Amphibia Marcy Wu X Male Read...

By Walter-H-White

41.1K 920 1.8K

Four friends Y/n, Marcy, Anne, and Sasha find themselves in a strange new world separated, and have to find e... More

The Music box
Woke up in Newtopia
Weapon vote
οΏΌ Armour οΏΌvote
Meeting the king/ Marcy at the Gates (part 1)
Marcy at the gates (part 2)
Marcy at the gates (final part)
Scavenger hunt (part 1)
Scavenger hunt (final part)
The sleepover to end all sleepovers οΏΌ(part 1)
The sleepover to end all sleepovers (final part)
Making preparations
Tell me what you think
The proposition οΏΌ
The answer / The first temple (part 1)
The first temple (part 2)
The first temple (final part)
New Wartwood
Chapter vote
Maddie, Marcy and Y/n
The second temple
Chapter vote
The third temple
The Dinner
Battle of the bands vote
Song vote
One last vote
Battle of the Bands
True Colors (Season Finale)

The Aftermath

1K 32 50
By Walter-H-White

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

POV: Marcy
Location: Hidden room in castle

Andrias: "This way."

Marcy stays silent while following Andrias with Y/n in her arms. She struggles to carry him but refuses any help offered by Andrias. As they walk down the long stairway Marcy hears a mechanical slithering noise in the walls, she ignores it. All she is focused on now is saving Y/n's life. Once they reach the end of the stairway Marcy sees a room with tubes and wires all connect to a pod filled with a green liquid, there is something behind the pod but Marcy does not care. As she walks to the pod she realizes that the hatch to open the pod is to high for her to access and even if she could access it she could never get Y/n up there.

Andrias: "Please... let me help."

Marcy just nods and allows Andrias to take Y/n from her arms. Andrias handles Y/n gently and attaches what appears to be a breathing apparatus to his face, he also attaches some heart beat sensors which show his heart is beating but weakly and is quickly slowing down. Andrias gently lowers Y/n in to the pod, once Y/n is in the pod his heart rate starts to slowly stabilize Andrias closes the hatch and steps away from the pod with a look of guilt on his face. Marcy places her hand on the glass and watches Y/n, now that she can take a break tears start streaking her face as she sobs looking at Y/n. Andrias tries to place a hand on her shoulder but Marcy flinches away from him.

Marcy: "Leave me alone. Please. Just let be with Y/n."

Andrias: "Okay, Marcy."

Andrias leaves the room and walks back up the stairs leaving Marcy alone with Y/n.

Hours later

Andrias: "Lady Olivia?"

Andrias walks over to her.

Lady Olivia: "Yes, King Andrias?"

Lady Olivia pauses on the word King, not knowing if her loyalties still lie with him or if she is now against him. But right now is not the time to think about she tells herself, knowing now what his true colors are that if she is no longer of use to him he might... discard of her.

Andrias: "Can you go check in on Marcy? I want to see if she's okay. And try and get her to come up and get something to eat."

Lady Olivia: "Of course King Andrias."

POV: Marcy's

A few minutes after her conversation with the king Lady Olivia walks down the stairs and enters the room. Marcy is sitting in front of the pod staring up at Y/n tears falling from her eyes. Lady Olivia walks next to Marcy and offers her a handkerchief, Marcy accepts and wipes the tears from her eyes with it.

Lady Olivia: "Marcy, I'm so sorry. Are you doing okay?"

Marcy: "What do you think? Y/n almost died, I found out Andrias is an evil tyrant, and everyone I had left is gone. Anne and the Plantars left through the portal and Sasha I don't even know where she went... I did all of this just so I wouldn't be alone. And now, I'm more alone than I would've been if I had just stayed home."

Lady Olivia gets down on her knees and offers a hug to Marcy, Marcy wraps her arms around Lady Olivia and cries into her shoulder.

Lady Olivia: "Come now, why don't we go get you something to eat?"

Marcy: "I can't leave him."

Lady Olivia: "He'll still be here when you come back. Come on."

Marcy hesitantly stands up and follows Lady Olivia out of the room and up the stairs. Once they left the room the room started to slightly shake and a giant spider like machine rises from behind the pod and opens it's eyes revealing glowing red eyes.

