts.
[Anna and Rose stand on top of the astronomy tower, peering through telescopes into the night sky. Anna's telescope is propped on the parapet and she is leaning over it alightly. Below her, the doors to the great hall groan open. Golden light spills into the night, and six shadows move forward into the darkness. Anna and Rose watch.]
Rose: Oy! That's Umbridge down there! [Several other students begin to watch the proceedings taking place below. Anna looks panicked.]
"What is she doing?" Asked James.
"I think she is goting to Hagrid." Said worried Lily.
Anna: They're heading for Hagrid's! [Rose and Anna exchange nervous glances.]
Professor Tofty: Eyes back on the sky, please. [The students ignore the Professor. The six shadows approach the hut, silhouetted against the windows of it. They open the door, and it closes.]
Professor Tofty: Twenty minutes left on your exam, students. [Shadows pace past the windows to Hagrid's hut. Raised voices reach them. Then a sharp bang is heard, along with a flash of bkinding light from within the cabin. The door bursts open and Hagrid stumbles out, clutching at his waist, followed by the other six. The six shadows fire stun spells at Hagrid.]
"Hagrid!" Yelled worried Gryffindors.
Anna: No!
[The red-colored spells simply impact with Hagrid and bounce off of him.]
"Of course, it doesn't work on him. He is half giant." Said Sirius.
[Fang leaps from the open door onto Hawlish, knocking the man over. Fang bounds over to Hagrid and leaps in front of him, taking a hex full in the chest and falls to the ground with a whine.]
Gryffindors glare at them.
[Hagrid roars in rage, seizes the one responsible and hurls him ten feet through the air. The man lands hard and does not move. Professor McGonagall storms through the doors of the Great Hall and out into the night, fury written across her face.]
[Rose points to McGonagall.]
Rose: Look! [Anna smiles.]
Anna: McGonagall will sort this out!
"I hope so." Said Remus.
[She marches towards them. Her face is illuminated every few moments by the red light of spells being fired.]
McGonagall: (shouting in rage) How dare you! HOW DARE you! [She breaks into a run.]
McGonagall: Stop this immediately! [The firing continues.]
"Listen to Minnie, arseholes!" Yelled Sirius and James.
McGonagall: Enough! [She draws her wand in a swift motion. Instantly, four of the attackers turn to her and fire their spells. Before she can even react, they alam into her. She is briefly illuminated in blood-red light and then is lifted from her feet and hurled backward five feet to slam into the ground. She does not move.]
"Minnie!" Screamed worried Marauders.
"Proffesor!" Screamed worried Lily.
[Several students scream in terror. Professor Tofty covers her mouth.]
Professor Tofty: Not even a warning!
"How dare they curse Minnie?!" Yelled James.
"I will show them how to curse someone! Just wait!" Said Sirius.
[Most of the students break for the doors leading back to the Entry Hall, Anna and Rose among them. Professor Tofty follows.]
[Hagrid seems to go mad with anger.]
Hagrid: COWARDS! [He leaps at the nearest attacker and cracks him across the jaw. The man falls to the ground. Hagrid moves on to the next, and then the next.]
"Go Hagrid!" Cheers Marauders.
Umbridge: Get him, get him! [But Hagrid, dodging more stunning spells, hoists Fang onto his shoulders and flees down towards the forest.]
[Students and teachers spill from the entry hall out into the night, running for McGonagall. They surround her, several teachers leaning over her. She looks very pale and her eyes are closed. Others keep the students at a safe distance.]
Gryffindors look worried.
"That pink bitch is gonna pay!" Said Remus. James and Sirius nodded.
Professor Sprout: Get her to the hospital wing right away. [Professor Plitwick steps forward and levitates McGonagall into the air, floating her up the steps and into the school. They leave dozens of muttering students behind, in the night.]
[Cassie is running toward Theo and Blair.]
Cassie: Theo! THEO! Theeeo!
Theo: What?!
Cassie: Did you see the letter?
Theo: What letter?
Cassie: Mom and dad adopted you!
[Theo looks shocked.]
Narcissa and Lucius look at each other and smile. Slytherins congrulate them.
"Congrulations." Said Lily and everyone looked at her surprised.
"Thank you." Amswere Narcissa politly.
Blair: Congrulations, darling. [Blair pecks him on lips. Theo smiles.]
Cassie: Can you already feel your inner Malfoy, brother? [Theo chuckles, Cassie hugs him. Blair smiles at them.]
Blair: Hey! I'm here, too!
Cassie: Than join! What are you waiting for? Written invitation? [Blair joins. They smile happily.]
Slytherins smile at them.
[The long tables in the great hall have been moved aside. In their place, hundreds of desks have been set up. It is at one of these that Anna now site. Professor Marchbanks stands near the staff table.]
Professor Marchbanks: Before we begin, I have an update on Professor McGonagall. She will be all right, and is resting in the hospital wing. [Anna and Rose look encouraged.]
Gryffindors look better, too.
Professor Marchbanks: You may now turn your papers over and begin. [Anna turns over her paper and stares at it. She begins to mark on it, scribbling answers.]
