We Met In The Shadows.

Por augustinesguillotine

14.1K 539 49

Butterfly Effect: How a seemingly small change can lead to vastly different outcomes. Daphne's the butterfly;... Mais

The Strangest Night I Had
A Storm of Worries.
Good Dragon, Bad Dragon.
A Confrontation in the Shadows.
Is Dumbledore A Fanboy?
Stealthy Encounters
The Duelling Club Disaster
A Slytherin's Serpent
Finally, A Hint
The Heart of Slytherin's Lair
Of Serpents and Roosters
Stars Above The Castle
Abrasions Do Heal
Gryffindor's Best Friend
Little Surprises and Disappearances
Butterbeer Bliss
Small Revelations And Lots of Support
Flickering Silver

In The Quiet of Recovery

696 26 7
Por augustinesguillotine

A woman stood in front of a baby cradle, standing in the middle of what appeared to be a circle made out of chalk. The circumference was adorned by lit candles. The woman chanted softly in a foreign tongue, glancing occasionally at the door. As the chanting continued, a soft glow began to appear around the lady and the cradle. However, she was interrupted by a man blasting the door open.

"Hand him over," he commanded in an eerie voice.

"Please, not my boy. Take me but leave him, PLEASE-" her screams were silenced in a flash of green.

The man kicked her lifeless body aside and approached the cradle, which housed a little baby.

"Tonight, you die, boy. Tonight, I shall seal my destiny as the greatest wizard of all time." The man laughed wickedly. He pressed his wand against the forehead of the boy and hissed, "Avada Kedavra."


Harry woke up in a cold sweat. He had had a bizarre dream. Who was the woman in his dream? Who was that man, that ... murderer? He shuddered, recalling the screams. He shook his head and looked around. He was in a soft white bed, in a large room full of similar white beds. All of them seemed unoccupied, however.

It was the Hospital Wing! He had been here a few times after some Quidditch accidents. The bedside table was piled high with presents and snacks.

Harry was happily munching away on a Chocolate Frog when he noticed Dumbledore smiling at him from afar.

"I see you've discovered your presents, Harry. Chocolate Frogs? A fine choice. However, I must say, they do tend to get quite slippery." Dumbledore's eyes seemed to twinkle. But how was it possible? How could someone's eyes... twinkle ?

"Professor, why do I have so many presents?" asked Harry.

"Well, my boy. You saved the school from Voldemort, didn't you? You saved the Philosopher's stone. That business was a closely guarded secret. So naturally, the whole school knows. This is their appreciation for you." said Dumbledore, smiling.

What does that even mean , Harry thought, wrinkling his nose before suddenly realising, the Stone!

"What about the Stone? And did you find Quirrell? Did you know he had Voldemort on the back of his head? Did you see what happened to him? I don't know why but he just blasted away-"

Dumbledore interrupted Harry. "Calm down, Harry. I'll answer your questions. The Stone has been destroyed, as both Nicolas and I decided it was far too dangerous for wizards and witches to possess. Yes, I did discover Voldemort taking refuge within Professor Quirrell. And yes, I saw him turn to dust. And I believe I know the reason, as well."

"Why did he just fade away? Was it my fault...? Did I ... kill him...?" Harry asked, quietly.

Dumbledore put a reassuring hand on Harry's shoulder. "No, my boy. It wasn't your fault, you didn't intentionally kill Professor Quirrell. You see, your mother gave your life to protect you against Voldemort. Her love for you was so prominent, so deep and profound that it created a circle of protection for you. A man with evil intentions couldn't get away with harming you, which is why he didn't survive."

"But... I don't understand, why is Voldemort after me?"

"Because, Harry," Dumbledore began, "You have the power he knows not. Love. It is an emotion that Voldemort has sadly never felt. He can't comprehend what it is to be loved, but you do."