(Pretend that's Y/n)

Turning Point
Location: Castle
POV: Sasha

Sasha, Grime, and Y/n are all fighting Andrias. Andrias send Y/n flying, he lands next Marcy. Grime send his hammer down on Andrias's ankle, Andrias punches Grime away and tail whips Sasha sending her into a wall.

Andrias: "The Box!"

Andrias runs towards Marcy and is about to stab Marcy in the back, but Y/n gets up off the ground and pushes Marcy out of the way in the last second but Y/n gets stabbed saving Marcy.

Sasha: "Y/n!"

As Marcy falls to the ground from Y/n's push the box hits the ground closing the portal. Andrias grabs the box as Marcy runs to Y/n's side.

King Andrias: "...Marcy... I'm-"

Marcy: "Don't talk to me..."

King Andrias: "Marcy, we can still save him if we get him to a rejuvenation pod."

Marcy: "We? YOU'RE the one that stabbed him! You were trying to kill me, if he didn't save me I would be the one in the ground dying."

King Andrias: "...I know. But if we don't get him there fast he'll die."

Marcy stands up and begins carrying you unconscious body.

Marcy: "Where is it?"

King Andrias: "Follow me."

Grime: "There's nothing we can do for them. Now let's move before someone-"

Grime turns and almost walks straight into the barrel of a laser cannon from one of the evil Frobos. Two more surround Sasha and Grime.

Sasha: "So what's the plan, Captain?"

Grime: "I'm gonna have to toss you out the window."

Sasha: "The window? No, Grime!"

Grime jumps out the window after tossing Sasha out the window.

Grime: "Haha! A flawless escape!"

Sasha: "And did you have a plan for after you threw us out a window?!"

Joe Sparrow flies in from beneath them and catches them on his back.

Grime: "Well that's lucky. Excellent work, George Sparrow."

Joe Sparrow: (angry bird noises)

Sasha: "Anne, Marcy, Y/n. Please be all right."

Back I'm the castle Andrias walks back into the throne room after leaving Marcy alone with Y/n. Just as he enters the throne room out of the corner of his he sees Grime and Sasha flying away.

Andrias: "So many loose ends. So little time. Follow them."

An evil Frobo flies out the window and begins following them. As Grime and Sasha fly away they see their army's surrounded by evil Frobos .

Grime: "Our Army has been captured. Looks like we'll have to take shelter somewhere and come up with a new strategy."

Sasha: "Ok but where do we even go? Your tower? Andrias will be expecting that."

Grime: "Then we'll have to go somewhere he doesn't expect."

Location: Wartwood
POV: Still Sasha

Random frog citizen: "look there in the sky."

Joe Sparrow lands on the ground and Sasha and Grime Hop off.

Mrs. Croaker: "What in the frog is going on?"

Stumpy: "Why are you two here?"

Loggle: "Is it just me or is the palace flying?"

Felicia: "Where are the Plantars? Where's Anne?"

Ivy: "Where's Sprig?"

Sasha whispers to Grime.

Sasha: "What do we tell them?"

Grime whispers back.

Grime: "Not the truth. That's for sure." (Clears throat) "People of Wartwood we have terrible news. The king has turned out to be a ruthless tyrant of unspeakable power."

Everyone: (gasp)

Mrs. Croaker: "Well, I never voted for him."

Grime: "Anne and the Plantars had to go on a daring mission. But they sent us to protect you fine frogs in the meantime. Right, Sasha?"

Sasha whispers to Grime again.

Sasha: "There's no way they're gonna trust just because we name-dropped Anne."

Grime whispers back.

Grime: "Not with that attitude."

Mrs. Croaker: "Oh, what a relief."

Stumpy: "Classic Anne. Always looking out for us."

Mayor Toadstool walks over to Sasha and Grime and shakes Sasha's hand.

Mayor Toadstool: "Why, that's wonderful. Rest easy tonight, folks, because Anne's best friend is here to watch over us."

Everyone begins cheering and Sasha puts on a fake smile, but soon looks down to the ground in guilt and shame. As the day comes to an end Sasha and Grime walk over to the Plantar home. Grime opens the door and walks in.

Grime: "Okay. We'll lay low here and then in a day or two, we'll ditch this crummy town. Dibs on Hop Pop's bed!"

Sasha can't bring herself to step inside and backs away from the doorway.

Grime: "You gonna come in or just stand there and be weird?"