[Anna stares at the last page of her exam. She winces and feels her scar. Shakes her head. Bends over her paper again. Again the scar twinges. Again she winces. The Great Hall fades away.]
"Is it anothrr vision?" Asked Lily.
"Seems like it." Said Sirius.
[Anna moves down towards the door at the end of the corridor. The same white light glows around it's edges as in her dreams... She pauses before it, then tries the handle. It opens. The light overwhelmes her.]
Everyone is on edge.
[It diea abruptly. Anna standa in a huge room filled floor to ceiling with shelves. On each shelf there are many tiny golden orbs. Lord Voldemort stands, grinning coldly at a man lying on the floor.]
Voldemort: Can you reach it? Can you take it for me, Black? [Sirius, surrounded by Death Eaters, glares defiantly at Voldemort.]
Everyone looks shocked, including Sirius. James and Remus clunch Sirius's hands. Regulus's mask slips and he looks at Sirius worried. Narcissa holds Regulus's hand. She is also worried, but is better at hiding.
Sirius: I would rather die! [Voldemort raises his wand. Sirius screams in agony, writhing on the floor of the dark chamber.]
Gryffindors wince.
Voldemort: Oh, you will die. Eventually. But there are hours, even days of pain awaiting you before then. [He releases Sirius, who slumps to the floor, panting for air.]
"I will rip him apart! I'll destroy him! I'lll kill him!" Growled Moony. Sirius placed his hand on Remus's thight.
"I am here. Look! I'm here! This hasn't happened." Said Sirius.
"And it will not!" Said James with teary eyes and cracking voice.
"And it will not." Repeated Sirius.
Voldemort: I'm going to enjoy this, Black. I have you, and soon I shall have the weapon. And then not even your pathetic order can stand in my way! [Voldemort laughs, a horrible spine-chilling laugh. The room dissolves around Anna.]
[Anna falls out of her seat, clutching at her scar in agony. Professor Marchbanks hurries to Anna's side. He pulls Anna to her feet and escorts her out of the Great Hall.]
People look worried.
[Professor Marchbanks looks at Anna, concern on her face.]
Professor Marchbanks: Are you all right, Potter? [Anna shakes her head.]
Professor Marchbanks: Pressure of exams. It happens. Take a breath, and maybe you'll be ready to go back in. Time is nearly up, but- [Anna is shaking her head.]
Anna: No-no, I've done all I can.
"Now! Now! Don't fail exam for me." Said Sirius.
"It's not funny!" Said Remus.
[Professor Marchbanks nods, and returns to the Great Hall. She passes Rose, who runs up to Anna.]
Rose: You all right?
Anna: Voldemort! He's got Sirius! In the Department of Mysteries! [Rose looks pale.]
Rose: How do you know?
Anna: I just saw it. [She looks out at the Hogwarts grounds, then turns back to her.]
Anna: How're we going to get there?
Rose: To the Department of Mysteries?
Anna: No, in candyland... Of course, in Department of Mysteries.
"They are gonna break in ministry?!" Asked Lily.
"What else you expected from James's daughter." Said Remus.
Rose: How'd Voldemort get into the Ministry of Magic without being seen? I mean, he and Sirius are the two most wanted wizards in the world... It just seems eo unlikely, Anna! [Anna grabs her robes and glares at her.]
Anna: I don't care how unlikely it is! If there is at least, one percent chance, than i have to go! Sirius is the only family i have left and i am not losing him!
Sirius smiles at Anna.
[Just then Luna, Neville, Fred, and George round the corner.]
Fred: We heard Anna yelling. What's happened?
Anna: Voldemort's broken into the
Department of Mysteries. He's got Sirius there. (pause) He could already have the weapon!
Rose: Think, Anna! Voldemort knows you! He knows you'd rush off to save Sirius.
Anna: Don't you get it? I don't care if i'm walking in a trap! I won't let Sirius die and everyone from the order is gone, Rose!
"Don't be reckless!" Scolded Lily.
"I don't want you to get yourself killed because of me!" Said Sirius.
George: Anything we can do to help?
Anna: No, there isn't!
Rose: Yea, they can, Anna.
Anna: How?
Rose: Before we do anything, we need to establish that Sirius really isn't at Headquarters.
"Good." Said Remus. Lily nodded.
Rose: Which means we'll need to break into Umbridge's office. [She smiles, and glances at Fred and George.]
Rose: For that, we'll need a really good distraction. [Fred and George grin.]
Fred: Right you are, Rose. Think we can whip something up, George?
George: Might be able to.
Fred: Just give us a few seconds.
Rose: Mind you, it's got to be really good!
George: Not to worry, Rose. We've got something that will outdue everything else we've done here combined.
Fred: It's been too quiet around here anyway.
George: Time we did some real damage to this place. [They lean close to each other and begin whispering together in excited voices.]
"I love twins!" Said Sirius.
Rose: We'll also need to keep everyone away from her office.
Neville: I can do that! I'll guard the hallway.
Luna: I can help Neville. [Anna smiles at them.]
