Book 1: Soul Seeker (Sting Eu...

By Silver-Tigress

2.6K 104 15

Rebecca Stark is a mage of the Fairy Tail guild. She isn't as strong as Erza or has powerful magic like Natsu... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
A Brief Description of Rebecca's Eye Magic
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Sequel, Plus New Book!!

Chapter 1

361 8 0
By Silver-Tigress

I don't own Fairy Tail, only my OC's!

Rebecca's English voice actress is Stephanie Sheh and her Japanese is Nana Mizuki—->

Rebecca's P. O. V:

I sit at the bar one morning while dressed in a cold shoulder purple top and white knee length shorts. My dark blue hair is short with a strand on either side of my face.

I smile thankfully as Mira gives me a cup of hot chocolate marshmallows and I take a big swig of it.

I'm 11 years old and a mage of the Fairy Tail guild. My parents and I moved here with my sister and our cousin's family after my grandfather died when I was six.

It was hard on both of us, but mum especially.

I'm not the strongest Fairy Tail member but I do possess a Lost Magic and Eye Magic, known as Lifestream Magic and Anima Eyes. I'm also not an S-class wizard, like Erza and Mira, though, but I still hope to become as strong as them one day, so I can help people with my magic.

I always try to make myself useful when on jobs with my team, Natsu and Lucy. Lucy is the newest member of the guild.

While I'm drinking, I hear Lucy reading off a bunch of jobs from the Request Board.

"... Look For A Magic Bracelet, Break A Spell On A Cursed Cane, Read Someone's Love Horoscope... Hunt Down A Volcano Demon?! Geez, I had no idea that wizarding jobs were so varied!"

Approaching Lucy, Mira says kindly, "Well, let me know when you find one you like! The Master's away at a conference, so I'm covering for him."

Lucy asks curiously, "What kind of conference...?"

"One for guild Masters." She places a finger to her chin, as she adds, "It's like the Magic Council, but not." Turning to a big man with curly light brown hair wearing a top hat, Mira asks politely, "Excuse me, Reedus? Could I borrow a Light Pen?"

"Oui!" Reedus replies in a French accent, before he pulls a pen out of his pocket and throws it to Mira, who easily catches it.

A Light Pen is a magical item that allows the user to write in the air.

Drawing a diagram of the guild system in the air with the Light Pen, Mira explains to Lucy, "The Council, Era, is the most powerful organisation in the magical world, and it's only one step below the government. It has ten members, and its their job to uphold all the magical rules and regulations. And if a wizard breaks magical law, they would be tried by the Council. Then, there are the different guild master leagues in which in local groups work together. Then the individual guild masters. It's their job to pass on the decree of the Council. They also communicate with the other guild masters on a regular basis. Well, I guess you could say they're the glue that holds all of us together. Which is a pretty stressful job."

Lucy murmurs thoughtfully, hand on chin, "Wow! I never realise that all the different magical guild were interconnected like that."

"It's important that we cooperate with one another, otherwise the system would fall apart."

Summoning a flame to his fingertip and holding it up to his face, which has a devious grin on it, Natsu says, scaring Lucy, "And then the guys in black would show up!!"

Natsu uses Fire Dragon Slayer Magic. He has spiky pink hair and tan coloured eyes.

Lucy gives a small scream.

Natsu laughs, folding his hands behind his head and making my left eyebrow twitch. "HAHAHA!! That was almost too easy!"

"You trying to scare me to death?!" She demands.

Having finished my meal, I join in on their conversation. I say seriously, "Natsu's actually right for once, Lucy. B-But, seriously! Th-The guys Natsu's talking about, really exist! Th-They're the dark guilds." Mira draws an oval on the diagram labeled 'Dark Guild.' I'm also known as the shiest member of the guild as I stutter a lot and tend to get scared easily.

I finish, "Th-They've chosen not to join any of the leagues. They're the bad apples, a-and most of them are involved in magical crime."

Lucy breathes, "Wow..."

Natsu tells Lucy, "Would you just pick us a job already?"

Lucy replies, "You have got to be kidding me. What makes you think I'd want to do that?"

"Well, we are a team now, aren't we."

