Unholy Obsession

By mimi_noor

465 104 45

Love Romance Heartbreak More

The start of the begining
Authors note
Mending the Awkwardness
Not without a fight
Tit For Tat
Tit For Tat 2
Yes And No
Yes and No II
Yes and No III
A desperate bargain
Threads of Yesterday
Threads of Yesterday; The Union of Contrasts
Threads Of Yesterday; Mirages and Realities
Threads of Yesterday; Dunes of Discord
Threads of Yesterday; Crossing boundaries
Threads of yesterday;Windswept whispers
Away from home
Away from home II
Fire on the mountain
Hello damsel
Hearts on fire

Shrouded in shadows

34 4 2
By mimi_noor

Flash Back

Mahmood is 20, Maimuna is 15.


The night enveloped the world in its chilling embrace, casting a somber and melancholic atmosphere over the surroundings. The wind whispered mournfully through the trees, the rustling leaves coalescing into a haunting melody that tugged at her heartstrings. Each gust sent shivers down her spine, amplifying the coldness that had settled within her.

The moon, an ethereal beacon in the night sky, cast its unwavering light upon the sprawling neem tree that stood sentinel in the courtyard. Its radiance seemed to clash with the darkness that consumed her spirit, a harsh reminder of the stark contrast between the beauty of the world and the pain that resided within her.

Mama's cutting words echoed in her mind " Don't you dare ask after him again, you were the useless child that came in between us, and as far as i am concerned, your father is no more" the venom of this words sinked deep into her fragile sense of self-worth. The sting of her mother's hand striking her cheek still lingered, scaring not only her face but her soul as well. How could one innocent question ignite such fury and disdain? Maimuna longed for her father's presence, a missing puzzle piece in her fragmented life, but the mere mention of him unleashed a storm of anger and anguish in her mother.

She found herself at her usual spot in the farmhouse, seeking solace in the familiarity of the surroundings. As she glanced around, she couldn't help but notice that even Kyalla, the loyal farm cow, seemed, as if wearied by her perpetual state of misery. The sight of the large cow mingling happily with the other animals underscored her. It was as if they were partaking in a joyous feast, while she alone languished in sorrow.

Overwhelmed by a sense of desolation, She felt the weight of her loneliness deep within her bones. She yearned for moments of genuine happiness, for the freedom to shed the cloak sadness that seemed to cling to her existence. But in that moment, she felt isolated, the only one who couldn't escape the shadows that swirled around her.

Tears eluded her, unwilling to flow from her weary eyes. Her protector Adda amarya, had ventured out to a wedding dinner, leaving her temporarily alone. As the darkness settled like a heavy fog, Maimuna meticulously prayed for Adda amarya's safe return. She yearned for the warmth of her presence, the reassurance of her unwavering love.

An eerie movement rustled the leaves of the medium orange tree. At first, she dismissed it as a mere animal, but the creeping sensation in her bones hinted at something far unsettling. Her eyes widened with fear, causing her to instinctively jolt out of her sitting position. Thoughts raced through her mind, contemplating the possibility of a thief or perhaps something even more sinister—a ghost haunting in the dead of night.

The absence of anyone's presence during this late hour only intensified her apprehension. Kawu Abbati, was out of town, leaving her feeling vulnerable and exposed. The dark shadows cast by the moon seemed to conspire against her, heightening her fear and paranoia. As a voice called her name, her pulse racened, signaling the alarming realization that today indeed be her end.

Death was a notion that had lingered in Maimuna's thoughts, though she had envisioned a peaceful passing, slipping away gently in her sleep. The idea of meeting her death under a tree, at the hands of a wicked man or even a malevolent jinn, was a chilling departure from her wishes.

Devoid of options,her panic propelled her to seek refuge among the farm's animals. Yet her desperate sprint towards the safety of the herd was abruptly halted when a strong arm seized her, its grip constricting around her trembling form. The world seemed to spin as her fear's  heightened.

"Hey,its Mahmood" He whispered in a hushed tone,careful not to startle her any further. He had been observing her from afar, aware of her lingering sadness. The fact that he knew where to find her, even when she sought solace outside the confines of the house, brought a glimmer of warmth to his heart.

"Mahmood?" She repeated, her voice filled with uncertainty. Something didn't quite add up. His voice now lacked the familiar huskiness she remembered, and the hand that clamped over her mouth felt much larger than his. When had Mahmood returned? And why hadn't he reached out or used his endearing nicknames for her—Maimoo or Mims?

