Finding Hope

By Farida044007

318 91 27

In a world shadowed by adversity, Diana, ave and innocent 17-year-old, had a childhood marred by hardships th... More

The beginning
A Shocking Revelation
The Disastrous Night
Losing everything overnight
From Pittsburgh to New York City
Five Years Later
Into the Unknown
Introduction to the new world
New reality
Playing Hero
The Manipulation
Laugh or cry
Time to think
Still in the ocean of lies
What? For real?

Biological family?

17 5 1
By Farida044007

POV Angel

He mumbled to himself, proud of his work, and said, "I told you it's her, now you will see it for yourself."

POV Diana
As I slowly wake up, find myself in a strange, dark, and cold place. Memories of last night flood my mind, and I ask myself, "Oh, what's going on? Have I been kidnapped?" I begin to cry and shout, "Hey, ho, HELP, HELP!" I continue screaming in fear when I hear something opening, which I think is the door of the room I'm in.
With fear, I ask, "Who... who are you? Help!" Before I can see clearly, a manly voice calms me down, saying, "Calm down, my love." He turns on the light, and even though I'm attached by chains, I gather the strength to move. "Calm down, I'm your uncle," confirms the same man. Confused, I question, "Uncle?" He continues, "Yes, I'm your mother's sister's future husband."
Trying to understand, I say, "My mom? Which mom? I don't have a mom." He corrects me, saying, "No, no, no, dear, you have a mom - your real, biological mother." Frozen, I ask emotionally, "What? My biological mother? Where is she? Why did she kidnap me?" I said In tears, He continues and said, "No, I'm the one who kidnaps you, your mother is so kind she can't kidnap you. But you see, baby, I'm not a very good guy, so I'm planning to kill you and your mom.
What do you think of my idea?" He pretends to think before revealing, "You're kidding, right?" With hope, I ask, "Nope, baby, I'm very serious. Today, you will die, and your father will have a heart attack and join you. As for your mother, I don't have to do anything since she is dying, actually," he says with a serious tone. Shocked, I stammer fearfully, "But..." He interrupts by taking out a gun and playing with it, but his phone starts ringing. He answers the call, saying, "Yeah," and then adds, "Two... Room 212." I guess that someone is going to come here, and I realize that I'm in a hotel room.

POV Angel

While talking, Anita calls me.
telephonic conversation: "Hey Angel, I'm already here. Where are you? Do you really have the girl?" She asked wanting to confirm.
I don't understand why this chika doesn't believe me, but that's alright. She doesn't even believe in herself, so we're fine. I responded with a simple word "yeah," not wanting to say too much and alert the girl.

She then asked, "How many of you are in the room?" She is not fond of being around people due to her appearance, as she is quite famous.

"Two," I responded.

"You and the girl, got it. Which room again?" she asked.

"Room 212," I replied.

"Alright, see you soon."

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