Popping up next to Natsu, Happy says, "Yeah! And we picked the job last time. It's your turn to pick, so get to it!" Happy is a talking blue cat that uses magic that lets him fly.

Crossing her arms stubbornly, Lucy responds, "Just forget it, cat! As far as I'm concerned, our 'team' has been disbanded. And besides, you didn't want me, you just needed me 'cause I'm a blonde!"

Natsu says with a grin, "Don't be ridiculous! That's not the only reason we chose you. We picked you 'cause your so nice!"

Lucy gives Natsu a doubtful frown.

Gray says from his seat at a table nearby, grinning slightly, and wearing only his boxers, "Hey, Lucy! I wouldn't hang around those losers, if I were you! You'll get plenty of offers from other teams."

Gray has spiky black hair and deep blue eyes and has a stripping habit.

Squealing, I say, waving at him, "G-Gray! Y-Your clothes!"

The brown haired girl sitting beside Gray mutters pointedly, "Gray, your clothes."

He cries out at that, flailing in surprise.

"Jerk!" Natsu hisses in irritation.

Gray shifts his deep blue gaze to him in a sharp glare.

"Not again..." I mutter, a small sigh in my voice.

"Did you just call me a 'jerk' Dragon Boy?!" Gray demands, bashing his head against Natsu's, dagger glares on both their faces.

"And what if I did?! What're you gonna do about it?!"

"You Mouth Breather!!"

"At least I'm not a coward!!"

"You're a spineless wimp!"

Happy says from next to me, "Looks like they're at it again! Shouldn't you be stopping them, Becky-chan?"

I reply, "I-I don't think I can..." The only ones who can usually stop Natsu and Gray when they fight are Erza Scarlet and me. Me, because they know of my insecurities and timidity, and neither would want to hurt me.

I hear a male voice suggest to Lucy, "Why don't you join the Team of Love with me, Lucy? Later tonight, just the two of us?"

I glance over to see a teen with spiky orange hair wearing a green leather jacket and blue tinted shades, holding an uncomfortable-looking Lucy against his side, arm wrapped around her shoulders.

Lucy utters uncomfortably, "Say what...?"

"You're just so stunningly gorgeous, I have to keep my shades on..." He trails off as he presses his shades up his nose, "... Or I'll be blinded by your dazzling beauty!"

That's Loke, the number 1 flirt in the whole Fairy Tail guild.

With a deadpan look on her face, Lucy questions, "Girls really fall for this?"

With a sigh, I say as I cross my arms, "U-Unfortunately, they do."

Just then, Loke spots a set of Celestial Spirit keys hanging from Lucy's belt, and he jumps away from her as if she'd been set on fire, his eyes wide.

"YOU'RE NOT A CELESTIAL WIZARD, ARE YOU?!!" He yells fearfully, making me smirk.


"Yup!! She's got crabs and cows and stuff!" Happy tells a fearful Loke.

Loke screams over over dramatically as he runs away from Lucy, "AAAHHH!! OH, CURSE YOU FATE!! WHY MUST YOU TOY WITH ME SO?! I'M SORRY, BUT YOU AND I CAN'T BE TOGETHER MY DEAR!!!"

Lucy deadpans after him. "What got into him all of a sudden...?"

I reply, "A-Apparently, Loke has a bad history with Celestial Spirit wizards. Rumour has it, he dated one once, a-and it didn't turn out very well. Th-That's why he's so afraid of you, Lucy!"

"Yeah, well, I can't say I'm not surprised—" Lucy mutters, only to be cut off when Natsu collides with her, knocking the two to the floor.

"That looked painful," Mira says.

With a red tick mark on her forehead, and her eyes animated white triangles, Lucy demands in annoyance, "Would the two of you just knock it off already?!"

Standing in only his boxers, Gray replies, "Natsu started it—I'm just following through!"

I say with a slight deadpan look, "G-Gray! Where are your clothes?!" I glare but I'm not as menacing or intimidating as Erza.

He cries out again as he looks down at himself.

Back on his feet, Natsu growls, "You're the one who is provoking me, you dirty slime ball!!" There's a fiery aura flaring around him.