Haunted by these unsettling thoughts, maimuna's  confusion and fear began to escalate. She couldn't help but let out a piercing scream, her voice reverberating through the night. In an instant, Mahmood acted, swiftly placing his hand over her mouth to stop the sound. Realizing that her desperate cries would likely go unanswered, her heart sank. The probability of getting saved by Dahiru, the young almajiri who takes care of the animals' well-being, was slim at best. Given his nature, he would have undoubtedly fled upon hearing her scream, Maimuna's panic surged, her body writhing in a desperate attempt to break free from Mahmood's grasp. His strong hands tightened around her waist, imprisoning her further. Despite her valiant efforts, she couldn't free herself from his hold. She continuously tried to sink her teeth into his hand, though her biting attempts only served to fuel his determination to keep her silenced.

Silent as a predator stalking its prey, Mahmood maneuvered through the farm towards a secluded small house that typically served as the security guard's quarters, even though it currently remained unoccupied. In a muffled voice, he whispered, "Oh, Allah, Maimoon, it's your Humood."

The confined space of the room denied her the chance to see his face clearly, her hopes of recognition dwindling. She wished she had been patient enough to scrutinize his features under the moonlight, but the man here felt wrong. He was too tall, with long hair, a stark contrast to the image of Mahmood she held in her mind. Overwhelmed by fear , she let out another piercing scream.

Mahmood's confusion deepened at her continued inability to recognize him. Uncertain of how to proceed, he resorted toning her against the wall, his hands exerting an unwavering grip on her trembling form. A sense of foreboding settled over her, an unsettling realization that she was trapped in a perilous situation.

Maimuna's shock and terror escalated as Mahmood attempted to communicate with her, "Look listen ,wllhy....." he didnt get to complete his statement when she began shouting "Barawo..."

Suddenly, Mahmood's lips silenced her words with a forceful kiss, his desperate attempt to quiet her. His grip remained unyielding, preventing her from escaping his grasp. Although he initially intended to merely suppress her outcry, he found himself unable to stop, caught in a chaotic mix of confusion and misplaced desire. Only when he felt the wetness of her tears on his cheeks did he abruptly cease his actions as a wave of guilt washed over him.

"Mims, nine fah, hamma petel ," he pleaded, attempting to explain himself through broken sentences. However, his words fell on deaf ears as she remained unresponsive, paralyzed by the harrowing encounter. It was then that Mahmood finally released hold on her, realizing gravity of his actions. His heart sank as he witnessed her collapse, her body limp with unconsciousness, a victim of her own overwhelming fear.

Panic seized Mahmood,  as he cradled her in his arms, her lifeless form a heavy burden on his conscience. With tears trying to stream down his face, he sprinted towards the main house, his love for maimuna now overshadowed by remorse and desperation. He headed straight for Adda's room, knowing that seeking her comfort and guidance was the only hope he had to rectify his grave mistake.

When questioned about what had transpired, Mahmood voice quivered as he fabricated a story, claiming to have found maimuna  in that state within the farm house. Alone with his guilt Mahmood's lie only added to the weight he carried.

Mahmood had just come back to kano after a long 10-month absence, coming back from his hometown of Yobe. Overwhelmed with excitement and longing to see Maimun, he couldn't bear to wait until morning to reunite with her. Determined to surprise her, he decided to follow his cousin, Adda, who had attended a wedding dinner, hoping to find Maimunatu at home.

However, his well-intentioned surprise turned into a disturbing encounter, unintentionally scaring her. He regretted his actions deeply, realizing the fear and distress he had caused, tarnishing the joyous reunion he had envisioned. Throughout the restless night, Mahmood couldn't find solace in sleep. His mind was consumed by guilt and a strong desire to rectify his mistake.

Promising himself that he would visit the main house immediately after the dawn prayer, Mahmood yearned to explain himself to Maimunatu with utmost sincerity. Yet, even as he made this resolution, he couldn't shake the growing realization that his feelings for her had evolved into something deeper. A love that had blossomed during their time apart, a love that now left him grappling with the complexity of their age difference and the uncertain terrain of her understanding.

In his heart, he made a silent vow to keep his feelings guarded, convinced that Maimuna might not yet comprehend the depths of love. He believed it was best to wait until she grew older, allowing her the time to truly comprehend the complexities of such emotions. Until that time came, he resolved to remain a steadfast friend, caring for her with unwavering loyalty and support. Just her Hamma.

With the dawn finally breaking, Mahmood set off towards his sisters house,carrying a heavy mix of anticipation, remorse, and unspoken love. He wasn't sure what maimuna will think if him.

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