The Shepherd Legacy

By Bluefireball123

23.1K 412 54

*Warning* This is a one-shot compilation, which will include nonsexual disciplinary spanking between an older... More

A Lesson in Humility
Bars and Fake IDs
Jackson, out of all people?
Mark and Stitches
Shadows of Yesterday
Failed Dinner
Jealous Brother
Sleep Deprived
A Miracle for Addison
Derek's Struggles
Pregnancy Scare
Smoking Habit
Party Sneakout
Bad Days
Cramping Hand
I'm Not a Machine.
Locker Rooms and Alex's Antics
Resilience or Cruelty?
Richard's Alcoholism
First Drinks
Skipping School
Weed, Seriously?
Game Night
Sibling Shenanigans
Vision Problems
Simple Mistakes
Nip It in the Bud
Smoking Struggles Continue
Post-Appendectomy Drives
Resident Arguments
I Need You to Fill the Void...
Walk on Water
The Talk
Studies Gone Wrong
Author's Note

Missed Assignments

408 10 0
By Bluefireball123

Mary is a high school senior, not a resident. 

The family of five sat around the dinner table, engaged in a lively game of Monopoly. Mary, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, was clearly dominating the game, and laughter echoed through the room as playful banter flowed. The atmosphere was light and warm, a stark contrast to the challenges they had faced as a makeshift family.

"Derek, our sister is wiping the floor with us!" Mark exclaimed, his eyes fixed on the Monopoly board.

Derek chuckled, shaking his head. "I've been telling you, she's got a mind for strategy. It's that Shepherd genius, you know."

Meredith, Derek's girlfriend, rolled her eyes in mock annoyance. "Oh, spare us, Doctor Shepherd. Not everyone can be a neurosurgeon in the making."

Lexie, Mark's girlfriend and Meredith's sister, grinned. "Maybe it's contagious. I might catch the genius bug."

The jokes continued as the game progressed, and everyone was enjoying the rare moment of relaxation. However, the tranquility was interrupted when Mark's phone chimed, signaling a message. Excusing himself with a smile, Mark stood up and left the room, heading to the hallway to read the notification. His expression grew serious as he absorbed the contents.

Meanwhile, Mary continued her winning streak, but her focus waned as Mark's absence lingered. Derek shot a questioning look at Mark, who subtly gestured that he had the situation under control. Concern flickered in Derek's eyes, but he trusted Mark to handle whatever had come up.

In the hallway, Mark dialed Mary's school, seeking more information about the message. The news wasn't good—Mary had failed to submit several assignments, and her grades were slipping. Determined to address the issue without causing a scene at the dinner table, Mark called Mary over.

"Hey, kiddo," Mark said with a gentle smile, trying to keep the tone light. "Mind stepping into the hallway with me for a moment?"

Mary hesitated, glancing around at her family, but she complied, following Mark into the hallway. Once they were out of earshot, Mark's expression turned serious.

"I got an email from your school, Mary," he began, his voice calm but firm. "They say you haven't submitted your assignments. What's going on?"

Mary avoided eye contact, a sheepish expression crossing her face. She didn't want to lie to Mark, but the truth was something she knew he wouldn't take lightly.

"I, uh, got caught up in this TV show I've been binge-watching," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

Mark sighed, disappointed but not surprised, his gaze unwavering. "Mary, you know better than this. Education is crucial, and you can't let distractions get in the way. We'll discuss this more later, but for now, let's get back to the table and enjoy the rest of the evening. Deal?"

Mary nodded, realizing the gravity of her mistake. Mark's stern yet caring demeanor resonated with her, making her regret her lapse in judgment.

Back at the dinner table, the Monopoly game continued, but Mary's once joyful demeanor had shifted. Derek noticed the change and exchanged a concerned glance with Mark, who subtly reassured him that they would handle it.

As the game concluded and everyone began to disperse, Mary was on the verge of heading upstairs to her room when a cough from Mark caught her attention. She turned to see him standing by the entrance to the hallway, silently reminding her of their impending conversation.

She hesitated for a moment before sheepishly changing directions, heading to the office. Mark followed suit, closing the door behind them. The air in the room became charged with a sense of responsibility and accountability. The office had seen its fair share of serious discussions, and Mary couldn't shake the nervousness that settled in her stomach.

The office door closed behind Mary and Mark, sealing the room with an air of seriousness. Mark leaned against the desk, his expression a mixture of disappointment and concern. Mary shifted uncomfortably, avoiding eye contact as Mark prepared to address the issue at hand.