Gray snaps back, an icy aura around him, "Oh, yeah?! What, exactly, did I do to 'provoke' you, you fire clown?!"

"You pervy flasher!"

"You pink haired punk!"

Lucy mutters, "Lame insults, guys!"

Happy tells her, "They start to run out!"

"Grrr!! Pretty much!" Growls Natsu.

The rest of the guild laughs. Lucy smiles a little while Alec and I grin.

Suddenly, the doors to the guild hall are thrown open with a slam, causing all of us to whirl around.

Loke stands in the doorway, looking terrified, his eyes wide. What he said next makes me grin.


Immediately, everyone breaks out into a panic at the thought of Erza Scarlet returning, their eyes wide in fear, crying out.

Natsu and Gray also have fearful looks on their faces.

I, however, grin. Erza may be harsh towards everyone else, but she's usually a lot nicer towards me.

"Geez, just mention Erza, and the whole place freaks out!"

Mira replies, "Well, she is the strongest female wizard we've got in Fairy Tail, and more than a little intimidating."

Everything goes dead silent as loud footsteps approach the guild hall.

A girl with lilac coloured hair, wearing round glasses, named Laki, murmurs nervously, "That's gotta be her...!"

Wakaba states, "Those are her footsteps."

Macao inputs, "Even the air's gone completely still."

Lucy mutters from beside me, "Geez, from these reactions, you'd think she was some kind of demon." Then, Lucy lets out a soft squeal of fright. "I'm so scared...!"

I was still grinning, even when a beautiful woman with waist length scarlet coloured hair, bangs draping over her right brown eye, clad in armour and carrying a huge decorated monster's horn comes stalking inside the guild hall. She drops the horn on the floor with an echoing bang that causes everyone else except, me, and Mira to jump with fright.

She's sooo cooool!!!

Erza Scarlet announces in a stern sounding voice, "I have returned! Where is Makarov-sama?"

"Oh, wow! She's so pretty!" Lucy breathes.

"I know, right?!" I say, surprising her a bit when I turn my still grinning face to her. I seem to have more confidence when I'm around Erza.

"Welcome back, Erza!" Mira greets the redhead cheerfully. "The Master's away at a conference right now."

"I see," Erza replies, nodding once in understanding.

A guy with chin length sandy brown hair asks Erza curiously, "So, um, what's that humongous thing you've got there?"

Erza replies, "It's the horn of the monster I defeated. The locals were so thankful that they decorated it and gave it to me as a souvenir." She cuts the two men a glare. "Do you have a problem with it?!"

"No, not at all!" They both shout, holding up their hands placatingly.

Cana says while drinking alcohol from a barrel next to Macao, "Bet shes heard about what happened at MT. Hakobe...!"

The dark blue haired man mutters in response, "You think so...? Man, I'm a goner!"

I hear Lucy mumble in slight disappointment, "She isn't anything like I imagined..."

Erza then states seriously, tone of voice stern, "Now, listen up! While on the road, I heard a few things. Words is, that Fairy Tail is causing nothing but trouble as of late. Makarov-sama may not care, but I most certainly do! Cana! You need to control your drinking problem! Vijeeter, please take the dancing outside. Wakaba, get rid of that filthy habit! Nab, I suspected I might find you dawdling in front of the Request Board—just pick a job!! Macao...!" Erza trails off with a tired sigh.

The dark blue haired man says nervously, "Please just say something!"

Placing a hand to her forehand, Erza mutters, "I don't even know where to begin with you! You've caused so much trouble lately, I've almost given up...!"

"She's really tearing into everyone; it's like she's taking over!" Lucy whispers, turning away from the redhead.

Happy says, "That's Erza for ya!"

"Even if she is bossy, she's still saner than anyone else here. I don't understand why everyone's so afraid of her," Lucy questions.

Erza suddenly asks, "Are Natsu and Gray here?"

"Aye!" Happy says.

Natsu and Gray have their arms thrown over each other's shoulders, and forced happy grins on their faces as they came over. "Oh, hey, Erza! We're just hanging out, like good friends tend to do!" Gray tells her, a hint of nervousness in his voice.