Sasha: "I- I think I'll sleep in the barn."

Grime grunts and walks into Hop Pop's bed room and lays down on his bed completely destroying it. Grime grabs a book and opens it four pages unfold and reveal a picture of a big potato.

Grime: "Now that is a big potato."

Sasha walks to the barn and opens the door inside she is surprised by a baby snail.

Sasha: (gasp) "Oh, a tiny snail."

She then sees Bessie.

Sasha: "And a bigger snail. Well don't mind me. I'm gonna go sleep in the corner with the rest of trash."

Sasha falls backward on to a pile of hay.

Sasha: "It's all someone like me deserves."

She then covers her head and face with said hay.

Next morning

The barn doors burst open waking up and startling Sasha.

Sasha: "Who is it?! Where am I?! Of course this is my natural hair color!"

Grime: "Rise and shine! I made worm waffles.

Sasha: "I'm not hungry."

Grime: "Look, I get it you feel guilty about tricking your friends and inadvertently get Y/n and helping the king get the music box. But you've got to get a hold of yourself."

Grime eats the waffles.

Grime: "We need to be in fighting shape if we're going to take down Andrias and-"

A horn honks outside.

Grime: "What's that sound?"

Grime and Sasha burst out of the barn with their weapons drawn, just to see Mrs. Croaker with a pie.

Mrs. Croaker: "Ooh! I love an enthusiastic welcome. I just wanted to thank you again for watching over the town."

She hands the pie to Grime.

Grime: "Ooh! Boysenbug! Gonna go inside and heat this bad boy up."

Mrs. Croaker walks away and starts talking to her pet spider.

Mrs. Croaker: "I wasn't sure about those two, Archie, but they turned out to be good eggs."

Sasha sighs and begins walking to the barn when Wally stops her.

Wally: "Yoo hoo! Any friend of Anne's is a friend of mine."

Sasha: "That's touching. Look, I got to go."

Wally: "Yes, she's taught me many lessons. Showing me the importance of honesty, being true to yourself, the meaning of friend ship. I've been working on a song about it. 🎶Oooooh-🎶"

Sasha: "No! Can't right now. Very busy protecting the town for Anne and stuff."

Sasha lightly pushes Wally away.

Sasha: "Ugh, I swear if another country bumpkin-"

Maddie pops up in front of Sasha holding a basket of bread.

Maddie: "Free bread?"

Sasha: "Get away from me!"

Sasha runs back to the barn and slams the door shut.

Maddie: "Don't want the extra carbs, eh? I get it."

Just as Sasha sits down next to Bessie, Grime walks in holding a bat.

Grime: "Great news. I got a message from Beatrix. She's hiding underground with the toad the avoided capture. They've got weapons, soldiers and fortifications. We've got to join her!"

Sasha: "Why? So we can come up with another cruddy plan that fails and ends up hurting the people we love?"

Grime: "No need to be a downer."

Grime feed a strawberry to the bat.

Grime: "You want another strawberry, little guy? Yes, you do."

Sasha: "Look, I don't know. Maybe we're doing this all wrong."

A crash is heard outside.

Sasha: "Ugh! What is it this time!? Look just take the muffins or cake or whatever else you" (opens the door) "Oh."

Outside Sasha sees an evil Frobo scanning the Plantars home. It turns around and spots Sasha.

Sasha: "They must of tracked us here."

Grime: "Go for the legs!"

Sasha runs forward and dodges laser blasts she slides under the evil Frobos legs and cutting them off as she slides. The evil Frobo falls to the ground and calls for back up just as Grime crushes its head with his hammer."

Evil Frobo: "Signal reinforcements."

Grime: "Dang thing was calling for help. There's probably a whole army of them on their way now. Let's pack up. We're getting out of here."

Sasha: "What?! We can't leave these frogs to face them on their own. What about that old lady who gave us a pie?"

Grime: " Lieutenant, these bumpkins will only slow us down. And if i'm being honest, that piecrust was soggy. I know it's harsh, but Wartwood is done for. We need to rejoin our forces and make plans for the coming war."

Sasha: "No, enough with the plans and the schemes. I'm done"

Grime: "What? But you love schemes. Lies, manipulation, backstabbing, it's, like, your thing. Since when have you cared?"

Sasha: "Since I saw the consequences."