"Mary, sit down," Mark said, gesturing to the chair opposite him. Mary reluctantly took a seat, fidgeting with the hem of her shirt.

Mark sighed before starting, "Look, I get it. High school can be tough, and there are a lot of distractions. But you're not just any teenager. You're Derek's sister, my sister, in every way that matters. And you've got a dream, right? You want to be a doctor like Derek and me?"

Mary nodded, her eyes meeting Mark's gaze. "Yeah, I do."

"Good," Mark continued, his tone firm. "But being a doctor isn't just about having the title. It's about hard work, dedication, and, most importantly, prioritizing. You're eighteen now, responsible for your future. And you're part of a family, a family that cares about you and wants to see you succeed."

Mary shifted uncomfortably in her chair, feeling the weight of Mark's words. She knew he was right, but the allure of the TV show had been too strong to resist.

Mark pressed on, "You need to learn to prioritize, Mary. Education comes first. If you want to be a doctor, you have to keep your grades up. Me and Derek have never had to check your homework or assignments, but we will start doing so, if necessary. Neglecting your studies for a TV show is unacceptable, plain and simple."

Mary tried to argue, "But it's not that big of a deal, Mark. I can catch up."

Mark shook his head, his disappointment evident. "No, Mary, it is a big deal. You can't let your grades slip like this. I would never judge you if you gave your best and still struggled, but neglecting your responsibilities for something trivial is not acceptable."

Frustration crept into Mary's voice, "It's just one assignment. What's the big deal?"

Mark leaned forward, his eyes locking onto hers. "It's not just one assignment, Mary. It's multiple. And it's a pattern that I won't allow to continue."

Mary remained quiet, obviously not willing to hear Mark's words.

Sensing the tension, Mark decided to take a more direct approach. "Go upstairs and get your phone."

Mary frowned, confused. "Why? What's that got to do with anything?"

Mark sighed, "Until you bring your grades up and submit your assignments, you're grounded from your phone."

Mary's eyes widened in disbelief. "What? That's not fair! You can't do that!"

Mark maintained his composure. "Having a phone is a privilege, not a right. If you can't manage your responsibilities, then you can't have the distraction. Now, go upstairs and get it."

Mary crossed her arms defiantly, "No. You can't just take my phone. It's a violation of my privacy."

Mark shook his head, "It's not about privacy, Mary. It's about responsibility. Now, go upstairs and get your phone."

The tension in the room escalated as Mary refused to comply. The raised voices caught Derek's attention, prompting him to approach the office. He knocked on the door, concern etched on his face.

"What's going on in here?" Derek asked, glancing between Mark and Mary.

Mark gestured for Mary to explain. "Mary, tell Derek what happened."

Mary stayed silent for a moment, but under the stern gaze of both Derek and Mark, she finally spoke up. "I missed an assignment."

Derek frowned, looking from Mary to Mark. "Just one assignment? What's the big deal?"

Mark interjected, correcting Mary's statement, "She missed multiple assignments and let her grades drop for a TV show, Derek."

Derek's expression hardened as he turned to Mary. "Is that true?"

Mary nodded, her eyes welling with frustration and embarrassment. "I didn't think it was that serious."

Derek sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Mary, you have to take your education seriously. You want to be a doctor, right?"

Mary nodded again, "Yeah, but—"

Derek cut her off gently, "No 'buts,' Mary. Mark's right. If you want to achieve your goals, you have to put in the effort. Now, do what Mark said. Go upstairs, get your phone, and let's figure out how to get you back on track."

Mary glared at Mark, silently accusing him of escalating the situation, but he remained unbothered, so she stood up and headed upstairs to retrieve her phone. Derek stayed in the office with Mark, both knowing that this was a pivotal moment for Mary's understanding of responsibility and consequences.

Mary returned to the office, her phone in hand, and slammed it onto Mark's outstretched palm, a defiant expression on her face. Derek immediately intervened, his voice firm but concerned.

"Mary, fix your attitude," Derek warned. "We're trying to help you here."

Mary rolled her eyes, crossing her arms defiantly. "Whatever. This is stupid."

Derek's expression tightened as he warned her, "I am going to get the belt if you do not fix your attitude, and I will fix it for you."

Mary scoffed, rolling her eyes again and flipping Derek off. The gesture visibly hurt Derek, who had taken on the role of both brother and father for most of her life. Mark, sensing that things were spiraling out of control, stepped in, trying to avoid having to use the belt.