Natsu suddenly chimes, sounding like Happy, "Aye...!"

Lucy demands, completely freaked out by his sudden change, her eyes wide, "Why is Natsu talking like Happy?!"

Arms crossed over her chest and a pleased smile on her face, Erza responds, "That's great! I'm quite pleased to see the two of you getting along so well. However, it's only natural for even the best of friends to lock horns every now and again."

Gray mutters, "I don't know if we're 'the best of friends...'"

"Aye!" Natsu says, freaking me out again.

"What's gotten into Natsu...?" Lucy asks in confusion.

Drawing a picture of Natsu getting beaten up by Erza with the Light Pen, Mira explains to her, "He's scared. A few years ago he challenged Erza to a fight, and she beat him up pretty bad."

With a stunned expression, the older blonde replies, "Well, that was a stupid thing to do!"

I input, "After that, she found Gray walking around naked, so she decided to beat him up too!" Lucy blinks her eyes when I grin a little evilly at her. "And after I joined the guild, I encountered Gray wandering the guild hall naked as well, and Erza beat him up for me since I was too scared to do anything. He could barely walk for almost two weeks after that."

"I guess that explains why he was wearing clothes the second you walked into the guild hall," She mutters, sweat dropping.

Cana adds, head resting in her hand, as she smirks a bit, "And let's not forget she also beat up Loke for trying to hit on her." An image of the orange haired teen getting punched hard by Erza flashes through our minds, and Lucy deadpans. "He'd totally deserved it, though."

Lucy mutters, "Yeah, can't say I blame her."

"A-Agreed," I say, smirking slightly.

Erza suddenly asks, "Now, then, where's Becky?"

"I'm here," I say as I step forward. "Welcome back, Erza-chan! I've missed you a lot!" Immediately, the air around her changes from strict and serious to warm and kind. She returns my hug as she gives a warm smile of her own.

"Becky-chan! I'm glad to see you, too."

I pull away and ask, "What do you need me for?"

Erza says, regaining her serious composure, and turns to Natsu and Gray, "Natsu, Gray, and Becky. I need you three to do me a favour."

"What kind of a favour, Erza?" I ask curiously.

Erza explains, "While travelling, I overheard something that has me worried. Normally, I would consult with the Master before acting, but he's not here, and this is a matter of utmost urgency. The three of you are the strongest wizards here. I could really use your help."

Natsu and Gray exchange shocked looks, while I stare at the redhead in surprise, pink eyes wide.

Erza tells us four, "We'll leave tomorrow morning."

Laki exclaims in disbelief, "Did that just happen...?!"

A male member says, "Erza asked them for help...?!"

An equally shocked Mira breathes from beside me, hand on her chin, "Erza, Natsu, Gray and Sakura-chan working together...?!" I never saw that one coming!" Lucy glances at Mira curiously. "This could be... The most powerful team Fairy Tail's ever seen!"


I'd hung out with Erza for the rest of the day, and we'd done some catching up.

I leave the guild hall early and head home. My house is a two storey and I live here with my mum, sister Hanabi, and our cousin's family live in a different house.

"I'm home," I announce. My sister, who's five years younger than me, comes up to me. She has shoulder length brown hair with two long strands hanging across her face and the same white eyes as me.

She wears a yellow kimono with cherry blossoms.

"Welcome home, nee-chan!" She says, hugging me. "Did you do any jobs today?"

I reply as mum comes in, "N-No, but I'm going on one with Erza, N-Natsu and G-Gray tomorrow."

"Really? I just hope you won't slow everyone down," Mum tells me, and my smile fades.

"Y-Yes, mum," I stutter. We have dinner then I wash up and get changed for bed. My walks are purple and I have my bed pushed beside the window opposite the door, my wardrobe opposite that and there's a desk with a chair at the foot of my bed, a set of drawers beside my wardrobe.

After I turn off the light, I hop into bed.

I plop down on the bed. "I wonder what this mission is that Erza-chan needs us for...?" I wonder aloud, lying down. "Well, whatever it is, it has to be something big..."

I lie on my back, gazing up at the dark ceiling for awhile.

I then turn over, getting comfortable, and drift off into a dreamless sleep.

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