By fallinatetara

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Pages Of Possibilities: They Crafted Tomorrow's Narratives Today, Uniquely, Unveiling And The Extraordinary I... More



9 2 0
By fallinatetara

Aryan Veer Singh

The flying booth descended with a gentle hum, its mechanical wings folding gracefully. As the hatch opened, a rush of stale air hit me, making me feel somehow less suffocated. Without a second thought, I leaped out, grateful for the breath of fresh air that surrounded me.

"Viraj, take Veerika and Yuvaan with you. I'll come alone." I instructed, my voice carrying the weight of the unspoken words, I just can't look into her eyes after this.

Discarding my suit coat onto the passenger seat, I swiftly take over the driver's position and rush out of the runway spot, the urgency in my movements mirroring the turmoil within.

I ruined it all. Had to murder the woman whose daughter I might have liked one day. Can't even ask about her mother without sounding like a mass murderer, even though to some extent, I am. That's not the impression I wanted to leave in front of Veerika.

Fury gripping the wheel, an emergency notification flashes - alarm brokerage in the palace, northern wing ablaze. My foot presses harder on the gas, urgency and dread intertwining as I race towards the unfolding crisis.

In the midst of chaos, all I crave is her safety.

Spellbound by her, I can't bear the thought of a scratch on her. Meanwhile, a notification reveals the sudden crash of the entire system in Sphere-87. The unknown unfolds, adding another layer of uncertainty to the chaotic moment.

I leap out of the car, witnessing the Northern wing consumed by flames. Soldiers and staff scramble to contain the inferno, the angry waves of fire threatening the third largest AI system in the Precinct-1. The magnitude of the crisis unfolds before me.

Amidst the chaos, my attention fixates on the girl in the black tee and simple cargo pants, her hair in a messy bun. She smiles nonchalantly, a mystery in her eyes that I can't decipher amidst the unfolding turmoil.

I jump towards her, enveloping her in my arms, a desperate reassurance that she's safe. Her arms hang by her side, and I hold her close, cradling her against my chest, my heart finding solace in the safety of the one girl I've ever truly looked at.

Anticipating her response, I patiently wait for her to reciprocate the embrace, imagining the ways she might engage with me. My mind envisions the possibility of her hands on my back, or even in my hair, scratching my head maybe, relishing the thought that she might appreciate its silkiness. However, reality takes a different turn. She raises both her hands but places them on my shoulder, harshly pushing me back. It's a heartbreaking moment that leaves me with an unexpected ache.

The weight of my actions hits me as my conscience mocks, 'What did you expect after murdering her mother?'

She brushes invisible dust from her clothes, scrunching her nose as if my touch disgusts her. The aftermath of my past deeds becomes painfully evident in her reaction.

"Don't fucking touch me ever again!" she screeches, the words cutting through the chaos like a bitter wind.

"I'm sorry, I didn't intend to make you uncomfortable. I just wanted to make sure if you're okay," I pleaded, my words carrying the weight of remorse and genuine concern.

Before she can speak, Viraj approaches, yelling that "You can admire the girl you met this morning later, as the now-ashes building demands your attention." Priorities shift in the wake of the unfolding crisis.

"I assure the injured of compensation, grateful for no casualties but," with a roar, "I demand to know the root cause of the destruction - all the supercomputers, advanced machinery, and tools now reduced to ashes and I want the name if culprit, now" The quest for answers fuels my determination.

"Somehow all the Cctvs, spycams, drones, commoncams, voice-riolatiers and attendance-electronic-pads are empty. None of them have any recordings." Viraj informs, the absence of evidence intensifying the mystery behind the devastation.

"Empty? None of them caught anything?" I ask flabbergasted and get a nod in return.

Shocked, I grapple with the impossibility of someone mutating and manipulating machinery at such a scale within a mere 45 minutes, evading detection in every system. It's the third largest AI system in Precinct-1 and the eighth largest in the pitiful remains of the world, for calling out aloud.

Heading toward my office in the Eastern wing, I decide to check for any clues myself. Midway, a change of plan occurs. I turn around, approach Veerika and Yuvaan, asking them to follow. The audacity of this bitch, holding her hand is noted, but with the recent rejection still lingering, I refrain from commenting, not wanting to add to the complexities on my plate.

They follow silently, humming an unfamiliar tune, seemingly unaffected by the crisis outside. The thought of the palace being engulfed in flames crosses my mind. Suddenly, a realization hits, prompting me to summon the Commander-in-Chief and the Comrade of the Northern wing to my office. The urgency to address potential threats and clues becomes paramount.

In my sleek brown office, bathed in yellow and white lights, I settle into my imposing throne. Beauty and Monkey finds comfort on the couch. Viraj and Comrade Anvush Ramdhikari stand before me, beads of sweat betraying the urgency that brought them here, perhaps from a brisk run.

"Why was the Northern wing so empty? No soldiers, tech guys, IT cell members, or even servants in there. Why?" I question the Comrad, the urgency evident in my tone.

"Perfect, now he wants people to die and is upset about zero casualties," Monkey murmured, his words carrying a touch of sarcasm, audible enough to make an impact in the room.

