Her Secret Admirer (William A...

By Nyobear2999

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you are a 20-year-old girl, who lives in Orlando. you decided to go back to Hurricane, with your best friend... More



612 11 12
By Nyobear2999

---later that night---


"Darling ~ My love ~"

I open my eyes, to see William's face in front of me. Causing me to jump, he chuckled at my reaction. 

"What are you doing here?"

"To see you, darling"

"Will, get out of my house"

"But I want to see you, love"


I turn to my left, my back facing him. He comes close. I could feel his hot breath on my ear, he then whispered.

"You will always come back to me, love"

He stood up and left. What he said sends chills down my back.

"You will always come back to me, love"

I brushed it off and went back to sleep.

<The next day>




I off my alarm, swinging my legs to the side of my bed. As I was about to walk out of my room to the bathroom, I saw William's clothes, the ones that he had lent to me the day before, they were just laying on the side of my bed. I grabbed it and folded it, I then went to the bathroom and did my business. I grabbed a shirt and some leggings and changed out of my PJs. 

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a cup. I open the cardboard. Wait... Where's my tea? "Morning, Y/N" Lynette said as she yawned.

"Morning, Nette... Did you drink the tea?"

"What... No... You are the only one drinking it"

"Okay... Maybe I just forgot that I drank the last one..."

I then went to put the cup back. I walk past the sink... Wait, what... There was a cup in the sink... with a note? I picked the note up, it read:

Thanks for the tea, love

"Fucking asshole..."

"What happened?" 

"It's nothing"

Lynette walked into the kitchen, I wanted to hide the note but she was fast. "Thanks for the tea? Who wrote this?" She asked, "I don't know," I said and took the note. "We should go to work, you ready?" I asked, and she nodded. I grabbed my things and we went to my car. Soon, we drove off to the diner.

<At Fredbear Family Diner>

We got out of the car, I grabbed William's clothes and my things. We then headed in. I then changed into my uniform and went to William's office. I was about to reach his office when I saw him walk to Henry's office, I slowly went to the door to see if I could hear What they were going to say.

"Hey, Henry" I hear William say, "Hey, Will. I need to talk to you about something..." I then hear Henry say.

"What is it about?"

"As you know, We recently got a few complaints from the parents of the missing kids. And..."

"Yeah... What about it? What? A Lawsuit?"

As William said that, I was shocked. But not THAT shocked cause... Well... He's the cause of the missing kids.

"Yeah... I don't know what to do... I don't want Fredbear to shut down..." 

"That won't happen, trust me."

I then heard footsteps coming to the door, I quickly stood up and faced William's office door, pretending that I was about to knock. "Oh, hey," I said as I turned around. "Hello, love," He said, with a sight smirk on his face. I moved aside and he let me into his office. He then closed the door, "What brings you to my office, darling?" William asked, "Oh, here... Your clothes..." I said as I handed him his clothes. He then put them on the table, he then looked at me.

"Who's that Travis guy?"

"Why do you care?"

He let out a chuckle, "So, what did he do for him to upgrade to ex?".

"Well, he ch- Why do you want to know- oh... Don't fucking think about it" I said, "Just tell me, I'm curious, love" He said, with that idiotic smirk. "I'm not going to tell you," I said as I got up. "I need to get back to work" I continued. He got up and blocked the door, "I won't kill him, love. Just tell me. I'm curious" 

"Arghh, fine. He cheated on me," I said.

---Flashback starts (No one POV)---

Y/N opens the door of Travis's house. When she entered the house, she saw a pair of purple heels. They weren't hers, her heart sank as she heard movement coming from his bedroom. She cautiously approached his room. Stood before her, was Travis and a woman, with orange hair and green-emerald eyes, she was older than Y/N. 

"W-what the fucking hell Travis!"

Travis was caught off guard, and he froze with guilt written across his face. The air in the room seemed to thicken with betrayal, Y/N's eyes welled with tears. 

"Babe! Is not what it looks like!"

"Oh, save it, Travis!"

Y/N stormed out of Travis's house, as tears were falling.

---Flashback ends (Back to Y/N POV)---

William stood there, in silence, but I broke it by saying. "Why did you drink my tea!" I whined, changing the subject, he chuckled.

"I'll get you another one, alright, love?"

"You better"

"Can I go back to work now?" I asked as he was still standing in front of the door, "of course, darling," He then opened the door. "What a gentleman" I sarcastically said as I walked out. 

---time skip to later in the day---

"So, What are your plans? Cause, your birthday is in like... 3 days" Dan asked, "I don't know... Maybe hang out with you guys" I said, I looked at Lynette and she was slightly smirking. "Nette... Stop, I know that you're fantasizing about me and William," I said, as she chuckled. "Whatttt, you and him are sooooo cute together," Lynette said with a grin, "Yessss, I totally agree with Nette," Dan said.

"And I bet you like him, a lot. Right?" Lynette added, chuckling.

"No, I don't,"

"Yes, you do"



"No, I do notttt"

"Sure, Y/N. Sure..."

I slightly rolled my eyes. I mean he is hot... Wait, what no-

"Will, please. I was an idiot back then, please" I turn to see William and a familiar woman, standing somewhat near the main entrance, "Clara. Get out... now" William said, "William, please. I want- No, I NEED you." The woman, with orange hair, begged. No matter how many times William told her to get out, she continued to beg. I got up and walked towards them. "Hi, can you please leave? You're disturbing the customers-" I stared at her, she had green-emerald eyes...

"Oh, it's you... What a small world we live in." I said with a little irritation in my voice.

"Oh, Hi. Been awhile,"

"Yeah, now please leave," I said, feeling a little fed up. "Now I see why Travis hooked up with me" Clara mumbled, but I heard her. "Excess me? *chuckles* Now I get it, Travis always did have a thing for secondhand goods," I said. 

"Fucking slut..." I mumbled.

"What did you. Just. Call. Me?"

"Your. A. Fucking. Slut."

A/N: Oh my god!! Thank you so much for 140 reads! Stay tuned for chapter 11, coming very soon. And thank you again for 140 reads!!

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