The third temple

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Location: Playground
POV: Anne

Young Anne and young Marcy were at a playground and were playing on the swings.

Anne: "Look, Mar-Mar, I'm an eagle."

Marcy: "Cool. I'm a twin engine, SEAMAX, amphibious aircraft."

Suddenly two teenage girls grabbed the swings causing the two young girls to fall off.

Teenage girl #1: "Aw, how cute. Now beat it. These swings are ours."

Anne and Marcy both started tearing up when all of a sudden a water balloon landed and explodes beside one of teenagers.

???: "Not so fast, evildoers!"

Anne and Marcy turned to see a young blonde girl and a young H/c boy standing on top of a slide, the boy held a water balloon and looked prepared to throw it at the two teenage girls.

H/c boy: "Yeah leave those kids alone!"

The blonde girl slid down the slide, when she reached the bottom she jumped at the teenage girls doing a karate kick.

Blonde girl: "Hiyah!"

The two teenage girls moved out of the way causing the blonde girl to land flat on her face. The H/c boy threw a water balloon at the teens only to miss and hit the blonde girl in the back of her head.

H/c boy: "Oof, sorry Sash!"

"Sash" got up and charged at the teens with her fist out but once again the teens moved out of the way. "Sash" landed face first into a sandbox. The boy threw another water balloon and this time it landed at the feet of the teens but it did not pop, so one of the teens picked up the balloon and threw it at the boys face. The balloon hit him and popped. The boy fell off the slide which knocked the air out of him. "Sash" got up and spat some sand out.

"Sash": "I'm not done yet. I'll never give up, no matter what."

H/c boy: "And neither will I. Just as soon as I can breath again."

"Sash" charged once again at the two teens but tripped over her own feet and fell flat on her face.

Teenage girl #2: "This getting weird."

Teenage girl #1: "Yeah we're out of here. Enjoy your swings, babies."

The two teens got off of the swings and walked away. "Sash" and H/c boy got up. H/c boy walked over to "Sash".

"Sash": "Swings are all yours."

"Sash" and H/c boy started to walk away.

Anne: "Hey, you wanna swing with us?"

H/c boy: "Yeah!"

"Sash": "I-I'd like that."

Anne: "I'm Anne, by the way. This is Marcy."

Marcy: "Hiya."

Sasha: "I'm Sasha. Sasha Waybright."

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