Grime: (sigh) "Listen, Lieutenant, whatever you're dealing with, you need to confront it. Go into that house, face what burdens you. Then when you've got your head back on straight, come join me. Please."

Grime walks away, going to rejoin their forces. Sasha heads into the basement of the house and sees Anne's stuff everywhere. She accidentally steps on Anne's journal. She picks it up and begins reading it.

Anne's Journal: "Sasha, Yn, Marcy, and I are finally together. And you know what? It's awesome. Tomorrow we head to Newtopia. And after that I think we're actually going home. I'm so happy I trusted Sasha again. I always knew, even after everything that happened, we'd work it out."

Sasha's tears fall on to the pages of the journal.

Sasha: "Oh, Anne. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have tried so hard to be in control again. I the end, where did it get me? Well, that ends now! I wanna be someone better. Someone that deserves you. I know what I have to do."

The New Normal
Location: Earth
POV: Anne

Anne: "Y/n!"

Just as Y/n is stabbed Anne and Plantars get sucked through the portal as they get transported to earth Anne hears a small song but before she can take note of what it is she falls on top of something metal. She opens her eyes and hears cars honking she looks to what she fell on and sees a car being driven by a human. Before she can celebrate being back home the Plantars all fall on top of her.

Plantars and Anne: "Ow!"

The Plantars realize they aren't in Amphibia any more and look around seeing cars, planes, and inflatable tube men dancing in the wind.

Hop Pop: "What the?!"

Sprig looks to the sky and see a plane.

Sprig: "Ah! What is that thing?!"

Polly looks to a near by car dealership and sees a inflatable tube man.

Polly: "What is that thing?!"

Anne: "I don't Believe it. I'm home?"

Sprig: "This is your world Anne? It's so loud."

Anne: "That's because we're on the freeway. Let's move!"

Anne quickly grabs the Plantars and runs to a near by alleyway. The Plantars see a the city skyline and are amazed at what they see.

Plantars: "Whoa!"

Anne: "I'm home."

Anne and the Plantars make their way to Anne's street. Along the way sprig is curious of everything. He opens mailbox and looks through the mail, presses the buttons at a pedestrian crossing multiple times, and tries jumping into the sewer.

Hop Pop: "What's are next move, Anne? I mean, so much has happened. Do you think Marcy and Y/n are-"

Anne: "They're alive, Hop Pop. They've gotta be. And with them and Sasha still stuck over there, one things for sure. We gotta find a way back."

Polly: "alright!"

Sprig: "Yeah!"

Hop Pop: "Sounds like a plan."

Anne: "But before we do any of that, first things first."

Anne's stops in front of a house and stares at it.

Sprig: "Anne, is this?"

Anne: "My house. This is really happening. I'm gonna see my parents."

Sprig: "Sooo, it's to early to call them mom and dad, right? Should I call them Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy?"

Anne: "Okay. You three should probably hide in here for the time being."

Anne opens a garbage bin.

Anne: "I want to ease them into all this slowly. And when the time is right, I'll signal. 'Caw caw!' Do not come out till you hear that."

The Plantars hop into the recycling and garbage bins. And Anne walks away but just before she gets to the door she turns around and says to the Plantars.

Anne: "Oh! And I'm not going to tell them I plan to go back and stop Andrias. Or that Andrias betrayed us. Or that Marcy and Y/n did or that Sasha did. And not a word about my weird glowing blue powers. Wow. There's a lot going on."

Sprig: "Blue powers?"

Polly: "It was a thing."

Hop Pop: "You can count on us, Anne."

Polly: "Don't worry, Frobs. We'll fix you up in no time. Anne's world is full of advanced technology."

Anne walks to her front door and takes a deep breath in.

Anne: "Okay. Here we go."

Anne knocks on the door. Anne's Mom opens the door, Anne's mom drops a bowl of food she was making and runs to Anne and hugs her.

Mr. Boonchuy: "What was that noise? Everything okay?"

Anne: "Dad!"

Mr. Boonchuy: "Anne?! Anne you're back! Your safe."

Anne's dad runs and hugs Anne and her mom. They all have tears in their eyes as they hug.

I'm happy to say I am officially back! As always hope I you've enjoyed the new chapter, this chapter has 3000 words in it. If you have any suggestions you can put them in the comments. See you all next time.

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