"Mary," Mark said sternly, "apologize to Derek right now."

"Why? It's not like I did anything wrong," Mary retorted, her defiance unwavering.

Mark sighed, "You swore at him. You're disrespecting your brother, who's only looking out for you. Apologize, and let's move forward."

Mary opened her mouth to argue, but Mark cut her off, "What's going on? Why are you treating us like this? We're trying to help you, Mary. Derek and I care about you, but you need to understand that your actions have consequences."

Mary rolled her eyes yet again, about to launch into another tirade about how controlling her brothers were. However, Mark stopped her in her tracks by giving a simple command.

"Get the belt from the closet."

Mary's eyes widened in shock. "What? No way."

Mark's tone remained steady, "I said get the belt from the closet."

Mary hesitated for a moment, refusing to comply. But when Mark repeated his command, her defiance crumbled, and she reluctantly headed to the closet. She opened it, her hands searching through the items inside until she found the belt. Reluctantly, she grabbed it and turned to face Mark, her eyes narrowing in resentment.

She handed the belt to Mark, who took it with a measured expression. Folding it over in half, he gestured silently for her to bend over the desk. Mary hesitated, her pride and frustration warring within her. But realizing there was no way out, she reluctantly obeyed, bending over the desk.

Mark spoke with a firm yet disappointed tone, "This isn't about punishment, Mary. It's about understanding the consequences of your actions. You have to learn to respect your brothers and the help they offer."

Mary remained silent, her face buried in her crossed arms on the desk. Mark raised the belt, preparing to administer a symbolic but impactful lesson. In the stillness of the room, the weight of the moment hung heavily in the air.

As Mark prepared to administer the discipline, Mary stood up defiantly before he could make a move. Derek's stern voice cut through the tension, "Mary, bend back over. You earned this, and you know it."

Mary shook her head, crossing her arms. "No, this is not fair!"

Mark began counting, "One."

Mary continued to stand, challenging them with a defiant glare.

"Two," Mark counted.

Derek warned, "Bend over, Mary. You're only making it worse for yourself."

Mary remained standing, her resistance palpable. Mark continued counting, his voice steady, "Three."

Mary tried to argue, "This is ridiculous! You can't—"

"Four," Mark continued, unfazed by her protests.

Derek's tone hardened, "Last chance, Mary. Bend over now."

Mary hesitated, but as Mark reached "Five," she begrudgingly bent back over, her hands gripping the edge of the desk. The act of defiance earned her an additional consequence – five strokes with the cane at the end.

Mark placed a hand on her lower back, a silent signal that the discipline was about to begin. At first, Mary remained silent, determined not to give them the satisfaction of a reaction. However, Mark increased the intensity of the strokes, each one landing with precision.

"Is this how you repay me and Derek for raising you?" Mark's voice was stern. "By missing assignments for a TV show and slamming the phone that I bought you into my hand?"

Mary winced, guilt creeping into her conscience. The pain intensified, and she started to plead, "Mark, please, I get it. I messed up, but this is too much!"

Mark remained determined, his voice unwavering. "You brought this upon yourself, Mary."

As the discipline continued, Mary couldn't hold back the sobs any longer. The realization of the consequences of her actions and the weight of the discipline overwhelmed her. Mark pushed her until she broke down, fully accepting the discipline.

After a moment, Mark silently signaled to Derek to get the cane from the closet. Mary, still sobbing, pleaded, "Mark, please, let it slide. I promise I'll be better."

But Mark couldn't let it slide. "Rules are rules, Mary," he said sternly, and he told her to stay in position.

With the cane in hand, Mark applied the additional strokes. Each one left Mary sobbing again, the physical pain mirroring the emotional turmoil within her. Mark let her compose herself before instructing her to stand up and face him.

Mary did so, avoiding eye contact out of embarrassment. Mark sternly ordered her to look at him, and she reluctantly complied.

"Do you understand why your phone was taken away?" Mark asked.

"Yes, sir. It's a consequence of my actions," Mary responded, her voice shaky.

Mark sighed, a mixture of disappointment and concern etched on his face. He pulled Mary into a hug, his tone softer. "We do this out of love, Mary. We want to see you succeed and make the right choices. And we do demand a certain level of mutual respect."

Derek stepped forward, joining the embrace. "We care about you. This might be tough now, but it's because we believe in you."

Mary, still shaken, nodded, unable to find the words to express her remorse. In that moment, she felt a mixture of pain, love, and the weight of the lessons she needed to learn.

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