We Met In The Shadows.

By augustinesguillotine

14.2K 539 49

Butterfly Effect: How a seemingly small change can lead to vastly different outcomes. Daphne's the butterfly;... More

The Strangest Night I Had
Good Dragon, Bad Dragon.
A Confrontation in the Shadows.
In The Quiet of Recovery
Is Dumbledore A Fanboy?
Stealthy Encounters
The Duelling Club Disaster
A Slytherin's Serpent
Finally, A Hint
The Heart of Slytherin's Lair
Of Serpents and Roosters
Stars Above The Castle
Abrasions Do Heal
Gryffindor's Best Friend
Little Surprises and Disappearances
Butterbeer Bliss
Small Revelations And Lots of Support
Flickering Silver

A Storm of Worries.

1.1K 33 1
By augustinesguillotine

Harry was quite pleased with himself, having caught the Snitch within three minutes of the match's commencement. His swift flying had won Gryffindor the match against Hufflepuff and put Gryffindor in the lead, overtaking Slytherin. His quick reflexes had negated any chance of Snape causing any harm to him while refereeing the match. He had no doubt the greasy git would try and sabotage all of Harry's attempts towards winning the Quidditch Cup.

As he was securing his Nimbus 2000 in the shed, he saw a hooded figure descend down the steps of the castle. The person, whoever it was, seemed to be in quite a hurry. Harry stopped in his tracks when he noticed the person's gait. It was Snape. It had to be! No one else in Hogwarts walked in such a grandiose manner. All thoughts of the Gryffindor victory party having left his mind, Harry untied his broom and took to the skies, making sure he was quiet as a rat.

Snape kept walking faster and faster, finally breaking out in a run when he was a few metres deep in the Forest. Harry followed along, gliding noiselessly on his broom. Snape stopped in front of another person, one who seemed to be quivering — it was Quirrel.

Harry landed as quietly as he could atop a branch, and gripped his broom tightly.

He couldn't make out what expression the Defence professor's face carried, but he imagined it to be one of terror, judging from the stutter in his voice, which was far worse than normal. Harry had to strain to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"...d-d-don't know w-why we're meeting h-h-here of all places, S-Severus..."

"I wanted some privacy," Snape's voice was icy cold. "Students aren't supposed to know about the Philosopher's Stone, after all."

Harry had to lean even farther to catch what was being said. Quirrell seemed to be mumbling something incomprehensible, but Snape interrupted him.

"Did you figure out a way to get past Hagrid's beast?"

"You don't want me as your enemy, Quirrell." said Snape, as he took a step towards the quivering professor.

"I-I don't k-k-know what y-you m-"

"You know perfectly well what I mean, Quirrell." Snape stepped towards the turbaned man and grabbed his collar.

An owl hooted loudly, right near the tree Harry was perched in. Startled, he almost fell down. He steadied himself in time to hear Snape say, "-think over. I'll be waiting."

"B-b-but, I'm not-"

"Very well, we'll have another little... chat, soon. You have some time to decide where your loyalties lie, Quirrell." Snape stepped away from the shaking man and threw on his cloak, pacing out of the clearing within the Forest shortly after.

The sky was nearly dark now. Harry could barely manage to make out Quirrell standing as still as a gargoyle in the waning light. He hopped aboard his broom and took off, a thousand thoughts occupying his mind.


Harry couldn't believe it! Himself, Ron and Hermione had the right intuition! Snape was after the Philosopher's Stone! The Potions professor was actively trying to persuade Quirrell to help him, as well! He wanted a way past Fluffy, Hagrid's three-headed dog that strangely resembled Cerberus from the Gates of Hades.

Harry kept his Nimbus 2000 safely back in the broom shed and raced down towards the castle. He was thinking of the consequences of Snape getting his hands on the Stone.

Will Snape use the Philosopher's Stone to bring back Voldemort? Is Quirrell the only person between Snape and the Stone? I really should inform McGonagall about-

Harry bumped into something soft and fell hard on his back. He heard a whimper of pain in front of him.

"Where the bloody hell are you look- Potter? What're you doing here?" The voice belonged to Daphne Greengrass.

"I'm really sorry, Greengrass." Harry hurriedly apologised and helped her to her feet.

"Answer me, what're you doing here so late?" Daphne crossed her arms.

"I was just putting my broom in the shed, after today's Quidditch match." Harry nervously replied.

"Yeah, right. The match ended nearly two hours ago. You have no reason to be out here instead of celebrating with your housemates." Daphne didn't look convinced.

"Look, I just got caught up with something-" Harry began, but was interrupted by Daphne grabbing him and rapidly dragging him into an open broom closet. She shut the door softly.

"Shh. Don't. Say. A. Word." Daphne covered Harry's mouth with her hand.

Her hands are soft... Harry thought to himself. He heard footsteps outside and somebody talking.

"-that filthy half-blood, who does Potter think he is? We'll put them in his place one day." Harry's blood ran cold when he heard Malfoy talking to his cronies in the hallway. They walked by slowly, discussing methods of humiliating Harry in front of the entire school. He noticed Daphne's eyes trained on the door, her wand in her hand. Her blonde hair was incredibly close to his face, he noticed it smelled like strawberries.

As the footsteps receded, Harry began to breathe a sigh of relief, but was silenced by a stern look from Daphne. They waited for a few minutes before coming out.

"Thanks, I wasn't in the mood to face Malfoy right now." Harry flashed a soft smile at the Slytherin girl.

"He would make my life miserable if he got to know that I'm friendly with you." said Daphne.

"Yeah, I figured. Anyway, it was nice meeting you. Goodnight-" Harry was about to turn away but had his robes grabbed by Daphne.

"And you think I'll let you slip by without spilling the beans? Tell. Now." Daphne tapped her foot on the stone tiles, impatiently.

"It's nothing, I just heard Snape talk to someone so I stuck around to lis-"

"Snape? Really? And what was it about?"

"N-nothing important."

"Now, Potter."

"Believe me! It's nothing important-"

"I said now, didn't I? Don't make me wait."

"I can't tell you! Okay? This is a secret that will put your life in danger, and I don't want that to happen under any circumstances! Please, I have to leave now, my friends are waiting." said Harry as he rushed past a surprised Daphne Greengrass.

Damn it all! I spilled too much! Now she knows I was stalking Snape and that I know something I shouldn't! I don't have time, I'll sort this out later.

Harry shook his head and ran towards the Gryffindor tower. Hopefully nobody else would notice how long he was missing for.

- a/n -

harry: haha. i am doing Nothing.

daphne: *suspicious*


malfoy appears

daphne, kabedonning harry:

harry: wow i am so Normal about this

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