Rose: We'll probably only manage five minutes or so.
Anna: That's all we'll need. [Fred and George straighten.]
Fred: Right. You've got ten minutes to get to Umbridge's office. And whatever you do, stay away from the Astronomy Tower for the next couple of hours.
George: Unless they spread, in which case, I'd get out of the castle for a while.
"What are they planing?" Asked Sirius excited.
[They leave. Rose turns to Anna.]
Rose: Break out your Invisibility Cloak, Anna.
[Luna have taken up positions outside Umbridge's office at the ends of the hall. Suddenly, there is a bang like a canon has gone off, and the whole castle shakes. Dust drifts from the ceiling. Umbridge stumbles from her office, looking up at the ceiling. Filch tears around the corner.]
Filch: Professor! It's those Weasley twins! They've set something off in the Astronomy Tower! [Umbridge smiles twistedly.]
Umbridge: Ready to try out the old punishments again?
Filch: (grinning) They've had this coming for a long time!
Everyone glares at Umbitch and Filth(Filch).
[They depart around the corner. A second later, the door to Umbridge's office swings open and closed.]
[Anna and Rose drop the Invisibility cloak. Anna races to the fireplace, snatching up a handful of floo powder. She tosses it into the fire.]
Anna: Grimmauld Place! [The fire turns bright green. Anna sticks her head into the fire.]
[Anna's head appears in the kitchen. It is empty.]
Anna: Sirius! Are you here!
Everyone is nervous.
[Umbridge and Filch race around the corner and stop dead. There is a Dragon made of fireworks sweeping through the hallway. Umbridge draws her wand and tries to stop it. The spell explodes harmless against the firework dragon, and it splits into a dozen dragons which fly down different corridors. They break into a run after the closest one and vanish down a hallway.]
"It's awesome!" Said James.
"They out did us! We have to make our final prank better!" Said Sirius.
"You are right, Pads. Our prank must be so grand everyone- ghosts, portraits, Professors will talk about it for centuries!" Said James. Sidius nodded. Slytherins and Lily felt scared, not that Slytherins would show it.
[Fred and George step out from behind a statue, laughing.]
Fred: That was worth it! [Filch steps back around the corner, grinning evilly.]
Filch: I've got you now! [Fred and George break into a run. Filch follows, along with Umbridge.]
[Fred and George run full out down this hallway. Cassie and the Inquisitional Squad comes around the corner ahead. Fred and George peel around, returning the way they had come, but Pilch and Umbridge block that way off. The close in on the Weasley twins. Fred nods at George. George pulls a nasty-looking device from his pocket and drops it on the floor. It explodes in a flash of light. Everyone covers their eyes. When it clears, there is a huge swamp in the middle of the hall and the Weasleys are standing well beyond Umbridge and the Squad.]
"It's so brilliant." Admired James and Sirius.
Fred: Thank you for playing, one and all.
George: And now, we've got to go! [They turn and vanish down another hallway.]
[Anna continues to shout.]
Anna: Sirius! Lupin? Hello?
Kreacher: What's this? The Potter girl in the fire... [Kreacher comes into view of the fireplace.]
Anna: Kreacher, where's Sirius?
Kreacher: Master went out.
"Fuck." Cursed Remus. Gryffindors get more worried, so does Sirius's cousins. (Yes, i mean Regulus in cousin, too, because they are both brothers and cousins.)
[Fred and George skid to a stop in the entry hall near the great doors leading outside. From every direction, Inquisitional Squad members close in on them. Behind them, students and teachers pour into the entry hall. Beaming, and not appearing the least bit afraid, Fred and George wave to people in the crowd.]
Umbridge: So, turning a hallway into a swamp is funny, is it?
"Yes." Said Sirius, James and Barty.
Fred: Fairly amusing, yeah.
Umbridge: Well, now you're going to learn what happens to wrongdoers in my school. [Filch pulls out a long evil-looking black whip, smiling.]
Fred: This was never your school! Hogwarts is Dumbledore's school! [There is a loud cheer from the students filling the hall. Umbridge looks around, livid with rage.]
Umbridge: Well, now you're going to get your punishments right here, in front of the wole school! [Fred snorts.]
George: You know, I don't think we are.
Fred: George, I think we've outgrown full- time education. Wouldn't you agree?
"They wouldn't." Said Lily.
"Oh. But they would." Said James.
George: Completely, Fred.
Fred: Time to enter the real world?
George: Definitely. [Together they raise their wands.]
Fred and George: Accio brooms! [The brooms speed to Fred and George. They leap on them. Cassie and some others from the Inquisitional Squad charge them. Fred and George kick off from the ground and into the air. Fred glares at Umbridge.]
Fred: We won't be seeing you.
George: Yeah, don't bother writing.
Marauders+Barty chuckle.
[They wave their wands and the great doors open, revealing a beautiful sunset over the Forbidden Forest.]
Fred: Be sure to visit us at our new premises on Diagon Alley! [And they dive on their brooms, sailing out the doors and into the beautiful sunset.]
Marauders cheer for them.

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