Aware that Bejubaan is attempting to tarnish my image further in her eyes, I am determined not to let him succeed.

"I expect absolute silence until you're asked to speak," I command, setting the tone for the gravity of the situation and demanding discipline in the room.

"I don't even understand why we're here. I'm sure the life of a common soldier isn't so important to you. Why the VIP treatment? First, you let us travel in your private booth, then we get rooms in the Southern wing of the palace instead of the staff quarters, and now, to ensure our safety, we're here in your office. Are you by any chance in love with me?" The moron questions, wiggling his eyebrows with an audacious smirk.

Yes I'm in love but certainly not with you.

"I suggest we let them go to their respective rooms," the Comrade suggests, proposing a shift in the arrangement to ease the tension in the room.

I ring a bell, summoning an attendant. Instructing him to lead the two to their respective rooms, I covertly glance at Veerika, hoping for some acknowledgment, but receive nothing in return. Meanwhile, I catch wind of Monkey murmuring to her about my supposedly undying love for him and how I'm feeling shy in his presence, hence the directive to his room. Despite the absurdity, her smile in response to his comment somehow makes it acceptable. Oh! How I wish I was the one making you smile, my princesses.

"Do you really love him?" This Viraj, aahh.

"I assure you, my actions are driven by the need for security and protocol, not romantic inclinations," I respond. "You didn't answer my question." I address the commerade.

"There was a cryptic default in the system that indicated the shift of all the staff at once in the Northern wing. The attendance electronic-pads didn't allow anyone else to enter due to some glitch, resulting in an empty building during the crisis," Comrade Anvush Ramdhikari explains, shedding light on the mysterious absence of personnel in the Northern wing.

"Do you know what interesting thing is missing here?" Viraj inquires. I just raise an eyebrow at this.

"The glitches started the moment we arrived at the palace with your two important guests," Viraj mocks, insinuating a connection between the arrival of the two and the system malfunctions. The air thickens with suspicion.

"Are you suggesting that they somehow hacked one of the most advanced and strongest systems without any computing keys in hand? Did they magically hack it, huh?" I question, a hint of sarcasm in my tone, pushing back against the insinuation.

"I don't know how they did it, but somehow it's them. I know it," he says confidently, his conviction adding another layer of complexity to the situation.

"Even I have my suspicions on them. During the fire brokerage, I noticed Veerika had a satisfactory kind of smile on her face," Anvush adds, introducing a new element of suspicion surrounding Veerika.

"Well, she definitely has motivation to do this after all. I murdered her mom," I acknowledge, the weight of my past actions echoing in the room.

"You what?" Viraj shouts.

"Indoor voices, Viraj. Indoor voices," I remind.

"How do you know that?" the Comrade questions, seeking clarification on the revelation about Veerika's mother.

"She told me," I reply, keeping the response concise.

"She told you? Just like that? Hey, you know, do you remember you killed my mom? Just like that?" Viraj questions, the disbelief and anger evident in his words.

"She specifically threatened me that she'll kill me. Similarly, I killed her mother."

"So, you're telling me the woman you potentially like is on a mission to kill you because you killed her mother. This is really interesting. Should I get my popcorns here?" Viraj remarks, adding a layer of dark humor which wasn't required here.

"Will you two ever grow up? One of you here is the Commander-in-Chief of Sphere-87, and the other one is the Crown Prince of Precinct-1, who was basically threatened to be murdered by a woman he is in such close proximity to. This is a serious, kids please," the Comrade requests, emphasizing the gravity of the situation and urging a more mature approach.

"So what do you suggest?" I question, in a more mature tone.

"As such, we should consider relocating her to a more secure locat-"

"No, not happening." I frantically shout, cutting him in between, "I'm not sending her away from me."

"I'm not suggesting sending her away from you." He Clarifies, understanding the sensitivity of the situation. "But we need to ensure your safety and understand her intentions."

"As well as her powers, for the love of God, she may be a sorceress." Viraj exclaims, rather dramatically.

"You do realize you have lost your mind, Viraj," I tell him matter-of-factly, emphasizing the need for rationality in the midst of the unfolding chaos.

"Whatever it is, we need to keep a close eye on her," I assert, emphasizing the importance of vigilance and caution in dealing with the complex dynamics surrounding Veerika.

"Why only her, I need your attention too," Yuvaan declares as he bursts into the room, leaving us all shocked.

"I ordered you two to be in the southern wing in your respective rooms. What are you doing here? And where is Veerika?" I question, redirecting the focus to the present situation and seeking clarity on their current actions.

"Oh, she! She is looking for any new buildings or computers to destroy. You see, she is here to murder you!" Yuvaan sarcastically remarks.

"Where is the attendant we sent with you?" Both Anvush and Virat stand from their chairs.

"Oh, you see, we successfully fooled him. You seriously need to appoint new staff. But what can we say if the Crown Prince here is such a fool? What is the fault of the workers?" Yuvaan adds.

"Damn you two." I exhale tiredly.

Do let me know what do you think about it. Don't forget to vote and comment, it'll make my day.

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