Bruised But Not Broken - Iro...

By GhostlyCabbage

14.2K 421 58

Peter Parker lives with his Aunt in a small apartment, while struggling financially peter is also holding the... More

Neds Away
The Day Before
The Field Trip Begins
Stark Finds Out
Peters Awake
The Next Day
Exploring the Labs
Waking Peter
Dinner with Avengers
Back on Patrol
Hiding Valuable Secrets from a Billionaire
The sticky situation continues
This is not good
So it begins
Cynically Sad
Here We Go Again
Just a Small Misunderstanding


530 17 8
By GhostlyCabbage

Peter POV

After getting into the car with Aunt May, she mentioned that she could pick up some breakfast on the way to school.

" Sorry, May, I'm already super late; I'll grab something at school," I mumbled.

 I fidgeted in my seat, watching the city buildings go past with the sound of the morning traffic. I need to go out as Spiderman after my internship; it has been a while since I've been out. I miss the feeling.

May pulls the car up outside of Midtown School as the bell rings. I quickly rushed out the door and headed straight to class, but not before Aunt May yelled, " Have a good day, Petey! Don't forget, straight to Stark's Tower after school!"

I waved her off, rushing through the front doors. As I stumbled into the classroom last, I saw my best friends Ned and Mj talking to each other with their backs to the door. Quietly, I sit next to Ned and jump my arms around his shoulders to scare him.

"Wha-- PETER!"

Ned jumped out of his chair and gave me a comforting bear hug.

" I missed you too, man!" Patting his back.

"Dude! How are you feeling! Are you okay? " Ned whispered and yelled as class started to begin. "I'm doing a lot better. I just hope Flash will leave me alone now. On the bright side, I got the internship at SI, and it's in Mr Stark's lab!!" I whisper back.

" WHAT NO WAY!!" Ned yelled

"Anything to share with the class boys?" Mrs Dodds glared.

" Sorry, ma'am", we both spoke and continued our work silently.

During the class, I couldn't help but think about the Spiderman suit I had stashed in my backpack. I was itching to put it on and swing through the city, but I had to wait until after my internship.

Finally, the bell rang, and I rushed out of the classroom, meeting with Ned and MJ in the hallway.

"So, what's the plan after school?" MJ asked, adjusting her backpack straps.

"I have my internship at Stark's Tower," I said, trying to hide my excitement.

After some small talk over lunch, I see Flash glaring at me out of the corner of my eye. We had a Homeroom last period, and I feel it won't be great. Pushing and shoving to get a seat, Flash sits directly behind me. Starting his usual stuff. Throwing paper at my head and shaking my chair. I tried to ignore him, but he was making it complicated. I could feel my anger rising but knew I had to keep cool. I concentrated on the work homework from other classes. Soon, time started to fly, and the bell sounded through the school.

As soon as the bell rang, I rushed away into the crowded hallway, only to be hit with a sudden spidey sense. But I couldn't stop what was going to happen. Flash stuck his foot out and sent me flying face-first into the ground, smacking my nose. He bent down and pulled my head up to face him. "Better watch out, Parker; no one messes with Flash and gets away with it," he sneered before walking away.

I quickly rushed to the bathroom to clean my face, knowing that I couldn't let Mr. Stark know anything had happened. I rinsed my face with cool water and went to the front of the school, where I saw a black SUV parked with Mr Happy standing next to it. I gave him a small wave, which he ignored before getting in the car. Once I got in the car, we sat in comfortable silence at the Tower.

As soon as we arrived at Stark Industries, Happy left me, and he wandered inside with obviously something better to do. I walked up to the pretty reception lady; I considered her to be the tour guide from last week.

"H-hello, Miss Emma, I am working with Mr Stark today", I stuttered.

"Oh, hi, Peter! I'm so glad you're doing okay! and that you got an internship here!!" She smiled, and I smiled back awkwardly, looking down at my feet.

"So because the notes here say you will need access to the private floor, I need to create a badge for you to get past the security systems. You get an exceptional badge. Only Three other people have this badge; you must have really impressed Mr Stark with your intern exam!" Emma explained.

"Oh, okay, thank you for your help, Miss Emma; I'd be lost without you," I muttered.

"Oh no worries, Pete.. can I call you Pete?" She questions

" Yeah! you can call me whatever; it doesn't bother me." I replied. 

Emma gave me a laugh and handed me my gold and red badge. The badge had 'LEVEL 10' ingrained into it and was really shiny.

Friday led me up to Mr Stark's Level. I woke up this morning and still have some stuff in one of his rooms. I jumped out of the elevator and went to the lab, eager to start my internship. Mr. Stark was already there, tinkering with some machines. He greeted me with a smile and a pat on the back.

"Good to see you, kid. Ready to get to work?" he asked.

I nodded enthusiastically. "Definitely! What do you have planned for me today?"

Mr Stark led me to many old computer scraps and television parts. 

"Today, I want you to create your own DUM-E from the stuff I gave you. He can be called whatever you want, but it needs to be original. There is also a bunch of tech stuff behind you, kid. You can take as many days as you need as well. Oh! And that reminds me, Aunt May seems to work a lot.. so I asked her if I could steal you for the weekend, and she said it was perfectly fine if it was fine with you. So what do you say, kid, wanna stay the weekend and play with our toys!" Mr Stark explained

He, Mr Stark, wanted me to stay at his house the weekend to make robots. What the heck.

"of course, it's okay with me, sir. Are you sure?" I ask.

"Kid, I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't sure." Mr Stark Bluntly said.

"Why on earth is there blood on your shirt?" He questioned after finally looking up from his desk.

"O-oh, just a nosebleed at school, sir, " I quickly said, moving on to the work.

Excitement bubbled up inside me as we got to work. I wore my lab coat and goggles, feeling like a real scientist. Mr. Stark showed me how to use the tools and machines I didn't even know existed.

"All right, kid, that's enough for today", Mr Stark finally said, clapping his hands together. "How about you go get cleaned up, same room. And I'll see what I can dig up for dinner"

I nodded in agreement -- I needed to find the right time to sneak out, Maybe after dinner. I glance over at my backpack before slinging it over my shoulder and carrying it down the hall to the room I was staying in. 

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A/N

I don't like making authors notes so this will me one of few, if anymore. I just wanted to express my gratitude for anyone who has actively been reading my weird AU creation I deeply appreciate it. 

Sorry this chapter was a bit uneventful, there will be a lot more stuff in the next few chapters once I finish editing them. If you have any feedback, thoughts, or ideas for my little story feel free to write your hearts out in what you want to see in this book. I know there is a lot of spiderson and irondad stuff out there that can be cringe worthy and i'm trying my best to avoid that. 

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