Harry still looked deep in thought, when Dumbledore got up from the chair near his bed. "Well, Harry. It seems our time together has come to an end. You seem to have visitors, and I'm not sure Madam Pomfrey can keep them from you. Have a good day, my boy." Dumbledore turned on his heel and vanished.

Harry looked at the entrance to see Ron and Hermione, along with the rest of the Weasleys and the other Gryffindors barrelling towards him. He smiled and thought how lucky he is to have found such loving friends in school.


Harry lay awake in his bed, reading a Muggle comic book that Hermione had brought for him. 'Doctor Strange: Master of the Mystic Arts', it was titled. It told the tale of a successful neurosurgeon looking for a cure for his crippled hands, a journey that led him to Tibet, to Kamar-Taj. He did enjoy the comic, but he would rather be sitting in front of the Gryffindor fireplace, playing Exploding Snap with his friends. Madam Pomfrey disagreed. She had kept him under observation for another night, to make sure his body had completely recovered from all the physical and magical damage he took in his fight against Voldemort-Quirrell.

It was half past ten. The curfew was at ten. He figured he should try to sleep early, so he could wake early the next day. He had just turned his lamp off, when he heard a soft

shuffling noise. He looked up in time to see a cloaked figure draw the curtains around him. Harry nearly had a heart attack, he thought Snape had come to finish the job!

He reached for his wand, but was stopped by the mysterious person.

"Woah, Potter. Calm down, it's just me, look-" The person removed their cloak to reveal beautiful golden hair and a pale face with blue eyes. "I'm not here to hurt you."

"Oh, Greengrass, hello." Harry relaxed considerably.

She looked furious. She quickly cast a charm on the curtains before yelling," Hello ? HELLO ? IS THAT ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY TO ME?"

"W-wait, why're you mad-"

"Why am I mad!? Why am I mad?! Potter, you left me in the dark. After that evening I caught you in the corridor, you've been nothing but ignorant towards me. Do you realise how difficult it is to corner you when we're in houses that HATE each other?" screamed Daphne.

"I-I'm sorry, I just didn't want you to be in danger-"

"Oh yeah, and I suppose you thought putting yourself in danger was a really good idea, huh."

"Look, I'm sorry. But it's over now. If you want, I'll tell you what happened." said Harry.

"Fine. I know it involved the Philosopher's Stone and Voldemort. There's almost nothing that can stay a secret in this castle."

"Right, but those rumours are probably not accurate. I'll tell you what actually happened. So it began with Hagrid..."

Harry spent the next hour and a half telling Daphne about the past few months. He told her about the Philosopher's Stone, Voldemort, Quirrell and Snape. She seemed shocked and concerned and at times, even perplexed at his blatant stupidity and lack of self-preservation.

"Well, that was one hell of a tale, Potter. You sure that isn't made up?" Daphne smiled mischievously at the boy.

Harry began to feel hot in his face. "N-no. Why would I lie to you?"

"Hmm, yes, you're right. Why would you lie to me?" Daphne inched even closer.

Harry was feeling incredibly flustered now. Daphne was sitting so close to him, she was practically touching his thighs! He let out a shaky breath in an attempt to calm himself, and looked anywhere but her face.

"You know, Potter, you're brave. Much braver than I anticipated." She was right next to his ear when she whispered, "I like that about you."

Harry could feel the chills go down his spine. He had never felt anything like this before. Why was Daphne doing this to her?

"Well, it's past my curfew. I must leave. Sleep well, Potter. Goodnight." Harry felt the withdrawal of warmth as Daphne pulled away. He instantly missed the closeness.

"Uh, yeah. Goodnight to you too." he whispered, as she tiptoed out of the Hospital Wing.

He couldn't help but wonder why this Slytherin girl had such a warm presence. Weren't snakes supposed to be cold? Harry's thoughts were filled with Daphne's golden and strawberry scented hair, as he drifted off to sleep.

- a/n-

harry, telling the tale of how he almost died and killed a man:

daphne, endeared: you're so fucking stupid. adorable.


woo boy. 1st year almost over.

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